Books > Religion & Spirituality > Alternative belief systems > Contemporary non-Christian & para-Christian cults & sects > Spiritualism
Este libro consta de diferentes Decretos y Meditaciones en audio y
escritas de tal forma que cuando se lee u oye, la energ a se
integra en el cuerpo f sico.Conforme se van integrando las energ as
se va elevando la vibraci n celular.Al elevar la vibraci n celular
el cuerpo f sico se va sanando y regenerando.Este sistema 40 D as,
est dise ado para poder detener, una vez finalizado, el proceso de
envejecimiento y activar el Manantial de la Eterna Juventud.Cada d
a hay m?'s personas en todo el mundo que lo est n experimentado en
su propia piel, recobrando la vitalidad y la salud.Esto es ya, hoy
en d a, una realidad Innegable. El que la experimente por s mismo
depende solo y exclusivamente de usted. El sistema para poder
lograrlo lo tiene ahora mismo en sus manos.40 D AS, primera parte
del m todo Pempenides especial nominativo El Libro de la Vida,
recoge el sistema completo de los 7 Chacras con sus 49 puertas,
m?'s 46 meditaciones del rbol de la Vida de 10 s firas, y el
Decreto para la erradicaci n del rbol de la Ciencia del Bien y del
Mal (hormona de la muerte), am n de otros diversos Decretos.El M
todo Pempenides especial nominativo El Libro de la Vida, consta de
varias partes y ha sido escrito en esta poca por el actual Regente
Planetario siguiendo las instrucciones del Logos Planetario.Este m
todo ha sido transmitido directamente por Sanat Kumara "el
iniciador nico planetario" como gu a precisa para alcanzar r
pidamente la ascensi n.El M todo Pempenides al completo contiene la
transmisi n de energ as de las 256 puertas del sistema de chacras
de la QUINTA DIMENSI N, y las transmisiones del YO SOY EL ALPHA Y
LA OMEGA: el primero y el ltimo, el que hab a de venir, El
An inspiring and compelling collection of questions and answers are
posed to Omni, a non-physcial group entity channeled through John
Payne. Omni is primarily concerned with communicating the four
principals of creation which form the core of his teachings, all
centering around the idea that the creative aspect of the universe
is a natural part of our being. The Omni material offers candid,
uplifting and inspiring answers to questions about abortion,
sexuality, suicide, money, health, personal development and
decision-making. The all encompassing message that Omni relates is
that all is okay with humanity--we are evolving without
encountering the prophesied disasters--and will continue to be okay
as we gently unfold our potential. John Payne is a gifted and
internationally known trance channel and metaphysical teacher who
studied Light Body with Sanaya Roman some years ago. He now travels
the globe offering workshops and lecturing in Germany, the U.S.,
South Africa, Scandinavia, Croatia and the Netherlands. Payne is
well-known on the internet, having a prominent position on
Spiritweb, the web's largest new age site. He has also written
articles for several U.S. based metaphysical journals, such as the
Sedona Journal of Emergence, Horizons, and the Auroran, and is a
regular contributor to Namaste Magazine in South Africa.
Inusual obra que plantea al hombre comun y corriente, los
principios generales de "la maxja negra pura" (nerometamaxja),
desde sus fundamentos mas primarios.
Dirigido especialmente a quienes husmean este proverbial arte,
ya sea con el afan de dedicarse a ello, o al menos, concebir cual
es el aparato que yace detras de sus misterios, pese no obstante,
haber chocado siempre con los mismos enchiridiones que jamas
En consecuencia, por el bien de ellos y la cultura; este tratado
-propio del campo de la hechiceria-, se reinscribe esnobistamente,
proyectado a difuminar sus mas sordidos enigmas, como nadie antes
lo hizo. En 7 capitulos, 488 paginas, 102.143 palabras, estan
cifradas las claves del conocimiento promedio de la nerometamaxja
(nombre tecnico de la maxja negra revisada), cuyos secretos
esenciales se ponen al alcance de quien lo quiera...
Aparece, hoy mismo, cuando las aprehensiones moralizantes son
aplastadas por la racionalidad gnoseologica de los tiempos, y
cuando las persecuciones y la hoguera son vistas como prejuicios
del pasado.
Se espera que la ancestral semilla de este disidente oficio,
retalle ahora sin acodos, despejando tal vez alguna necesidad
espiritual y por el bien del discernimiento humano.
A mystical experience, no matter what else, is a subjective
occurrence in the psyche. However, when it appears in the
psychoanalytic consulting room, its origin, content, and meaning
are unknowable. Yet it is there in the room, and it must be
addressed. It is not a minor illusion but rather one that requires
attention as its occurrence may lead to a profound alteration of
consciousness and, as Carl Jung suggests, a cure for neurosis.
Leslie Stein interviewed twenty-nine mystics in order to understand
the origin, progression, phasing, emotions, and individual
variations of a mystical experience in order to make sense of how
it should be addressed, the appropriate analytic attitude in the
face of a mystery, the way to work with its content, and its
psychological meaning. In doing so, he uncovered that there may be
specific development markers that create a proclivity to be
receptive to such an experience that has clinical significance for
A mystical experience, no matter what else, is a subjective
occurrence in the psyche. However, when it appears in the
psychoanalytic consulting room, its origin, content, and meaning
are unknowable. Yet it is there in the room, and it must be
addressed. It is not a minor illusion but rather one that requires
attention as its occurrence may lead to a profound alteration of
consciousness and, as Carl Jung suggests, a cure for neurosis.
Leslie Stein interviewed twenty-nine mystics in order to understand
the origin, progression, phasing, emotions, and individual
variations of a mystical experience in order to make sense of how
it should be addressed, the appropriate analytic attitude in the
face of a mystery, the way to work with its content, and its
psychological meaning. In doing so, he uncovered that there may be
specific development markers that create a proclivity to be
receptive to such an experience that has clinical significance for
In Lily Dale, New York, the dead don't die. Instead, they flit
among the elms and stroll along the streets. According to
spiritualists who have ruled this community for five generations,
the spirits never go away--and they stay anything but quiet. Every
summer twenty thousand guests come to consult the town's mediums in
hopes of communicating with dead relatives or catching a glimpse of
the future. Weaving past with present, the living with the dead,
award-winning journalist and bestselling author Christine Wicker
investigates the longings for love and connection that draw
visitors to "the Dale," introducing us to a colorful cast of
characters along the way--including such famous visitors as Susan
B. Anthony, Harry Houdini, and Mae West. Laugh-out-loud funny at
times, this honest portrayal shows us that ultimately it doesn't
matter what we believe; it is belief itself that can transform us
Renowned psychic and ghostbuster Katie Coutts really can talk to
ghosts. In this book, she recounts her own ghostly experiences,
with spine-tingling and often humorous case studies of notorious
and not-so-notorious ghosts. She introduces to the ghosts she has
known, from the phantom horseman to the ghost who made the bed!
Contents: * Introduction Katie Coutts and her amazing paranormal
work. * Katie's own encounters with ghosts, including the Germans
soldiers who wouldn't go home and the car that moved by itself. *
The ghostly experiences of some of her clients, such as the
remorseful nun and the sister that never was. * Famous ghosts -
Katie reinterprets many well-known ghost stories. * Ghost stories
from readers of Katie's column in the Sun - the best 25 out of the
thousands she has received.
Discover your unique gifts and dare to be different with this
companion study guide from #1 New York Times bestselling author and
renowned Bible teacher, Joyce Meyer. God has given you gifts so you
can fulfill His purpose for your life, but if you're like a lot of
people, you may not have recognized your talents yet. Start asking
God to show you something special about the way He's made you. To
some people, He's given a very tender, compassionate heart, and
some He has wired to lead others effectively. Others, He has given
a gift of being able to communicate clearly, to teach, to make
scientific discoveries, or to write beautiful music. Only you can
discover all the dynamic gifts He's placed in you. God is never
going to help you be anyone but yourself, so learn to become
Authentically, Uniquely You with the practical teaching formats in
this companion study guide. God loves you just as you are! Let Him
use you, with all your strengths and weaknesses, and transform you
from the inside out to do something powerful beyond your wildest
Originally published in 1974, Ritual in Industrial Society is based
on several years' research including interviews and observations
into the importance of ritual in industrial society within modern
Britain. The book addresses how identity and meaning for people of
all occupations and social classes can be derived through rituals
and provides an expansive and diverse examination of how rituals
are used in society, including in birth, marriage and death. The
book offers an examination into the use of symbolic action in the
body to articulate experiences which words cannot adequately handle
and suggests that this enables modern men and women to overcome the
mind-body splits which characterise modern technological society.
In addition to this, the book examines ritual as a tool for
articulating and sharing religious experiences, a point often
overlooked by more intellectual approaches to religion in
sociology. In addition to this, the book covers an exploration into
ritual in social groups and how this is used to develop a sense of
belonging among members. The book will be of interest to
sociologists as well as academics of religion and theology, social
workers and psychotherapists.
Wonder and Skepticism in the Middle Ages explores the response by
medieval society to tales of marvels and the supernatural, which
ranged from firm belief to outright rejection, and asks why the
believers believed, and why the skeptical disbelieved. Despite
living in a world whose structures more often than not supported
belief, there were still a great many who disbelieved, most notably
scholastic philosophers who began a polemical programme against
belief in marvels. Keagan Brewer reevaluates the Middle Ages'
reputation as an era of credulity by considering the evidence for
incidences of marvels, miracles and the supernatural and
demonstrating the reasons people did and did not believe in such
things. Using an array of contemporary sources, he shows that
medieval responders sought evidence in the commonality of a report,
similarity of one event to another, theological explanations and
from people with status to show that those who believed in marvels
and miracles did so only because the wonders had passed evidentiary
testing. In particular, he examines both emotional and rational
reactions to wondrous phenomena, and why some were readily accepted
and others rejected. This book is an important contribution to the
history of emotions and belief in the Middle Ages.
In Mystical Theology and Contemporary Spiritual Practice several
leading scholars explore key themes within the Christian mystical
tradition, contemporary and historical. The overall aim of the book
is to demonstrate the relevance of mystical theology to
contemporary spiritual practice. Attention is given to the works of
Baron von Hugel, Vladimir Lossky, Margery Kempe, Ludwig
Wittgenstein, Thomas Merton, and Francisco de Osuna, as well as to
a wide range of spiritual practices, including pilgrimage,
spiritual direction, contemplative prayer and the quotidian
spirituality of the New Monasticism. Christian mystical theology is
shown to be a living tradition, which has vibrant and creative new
expressions in contemporary spiritual practice. It is argued that
mystical theology affirms something both ordinary and extraordinary
which is fundamental to the Christian experience of prayer.
In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries secular French
scholars started re-engaging with religious ideas, particularly
mystical ones. Mysticism in the French Tradition introduces key
philosophical undercurrents and trajectories in French thought that
underpin and arise from this engagement, as well as considering
earlier French contributions to the development of mysticism.
Filling a gap in the literature, the book offers critical
reflections on French scholarship in terms of its engagement with
its mystical and apophatic dimensions. A multiplicity of factors
converge to shape these encounters with mystical theology:
feminist, devotional and philosophical treatments as well as
literary, historical, and artistic approaches. The essays draw
these into conversation. Bringing together an international and
interdisciplinary range of contributions from both new and
established scholars, this book provides access to the melting pot
out of which the mystical tradition in France erupted in the
twenty-first century, and from which it continues to challenge
theology today.
Exploration of the interface between mystical theology and
continental philosophy is a defining feature of the current
intellectual and even devotional climate. But to what extent and in
what depth are these disciplines actually speaking to one another;
or even speaking about the same phenomena? This book draws together
original contributions by leading and emerging international
scholars, delineating emerging debates in this growing and dynamic
field of research, and spanning mystical and philosophical
traditions from the ancient, to the medieval, modern, and
contemporary. At the heart of which lies Meister Eckhart, perhaps
the single most influential Christian mystic for modern times. The
book is organised around significant historical and contemporary
figures who speak across the intersections of philosophy and
theology, offering new insights into key interlocutors such as
Pseudo-Dionysius, Augustine, Isaac Luria, Eckhart, Hegel,
Heidegger, Marion, Kierkegaard, Deleuze, Laruelle, and Zizek.
Designed both to contribute to current trends in mystical theology
and philosophy, and elicit dialogue and debate from further afield,
this book speaks within an emerging space exploring the retrieval
of the mystical within a post-secular context.
An in-depth exploration of the practice, relevance, and purpose of
spirit marriage around the world * Presents interviews with ten
contemporary practitioners of spirit marriage, exploring how the
relationship developed and the opportunities and challenges *
Discusses the author's own spirit marriage, including her awakening
as an erotic mystic and her encounters with her Faery beloved *
Explains how to cultivate a spirit marriage, sharing precautions
and practices to spiritually prepare yourself and navigate the
potential challenges of spirit marriage Exploring the phenomenon of
the spirit spouse or spirit lover--an entity to which a human is
psychically bonded--Megan Rose, Ph.D., examines the practice and
purpose of spirit marriage around the world, presenting
transcultural evidence of this form of sacred union in
anthropological research, religious literature, mythology,
folklore, and the oral tradition. She shares her in-depth
interviews with ten contemporary practitioners of spirit marriage,
including a Faery Seer, a Shakta Tantric, a West African Shrine
Keeper, a New Orleans Voodoo Mambo, Haitian Vodou practitioners,
and a ceremonial magician. Through these respectful interviews, the
spirit-marriage practitioners tell their stories of initiation and
of having a spouse who is both otherworldly and able to assist in
waking- world activities. They offer intimate insight into this
growing global practice and its larger evolutionary purpose. We
learn about their experiences of first contact, the decision to
marry, how the relationship is upheld by their community, and the
impact on their other relationships. We also learn about the risks
and challenges as well as one example of divorcing a spirit.
Sharing her personal experience, the author discusses in detail her
own spirit marriage, including the erotic nature of being "spirit
filled" and her encounters with her Faery beloved. She explains how
to cultivate a spirit marriage, sharing precautions and practices
to spiritually prepare yourself, interpret your paranormal
encounters, and navigate the potential challenges of spirit
marriage. Presenting the first study of the transcultural,
shamanistic practice of spirit marriage, this book shows how bonded
relationships with spirits are needed now more than ever to assist
with spiritual evolution.
Betty Shine has spent a lifetime as a healer, giving her a unique insight into everybody's needs and helping her to influence people to be free spirits.But Betty's abilities have also allowed her to strike up the most amazing rapport with animals. She has a remarkable collection of stories to tell of how she has communicated with and healed dogs, cats and horses, how she has found lost pets, saved game birds from slaughter, and even been able to protect people halfway round the world from attack by wild dogs. She also has incredible success with plants, and has cleared insect infestations with the power of thought.Written in the intimate and conversational style of her previous books, this new examination of the power of the mind will be welcomed by both her devoted readers and anyone who has a desire to make our world a better place.
In the twenty-five years that Betty Shine has studied Mind Energy, the force that she herself discovered, the world of science has grown up. But scientists always make the same mistake: they fail to distinguish between the physical grey matter, the Brain, and the wonderful source of life itself, the Mind. 'The Infinite Mind' presents the proof for the existence of the Mind independent of the biological functions of the Brain. Drawing on a wide range of remarkable personal; stories about survival evidence and contact with coma patients, including those involving celebrities from the worlds of entertainment and football, Betty Shine's irrefutable evidence and observations will inspire individuals from all walks of life to re-examine their beliefs. ''Betty is funny and warm, and there is nothing superhuman about her manner. But some of the things she takes for granted would send shivers down the normal spine.'' ANGELA LEVIN, 'Daily Mail'