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Books > Professional & Technical > Other technologies > Marine engineering > Offshore engineering
This book comprises selected proceedings of the Fourth International Conference in Ocean Engineering (ICOE2018), focusing on emerging opportunities and challenges in the field of ocean engineering and offshore structures. It includes state-of-the-art content from leading international experts, making it a valuable resource for researchers and practicing engineers alike.
This book presents a study for the determination of environmental load factors for Jacket Platforms in Malaysia and a methodology to determine the life extension of aging platforms. The simplified methods described here could be used for determining not only structural reliability but also safety factors. Its content is particularly interesting to design and maintenance engineers who are working in offshore or onshore industry.
This complete reference to marine renewable energy covers aspects of resource characterization and physical effects of harvesting the ocean's vast and powerful resources-from wave and tidal stream to ocean current energy. Experts in each of these areas contribute their insights to provide a cohesive overview of the marine renewable energy spectrum based on theoretical, numerical modeling, and field-measurement approaches. They provide clear explanations of the underlying physics and mechanics, and give close consideration to practical implementation aspects, including impacts on the physical system. Engineers, researchers, and students alike will find invaluable tools and studies that will aid them in realizing significant sustainable energy production from near-shore and ocean environments.
This book gathers the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of computational geomechanics, as presented by international researchers and engineers at the 16th International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG 2020/21). Contributions include a wide range of topics in geomechanics such as: monitoring and remote sensing, multiphase modelling, reliability and risk analysis, surface structures, deep structures, dams and earth structures, coastal engineering, mining engineering, earthquake and dynamics, soil-atmosphere interaction, ice mechanics, landfills and waste disposal, gas and petroleum engineering, geothermal energy, offshore technology, energy geostructures, geomechanical numerical models and computational rail geotechnics.
The mooring system is a vital component of various floating facilities in the oil, gas, and renewables industries. However, there is a lack of comprehensive technical books dedicated to the subject. Mooring System Engineering for Offshore Structures is the first book delivering in-depth knowledge on all aspects of mooring systems, from design and analysis to installation, operation, maintenance and integrity management. The book gives beginners a solid look at the fundamentals involved during mooring designs with coverage on current standards and codes, mooring analysis and theories behind the analysis techniques. Advanced engineers can stay up-to-date through operation, integrity management, and practical examples provided. This book is recommended for students majoring in naval architecture, marine or ocean engineering, and allied disciplines in civil or mechanical engineering. Engineers and researchers in the offshore industry will benefit from the knowledge presented to understand the various types of mooring systems, their design, analysis, and operations.
The purpose of this monograph is to show how a compliant offshore structure in an ocean environment can be modeled in two and three di mensions. The monograph is divided into five parts. Chapter 1 provides the engineering motivation for this work, that is, offshore structures. These are very complex structures used for a variety of applications. It is possible to use beam models to initially study their dynamics. Chapter 2 is a review of variational methods, and thus includes the topics: princi ple of virtual work, D'Alembert's principle, Lagrange's equation, Hamil ton's principle, and the extended Hamilton's principle. These methods are used to derive the equations of motion throughout this monograph. Chapter 3 is a review of existing transverse beam models. They are the Euler-Bernoulli, Rayleigh, shear and Timoshenko models. The equa tions of motion are derived and solved analytically using the extended Hamilton's principle, as outlined in Chapter 2. For engineering purposes, the natural frequencies of the beam models are presented graphically as functions of normalized wave number and geometrical and physical pa rameters. Beam models are useful as representations of complex struc tures. In Chapter 4, a fluid force that is representative of those that act on offshore structures is formulated. The environmental load due to ocean current and random waves is obtained using Morison's equa tion. The random waves are formulated using the Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum with the Airy linear wave theory."
The biennial conferences of the Society for Underwater Technology have achieved an excellent reputation for the quality of their presentations, which cover topics of the most acute current interest, as well as those at the forefront of review and development. The 1994 conference on Subsea Control and Data Acquisition formed no exception, since it covers subjects at the cutting edge of modern technology. It is a matter of increasing concern that products are becoming overspecified, resulting in excessive costs and longer development schedules, while not conferring an equivalent benefit in reliability of the finished product. Subsea Control and Data Acquisition is vital reading for all subsea control system designers, manufacturers and operators, equipment consultants, application engineers, academics in the subsea engineering field, and all subsea engineers.
This book contains selected papers from the "Fourth International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering, " held at Instituto Superior Tecnico, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal in September 2011. Nowadays, computational methods are an essential tool of engineering, which includes a major field of interest in marine applications, such as the maritime and offshore industries and engineering challenges related to the marine environment and renewable energies. The 2011 Conference included 8 invited plenary lectures and 86 presentations distributed through 10 thematic sessions that covered many of the most relevant topics of marine engineering today. This book contains 16 selected papers from the Conference that cover CFD for Offshore Applications, Fluid-Structure Interaction, Isogeometric Methods for Marine Engineering, Marine/Offshore Renewable Energy, Maneuvering and Seakeeping, Propulsion and Cavitation and Ship Hydrodynamics . The papers were selected with the help of the recognized experts that collaborated in the organization of the thematic sessions of the Conference, which guarantees the high quality of the papers included in this book.
This book surveys key projects that have seen the construction of large floating structures or have attained detailed conceptual designs. This compilation of key floating structures in a single volume captures the innovative features that mark the technological advances made in this field of engineering, and will provide a useful reference for ideas, analysis, design and construction of these unique and emerging urban projects to offshore and marine engineers, urban planners, architects and students.
The biennial conferences of the Society for Underwater Technology have achieved an excellent reputation for the quality of their presentations, which cover topics of the most acute current interest, as well as those at the forefront of review and development. The 1994 conference on Subsea Control and Data Acquisition formed no exception, since it covers subjects at the cutting edge of modern technology. It is a matter of increasing concern that products are becoming overspecified, resulting in excessive costs and longer development schedules, while not conferring an equivalent benefit in reliability of the finished product. Subsea Control and Data Acquisition is vital reading for all subsea control system designers, manufacturers and operators, equipment consultants, application engineers, academics in the subsea engineering field, and all subsea engineers.
Existing views on geodynamics (recharge, migration, discharge) of uids at deep layers of petroliferous basins are summarized. The in ltration and elision th- ries explaining development of uid pressures in deep formations are called into question based on quantitative estimates available for some artesian (petroliferous) basins. Using the West Siberian, Pechora, Terek-Kuma, Bukhara-Karshi, and other petroliferous basins as examples, the stratum-block structure of deep formations is substantiated for strati ed systems of platform in inter- and intramontane depr- sions. It is shown that petroliferous reservoirs at great depths are characterized, regardless of lithology, by largely ssure-related capacity and permeability (clayey rocks included) changeable in space and through geological time. Much attention is paid to development of abnormally high formation pressures. Peculiarities in heat and mass transfer at deep levels are considered for different regions. The energetic formation model substantiated for deep uids explains different anomalies (baric, thermal, hydrogeochemical, mineralogical, and others) at deep levels of platforms. Based on hydrogeodynamic considerations, the theory of oil origin and formation of hydrocarbon elds is proposed. The book is of interest for oilmen, hydrogeo- gists, geologists, and specialists dealing with prospecting of petroliferous deposits as well as industrial, mineral, and thermal waters in deep formations of strati ed sedimentary basins. vii Contents 1 Existing Views on Fluidodynamics in Petroliferous Formations . . 1 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2 Investigation Methods of Deep Fluidodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2. 1 Methods of Formation Pressure Reducing . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2. 2 Assessment of Directions of Density-Variable Fluid Flows by the "Filtration Force" Method . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This book gathers the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of computational geomechanics, as presented by international researchers and engineers at the 16th International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG 2020/21). Contributions include a wide range of topics in geomechanics such as: monitoring and remote sensing, multiphase modelling, reliability and risk analysis, surface structures, deep structures, dams and earth structures, coastal engineering, mining engineering, earthquake and dynamics, soil-atmosphere interaction, ice mechanics, landfills and waste disposal, gas and petroleum engineering, geothermal energy, offshore technology, energy geostructures, geomechanical numerical models and computational rail geotechnics.
The rapidly growing need for mobility has brought with it a major challenge for improvement in the operation and utilization of automotive systems. The economical, environmental and safety constraints imposed by the increase in the number of road vehicles and subsequent government policies also require substantial product development through the application of infor mation technology. This involves the enhancement of vehicle informatics and telematic systems with additional sensors and systems. The advance in the design and development of automotive sensory systems is so rapid that there is urgent need for the experts involved in the technology to work together to provide a reference book for the engineer of today and tomorrow. This motivated me to spend two years researching the topics and the basis on which such a book should be written. The result is the present compilation of the work of international experts on the state-of-the-art in the field of automotive sensory systems. Thus, a unique collection has been created for the reference of all those concerned with, or interested in, the design and development of modern, safe and intelligent vehicles. Although this book is intended for engineers, managers, scientists, academicians and policy makers, students should also find it valuable. To meet the requirements of students the basics are explained in simple terms; however, it is hoped that others will appreciate this approach, since most of us are well aware that gaps remain in our knowledge of the elements of our profession."
This book Computer Modelling of Seas and Coastal Regions is the first volume of the two volume proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Modelling of Seas and Coastal Regions and Boundary Elements and Fluid Dynamics, held in Southampton, U.K., in April 1992. The importance of accurate modelling of seas and coastal regions is empha sized by the need for predicting their behaviour under extreme conditions. Problems, such as pollution of these areas, have become a major interna tional concern and the related environmental problems need further study using techniques which can be used to determine the ways in which the water systems respond to different effects and try to minimize the damage. They can also lead to the development of early warning systems in combina tion with remote sensing equipment and experimental sampling techniques. Furthermore, once a disaster occurs, the model can be used to optimize the use of the available resources. The conference addresses coastal region modelling both under normal and extreme conditions, with special reference to practical problems, currently being experienced around the world. Many of the delegates are actively involved in the modelling of seas and coastal regions. This volume includes sections on waves, tides, shallow water circulation and channel flow, siltation and sedimentation, pollution problems, and computu tational techniques. The organizer would like to thank the International Scientific Advisory Committee, the conference delegates and all those who have actively sup ported the meeting.
This book comprises selected proceedings of the Fourth International Conference in Ocean Engineering (ICOE2018), focusing on emerging opportunities and challenges in the field of ocean engineering and offshore structures. It includes state-of-the-art content from leading international experts, making it a valuable resource for researchers and practicing engineers alike.
Marine Structures Engineering is designed to help engineers meet the growing worldwide demand for construction of new ports and the modernization of existing ports and terminals. It provides an authoritative guide to the design, construction, rehabilitation, repair, and maintenance of port and harbor structures. Each chapter is self-contained, allowing readers to access specific information. The Author draws on his extensive experience in offshore structure and port engineering to demonstrate evaluation, rehabilitation, repair, and maintenance of in-service marine structures. Also covered in detail are state-of-the-art approaches to: *marine structures in cold regions, with special attention to the role of ice loads, permafrost, and other ice effects *shiplifts, marine railways, shipways, and dry docks *offshore moorings *floating breakwaters *marinas *structures that protect bridge piers from ship impact. Offering practical information on all aspects of marine structures, this book serves as an indispensable resource to all engineers and professionals involved in design, construction, maintenance, and modernization of ports and harbors.
Maximizing reader insights into the challenges facing maritime supply chains and container port logistics service providers in Asia, this book highlights their innovative responses to these challenges through real-world case studies. With a focus on mathematical modeling, simulation and heuristics approaches, this book provides academics, engineers, container terminal operators, students in logistics and supply chain management with the latest approaches that can be used to address the planning and scheduling problem in large container terminal yards. This book can be used on a self-contained basis as teaching cases in an undergraduate or specialist class setting, or on techniques applied to maritime container operations for port operations.
This book discusses various aspects, challenges, and solutions for developing systems-of-systems for situation awareness, using applications in the domain of maritime safety and security. Topics include advanced, multi-objective visualization methods for situation awareness, stochastic outlier selection, rule-based anomaly detection, an ontology-based event model for semantic reasoning, new methods for semi-automatic generation of adapters bridging communication gaps, security policies for systems-of-systems, trust assessment, and methods to deal with the dynamics of systems-of-systems in run-time monitoring, testing, and diagnosis. Architectural considerations for designing information-centric systems-of-systems such as situation awareness systems, and an integrated demonstrator implementing many of the investigated aspects, complete the book.
Moving Loads on Ice Plates is a unique study into the effect of vehicles and aircraft travelling across floating ice sheets. It synthesizes in a single volume, with a coherent theme and nomenclature, the diverse literature on the topic, hitherto available only as research journal articles. Chapters on the nature of fresh water ice and sea ice, and on applied continuum mechanics are included, as is a chapter on the subject's venerable history in related areas of engineering and science. The most recent theories and data are discussed in great depth, demonstrating the advanced state of the modelling and experimental field programmes that have taken place. Finally, results are interpreted in the context of engineering questions faced by agencies operating in the polar and subpolar regions. Although the book necessarily contains some graduate level applied mathematics, it is written to allow engineers, physicists and mathematicians to extract the information they need without becoming preoccupied with details. Structural, environmental, civil, and offshore engineers, and groups who support these industries, particularly within the Arctic and Antarctic, will find the book timely and relevant.
Falling oil prices and smaller offshore fields, especially in the UK sector of the North Sea, have produced a resurgence of interest in subsea developments. These developments always include the installation of a subsea structure and laying and tying-in of pipeline and control lines. In the Southern North Sea small unmanned jackets may become widely used and these require subsea control and power lines installation. This change in the offshore scene has produced a potentially larger market for underwater construction activities. Companies engaged in underwater design and construction have been developing new equipment and techniques to enable further economies to be realised. It is not only in hydrocarbon development where underwater construction plays a major role. One of the largest offshore construction projects on the UK Continental Shelf in recent years is the cross-channel link where power cables have been laid between the UK and France. This volume looks at the economic outlook and the breadth of underwater construction operations; important developments in techniques and equip ment are presented together with a discussion of various projects in which they have been successfully used. PART I 1 An overview of subsea construction R. Goodfellow, Goodfellow Associates Ltd INTRODUCTION Working underwater is a lot more difficult than working above water or on land, therefore the incentives to do so must be found in some aspects of project realization, such as: * reduced cost; * advantageous schedule; * improved technology.
This book discusses offshore platform integration technology, focusing on the floatover methodology and its applications. It also addresses topics related to safety and cost-effectiveness, as well as ensuring the success of a project through careful planning and established detailed operation procedure/working manuals, which are rarely found in the published literature. Unlike other publications in this area, the book not only includes details of technology development, but also presents real project cases in the discussion to make it more comprehensible. Each topic is illustrated with carefully created sketches to show the complex operation procedures.
By outlining a new design or the Kuroshio power plant, new approaches to turbine design, anchorage system planning, deep sea marine engineering and power plant operations and maintenance are explored and suggested. The impact on the local environment, particularly in the face of natural disasters, is also considered to provide a well rounded introduction to plan and build a 30MW pilot power plant. Following a literature review, the six chapters of this book propose a conceptual design by focusing on the plant's core technologies and establish the separate analysis logics for turbine design and the relay platforms. This is tempered against the ecological impact of both the construction and operation of the plant. These proposed technologies and plans can be further applied to power generation in other waters such as the Gulf Stream, the East Australian Current the Humboldt Current and the East Africa Coastal Current. Engineers, students and industry professionals are provided with a solid introduction to power plant technology as well as a design with specific real world applications
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