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Books > Medicine > Nursing & ancillary services > Radiography

Interventional Stroke Therapy (Hardcover): Olav Jansen, Hartmut Brückmann Interventional Stroke Therapy (Hardcover)
Olav Jansen, Hartmut Brückmann
R3,700 Discovery Miles 37 000 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Interventional Stroke Therapy Invaluable for all members of the stroke team, this expertly written book compiles the full range of diagnostic and interventional therapeutic techniques for acute stroke now in use in modern clinical settings throughout the world. From advanced neuroimaging studies to state-of-the art endovascular therapies, it covers the materials, instruments, devices, procedures, and strategies that lead to optimal results, and most benefit the patient, during this time-critical event. Special Features: An interdisciplinary approach Provides detailed "how-to" descriptions of all endovascular stroke treatment techniques, periprocedural monitoring, and instrumentation, with a focus on implementing these methods in everyday practice Logically organized in didactically structured chapters on diagnosis and treatment, with sections on acute ischemic stroke, acute venous occlusions, and supra-aortic extra- and intracranial stenoses, including their etiology, pathogenesis, symptoms, imaging studies, and recommended therapies for each condition Written by a team of renowned international specialists, who provide advice, recommendations, and practical guidelines in every chapter Discusses and critically rates the stents, retrievers, filters, and balloon systems in use today Includes nearly 300 key images taken with the latest generation of imaging equipment Shares helpful clinical insights in sidebar notes, cautions, tips and advice, possible complications, sources of error, and useful chapter summaries/conclusions For all neuroradiologists, radiologists, neurosurgeons, and neurologists who need concise, clinically relevant information on front-line interventional techniques for stroke treatment and prevention, this book is essential. It reviews all current methods, rates their efficacies, and makes progress toward a uniformity of protocols that can be applied in all practices managing stroke patients.

Clark's Positioning in Radiography 13E (Book, 13th edition): A.Stewart Whitley, Gail Jefferson, Ken Holmes, Charles... Clark's Positioning in Radiography 13E (Book, 13th edition)
A.Stewart Whitley, Gail Jefferson, Ken Holmes, Charles Sloane, Craig Anderson, …
R3,971 Discovery Miles 39 710 Ships in 9 - 15 working days

First published in 1939, Clark's Positioning in Radiography is the pre-eminent text on positioning technique for diagnostic radiographers. Whilst retaining the clear and easy-to-follow structure of the previous edition, the thirteenth edition includes a number of changes and innovations in radiographic technique. The text has been extensively updated, including a new section on evaluating images, The Ten Point Plan, which is linked throughout to Essential Image Characteristics for each procedure. The section on digital imaging has been expanded not only to elaborate more extensively on the technology but to demonstrate its various clinical applications. Students will also benefit from more detailed reference to positioning errors and how to avoid mistakes, as well as a greater emphasis on standard radiation protection measures and guidance on the most recent radiation dose reference levels for specific examinations.This new edition includes more anatomical drawings to support better understanding of radiographic anatomy, and brand-new positioning photographs reflecting the different approaches in technique using the variety of imaging platforms available in radiography departments. Clark's Positioning in Radiography will continue to be the definitive work on radiographic technique for all students on diagnostic radiography courses, radiographers in practice and trainee radiologists preparing for the FRCR or equivalent qualifying examinations.

Diagnostik und Differentialdiagnostik der Mammaverkalkungen (German, Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed.... Diagnostik und Differentialdiagnostik der Mammaverkalkungen (German, Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1986)
Marton Lanyi
R2,068 Discovery Miles 20 680 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Bei Erweitenmg des Wissens macht sich von Zeit zu Zeit eine Umordnung nothig; sie geschieht meistens nach neueren Maximen. bleibt aber immer provisorisch. GOETHE, Maximen und Reflexionen Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability. SIR WILLIAM OSLER, Aphorisms Wahrend die "klassischen" Rontgenverfahren geniigend Zeit hatten, durch mehrere Generationen zu reifen, hatte die Mammographie nur etwa 10-15 Jahre Zeit zur Entwicklung, und diese auch teilweise mit unvollkommener Technik; die sogenannten "neuen bildgebenden Ver- fahren" standen schon vor den Toren. Auch die Strahlenhysterie der fruhen siebziger Jahre hatte die an- fangs stiirmische Entwicklung der Mammographie deutlich gebremst. Andererseits, man muB es zugeben, wurde die technische Entwicklung gerade durch diese hervorgerufen. Das Kapitel Mammographie, von den Meistem noch nicht abge- schlossen, wurde somit von den Schiilem der neuen Radiologiegenera- tion nicht aufgegriffen, nicht weiterentwickelt, weil diese dem Wunder der neuen diagnostischen Dimensionen der Computertomographie, der Sonographie usw. eriag. Man soli aber urn der Wahrheit willen hinzufiigen, daB sich neuer- dings gerade bei den jungen Radiologen eine Trendwende zeigt: immer mehr von ihnen schicken mir Konsiliarfalle oder wollen hospitieren, und auf meinen Seminaren sehe ich lauter junge Gesichter. Vielleicht iibemehmen sie eines Tages auch den Staffelstab der Forschung: unge- IOste Probleme gibt es noch genug! Paradox, daB dieses noch nicht vollendete Verfahren trotzdem un- ser tagliches Brot geblieben ist - wenn auch mit Unsicherheit behaftet.

Measurements and Classifications in Musculoskeletal Radiology (Hardcover): Simone Waldt, Klaus Woertler Measurements and Classifications in Musculoskeletal Radiology (Hardcover)
Simone Waldt, Klaus Woertler
R3,035 Discovery Miles 30 350 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

A quick, reliable reference on musculoskeletal radiology... For all radiology residents and practitioners faced with mastering the huge array of image-based measurements and classifications in orthopedics, Measurements and Classifications in Musculoskeletal Radiology fills an important gap. Highly practical and accessible, it presents the measurement techniques, classification systems, scoring methods, and reference values currently in use in musculoskeletal radiology in a single, comprehensive volume, stressing the significance of each for determining the stage, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of a wide range of orthopedic disorders. Special Features: Gathers all currently fragmented information on musculoskeletal radiology measurements and classification systems (excluding bone fractures) into one convenient text- eliminating the need for time-consuming memorization and literature searches Covers all established measurement methods made using conventional and sectional imaging techniques Includes nearly 400 detailed illustrations and radiological images showing reference lines, markings, orientations, and angles, with key values indicated throughout Logically structured by anatomic sites and pathologies for easy access to information, with clinical pearls highlighted in every chapter Offers practical guidance on the relevance and reliability of each imaging method, preferred techniques for specific diseases, and tips for achieving the clearest and most precise measurement results Ideal for use at the radiology workstation, this generously illustrated resource will also be helpful to orthopedic specialists and trauma surgeons who utilize radiologic measurements and classifications for optimal diagnostic and treatment decisions.

Radcases Breast Imaging (Paperback): Lonie L Salkowski Radcases Breast Imaging (Paperback)
Lonie L Salkowski
R1,568 Discovery Miles 15 680 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

All the key Radiology cases for your rounds, rotations, and exams -- in print and online! Breast Imaging will enable you to quickly diagnose a full range of cases and to make sound clinical decisions for the treatment of each patient in your care. Features of Breast Imaging: Examples of critical can't-miss cases that must be accurately diagnosed to avert potential disaster in daily practice and on exams Clearly labeled, high-quality mammograms, ultrasounds and MRIs help you absorb key findings at-a-glance A scratch-off code in each book that provides a year of free access to a searchable online database of 250 must-know cases, the 100 cases in the book, plus an additional 150 cases only found online

Neuroanatomy - Draw It to Know It (Paperback, 3rd Revised edition): Adam J. Fisch Neuroanatomy - Draw It to Know It (Paperback, 3rd Revised edition)
Adam J. Fisch
R2,896 Discovery Miles 28 960 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Neuroanatomy: Draw It to Know It, Third Edition teaches neuroanatomy in a purely kinesthetic way. In using this book, the reader draws each neuroanatomical pathway and structure, and in the process, creates memorable and reproducible schematics for the various learning points in Neuroanatomy in a hands-on, enjoyable and highly effective manner. In addition to this unique method, Neuroanatomy: Draw It to Know It also provides a remarkable repository of reference materials, including numerous anatomic and radiographic brain images and illustrations from many other classic texts to enhance the learning experience. In the third edition of this now-classic text, the author completely reorganized the book based on user-feedback, taking a more intuitive and easy-to-use approach. For the first time, the illustrations are in full color. No other text in neuroanatomy engages the reader in as direct a manner as this book and none covers the advanced level of detail found while retaining the simplistic approach to the learning which has become the cornerstone of the text. Neuroanatomy: Draw It to Know It is singular in its ability to engage and instruct without overwhelming any level of neuroanatomy student.

EEG in der Neuropadiatrie (German, Paperback, 2013 ed.): Bernhard Schmitt, Gabriele Wohlrab EEG in der Neuropadiatrie (German, Paperback, 2013 ed.)
Bernhard Schmitt, Gabriele Wohlrab
R815 Discovery Miles 8 150 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Das kindliche Elektroenzephalogramm unterscheidet sich in wesentlichen Punkten vom EEG des Erwachsenen. In jeder Altersgruppe finden sich parallel zur Hirnentwicklung spezifische EEG-Muster, Normvarianten und pathologischen Veranderungen, deren Kenntnis fur die Beurteilung essentiell ist. So gibt es eine Vielzahl altersabhangiger Epilepsieformen und anderer Krankheitsbilder, die im Erwachsenenalter unbekannt sind. Eine besondere Herausforderung stellt die Beurteilung des Neu- und Fruhgeborenen-EEGs dar.

Dieser Leitfaden klart daruber auf, was bei EEG-Ableitungen im Sauglings- und Kleinkindesalter zu berucksichtigen ist und hilft dabei, EEG-Kurven richtig zu interpretieren und pathologische von normalen Mustern abzugrenzen.

Das Buch ist ein unveranderter Nachdruck des gleichnamigen Kapitels aus dem Werk "Klinische Elektroenzephalographie" von Stephan Zschocke und Hans-Christian Hansen. Nutzlich ist es insbesondere fur Kinder- und Jugendarzten und Neurologen, die mit den Grundlagen der Elektroenzephalographie vertraut sind. Einsteigern zum Thema zeigt dieses Buch auf, wo und wann das EEG im Kindesalter einen Beitrag zur Diagnose leisten kann."

Atlas of Emergency Radiology (Hardcover, Ed): Jake Block, Martin Jordanov, Lawrence Stack, R. Jason Thurman Atlas of Emergency Radiology (Hardcover, Ed)
Jake Block, Martin Jordanov, Lawrence Stack, R. Jason Thurman
R8,931 Discovery Miles 89 310 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. The first atlas of emergency diagnostic imaging that brings together every must-know radiographic method and techniqueIncludes nearly 1,500 clinical images! Whether it's a CT, MRI, ultrasound, or x-ray, this comprehensive, hands-on resource helps you read and understand any imaging study--and guides you step-by-stepthrough the process of making a proper diagnosis based on radiographic results. The Atlas of Emergency Radiology is filled with diagnostic images for the fullspectrum of acute conditions and emergencies. Filled with 1,484 figures that demonstrate clinical findings Concise text solidifies your grasp of clinical and imaging correlations and includes: Radiographic summary Clinical implications Radiographic pearls Unique, up-to-date chapter on pediatric problems reviews the full range of medical issues associated with children

FRCR 2B Viva: A Case-based Approach (Paperback): Paul S. Sidhu, Suzanne Ryan, Phillip F. C. Lung FRCR 2B Viva: A Case-based Approach (Paperback)
Paul S. Sidhu, Suzanne Ryan, Phillip F. C. Lung
R1,579 Discovery Miles 15 790 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Construct perfect answers to the questions posed in the challenging Final FRCR 2B viva examination! Edited by highly experienced radiologists, this focused, case-based guide will give candidates taking the Final FRCR 2B viva examination the exact information they need to handle the questions confidently, impress the examiners and maximise their chance of success. The book covers the full range of subjects and materials trainees can expect to meet and features more than 400 top-quality images and concise explanations. It is ideal for candidates who need to get the most out of their study time. Special Features: Each of the 136 clinically relevant sample cases includes clear radiological images, a clinical history, an ideal answer, case-specific examination tips, lists of possible differential diagnoses and notes on further questions that might be asked The book is formatted as tutorial-style teaching points, perfect for learning and quick recall It covers imaging modalities and organ systems across all anatomical regions, including gastrointestinal, chest, musculoskeletal, urogynaecological, paediatric and radionuclide imaging, and neuroradiology Each contributor is a specialist radiologist experienced in the topic under discussion, writing in cooperation with a recently successful FRCR Part 2 candidate Concise, readable and easy-to-use, this book will help all radiology trainees demonstrate their powers of observation and deduction over a wide spectrum of conditions and investigations. It will allow them to enter the FRCR 2B viva examination room at ease with their knowledge and fully prepared to deliver thoughtful, accurate and high-impact answers.

Radiology Strategies (Paperback): Julia Fielding Radiology Strategies (Paperback)
Julia Fielding
R2,023 Discovery Miles 20 230 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

As physicians become more dependent upon radiologic tests for information, it is imperative that they have correct information on how and when to order them. Radiology Strategies is designed to help the medical student and non-radiology practitioner learn to make effective use of radiologic tests based on a patient's signs and symptoms.
Signs and symptoms for the most commonly encountered disease processes are covered in clinical vignettes that systematically discuss: case history; background; test rationale; test of choice; radiologic images demonstrating the findings that make the diagnosis; and evidence-based references. Introductory chapters cover radiation safety; use of contrast agents; how a radiologic test can be chosen effectively based on specificity, accuracy, and pre-test likelihood of disease; and general guidelines on when and why to choose a particular imaging modality (i.e., CT, MRI, plain film).
Quick reference features such as decision algorithms, an index of common signs and symptoms and a convenient two-page spread that ensures concise, at-a-glance coverage of topics make this an indispensible study aid as well as a quick reference handbook in the clinic and on the ward.

Essentials of Abdomino-Pelvic Sonography - A Handbook for Practitioners (Hardcover): Swati Goyal Essentials of Abdomino-Pelvic Sonography - A Handbook for Practitioners (Hardcover)
Swati Goyal
R5,142 Discovery Miles 51 420 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Sonography has emerged as a substantial diagnostic tool today. This handbook aims to cover ultrasound physics, abdominal and obstetric sonography, color Doppler, high resolution sonography and USG guided interventions with multiple choice questions and case reports for practical orientation.

Handbook of X-ray Imaging - Physics and Technology (Hardcover): Paolo Russo Handbook of X-ray Imaging - Physics and Technology (Hardcover)
Paolo Russo
R15,052 Discovery Miles 150 520 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Containing chapter contributions from over 130 experts, this unique publication is the first handbook dedicated to the physics and technology of X-ray imaging, offering extensive coverage of the field. This highly comprehensive work is edited by one of the world's leading experts in X-ray imaging physics and technology and has been created with guidance from a Scientific Board containing respected and renowned scientists from around the world. The book's scope includes 2D and 3D X-ray imaging techniques from soft-X-ray to megavoltage energies, including computed tomography, fluoroscopy, dental imaging and small animal imaging, with several chapters dedicated to breast imaging techniques. 2D and 3D industrial imaging is incorporated, including imaging of artworks. Specific attention is dedicated to techniques of phase contrast X-ray imaging. The approach undertaken is one that illustrates the theory as well as the techniques and the devices routinely used in the various fields. Computational aspects are fully covered, including 3D reconstruction algorithms, hard/software phantoms, and computer-aided diagnosis. Theories of image quality are fully illustrated. Historical, radioprotection, radiation dosimetry, quality assurance and educational aspects are also covered. This handbook will be suitable for a very broad audience, including graduate students in medical physics and biomedical engineering; medical physics residents; radiographers; physicists and engineers in the field of imaging and non-destructive industrial testing using X-rays; and scientists interested in understanding and using X-ray imaging techniques. The handbook's editor, Dr. Paolo Russo, has over 30 years' experience in the academic teaching of medical physics and X-ray imaging research. He has authored several book chapters in the field of X-ray imaging, is Editor-in-Chief of an international scientific journal in medical physics, and has responsibilities in the publication committees of international scientific organizations in medical physics. Features: Comprehensive coverage of the use of X-rays both in medical radiology and industrial testing The first handbook published to be dedicated to the physics and technology of X-rays Handbook edited by world authority, with contributions from experts in each field

Chest Imaging Case Atlas (Hardcover, 2nd New edition): Mark S Parker, Melissa L Rosado de Christenson, Gerald F Abbott Chest Imaging Case Atlas (Hardcover, 2nd New edition)
Mark S Parker, Melissa L Rosado de Christenson, Gerald F Abbott
R3,886 Discovery Miles 38 860 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

A comprehensive atlas covering the breadth and depth of chest imaging Written by renowned experts in chest imaging, Chest Imaging Case Atlas, Second Edition enables radiology residents, fellows, and practitioners to hone their diagnostic skills by teaching them how to interpret a large number of radiologic cases. This atlas contains over 200 cases on conditions ranging from Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma to Wegener Granulomatosis. Each case is supported by a discussion of the disease, its underlying pathology, typical and unusual imaging findings, management, and prognosis, providing a comprehensive overview of each disorder. Special Features of the Second Edition: Over 1500 high-quality images demonstrating normal and pathologic findings and their variations More multiplanar, CT angiographic (CTA), MRI, and 3D imaging is incorporated into the text, helping readers stay current with this rapidly changing technology 40 new cases and updated images in cases from the previous edition A new post-thoracotomy chest section addresses normal post-operative findings and complications associated with common thoracic interventional procedures The neoplastic diseases section includes the new TNM staging system for lung cancer The adult cardiovascular disease section now contains a discussion on univentricular and biventricular or end-stage heart failure including various ventricular assist devices and the Total Artificial Heart, their imaging features, and complications associated with their use The diffuse lung disease section has been expanded to include an approach to HRCT interpretation Case discussions are based on up-to-datereviews of current literature as well as classic landmark articles Pearls are provided to describe the features that may strongly support a specific diagnosis, enabling readers to sharpen their clinical diagnostic skills This book is an invaluable illustrated reference that all physicians in radiology and chest imaging in particular, including pulmonary medicine physicians and thoracic surgeons, should have on their bookshelf.

Avoiding Errors in Radiology - Case-Based Analysis of Causes and Preventive Strategies (Hardcover): Kathrin Barbara Krug Avoiding Errors in Radiology - Case-Based Analysis of Causes and Preventive Strategies (Hardcover)
Kathrin Barbara Krug
R3,201 Discovery Miles 32 010 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

In "Avoiding Errors in Radiology: Case-Based Analysis of Causes and PreventiveStrategies," the authors provide 118 real-life examples of interpretation errorsand wrong decisions from both diagnostic and interventional radiology. Ineach case, the authors discuss in detail the context in which the errors weremade, the resulting complications, and strategies for future prevention. Thecases are organized by body region, beginning with the cranium and thenmoving to cases of the breast, chest and abdomen, spinal column, musculoskeletaland vascular systems.

Features: 118 case studies facilitate analysis and discussion of causes of errors and offer preventive strategies to transfer into daily practice 956 high-quality images and explanatory drawings illustrate the cases and pinpoint errors of interpretation and in decision making

"Avoiding Errors in Radiology" is a must-have reference for anyone involved ininterpreting images for diagnosis and in making decisions in interventionalradiology.

Critical Care Radiology (Hardcover): Cornelia Schaefer-Prokop Critical Care Radiology (Hardcover)
Cornelia Schaefer-Prokop
R3,499 Discovery Miles 34 990 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

"Critical Care Radiology" will enable readers to develop rapid, accurate diagnoses despite the many difficulties associated with the bedside evaluation, including time constants and the low specificity of chest radiographs and postoperative abdominal studies. Written by an interdisciplinary team of experts in radiology and critical care medicine, this book provides a concise overview of how to use the latest diagnostic imaging technology in the intensive care setting. Each chapter contains brief descriptions of normal and morphologic findings, imaging strategies and techniques, differential diagnoses, and potential complications. High-quality radiographs and CT scans enhance the text throughout.

FeaturesIn-depth coverage of thoracic and abdominal imaging in adult and pediatric patients More than 550 high-resolution images taken using state-of-the-art imaging Tips on accurate image interpretation, including how to read suboptimal image material Numerous tables highlight important points and practical recommendations Summaries of key takeaway points appear at the end of each chapter

This authoritative clinical guide is an indispensable companion for on-call radiologists or radiology residents. It is also a valuable tool for exam preparation.

"Critical Care Radiology is a strong product.-- Radiologic Technology August 2011l"

A Radiologic Atlas of Abuse, Torture, Terrorism, and Inflicted Trauma (Hardcover): B. G. Brogdon, Hermann Vogel, John D McDowell A Radiologic Atlas of Abuse, Torture, Terrorism, and Inflicted Trauma (Hardcover)
B. G. Brogdon, Hermann Vogel, John D McDowell
R7,527 Discovery Miles 75 270 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The results of aggression against humans can be hideously obvious, but may also be entirely concealed from casual inspection. Often, only exploration of the hidden recesses of the mind via psychiatric evaluation, or radiologic exploration of the inner recesses of the body can reveal the evidence of such violence. This book focuses on the latter.

A Radiologic Atlas of Abuse, Torture, Terrorism, and Inflicted Trauma combines the lifetime experience of two distinguished radiologists and a renowned odontologist to provide an unprecedented collection of radiographs depicting the results of violence on the human body.

Victims of aggression range from the tiniest infant to entire populations. Hopefully you will never encounter every situation covered in this book. However, should you come across any, you will want A Radiologic Atlas of Abuse, Torture, Terrorism, and Inflicted Trauma within reach.

Normal Findings in Radiography (Paperback): Torsten Bert Moeller Normal Findings in Radiography (Paperback)
Torsten Bert Moeller
R710 Discovery Miles 7 100 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The method of making findings and the systematic method of interpreting images are still relevant today. This book deals with a subject that is seemingly trivial: normal findings in radiology. However, the normal is also the frequent, but not always the simple. Every radiologist has experienced difficulties in the systematics of imaging and with phrasing the diagnosis. This book is intended to answer three questions: How should the diagnosis be phrased? Which general scheme can I use to evaluate an image; how can I check for the degree of normality? Which data allow me to evidence normality, and what measurements should be taken? In spite of the introduction of digital X-ray imaging, the interpretation of conventional X-rays has not basically changed during the past ten years, which is evidenced by the development of this book. Since its first publication in 1987, it has gone through several unchanged reprints. In the 2nd German edition the text has hardly been changed; however, several new images have been added. The method of making findings and the systematic method of interpreting images are still relevant today. Consequently, the strict and systematic organization of the book was left unchanged. The new layout leads to a clearer accessibility of the material for the reader.

R1,115 Discovery Miles 11 150 Out of stock

This concise book explains the basic principles of magnetic resonance imaging.

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