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Books > Earth & environment > Earth sciences > The hydrosphere > Oceanography (seas)
Science and Engineering of Freak Waves provides a holistic and interdisciplinary view of extreme ocean waves for both scientific and engineering applications. Readers will learn the fundamental theory of extreme waves and the implications they have on coastal structures and methods of prediction through chapters that review the definitions of extreme waves, their history and other important observations. After this, the book's authors describe the theory and modeling of extreme waves that occur in various situations. Final sections provide examples of the application of extreme wave research results to various engineering designs are presented. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the current status of our understandings on freak/rogue waves, the science of extreme waves, prediction, and their engineering applications. As such, it is a must read for physical oceanographers looking for a better understanding of prediction models and the history of these waves, and engineers looking for more information on preparedness and implications for offshore structures and shipping.
This book provides a snapshot of representative modeling analyses of coastal hypoxia and its effects. Hypoxia refers to conditions in the water column where dissolved oxygen falls below levels that can support most metazoan marine life (i.e., 2 mg O2 l-1). The number of hypoxic zones has been increasing at an exponential rate since the 1960s; there are currently more than 600 documented hypoxic zones in the estuarine and coastal waters worldwide. Hypoxia develops as a synergistic product of many physical and biological factors that affect the balance of dissolved oxygen in seawater, including temperature, solar radiation, wind, freshwater discharge, nutrient supply, and the production and decay of organic matter. A number of modeling approaches have been increasingly used in hypoxia research, along with the more traditional observational and experimental studies. Modeling is necessary because of rapidly changing coastal circulation and stratification patterns that affect hypoxia, the large spatial extent over which hypoxia develops, and limitations on our capabilities to directly measure hypoxia over large spatial and temporal scales. This book consists of 15 chapters that are broadly organized around three main topics: (1) Modeling of the physical controls on hypoxia, (2) Modeling of biogeochemical controls and feedbacks, and, (3) Modeling of the ecological effects of hypoxia. The final chapter is a synthesis chapter that draws generalities from the earlier chapters, highlights strengths and weaknesses of the current state-of-the-art modeling, and offers recommendations on future directions.
This new volume on boron isotope geochemistry offers review chapters summarizing the cosmochemistry, high-temperature and low-temperature geochemistry, and marine chemistry of boron. It also covers theoretical aspects of B isotope fractionation, experiments and atomic modeling, as well as all aspects of boron isotope analyses in geologic materials using the full range of solutions and in-situ methods. The book provides guidance for researchers on the analytical and theoretical aspects, as well as introducing the various scientific applications and research fields in which boron isotopes currently play a major role. The last compendium to summarize the geochemistry of boron and address its isotope geochemistry was published over 20 years ago (Grew &Anovitz, 1996, MSA Review, Vol.33), and there have since been significant advances in analytical techniques, applications and scientific insights into the isotope geochemistry of boron. This volume in the "Advances in Isotope Geochemistry" series provides a valuable source for students and professionals alike, both as an introduction to a new field and as a reference in ongoing research. Chapters 5 and 8 of this book are available open access under a CC BY 4.0 license at link.springer.com
In the marine environment, single-celled, microscopic, plant-like organisms naturally occur in the well-lit surface layer of any body of water. These organisms, referred to as phytoplankton or microalgae, form the base of the food web upon which nearly all other marine organisms depend. Algal bloom is a rapid increase in or accumulation of the population of about 300 species of algae due to excess nutrients (eutrophication), and is of major global interest as it causes reduction in species diversity, abrupt changes in water quality, and discoloration of the water (green, yellow, brown or red) depending on the species of algae and the type of pigments they contain. Dying blooms can also be an environmental concern as when the cells sink and decay, bacteria break down the organic material, which in turn strips oxygen from the water. This microbial oxygen demand at times leads to very low oxygen levels in the bottom waters, harming aquatic life. Documentation of this sporadic high abundance of algae, together with the significant species richness of the diatoms, requires comprehensive studies in the Sundarban coastal environment, which is facing severe degradation due to natural & anthropogenic stressors. In addition, a better understanding of the effects of algal blooms on seafood quality, the complex biological, chemical and physical interactions and subsequent effects on trophodynamics is needed to develop strategies for effective coastal zone management. The book discusses the occurrence of harmful algal blooms (HABs) caused by the dinoflagellates of the genus Alexandrium and Karenia, or diatoms of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia, which have large and varied impacts on marine ecosystems (such as large-scale marine mortality events that have been associated with various types of shellfish poisonings) depending on the species involved, the environment where they are found, and the mechanism by which they exert negative effects. HABs represent a major environmental problem in all regions of the U.S., and their occurrence is on the rise due to increased nutrient pollution. HABs have severe impacts on human health, aquatic ecosystems, and the economy. Such blooms, known colloquially as red tides due to their red or brown hues, are increasing in frequency and magnitude worldwide as a result of changes in oceanic climate, increased coastal eutrophication and enhanced long-distance dispersal in ballast water. As such, the book offers an in-depth account of the complex biological, chemical and physical interactions of the algal blooms (both innocuous and harmful ones). It also discusses the highly topical issue of the impact of global climate change on the frequency and severity of HABs in the context of alterations in temperature, stratification, light and ocean acidification. Focusing on both basic and applied limnology, this book is a reliable and up-to-date reference resource for students, teachers and researchers engaged in the field of coastal research/management at regional and global scales.
The continental shelf seas have an importance out of proportion to the reatively small fraction of the area of the global ocean which they occupy. These shallow seas play and important role as the high energy boundary zones of the deep ocean where much of the ocean's tidal and wave energies are dissipated. The North Sea is an archetypal representative of such seas. This text brings the principal results from the North Sea Project which were presented at a discussion meeting organized by the Royal Society. It argues that we should understand and predict the processes of the North Sea in order to achieve a degree of rational management in the future, as environmental threats increase.
The book represents all the knowledge we currently have on ocean circulation. It presents an up-to-date summary of the state of the science relating to the role of the oceans in the physical climate system. The book is structured to guide the reader through the wide range of world ocean circulation experiment (WOCE) science in a consistent way. Cross-references between contributors have been added, and the book has a comprehensive index and unified reference list. The book is simple to read, at the undergraduate level. It was written by the best scientists in the world who have collaborated to carry out years of experiments to better understand ocean circulation. Presents in situ and remote observations with worldwide coverage; Provides theoretical understanding of processes within the ocean and at its boundaries to other Earth System components; and Allows for simulating ocean and climate processes in the past, present and future using a hierarchy of physical-biogeochemical models
"Measuring Ocean Currents: Tools, Technologies, and Data" covers all major aspects of ocean current measurements in view of the implications of ocean currents on changing climate, increasing pollution levels, and offshore engineering activities. Although more than 70% of the Earth is covered by ocean, there is limited information on the countless fine- to large-scale water motions taking place within them. This book fills that information gap as the first work that summarizes the state-of-the-art methods and instruments used for surface, subsurface, and abyssal ocean current measurements. Readers of this book will find a wealth of information on
Lagrangian measurements, horizontal mapping, imaging, Eulerian
measurements, and vertical profiling techniques. In addition, the
book describes modern technologies for remote measurement of ocean
currents and their signatures, including HF Doppler radar systems,
satellite-borne sensors, ocean acoustic tomography, and more.
Crucial aspects of ocean currents are described in detail as well,
including dispersion of effluents discharged into the sea and
transport of beneficial materials as well as environmentally
hazardous materials from one region to another. The book highlights
several important practical applications, showing how measurements
relate to climate change and pollution levels, how they affect
coastal and offshore engineering activities, and how they can aid
in tsunami detection.
This book contributes to the current discussion on global environmental changes by discussing modifications in marine ecosystems related to global climate changes. In marine ecosystems, rising atmospheric CO2 and climate changes are associated with shifts in temperature, circulation, stratification, nutrient input, oxygen concentration and ocean acidification, which have significant biological effects on a regional and global scale. Knowing how these changes affect the distribution and abundance of plankton in the ocean currents is crucial to our understanding of how climate change impacts the marine environment. Ocean temperatures, weather and climatic changes greatly influence the amount and location of nutrients in the water column. If temperatures and currents change, the plankton production cycle may not coincide with the reproduction cycle of fish. The above changes are closely related to the changes in radiative forcing, which initiate feedback mechanisms like changes in surface temperature, circulation, and atmospheric chemistry.
Foraminiferal cultures now serve as tools for researching biological, environmental, and geological topics. However, the biological backgrounds, in particular the natural histories of foraminifera, largely remain unclear. It is also true that the different techniques used in different subdisciplines are a setback to fully understanding the subject. Taken together, these factors prevent progress in experimental approaches to foraminiferal studies. This book aims to share and exchange knowledge between researchers from different subdisciplines, and the book should interest not only foraminiferal researchers but also scientists who are working with marine organisms to explore questions in relation to biology, geology, and oceanography.
Session 1 Experimental results relating acoustic and oceanographic variability.- Deterministic-stochastic oceanographic descriptions for ocean-acoustic experiments.- Experimental ocean acoustic field moments versus predictions.- Two dimensional acoustical propagation in a stratified shear flow.- The effects of sound speed on the shape of the ocean impulse response.- The effect of seasonal temperature fluctuations in the water column on sediment compressional wave speed profiles in shallow water.- SLICE89: A single slice tomography experiment.- Marginal Ice Zone oceanographic variability and its effects on acoustic propagation.- Internal wave induced fluctuations in the oceanic density and sound speed fields.- Gyre-scale reciprocal acoustic transmissions.- Summary of Session 1.- Session 2 Wave motion and finestructure affecting acoustic propagation: smallscale variability.- Chaos in underwater acoustics.- Impulse response analysis of ocean acoustic propagation.- Dependence of near-surface acoustic scatter on wind speed.- Nonlinear effects in wind-wave generation.- Multichannel acoustic reflection profiling of ocean watermass temperature/salinity interfaces.- Acoustic variability due to internal waves and surface waves in shallow water.- Observations of ocean inhomogeneities.- The problem of creating a synthetic aperture in a non-isotropic ocean.- Prediction of coastal ocean thermal variability.- Summary of Session 2.- Session 5 Stochastic modelling in oceanography and acoustics.- Treatments of incoherent scattering for the parabolic equation and ASTRAL propagation models.- Average sound intensities in randomly varying sound-speed structures.- Stochastic ray tracing in thermoclines.- Modeling of sound propagation in a randomly varying ocean by stochastic mode coupling.- Summary of Session 5.- Session 3 Range-dependent acoustic propagation caused by fronts and eddies: mesoscale variability.- Radar altimetry and acoustic prediction.- A range-dependent analysis of acoustic transmission across a cold filament in the California current.- Acoustic effects of the Iceland-Faeroe front.- Deep hydrographic fluctuations in the north-east Atlantic Mediterranean outflow: influence on acoustic propagation.- Aspects of oceanographic variability observed from thermistor chains on free-drifting buoys.- Theoretical determination of the fractal dimension of fluid parcel trajectories in large and meso-scale flows.- How do eddies modify the stratification of the thermocline?.- Three-dimensional oceanography and acoustics.- Frontal boundaries and eddies on the Iceland-Faeroes ridge.- Upper ocean variability associated with fronts.- Summary of Session 3.- Session 4 Coupling acoustic and oceanographic models.- A mixed-layer model for predicting the acoustic structure of shallow seas.- The use of coupled ocean-acoustic models in the design of naval forecast systems.- The Environmental Acoustic Tactical Support System: low frequency mesoscale ocean feature environmental acoustic results.- Environmental focusing and source localization in the ocean.- Refraction of acoustic modes in very long-range transmissions.- Environmental sensitivity studies with an interfaced ocean-acoustics system.- Simulating temperature, salinity and currents in the ocean.- A numerical investigation of semi-diurnal fluctuations in acoustic intensity at a shelf edge.- Summary of Session 4.- List of Participants.- Author Index.
This book is devoted to the biogeochemical environment of the White Sea, an inland sea in the Northwestern region of Russia. It provides a comprehensive review and discusses the latest research findings on the oceanology, sedimentology and biogeochemistry of the White Sea water column. The topics discussed include the regulation of the physico-geographical conditions in the White Sea basin; dispersed sedimentary substance of the atmosphere and the cryosphere; the geochemical peculiarities of the river discharge into the White Sea; and the phyto- and zooplankton activities in the White Sea. Taking the biggest river in the White Sea basin as an example, the authors closely examine the deposition of suspended particulate matter, the biogeochemical behaviour of dissolved and suspended forms of organic material and the significant group of chemical elements in the river-sea mixing zone of the Severnaya Dvina River. The book ends with a summary of the key conclusions and recommendations. Together with the companion volume Sedimentation Processes in the White Sea: The White Sea Environment Part II, it offers an essential source of information for postgraduate students, researchers and stakeholders alike.
The 15th Franco-Japanese Symposium of Oceanography "Marine Productivity, Perturbations and Resilience of Socio-Ecosystems," organized by the long-standing partners Societe franco-japonaise d'Oceanographie de France and Societe franco-japonaise d'Oceanographie du Japon, reviewed the impacts of natural (storms, typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.) and man-made (pollution, buildings in coastal areas, aquaculture, tourism, sports, diving, etc.) perturbations inflicted on coastal and marine environments. The Symposium examined the resilience of affected socio-ecosystems along with governance responses for these global/local environments. This book collects 43 selected papers, written by experts from numerous universities and research institutes in both countries. It addresses the needs of marine sciences researchers (natural and social sciences), decision-makers and coastal zone managers, and other stakeholders involved in coastal and marine socio-ecosystems.
The coastal and ocean ecosystem is a significant feature of our planet and provides a source of food for much of life on Earth. Millions of species have been, and are still being discovered in the world's oceans. Among these zooplankton serve as secondary producers and are significant as they form pelagic food links and act as indicators of water masses. They constitute the largest and most reliable source of protein for most of the ocean's fishes. As such, their absence or depletion often affects fishery. In many countries, the decline in fishery has been attributed to reduced plankton populations. Furthermore, trillions of tiny copepods produce countless faecal pellets contributing greatly to the marine snow and therefore accelerating the flow of nutrients and minerals from the surface waters to the seabed. They are phylogenetically highly successful groups in terms of phylogenetic age, number of living species and success of adaptive radiation. A study of the basic and applied aspects of zooplankton would provide an index of the fishery potential and applications, offering insights into ocean ecology to safeguard food supplies and livelihoods of the millions of people living in coastal areas. For this reason, we need to understand all the facets of zooplankton as well as their interactions with atmosphere and other life forms, including human. In this context, this book discusses the basic and applied aspects of zooplankton, especially taxonomy, mosquitocidal activity, culture, analysis of nutritional, pigments and enzyme profile, preservation of copepods eggs, bioenrichment of zooplankton and application of zooplankton in sustainable aquaculture production, focusing on novel biofloc-copefloc technologies, and the impact of acidification and microplastics on zooplankton. Offering a comprehensive overview of the current issues and developments in the field of environmental and commercial applications, this book is a valuable resource for researchers, aquaculturists, environmental mangers wanting to understand the importance of zooplankton and develop technologies for the sustainable production of fish and other commodities to provide food and livelihoods for mankind.
This book contains the most recent progress in data assimilation in meteorology, oceanography and hydrology including land surface. It spans both theoretical and applicative aspects with various methodologies such as variational, Kalman filter, ensemble, Monte Carlo and artificial intelligence methods. Besides data assimilation, other important topics are also covered including targeting observation, sensitivity analysis, and parameter estimation. The book will be useful to individual researchers as well as graduate students for a reference in the field of data assimilation.
Large-scale winds and currents tend to balance Coriolis and
pressure gradient forces. The time evolution of these winds and
currents is the subject of the quasi-geostrophic theory.
The book presents a wide description of hydrographic conditions in the studied area of the Norwegian and Greenland Seas. Variability of the Atlantic Water properties have been presented on the basis of time series obtained from oceanographic measurements performed each summer from 2000 to 2007 by the Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences. The warming observed in that period has been described in detail as well as cooling of the Atlantic Water flowing towards the Fram Strait in 2007. Furthermore, concepts regarding multi-branch structure of the West Spitsbergen Current have been presented, types of flows in individual branches as well as variability of the flows. Description of the structure, transports and variability of the sea currents is based mostly on hydrographic measurements and baroclinic calculations. The results confirm a leading role of the ocean in climate shaping and acknowledges the importance of the Thermohaline Circulation for the climate.
This comprehensive book contains contributions from specialists who provide a complete status update along with outstanding issues encompassing different topics related to deep-sea mining. Interest in exploration and exploitation of deep-sea minerals is seeing a revival due to diminishing grades and increasing costs of processing of terrestrial minerals as well as availability of several strategic metals in seabed mineral resources; it therefore becomes imperative to take stock of various issues related to deep-sea mining. The authors are experienced scientists and engineers from around the globe developing advanced technologies for mining and metallurgical extraction as well as performing deep sea exploration for several decades. They invite readers to learn about the resource potential of different deep-sea minerals, design considerations and development of mining systems, and the potential environmental impacts of mining in international waters.
A vivid, up-to-date tour of the Earth's last frontier, a remote and mysterious realm that nonetheless lies close to the heart of even the most land-locked reader. The sea covers seven-tenths of the Earth, but we have mapped only a small percentage of it. The sea contains millions of species of animals and plants, but we have identified only a few thousand of them. The sea controls our planet's climate, but we do not really understand how. The sea is still the frontier, and yet it seems so familiar that we sometimes forget how little we know about it. Just as we are poised on the verge of exploiting the sea on an unprecedented scale-mining it, fertilizing it, fishing it out-this book reminds us of how much we have yet to learn. More than that, it chronicles the knowledge explosion that has transformed our view of the sea in just the past few decades, and made it a far more interesting and accessible place. From the Big Bang to that far-off future time, two billion years from now, when our planet will be a waterless rock; from the lush crowds of life at seafloor hot springs to the invisible, jewel-like plants that float at the sea surface; from the restless shifting of the tectonic plates to the majestic sweep of the ocean currents, Kunzig's clear and lyrical prose transports us to the ends of the Earth.
The Baltic Sea is an area extensively explored by the oceanographers. Hence it is one of the most often described marine areas in the scientific literature. However, there are still several fields which are poorly investigated and reported by scientists. One of them is the carbon cycle of the Baltic Sea. Although it is believed the shelf seas are responsible for about 20% of all marine carbon dioxide uptake, while they constitute only 7% of the whole sea surface, still a scientific debate exists on the role of the Baltic Sea in the global carbon cycle. "Carbon cycle of the Baltic Sea" is intended to be a comprehensive presentation and discussion of state of the art research by biogeochemists involved in the Baltic Sea carbon cycle research. This work presents both qualitative and quantitative descriptions of the main carbon flows in the Baltic Sea as well as their possible shifts induced by climatic and global change. |
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