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Books > Academic & Education > Varsity Textbooks > Social Studies
Social welfare and social development discusses social welfare practice in global and regional context. It addresses issues of poverty, unemployment and populations at risk within South Africa and the role of the social welfare system in South Africa in tackling these issues. The book outlines the theory and practice of social development as the practice through which the South African government aims to address social challenges. The first edition was unique and groundbreaking in its explication of social development and is still valued for these insights. The second edition includes updated discussions, reviewing changes in the social landscape since 2005.
Reader friendly and clear, Rubin and Babbie's concise and social work-specific research methods book provides readers with the tools they need to understand the subject matter. Illustrations and examples throughout show readers how they can apply research to practice. Outlines, introductions, boxed features, chapter endings with main points, and review questions and exercises provide the information and practice readers need to learn the essentials. As part of the Cengage Empowerment Series, ESSENTIAL RESEARCH METHODS FOR SOCIAL WORK, 4th Edition, thoroughly integrates the core competencies and recommended practice behaviors outlined in the current Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) set by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).
Social Policy And Human Development In Zambia discusses social policy and human development endeavours in Zambia, including the various societal forces that converged on the country in both the pre-colonial and colonial periods and which later influenced post-colonial social policy initiatives. The pre-colonial era epitomised indigenous forms of social protection that safeguarded the well-being of Africans. Colonial rule, which was foreign in orientation, was geared towards meeting the needs of a small European settler population through social policy programmes. Most of the discussions in the book unfold in the setting of a post-colonial society. The central thesis of the book is that social policy and human development in Zambia are inextricably bound up with the political and economic forces in the country and that they constantly reinforce each other. Politics is taken as an important variable that legitimises the role of politicians and policy-makers in determining the development path of the country. Thus, their efficacy, lack of depth or ineptitude will be translated into the way public policies, including social policy, are formulated and implemented. Given the normative nature of social policy, it is argued that ideology plays a critical role in both its formulation and execution. This argument is brought home by showing how the socialist government in Zambia during the 1960s and 1970s relied upon ideology to marshal social policy towards the goal of national development. Based on the analyses of different political eras in the country the book also argues that the economy is the central pillar in the implementation of social policy and the provision of social services. ...................................................... Ndangwa Noyoo holds a Ph.D in Social Development from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa and an M.phil in Development Studies from the University of Cambridge. He has worked as a Senior Researcher at the University of Johannesburg and was also a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow with the Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme (MSH), Paris, France. He has held the positions of Senior Lecturer and Deputy Head of the Department of Social Work in the School of Human and Community Development, University of the Witwatersrand. He is currently a Senior Social Policy Specialist at the National Department of Social Development Tshwane, South Africa. He has published on various socio-economic and political issues, especially in the context of Zambia and Africa.
This book asks how governments in Africa can use evidence to improve their policies and programmes, and ultimately, to achieve positive change for their citizens. Looking at different evidence sources across a range of contexts, the book brings policy makers and researchers together to uncover what does and doesn't work and why. Case studies are drawn from five countries and the ECOWAS (west African) region, and a range of sectors from education, wildlife, sanitation, through to government procurement processes. The book is supported by a range of policy briefs and videos intended to be both practical and critically rigorous. It uses evidence sources such as evaluations, research synthesis and citizen engagement to show how these cases succeeded in informing policy and practice. The voices of policy makers are key to the book, ensuring that the examples deployed are useful to practitioners and researchers alike. This innovative book will be perfect for policy makers, practitioners in government and civil society, and researchers and academics with an interest in how evidence can be used to support policy making in Africa.
From the Foreword: "This volume has the potential to spark a lifelong love affair with the psychology research process. Of special value are a dozen chapters on topics typically missing from other texts, including cross-cultural research, dealing with journal editors and reviewers, conducting meta-analyses, and using archival data sets. In my opinion, this is the book of choice for introducing the psychology research process to students and research assistants. . . . Although this volume was developed for students, experienced researchers would find this volume to be a useful refresher course, capable of re-igniting their own initial delight with the inquiry process." -Anthony J. Marsella, Atlanta, Georgia The book that established itself as a standard text and reference work for students seeking to master research methods and procedures in psychology has been updated and revised in this new edition! The Second Edition of The Psychology Research Handbook: A Guide for Graduate Students and Research Assistants once again offers a comprehensive guide for understanding and conquering the entire research process. Editors Frederick T. L. Leong and James T. Austin have assembled a distinguished group of expert researchers who share skill sets accumulated as a result of years of practical exposure to the design, development, implementation, and documentation of research in psychology. The chapters in this volume follow the sequential flow of the research process-from research planning and design to data collection and analysis to results writing. New to the Second Edition: Provides six new chapters that cover research scripts, statistical power, multilevel analysis, computational modeling, program evaluation, and scale and test development Addresses the effects of technology in each chapter to integrate the importance of the Internet and related technology in that particular domain Includes Student Exercises to supplement the Recommended Readings and Reference lists at the end of each chapter The Psychology Research Handbook is the ideal textbook for graduate students studying advanced research methods in courses such as Research Methods in Psychology, Advanced Methods, Experimental Methods, Research Design and Methodology, Research Practicum, and Quantitative Research Design and Analysis in Psychology. It is also the perfect resource for research professionals as well as for individual research assistants in the midst of research projects.
This is the definitive book about the biggest changes in education, schooling and teaching since the school classroom was invented almost 300 years ago. The vision and power of the original "Learning Revolution" remains, but the authors now address current developments such as: how instant information and interactive technology are finally forcing a complete rethink of everything we've ever believed about education; how new interlocking networks are creating dramatic new models for learning; and how new teaching methods are revolutionizing schooling in pockets around the world. Dryden, the award-winning television and radio talk show host, is just completing a series of television programmes on new methods of learning and Vos is putting the finishing touches to a seven-year doctoral research project into the same subject. The combined power of these two dynamic authors is highly compelling!
"Understanding History Teaching is an enjoyable read with a logical and flowing structure. It lives up to its goal of appealing to both academic and professional readers with both academic depth and real insights and opportunities for the professional teacher to draw from. It presents its data and interpretations in a manner which does not avoid the issues revealed within the research but has an uplifting effect on the reader and leaves them feeling optimistic about the quality of History teaching in UK secondary schools." Robert Wyness, Student, De Montfort University, Leicester,UK* Why do we teach and learn about the past? * How is history taught in schools? * What are the influences on the way teachers teach and pupils learn about the past? History is one of the most ideologically disputed of school subjects. Over the past generation, the subject has experienced fundamental changes in content, pedagogy and approach. This book is the first detailed account of the way history is taught in schools to be published for 30 years. Drawing on fieldwork in comprehensive schools, and on research studies worldwide, the authors pose fundamental questions about the way teachers teach and learners learn. They consider its purposes on teaching about the past in a world of accelerating change. The book sets out to explore the realities of classroom history teaching and to offer pointers for the development on the subject in a new century.
Gathers writings by the Viennese psychoanalyst concerning infant analysis, Oedipal conflicts, anxiety situations, symbol formation, and envy.
A strikingly new account of the impact of the French Revolution in Paris, across the French countryside, and around the globe The French Revolution has fascinated, perplexed, and inspired for more than two centuries. It was a seismic event that radically transformed France and launched shock waves across the world. In this provocative new history, Peter McPhee draws on a lifetime's study of eighteenth-century France and Europe to create an entirely fresh account of the world's first great modern revolution-its origins, drama, complexity, and significance. Was the Revolution a major turning point in French-even world-history, or was it instead a protracted period of violent upheaval and warfare that wrecked millions of lives? McPhee evaluates the Revolution within a genuinely global context: Europe, the Atlantic region, and even farther. He acknowledges the key revolutionary events that unfolded in Paris, yet also uncovers the varying experiences of French citizens outside the gates of the city: the provincial men and women whose daily lives were altered-or not-by developments in the capital. Enhanced with evocative stories of those who struggled to cope in unpredictable times, McPhee's deeply researched book investigates the changing personal, social, and cultural world of the eighteenth century. His startling conclusions redefine and illuminate both the experience and the legacy of France's transformative age of revolution.
This edition of Will Kymlicka's best selling critical introduction to contemporary political theory has been fully revised to include discussion of the most recent literature on the various schools of thought. The book now includes two new chapters on citizenship and multiculturalism, in addition to updated chapters on utilitarianism, liberal egalitarianism, libertarianism, socialism, communitarianism, and feminism.
This ground breaking text provides the ideal introduction to the ever-changing field of foreign policy. With a unique combination of theories, actors and cases in a single volume, the expert contributors provide students with a valuable and accessible introduction to what foreign policy is and how it is conducted. With an emphasis throughout on grounding theory in empirical examples, the textbook features a section dedicated to relevant and topical case studies where foreign policy analysis approaches and theories are applied. The expert team of contributors clearly conveys the connection between international relations theory, political science, and the development of foreign policy analysis, emphasizing the key debates in the academic community. The text is accompanied by an Online Resource Centre, which provides additional resources for both lecturers and students. For students: - Expand your reading with web links organized by chapter that point you to pertinent articles and useful websites. - Test your understanding of key terms with the flashcard glossary. - Explore the evolution of foreign policy analysis by following an interactive timeline For lecturers: - Use the adaptable PowerPoint slides as the basis for lecture presentations, or as hand-outs in class. - Find out how to use case studies in your teaching with our guide to using case studies - Use the simulation exercises to help your students explore negotiations and debates
The Global Casino is an introduction to environmental issues which deals both with the workings of the physical environment and with the political, economic and social frameworks in which the issues occur. Using examples from all over the world, the book highlights the underlying causes behind environmental problems, the human actions which have made them issues, and the hopes for solutions. It is a book about the human impact on the environment and the ways in which the natural environment impacts human society. The sixth edition has been fully revised and updated throughout, with new case studies, figures, and online resources including a complete lecture course for tutors and multiple-choice questions for students. New concepts and topics covered for the first time in this edition include the green economy, the forest transition model, marine microplastic pollution, urban disasters, decommissioning of big dams, and the start of the Anthropocene. Recent international initiatives covered include the Paris Agreement on climate change, the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, and the Sendai Framework for managing disaster risk. New case studies include Morocco's Noor concentrated solar power plant, desert recovery in Kuwait, and river management on the Huang Ho. Eighteen chapters on key issues follow three initial chapters which outline the background contexts of the physical and human environments and the concept of sustainable development. Each chapter provides historical context for key issues, outlines why they have arisen, and highlights areas of controversy and uncertainty to appraise how issues can be resolved both technically and in political and economic frameworks. Each chapter also contains an updated critical guide to further reading - many of them open access - and websites, as well as discussion points and essay questions. The text can be read in its entirety or individual chapters adopted as standalone reading. This book is an essential resource for students of the environment, geography, earth sciences and development studies. It provides comprehensive and inspirational coverage of all the major global environmental issues of the day in a style that is clear and critical.
Consulting psychology is rapidly growing yet sometimes underappreciated discipline whose goal is to apply psychological science to consultation at three levels: individual, group, and organizational. This foundational volume of the Fundamentals of Consulting Psychology series translates theory and research into a concise, easy-to-read introduction to the field. Case examples help to illustrate the rewarding and important work of consulting psychologists, which includes coaching individuals, assessing and improving work group dynamics, and enhancing organizational systems and processes.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is arguably the most well-known statistic in the contemporary world, and certainly amongst the most powerful. It drives government policy and sets priorities in a variety of vital social fields - from schooling to healthcare. Yet for perhaps the first time since it was invented in the 1930s, this popular icon of economic growth has come to be regarded by many as a 'problem'. After all, does our quality of life really improve when our economy grows 2 or 3%? Can we continue to sacrifice the environment to safeguard a vision of the world based on the illusion of infinite economic growth? In Gross Domestic Problem, Lorenzo Fioramonti takes apart the 'content' of GDP - what it measures, what it doesn't and why - and reveals the powerful political interests that have allowed it to dominate today's economies. He also demonstrates how GDP has little if any relevance to moral principles such as equity, social justice and redistribution, and shows that an alternative is possible, as evinced by the 'de-growth' movement and initiatives such as transition towns. A startling insight into the politics of a number that has come to dominate our everyday lives. Gross Domestic Problem does not, however, stop at the problem. What is invigorating about this book is that it provides a thorough and up-to-date picture of the various initiatives that have emerged to demote the role of GDP - from high profile initiatives lead by international organisations such as the OECD, to alternative local currencies in the streets of south London and the mountains of south Germany.
`There are few people who can write about research methods in a lively and engaging way, but Miles and Banyard are amongst them. As well as being an exceptionally clear introduction to research methods, it is full of amusing asides and anecdotes that make you want to read more. A hugely enjoyable book' - Dr Andy Field, University of Sussex Understanding and Using Statistics in Psychology takes the fear out of psychological statistics to help students understand why statistics are carried out, how to choose the best test and how to carry out the tests and understand them. Taking a non-technical approach, it encourages the reader to understand why a particular test is being used and what the results mean in the context of a psychological study, focusing on meaning and understanding rather than mindless numerical calculation. Key features include: - A light and accessible style - Descriptions of the most commonly used statistical tests and the principles that underlie them - Real world examples to aid the understanding of why statistics are valuable - Boxes on common errors, tips and quotes - Test yourself questions The perfect introductory resource, Understanding and Using Statistics in Psychology will guide any student new to statistics effortlessly through the process of test selection and analysis.
Does life have any meaning for you? Is it possible to create meaning? What do you think life is about? Do you think life is worth living? These questions, taken from the text of Rethinking Our World, challenge the reader to look critically and creatively at many of society’s traditional beliefs. They encourage readers to look at their world differently by asking questions about change, identity and direction. The authors outline the major figures and basic principles of each philosophy, then analyse the type of thinking each approach encourages. They go on to challenge readers to examine ways in which the different approaches can be used to understand the world. Rethinking Our World will be invaluable to undergraduate students in the human and social sciences, as well as to a more general readership seeking an understanding of the arguments in the major philosophies.
As sustainable development becomes an increasingly important strategic issue for all organizations, there is a growing need for management and executive education to adapt to this new reality. This textbook provides a theoretically sound and highly relevant introduction to the topic of socially and environmentally responsible business. The authors take a "competence-based approach" to responsible management education. The book aims to go beyond the traditional domains of teaching and towards the facilitation of learning across key competences. Each chapter in this book has a section dedicated to exercises that cover five core competences - know, think, do, relate, be - to enable self-directed transformative learning. Drawing from the classic background theories such as corporate sustainability, business ethics, and corporate social responsibility, these concepts are applied to the most up-to-date practices. The book covers an international perspective, featuring cases from countries all around the world, has a strong theoretical basis, and fully integrates the topics of sustainability, responsibility and ethics.The book includes a wide variety of tools for change at individual, company and systemic levels. Published with the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), a United Nations Global Compact supported initiative, this is both an essential resource for business students at all levels and self-study handbook for executives.
It is easy for newcomers to educational research to be confused by the wide range of terms used in the field and consequently for them to find it challenging to relate such terms to their own research and practice. This comprehensive guide consists of 120 concise but illuminative essays providing: - an explanation and definition of the term - alternative explanations and definitions of the term - the context in which it is used by educational researchers - exemplars as to how the term is used and used be used in practice - references to further literature - cross-references to other terms in the book.
How can social workers, psychologists and counsellors improve communication with their clients? What can these facilitators do to enhance their listening and empathic skills? How can they create an environment of trust in which clients - be they individuals, goups, families, or communities - can develop and grow effectively? Person-Centred Facilitation presents the theory and practice of the person-centred approach to facilitating counselling, as developed by Carl Rogers. The text provides an introduction to the person-centred approach in relation to individuals, groups, families and communities. It offers a solid theoretical grounding which supports both academic learning and applied practice, and guides readers' understanding and self-development. Revised and updated, the fourth edition integrates values from an African cultural perspective, and reflects the importance of social justice as an element of the developmental counselling process. It offers a wealth of South African case studies, an entirely new section on family counselling, and an expanded focus on group work counselling. Other expanded areas include aspects of constructivism; cross-cultural communication; people in conflict, and the self of the facilitator, the latter two aspects having been integrated into the text of the various chapters.
HEALTH, SAFETY, AND NUTRITION FOR THE YOUNG CHILD, 9th Edition, covers contemporary health, safety, and nutrition needs of infant through school-age children--and guides teachers in implementing effective classroom practices--in one comprehensive, full-color volume. Concepts are backed by the latest research findings and linked to NAEYC standards. The book emphasizes the importance of respecting and partnering with families to help children establish healthy lifestyles and achieve their learning potential. Early childhood educators, professionals, and families will find the latest research and information on many topics of significant concern, including food safety, emergency and disaster preparedness, childhood obesity, children's mental health, bullying, resilience, chronic and acute health conditions, environmental quality, and children with special medical needs. Also provided are easy-to-access checklists, guidelines, and activities that no early childhood student or professional should be without.
A straightforward, comprehensive, and approachable guide to research as practiced by social scientists, the Fourteenth Edition of this “gold-standard” book gives readers the tools they need to apply research concepts practically, as both a researcher and a consumer. The author emphasizes the process by showing readers how to design and construct projects, introducing the various observation modes in use today, and answering critical questions about research methods-such as how to conduct online surveys and analyze both qualitative and quantitative data.
Using engaging stories and clear writing, HUMANITY: AN INTRODUCTION TO CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY, Tenth Edition, introduces cultural anthropology within a solid framework centered on globalization and culture change. Peoples and Bailey focus on the social and cultural consequences of globalization, emphasizing culture change and world problems. The book's engaging narrative provides new ways of looking at many of the challenges facing the world in this century. As you explore contemporary issues including recent debates on gay marriage, cultural and economic globalization, population growth, hunger, and the survival of indigenous cultures, you will gain a better understanding of the cultural information you need to successfully navigate in today's global economy. The authors emphasize the diversity of humanity and reveal why an appreciation and tolerance of cultural differences is critical in the modern world.
This exciting new edition delivers the comprehensive, detailed and sound conceptual framework that is essential in the management and supervision of social work. It offers a unique approach through its dual focus on management and supervision, providing a critical analysis of the contemporary debates related to the issues and challenges specific to social work management and the supervision of social workers. The content draws on South African and African practice examples throughout, as well as relevant research that can also be applied to other social service professions and courses. |
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