Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics > Relativity physics
The chapters in this monograph are contributions from the Advances
in Quantum Monte Carlo symposium held at Pacifichem 2010,
International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies. The
symposium was dedicated to celebrate the career of James B.
Anderson, a notable researcher in the field. Quantum Monte Carlo
provides an ab initio solution to the Schroedinger equation by
performing a random walk through configuration space in imaginary
time. Benchmark calculations suggest that its most commonly-used
variant, "fixed-node" diffusion Monte Carlo, estimates energies
with an accuracy comparable to that of high-level coupled-cluster
calculations. These two methods, each having advantages and
disadvantages, are complementary "gold-standards" of quantum
chemistry. There are challenges facing researchers in the field,
several of which are addressed in the chapters in this monograph.
These include improving the accuracy and precision of quantum Monte
Carlo calculations; understanding the exchange nodes and utilizing
the simulated electron distribution; extending the method to large
and/or experimentally-challenging systems; and developing hybrid
molecular mechanics/dynamics and Monte Carlo algorithms.
Advances in Quantum Monte Carlo confronts the challenges in quantum
mechanics that have become progressively more prevalent in the last
five years. This book will cover the needed advances in Quantum
Monte Carlo methods including improvements and a complete range of
applications. Advances in Quantum Monte Carlo will also include a
complete spectrum of applications.
This book deals with underlying basic concepts in relativity. The
fundamental work of Stueckelberg, who formulated a consistent
relativistic classical and quantum dynamics, generalized for
application to many-body systems by Horwitz and Piron (SHP theory),
is explained with emphasis on its conceptual content. The two-body
bound state and scattering theory are also discussed. The ideas are
involved in the Lindner experiment showing interference in time and
the proposed experiment of Palacios et al. searching for the
persistence of entanglement at unequal times is discussed. The
meaning of the Newton-Wigner position operator and the
Landau-Peierls construction in terms of relativistic dynamics is
given. Finally, the embedding of the SHP theory into the framework
of general relativity, providing a canonical structure with
particle coordinates and momenta, is studied, carrying with it new
concepts in relativistic dynamics.
A discourse on time, gravity, and the universe that takes the
reader through the subtleties of time, the origin of the universe,
and physical evolution in Einstein's theory and its extensions. Can
time and causality remain fundamental when the classical ideal of
spacetime becomes a concept of limited applicability in quantum
gravity? A thorough exposition on the canonical framework of
Einstein's theory and its extensions reveals the synergy between
gravitation and the cosmic clock of our expanding universe that
renders time concrete, physical, and comprehensible. In conjunction
with a paradigm shift from four-covariance to just spatial
diffeomorphism invariance, causal time-ordering of the quantum
state of the universe and its evolution in cosmic time become
meaningful. The quantum state of the universe is the embodiment of
our shared past, present, and future. The advocated framework
prompts natural extensions and improvements to Einstein's theory. A
salient feature is the addition of a Cotton-York term to the
physical Hamiltonian. Besides bringing improved ultraviolet
convergence, this radically changes the solution to the initial
data problem and the quantum origin of the universe. It lends
support to the quantum beginning of the universe as an exact
Chern-Simons Hartle-Hawking state that features
Euclidean-Lorentzian instanton tunneling. A signature of this state
is that it manifests, at the lowest order approximation,
scale-invariant two-point correlation function for
transverse-traceless quantum metric fluctuations. This initial
quantum state also implies, at the level of expectation values, a
low-entropy hot smooth Robertson-Walker beginning that is in accord
with Penrose's Weyl Curvature Hypothesis. Consequently, the
gravitational arrow of time of increasing spatial volume and the
thermodynamic second law arrow of time of increasing entropy concur
as our universe expands and ages.
The book aims to give a mathematical presentation of the theory of
general relativity (that is, spacetime-geometry-based gravitation
theory) to advanced undergraduate mathematics students.
Mathematicians will find spacetime physics presented in the
definition-theorem-proof format familiar to them. The given precise
mathematical definitions of physical notions help avoiding
pitfalls, especially in the context of spacetime physics describing
phenomena that are counter-intuitive to everyday experiences.In the
first part, the differential geometry of smooth manifolds, which is
needed to present the spacetime-based gravitation theory, is
developed from scratch. Here, many of the illustrating examples are
the Lorentzian manifolds which later serve as spacetime models.
This has the twofold purpose of making the physics forthcoming in
the second part relatable, and the mathematics learnt in the first
part less dry. The book uses the modern coordinate-free language of
semi-Riemannian geometry. Nevertheless, to familiarise the reader
with the useful tool of coordinates for computations, and to bridge
the gap with the physics literature, the link to coordinates is
made through exercises, and via frequent remarks on how the two
languages are related.In the second part, the focus is on physics,
covering essential material of the 20th century spacetime-based
view of gravity: energy-momentum tensor field of matter, field
equation, spacetime examples, Newtonian approximation, geodesics,
tests of the theory, black holes, and cosmological models of the
universe.Prior knowledge of differential geometry or physics is not
assumed. The book is intended for self-study, and the solutions to
the (over 200) exercises are included.
Instant Physics pulls together all the pivotal physics knowledge
and thought into one concise volume. Each page contains a discrete
'cheat sheet', which tells you the most important facts in
bite-sized chunks, meaning you can become an expert in an instant.
From black holes to black body radiation, telescopes to
microscopes, quantum mechanics to general relativity, every key
figure, discovery or idea is explained with succinct and lively
text and graphics. Perfect for the knowledge hungry and time poor,
this collection of graphic-led lessons makes psychology interesting
and accessible. Everything you need to know is here.
Somewhere near the heart of existence, shimmers the ethereal beauty
of the mystery of Time. Though seemingly familiar to us all, time
harbours secrets that penetrate the very deepest levels of reality,
and though we feel certain in our conviction that we're swept forth
upon the crest of its never-ending flow, with Einstein's discovery
of relativity came what is perhaps the most stunning realisation in
the entire history of scientific thought - the wondrously
breathtaking revelation that in reality, there's actually no such
thing as the passage of time... How can this extraordinary truth be
reconciled with the reality we so surely suppose to experience?
What does it mean for the very human concerns of life and death,
free will, identity, and self? What should it mean for our
philosophy? And how should it inform our world view? The search for
answers leads through the fantastical realm of quantum physics, and
the strange parallel worlds it describes, as we discover that the
answers which such questions provoke, are perhaps even more
profound than the questions themselves. Buried deep within the
riddle of time, lies the staggering beauty of the world. As we peel
back the layers to try and sneak a glimpse into eternity, we find a
light shining not only upon the nature of reality, but on the
nature of ourselves...
Owing to the increased accuracy requirements in fields such as
astrometry and geodesy the general theory of relativity must be
taken into account for any mission requiring highly accurate orbit
information and for practically all observation and measurement
techniques. This book highlights the confluence of Applied
Mathematics, Physics and Space Science as seen from Einstein's
general theory of relativity and aims to bridge the gap between
theoretical and applied domains. The book investigates three
distinct areas of general relativity: Exact solutions of the
Einstein field equations of gravitation. Dynamics of near-Earth
objects and solar system bodies. Relativistic orbitography. This
book is an updated and expanded version of the author's PhD thesis
which was awarded the International Astronomical Union PhD prize in
Division A: Fundamental Astronomy. Included is a new introduction
aimed at graduate students of General Relativity and extended
discussions and results on topics in post-Newtonian dynamics and
general relativistic spacecraft propagation.
This volume provides a detailed description of some of the most
active areas in astrophysics from the largest scales probed by the
Planck satellite to massive black holes that lie at the heart of
galaxies and up to the much awaited but stunning discovery of
thousands of exoplanets. It contains the following chapters: *
Jean-Philippe UZAN, The Big-Bang Theory: Construction, Evolution
and Status * Jean-Loup PUGET, The Planck Mission and the Cosmic
Microwave Background * Reinhard GENZEL, Massive Black Holes:
Evidence, Demographics and Cosmic Evolution * Arnaud CASSAN, New
Worlds Ahead: The Discovery of Exoplanets Reinhard Genzel and
Andrea Ghez shared the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics "for the
discovery of a supermassive compact object at the centre of our
galaxy'", alongside Roger Penrose "for the discovery that black
hole formation is a robust prediction of the general theory of
relativity". The book corresponds to the twentieth Poincare
Seminar, held on November 21, 2015, at Institut Henri Poincare in
Paris. Originally written as lectures to a broad scientific
audience, these four chapters are of high value and will be of
general interest to astrophysicists, physicists, mathematicians and
This book presents a multidisciplinary guide to gauge theory and
gravity, with chapters by the world's leading theoretical
physicists, mathematicians, historians and philosophers of science.
The contributions from theoretical physics explore e.g. the
consistency of the unification of gravitation and quantum theory,
the underpinnings of experimental tests of gauge theory and its
role in shedding light on the relationship between mathematics and
physics. In turn, historians and philosophers of science assess the
impact of Weyl's view on the philosophy of science. Graduate
students, lecturers and researchers in the fields of history of
science, theoretical physics and philosophy of science will benefit
from this book by learning about the role played by Weyl's
Raum-Zeit-Materie in shaping several modern research fields, and by
gaining insights into the future prospects of gauge theory in both
theoretical and experimental physics. Furthermore, the book
facilitates interdisciplinary exchange and conceptual innovation in
tackling fundamental questions about our deepest theories of
physics. Chapter "Weyl's Raum-Zeit-Materie and the Philosophy of
Science" is available open access under a Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer.com
This book collates papers presented at two international
conferences (held at the Australian National University in 2018 and
Birkbeck College London in 2019) exploring the relationships
between big history and astrobiology and their wider implications
for society. These two relatively new academic disciplines aim to
integrate human history with the wider history of the universe and
the search for life elsewhere. The book will show that, despite
differences in emphasis, big history and astrobiology share much in
common, especially their interdisciplinary approaches and the
cosmic and evolutionary perspectives that they both engender.
Specifically, the book addresses the unified, all-embracing, nature
of knowledge, the impact of big history on humanity and the world
at large, the possible impact of SETI on astrobiology and big
history, the cultural signature of Earth's inhabitants beyond our
own planet, and the political implications of a planetary
worldview. The principal readership is envisaged to comprise
scholars working in the fields of astrobiology, big history and
space exploration interested in forging interdisciplinary links
between these diverse topics, together with educators, and a wider
public, interested in the societal implications of the cosmic and
evolutionary perspectives engendered by research in these fields.
This book presents the proceedings of The International Workshop on
Frontiers in High Energy Physics (FHEP 2019), held in Hyderabad,
India. It highlights recent, exciting experimental findings from
LHC, KEK, LIGO and several other facilities, and discusses new
ideas for the unified treatment of cosmology and particle physics
and in the light of new observations, which could pave the way for
a better understanding of the universe we live in. As such, the
book provides a platform to foster collaboration in order to
provide insights into this important field of physics.