Books > Arts & Architecture > Music > Musical instruments & instrumental ensembles
As there are several hundred piano studies by Czerny, it might
become confusing to attempt to pick out the most effective
exercises. To overcome this problem, Heinrich Germer, the original
editor, chose those he thought were best. Willard A. Palmer has
made several changes to metronome markings, fingerings and pedal
indications where he felt certain passages needed clarification.
The book is an outline of the Armenian duduk, a cylindrical
double-reed aerophone made of apricot-wood, and its relation to the
Armenian identity. It attempts to deepen our understanding of
musical instruments not only through an examination of musical and
constructional features, but also through the application of a
sociocultural framework which allows a theorization of the idea of
the instrument as social being. The discussion is centered on the
different contexts in which the duduk is played. These are divided
into two categories: solo and ensemble. Solo duduk performance
includes the remarkable phenomenon of Armenian funeral music
activity. Other contexts include special celebrations of national
culture, duduk competitions, the recording studio and the film
music studio. The main ensemble contexts of duduk performance are
the Armenian folk orchestras. These are essentially Soviet
creations designed to "advance" folk music. Their impact on folk
music and folk musical life on Armenia is discussed with special
attention to the "adjustments" which were necessary for the success
of this institution. Folk ensembles have long been emblems of
Armenian national culture which might explain how they have
survived the collapse of the Soviet Union and its Marxist-Leninist
policies which were these orchestras' very raison d'etre. The book
will appeal to anyone with an interest in organological theory,
Armenian culture, or world music.
Best of Paco De Lucia contains guitar transcriptions by David
Leiva, allowing guitarists of all levels to enjoy the genius of one
of the world's greatest flamenco guitarist.
Despite their central role in many forms of music-making, drummers
have been largely neglected in the scholarly literature on music
and education. But kit drummers are increasingly difficult to
ignore. While exponents of the drum kit are frequently mocked in
popular culture, they are also widely acknowledged to be central to
the musical success and aesthetic appeal of any musical ensemble in
which they are found. Drummers are also making their presence felt
in music education, with increasing opportunities to learn their
craft in formal contexts. Drawing on data collected from in-depth
interviews and questionnaires, Gareth Dylan Smith explores the
identities, practices and learning of teenage and adult kit
drummers in and around London. As a London-based drummer and
teacher of drummers, Smith uses his own identity as
participant-researcher to inform and interpret other drummers'
accounts of their experiences. Drummers learn in multi-modal ways,
usually with a keen awareness of exemplars of their art and craft.
The world of kit drumming is highly masculine, which presents
opportunities and challenges to drummers of both sexes. Smith
proposes a new model of the 'Snowball Self', which incorporates the
constructs of identity realization, learning realization,
meta-identities and contextual identities. Kit drummers'
identities, practices and learning are found to be intertwined, as
drummers exist in a web of interdependence. Drummers drum;
therefore they are, they do, and they learn - in a rich tapestry of
means and contexts.
Classical melodies from piano literature, opera and orchestral
literature are revisited in this unique series. The arrangements
feature jazz styles including ragtime and blues. Students who are
familiar with some of these gems will enjoy their new settings
while those playing them for the first time will become familiar
with these wonderful melodies. Titles include: Blues for Dolores *
Blues March * Italian Jazz * Jazz Etude * Jazzy Lullaby, A * Jazzy
German Dance * Jazzy Spanish Song * Minuet in Jazz * Ragtime
Can-Can * Ragtime Prelude.
Modernity, Complex Societies, and the Alphorn provides a
fascinating examination of the musical instrument the alphorn,
alphorn music and its performance. Indeed, it is the first book
about this extraordinary instrument to appear in English. It
analyses the alphorn phenomenon as a symbol of the Swiss nation,
going back to the Swiss nation building process in the nineteenth
century and the "invention of tradition" which began in the second
half of the nineteenth century, before arriving at important issues
of contemporary alphorn practice such as: what is tradition? How is
it being negotiated? The insightful and valuable comments from key
Swiss alphorn players add to the extensive ethnographic and
archival material. Departing from this analysis, the case studies
of Bavaria, the Netherlands, and Japan shed a light on the issues
of worldwide migration of alphorn practice in the modern world, as
well as on the diverse concepts of a Swiss imagery. Intellectually
sophisticated yet easily accessible, the book ends with an
exploration of how to use video and film for musical ethnography,
considering the practical issues of filmmaking as well as the
theoretical implications of shooting and editing for an
ethnomusicological film. Drawing from the alphorn film as a sample,
this book covers the entire filmmaking process, from the conception
of the film to the feedback-sessions with the protagonists,
providing fundamental insights into this technique for
ethnomusicologists. Based on solid, careful, and complete research,
this work will especially appeal to scholars of musicology, Swiss
history, and filmography.
Modeled on the brilliant approach first formulated by distinguished
professor music and master clarinetist Michele Gingras in her
Clarinet Secrets and More Clarinet Secrets (both available from
Scarecrow Press), Tracy Heavner's Saxophone Secrets provides
advanced saxophonists with 60 performance secrets that will assist
in their musical development. This work is the result of 30 years
of personal teaching and performance experience. Heavner offers
both intermediate players and advanced professionals a wide variety
of techniques, which will greatly improve any saxophonist's
performance ability. Designed to be the go-to hands-on guide for
practitioners, Heavner's strategies consider a vast array of issues
for the saxophonist who needs to take that next big step up.
Beginning chapters consider various brands of saxophones,
mouthpieces, ligatures, reeds, and maintenance techniques that
reflect the standard practices and expectations of the advanced
performer. The secrets that follow develop and improve embouchure,
tone, articulation, and finger technique, allowing saxophonists to
analyze their own playing and adjust accordingly. Heavner pulls
back the curtain further to introduce those secrets for developing
the altissimo register and extended saxophone techniques, from
circular breathing and multiphonics to slap and flutter
tonguing-all absolute necessities for saxophonists seeking to play
contemporary classical, jazz, or commercial music. Finally, Heavner
concludes by letting musicians in on those little-revealed secrets
for taking their saxophones on the road. Saxophone Secrets is the
ideal work for saxophonists, saxophone instructors, band teachers,
and anyone looking to improve their saxophone performance skills or
those of their students.
Entries are organized into six sections by topic: the first section
lists works containing general information, including but not
limited to, books and articles covering a wide range of topics,
introductory materials, and serial titles. The second section
covers the history on piano and is arranged by country. The section
on builders and manufacturers is arranged by name of builder or
manufacturer. The sections on construction and maintenance are
arranged by parts of the piano. The section on miscellaneous
subjects includes catalogs for collections of instruments, works
about pedal pianos, pianos associated with composers, selection and
purchase, works intended for younger readers, and works about other
miscellaneous topics not included above. Readers are referred to
the subject index for further cross-referencing. Referencing
literature on every aspect of the piano, this annotated
bibliography will cut down on research time for scholars and
students, directing them to the most relevant and useful sources.
No music library should be without it.
The author of Beyond the Notes demonstrates how a working musician
draws energy from the events of daily life, and sometimes seeks a
refuge from them in music. Out of Silence is a diary of a year in
Susan Tomes's life as a performer. Taking as its inspiration
Schumann's remark that 'I am affected by everything that goes on in
the world, and I think it all over in my own way', it aims to show
how a working musician mulls over and draws energy from the events
of everyday life. We follow this internationally renowned pianist
as she prepares for concerts and performs, both as a soloist and as
part of a chamber ensemble; we experience the highs and lows of
practising and the challenges of live performance, we see her
planning masterclasses and interacting with both musicians and
audiences. She casts her mind back to her childhood - practicing
before school on cold Edinburgh mornings, playing 'Danny Boy' for a
relative - and reflects on paintings, dance, books, sport and
gardening. 'A delight and a revelation...She writes with
Schubertian intimacy, modesty and grace,' said the Independent of
her first book, Beyond the Notes. Here Susan Tomes strives to
unlock the secrets of great music and to understand its place in
the wider world. SUSAN TOMES has won a number of awards for her
recordings of chamber music. For fifteen years she was the pianist
of Domus, and for another fifteen she has been the pianist of the
Florestan Trio, one of the world's leading piano trios. She is the
author of Beyond the Notes and A Musician's Alphabet. She writes
occasionally for the Guardian and on a blog on her own website,
Comprehensive database of original works written for the standard
string quartet during the twentieth century. The sources of
information include publishers' list, music reference materials,
data from national music information centers, programmes,
composers' correspondence and other publicity materials. Lawrence
lists countries that have produced string quartets throughout the
century, as well as the context of a composer's string-quartet
output within the wider range of his/her work. Lawrence's book is a
solid, comprehensive basis for investigation, welcome in
universities and conservatories, as well as in any music
enthusiast's library.
A SUNDAY TIMES BEST PAPERBACK OF 2021 * Shortlisted for the 2021
Stanford Dolman Travel Book of the Year prize * A
critically-acclaimed Sunday Times, Spectator and Independent Book
of 2020 * Now with colour photography by Michael Turek 'Richly
absorbing... An impressive exploration of Siberia's terrifying
past.' Guardian 'Evocative and wonderfully original.' Colin Thubron
__________ Siberia's expansive history is traditionally one of
exiles, bitter cold and suffering. Yet there is another tale to
tell. Dotted throughout this remote and beautiful landscape are
pianos created during the boom years of the nineteenth century.
They tell the story of how, ever since entering Russian culture
under the influence of Catherine the Great, piano music has run
through the country like blood. How these pianos made the journey
into this snow-bound wilderness in the first place is remarkable.
That they might be capable of making music in such a hostile
landscape feels like a miracle. The Lost Pianos of Siberia is an
absorbing story about a piano hunt - a quixotic quest through two
centuries of Russian history and eight time zones stretching across
an eleventh of the world's land surface. It reveals not only an
unexpected musical legacy, but profound and brave humanity in the
last place on earth you might expect to find it. __________ What
readers are saying about The Lost Pianos of Siberia: ***** 'You
know a book's good when, on finishing it, you just want to start
again.' ***** 'Beautifully written, full of compelling anecdotes
celebrating Siberia's extraordinary history.' ***** 'The most
unusual and intelligent way to tell a travel story.'
Richard Strauss's tone poem Also sprach Zarathustra is one of his most controversial works, but it is also one of the staples of the virtuoso orchestra. Its greatest popularity has been achieved in recent years with its association with Kubrick's film 2001--A Space Odyssey. This guide examines the intellectual background of the work and considers the ways in which it has been received by composers and writers. It also discusses the musical background of Liszt and Wagner which gave rise to the genre "tone poem," and provides an analysis of several aspects of Strauss's musical language.
(Piano Collection). This new volume in Schirmer's Library of
Musical Classics presents 26 preludes, 21 nocturnes and 19 waltzes
a large amount of music at a value price. There are new urtext
editions of seven pieces included, not edited by Joseffy in his
original Schirmer editions: Prelude in A-flat Major (1834),
Nocturne in C-sharp minor (1830), Nocturne in C minor (1837), and
Waltzes in A-flat Major (1830), E-flat Major (1830), E-flat Major
(1840), and A minor (1843).
(Ukulele). 15 solo ukulele arrangements in standard notes and tab
of J.S. Bach works: Arioso * Be Thou with Me * Bourree * Chorale in
C Major, BWV 514 * Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring * Little Prelude No.
2 in C Major * Minuet in G * Minuet 1, BWV 813 * Musette in D Major
* Prelude (Cello Suite No. 1) * Prelude in C Major * Quia Respexit
* Sheep May Safely Graze * Sleepers, Awake (Wachet Auf) * Violin
Partita No. 1, BWV 1002 "Tempo Di Bourree."
Amy Beach was celebrated during her lifetime as the foremost female
composer of the United States, and her writing was frequently
inspired by the folk music of America and Britain. Originally for
piano, her Scottish Legend evokes Scotland in its wistful melody,
adorned by Scotch snaps and conveying a folk-like atmosphere, but
spiced up with a few late-Romantic harmonies. Contrasts between
major and minor are also used to telling effect in this gently
attractive piece, sympathetically arranged for the organ by Robert
for SATB and four-piece ensemble (flute, oboe, harp, organ)
Four-piece chamber ensemble accompaniment to Rutter's arrangement
in B major. Pack includes full score and set of parts. Not
compatible with the John Rutter Anniversary Edition D-flat major
arrangement, also found in the carol collection Joy to the World,
or the D major upper voices version in Carols for Choirs 4.
In Studio-Based Instrumental Learning, Kim Burwell investigates the
nature of lesson interactions in instrumental teaching and
learning. Studio lesson activity is represented as a private
interaction, dealing with skill acquisition and reflecting a
tradition based in apprenticeship, as well as the personal
attributes and intentions of participants. The varied and
particular nature of such interaction does not always lend itself
well to observation or - when observed - to easy interpretation.
This presents particular problems for practitioners wishing to
share aspects of professional knowledge, and for researchers
seeking to explain the practice. Focusing on a single case study of
two clarinet lessons, Burwell uses video observations and
interviews to analyse collaborative lesson activity, through the
'rich transcription' of performance, verbal and nonverbal
behaviours. The foregrounded lesson interactions are also
contextualised by the background consideration of social, cultural
and institutional frameworks. The research is aimed a helping to
create a framework that can support reflection among practitioners
as they continually develop their work, not only experientially -
through the tradition of 'vertical transmission' from one musician
to another - but collaboratively, through the 'horizontal' sharing
of good practice.
`Valentin Berlinsky (1925-2008) was a founding member of the
Borodin Quartet and its cellist and mainstay for more than six
decades. A proud Russian but also a man of compromise, his was a
life lived for and through the Borodin Quartet. This book tells his
story in his own words, lovingly compiled and edited by his
grand-daughter, Maria Matalaev, from his diaries, correspondence
and interviews, and his accounts of his close friendships with the
likes of Shostakovich and Richter, Rostropovich and Oistrakh.
Supplemented by tributes from family and friends, as well as an
impressive annexure giving every performance, broadcast and
recording made by the Borodin Quartet, this book constitutes one of
the most revealing chronicles of Soviet and post-Soviet Russian
musical life. In 2005, at the celebrations for both his 80th
birthday and the 60th anniversary of the Borodin Quartet, Valentin
Berlinsky sat down at a table with his students and said: `My
dears, please, keep going: never leave Russia!'
for SATB and four-piece ensemble (flute, oboe, harp, piano)
Four-piece chamber ensemble accompaniment to Rutter's lively
arrangement of the Spanish carol. Pack includes full score and set
of parts.
Beginning pianists of all ages will cherish this excellent
compilation of beloved piano classics. Selections include Bach's
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, Chopin's Funeral March, Tchaikovsky's
Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, Mozart's Rondo alla Turca and
Beethoven's Emperor Concerto, plus compositions by Schubert,
Debussy, Handel, Mendelssohn, and others.
The popularity of Mahler's symphonic works is unremitting. More
recordings have been made during the past ten years than in the
previous six decades. This work is a companion to the first volume,
published in 1986; together, the two review virtually every
recording commercially released (as well as some private issues).
The intention of both works is to provide a comprehensive analysis
of all recordings. A general overview is combined with details of
particular importance. Recordings of special merit are noted. The
objective critical discussions will appeal to the newcomer as well
as the knowledgeable devotee and the work will serve as a valuable
addition to university, music school, and public libraries, as well
as any music lover's library. This guide provides a
symphony-by-symphony commentary, including the unfinished Tenth
Symphony, Das Lied von der Erde, and piano and chamber music
reductions of the works. It includes all new recordings issued
worldwide as well as compact disc reissues of previously released
recordings and all performances on videocassette. Listings are
arranged alphabetically by conductor, and headings for each
recording contain specific information about the performers, record
label, catalog number, and timing. Helpful indexes by conductor,
orchestra, vocal and instrumental soloists, chorus, and record
label are included.
Pedro de Alcantara's The Integrated String Player: Embodied
Vibration is a practical guide for all string players: violinists
and violists, cellists and bassists, but also gamba players and
anyone who makes music drawing a bow across a string. Dozens of
exercises, supported by a dedicated website with 80 video clips,
cover all the basics of string playing, including left-hand
articulation, vibrato, changes of position, double-stopping, sound
production, string crossings, and many other techniques. Each
exercise, however simple or complex, can become a meditation with
the goal of integrating the musical, technical, and metaphysical
aspects of a player's practice. Part I is devoted to the
fundamentals of coordination, rhythm, and listening in depth. Part
II focuses on the left hand, with an emphasis on healthy gestures
that are charged with musicality and meaning. Part III covers the
bowing arm, exploring innovative concepts such as expressive
gesticulation, mechanical intelligence, and the use of the bow as
the player's voice, both literally and symbolically. Part IV covers
the integration of analytical thought and sensorial practice,
providing an extensive study of the harmonic series, the circle of
fifths, Tartini tones, and many other sonic aspects that are
essential to a string player's musical freedom. In addition, the
conversational, linguistic, compositional, and improvisatory
dimensions of string playing are discussed and supported by
multiple practical exercises. The Integrated String Player is
addressed to players of all abilities and from all aesthetic
backgrounds: students and professionals, teachers and performers,
classically trained musicians and jazz players, chamber-music
players and orchestral players.
Whether you're in a band yourself or part of a ministry involved
with teams, this book can help you on your journey. For thirty
years, musician, songwriter, and worshipper Tom Lane has worked in
the Christian worship music industry and alongside churches,
ministries, and movements around the world associated with worship.
In this collection of articles, Tom encourages honesty and clear
communication from all sides while aiming for the right thing - to
be a band that worships, first and foremost. Spiritual, relational,
professional, and practical issues relevant for individuals and
groups in worship ministry of any kind are addressed head on.
Historically, bands have helped lead revolutions, crusades,
campaigns, churches, rallies, and entire nations. The role bands
play in worship, though important, is not the pinnacle of the
calling or mandate according to Jesus. While it's okay to have a
good rock band and want to go places, many creatively gifted
Christians miss the mark entirely and are derailed by their own
quests for something other than God. Likewise, worship teams
sometimes miss the mark by placing too much emphasis on performance
and not enough on relationships. This book will help lay the
foundation for a healthier pursuit of creative dreams and a closer
walk with God. The book includes a Top 10 Must-Do List for Bands,
with quotes from an A-list of musicians and worship leaders,
including Paul Baloche, Matt Redman, Tim Hughes, Daniel, Brenton
Brown, Vinnie Colaiuta, Carl Albrecht, Mia Fieldes, Kathryn Scott,
Lincoln Brewster, and more!
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