Books > Religion & Spirituality > Alternative belief systems > Occult studies > Satanism & demonology
Ná herhaaldelike polisiebrouwerk begin kaptein Ben Booysen die Krugersdorp-moorde in 2016 manalleen ondersoek.
Booysen haal koerantvoorblaaie toe hy die baasbrein, Cecilia Steyn, en haar vyf trawante vir minstens 11 moorde in hegtenis neem.
Suid-Afrika se eie “Chuck Norris” neem die leser tot agter die skerms van die satanistiese moorde en onthul nuwe, skokkende besonderhede van die misdade wat die land amper ’n dekade lank vasgenael gehou het.
The End Of Whiteness aims to reveal the pathological, paranoid and bizarre consequences that the looming end of apartheid had on white culture in South Africa, and overall to show that whiteness is a deeply problematic category that needs to be deconstructed and thoughtfully considered.
This book uses contemporary media material to investigate two symptoms of this late apartheid cultural hysteria that appeared throughout the contemporary media and in popular literature during the 1980s and 1990s, showing their relation to white anxieties about social change, the potential loss of privilege and the destabilisation of the country that were imagined to be an inevitable consequence of majority rule.
The ‘Satanic panic’ revolved around the apparent threat posed by a cult of white Satanists that was never proven to exist but was nonetheless repeatedly accused of conspiracy, murder, rape, drug-dealing, cannibalism and bestiality, and blamed for the imminent destruction of white Christian civilisation in South Africa.
During the same period an unusually high number of domestic murder-suicides occurred, with parents killing themselves and their children or other family members by gunshot, fire, poison, gas, even crossbows and drownings. This so-called epidemic of family murder was treated by police, press and social scientists as a plague that specifically affected white Afrikaans families. These double monsters, both fantastic and real, helped to disembowel the clarities of whiteness even as they were born out of threats to it. Deep within its self-regarding modernity and renegotiation of identity, contemporary white South Africa still wears those scars of cultural pathology.
This is Laurence Gardner's final book, written shortly before his
death in 2010 and is the accompanying book to his Origin of God
(published 2011 by dash house publishing). Together with Origin of
God, this book outlines an irrefutable and searing indictment of
conventional belief and exposes the evils and absurdities
perpetuated over the millenia in the name of Christianity. In
Revelation of the Devil, Laurence Gardner traces the history of the
Devil, from its roots in Mesopotamia and the Old Testament all the
way up to the modern world of today. Travelling through the New
Testament, as well as the Koran, and then passing in turn through
the Inquisitions, the Reformation and the Enlightenment, he unmasks
what he has called "the myth of evil and the conspiracy of Satan."
For nearly 2,000 years a supernatural entity known as the Devil has
been held responsible by Church authorities for bringing sin and
wickedness into the world. Throughout this period, the Devil has
been portrayed as a constant protagonist of evil, although his
origin remains a mystery and his personality has undergone many
interpretive changes, prompting questions such as: If God is all
good and all powerful, then why does evil exist? How can it exist?
If God created everything, then where did the Devil come from? If
the Devil exists, then why does he not feature in any pre-Christian
document? Revelation of the Devil follows the Devil's sinister
history, in the manner of a biography, from his scriptural
introduction to the dark satanic cults of the present day. In a
strict chronological progression, we experience the mood of each
successive era as the Devil's image was constantly manipulated to
suit the changing motives of his creators in their bid for
threat-driven clerical control.
Examining the theme of child sacrifice as a psychological
challenge, this book applies a unique approach to religious ideas
by looking at beliefs and practices that are considered deviant,
but also make up part of mainstream religious discourse in Judaism,
Islam, and Christianity. Ancient religious mythology, which
survives through living traditions and transmitted narratives,
rituals, and writings, is filled with violent stories, often
involving the targeting of children as ritual victims. Christianity
offers Abraham's sacrifice and assures us that the "only begotten
son" has died, and then been resurrected. This version of the
sacrifice myth has dominated the West. It is celebrated in an act
of fantasy cannibalism, in which the believers share the divine
son's flesh and blood. This book makes the connection between
Satanism stories in the 1980s, the Blood Libel in Europe, The
Eucharist, and Eastern Mediterranean narratives of child sacrifice.
The Malleus Maleficarum is a seminal treatise regarding witchcraft
and demons, presented here complete with an authoritative
translation to modern English by Montague Summers. At the time this
book was published in 1487, the Christian church had considered
witchcraft a dangerous affront to the faith for many centuries.
Executions of suspected witches were intermittent, and various
explanations of behaviors deemed suspect were thought to be caused
by possession, either by the devil or demon such as an incubus or
succubus. Kramer wrote this book after he had tried and failed to
have a woman executed for witchcraft. Unhappy at the verdict of the
court, he authored the Malleus Maleficarum as a manual for other
witch seekers to refer to. For centuries the text was used by
Christians as a reference source on matters of demonology, although
it was not used directly by the Inquisition who became notorious
for their tortures and murders.
The Book of the Law, the holy text that forms the basis of Thelema,
was transmitted to Crowley by the entity known as Aiwass in Cairo,
on three successive days during April 1904. Acting as a medium,
Crowley recorded the communications on hotel notepads and later
organized his automatic writing into a short, coherent document.
Aiwass/Crowley presents The Book of the Law as an expression of
three god-forms in three chapters: Nuit, Hadit, and Ra-Hoor-Khuit.
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