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Books > Earth & environment > Earth sciences > Structure & properties of the Earth
Covering a key connection between geological processes and life on Earth, this multidisciplinary volume describes the effects of volcanism on the environment by combining present-day observations of volcanism and environmental changes with information from past eruptions preserved in the geologic record. The book discusses the origins, features and timing of volumetrically large volcanic eruptions; methods for assessing gas and tephra release in the modern day and the palaeo-record; and the impacts of volcanic gases and aerosols on the environment, from ozone depletion to mass extinctions. The significant advances that have been made in recent years in quantifying and understanding the impacts of present and past volcanic eruptions are presented and review chapters are included, making this a valuable book for academic researchers and graduate students in volcanology, climate science, palaeontology, atmospheric chemistry, and igneous petrology.
The inner core is a planet within a planet: a hot sphere with a mass of one hundred quintillion tons of iron and nickel that lies more than 5000 kilometres beneath our feet. It plays a crucial role in driving outer core fluid motion and the geodynamo, which generates the Earth's magnetic field. This book is the first to provide a comprehensive review of past and contemporary research on the Earth's inner core from a seismological perspective. Chapters cover the collection, processing and interpretation of seismological data, as well as our current knowledge of the structure, anisotropy, attenuation, rotational dynamics, and boundary of the inner core. Reviewing the latest research and suggesting new seismological techniques and future avenues, it is an essential resource for both seismologists and non-seismologists interested in this fascinating field of research. It will also form a useful resource for courses in seismology and deep Earth processes.
The author gives a systematic account of various Earth Movements. These comprise Earthquakes, or the sudden violent movements of the ground; Earth Tremors, or minute movements which escape our attention by the smallness of their amplitude; Earth Pulsations, or movements which are overlooked on account of the length of their period; and lastly, Earth Oscillations, or movements of long period and large amplitude which attract so much attention from their geological importance.
Originally prepared for the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, this is the first comprehensive assessment of global volcanic hazards and risk, presenting the state of the art in our understanding of global volcanic activity. It examines our assessment and management capabilities, and considers the preparedness of the global scientific community and government agencies to manage volcanic hazards and risk. Particular attention is paid to volcanic ash, the most frequent and wide-ranging volcanic hazard. Of interest to government officials, the private sector, students and researchers, this book is a key resource for the disaster risk reduction community and for those interested in volcanology and natural hazards. A non-technical summary is included for policy makers. Regional volcanic hazard profiles, with invaluable information on volcanic hazards and risk at the local, national and global scale, are provided online. This title is available as an Open Access eBook via Cambridge Books Online.
A Rigorous and Definitive Guide to Soil Liquefaction Soil liquefaction occurs when soil loses much of its strength or stiffness for a time-usually a few minutes or less-and which may then cause structural failure, financial loss, and even death. It can occur during earthquakes, from static loading, or even from traffic-induced vibration. It occurs worldwide and affects soils ranging from gravels to silts. From Basic Physical Principles to Engineering Practice Soil Liquefaction has become widely cited. It is built on the principle that liquefaction can, and must, be understood from mechanics. This second edition is developed from this premise in three respects: with the inclusion of silts and sandy silts commonly encountered as mine tailings, by an extensive treatment of cyclic mobility and the cyclic simple shear test, and through coverage from the "element" scale seen in laboratory testing to the evaluation of "boundary value problems" of civil and mining engineering. As a mechanics-based approach is necessarily numerical, detailed derivations are provided for downloadable open-code software (in both Excel/VBA and C++) including code verifications and validations. The "how-to-use" aspects have been expanded as a result of many conversations with other engineers, and these now cover the derivation of soil properties from laboratory testing through to assessing the in situ state by processing the results of cone penetration testing. Downloadable software is supplied on www.crcpress.com/product/isbn/9781482213683 Includes derivations in detail so that the origin of the equations is apparent Provides samples of source code so that the reader can see how complex-looking differentials actually have pretty simple form Offers a computable constitutive model in accordance with established plasticity theory Contains case histories of liquefaction Makes available downloads and source data on the CRC Press website Soil Liquefaction: A Critical State Approach, Second Edition continues to cater to a wide range of readers, from graduate students through to engineering practice.
Based on the field investigation and the summary of the published research results of the April 20, 2013, Lushan, Sichuan, China, MS7.0 earthquake, having occurred along the same fault zone which accommodated the May 12, 2008, Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake, this Brief tries to describe and discuss the special earthquake phenomenology associated with both the local geology and the changing society. Since the occurrence of this earthquake, there have been the scientific debates on (1) the seismo-tectonics of this earthquake which has no primary seismic fault discovered on the surface of the ground; (2) the relation between this earthquake and the Wenchuan earthquake (i.e., whether it can be considered as one of the aftershocks); and (3) how well have been accomplished in the reduction of earthquake disasters, 5 years after the Wenchuan earthquake. This Brief also tries to introduce the studies and practice of Chinese seismological agencies for the reduction of earthquake disasters. Due to language and cultural barriers, such an introduction makes sense not only for English readers but also for Chinese readers. For example, people (abroad) are always asking why there are so many Chinese seismologists working on earthquake prediction. In fact the Chinese wording 'earthquake prediction' has a much wider coverage than that in English. And actually the Chinese approach to (time-dependent) seismic hazard has no systematic difference from outside world in its methodology.
Glacially triggered faulting describes movement of pre-existing faults caused by a combination of tectonic and glacially induced isostatic stresses. The most impressive fault-scarps are found in northern Europe, assumed to be reactivated at the end of the deglaciation. This view has been challenged as new faults have been discovered globally with advanced techniques such as LiDAR, and fault activity dating has shown several phases of reactivation thousands of years after deglaciation ended. This book summarizes the current state-of-the-art research in glacially triggered faulting, discussing the theoretical aspects that explain the presence of glacially induced structures and reviews the geological, geophysical, geodetic and geomorphological investigation methods. Written by a team of international experts, it provides the first global overview of confirmed and proposed glacially induced faults, and provides an outline for modelling these stresses and features. It is a go-to reference for geoscientists and engineers interested in ice sheet-solid Earth interaction.
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1826 edition. Excerpt: ... to have consisted of sulphuretted hydrogen. e Some days afterwards the neighbouring waters grew hot, and many dead fish were thrown upon the shore. A frightful subterranean noise was at the same time heard, long streams of fire rose from the ground, and stones continued to be thrown out, until the rocks became joined to the Wliite Island originally existing. r Showers of ashes and pumice extended over the sea, even to the coasts of Asia Minor and the Dardanelles, and destroyed all the productions of the earth in Santorino. These, and similar frightful appearances continued round the island for nearly a year, after which nothing remained of them but a dense smoke. On the 15th July, 1708, the same observer had the courage to attempt visiting the island, but when his boat approached within 500 paces of it, the boiling heat of the water deterred him from proceeding. He made another trial, but wasdriven back by a cloud of smoke and cinders that proceeded from the principal crater. This was followedhy ejections of red-hot stones, from which he very narrowly escaped. The mariners remarked that the heat of the water had carried away all the pitch from their vessel.. During lb? tell. $1bSeq1Bm years, the volcanic action had given rise to several other eruptions, but the same reporter states, that in 1712 all was quiet, and no other indication of szzvrozuzvo. the kind existed, excepting a quantity of sulphur and bitumen, which floated on, without mixing with, the waters. Its circumference at that time was about four miles. It is important, with reference to the natural history of volcanos, to remark that in this case, as in many others, the mountain appears to have been elevated, before the crater existed, or gaseous matters were...
Intraplate earthquakes occur away from tectonic plate boundaries: their locations are difficult to predict, risking huge damage and loss of life. The 2001 Bhuj earthquake (featured in this book) was the largest intraplate earthquake for three decades and has provided unique insight into these events. This cutting-edge book brings together research from international leading experts in the field. Each chapter provides a comprehensive review of these earthquakes in a different global location, ranging from Australia, China, India and the Sea of Japan, to Western Europe, Brazil, New Madrid (Central USA), and Eastern Canada. They explore similarities and differences between regional features and the mechanical models required to explain them, as well as assessing geophysical techniques used to investigate them. Providing the first global overview of intraplate earthquakes, this is an essential book for academic researchers and professionals in seismology, tectonics, tectonophysics, geodesy, structural geology, earthquake dynamics, geophysics, and structural engineering.
Charles Davison (1858-1940) was a renowned British mathematician and seismologist. In this book, which was first published in 1927, Davison provides a historical study regarding the origins of seismology and the key figures in its development. The text was based upon a series of articles which appeared in the Geological Magazine during 1921, although more material was added subsequently. Illustrative figures and notes are incorporated throughout. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in earthquakes, seismology and the history of science.
The most powerful volcanoes in the Solar System are not on Earth, but on Io, a tiny moon of Jupiter. Whilst Earth and Io are the only bodies in the Solar System to have active, high-temperature volcanoes, those found on Io are larger, hotter, and more violent. This, the first book dedicated to volcanism on Io, contains the latest results from Galileo mission data analysis. As well as investigating the different styles and scales of volcanic activity on Io, it compares these volcanoes to their contemporaries on Earth. The book also provides a background to how volcanoes form and how they erupt, and explains quantitatively how remote-sensing data from spacecraft and telescopes are analysed to reveal the underlying volcanic processes. This richly illustrated book will be a fascinating reference for advanced undergraduates, graduate students and researchers in planetary sciences, volcanology, remote sensing and geology.
Originally published in 1921, as part of the Cambridge Geological Series, this book presents an accessible introduction to seismology. Whilst some historical context is provided, the main aim of the text is to give an outline of its key principles and applications. Numerous illustrative figures and textual notes are also included. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in seismology and the history of science.
Our understanding of stars has grown significantly due to recent advances in asteroseismology, the stellar analog of helioseismology, the study of the Sun's acoustic wave oscillations. Using ground-based and satellite observatories to measure the frequency spectra of starlight, researchers are able to probe beneath a star's surface and map its interior structure. This volume provides a wide-ranging and up-to-date overview of the theoretical, experimental and analytical tools for carrying out front-line research in stellar physics using asteroseismological observations, tools and inferences. Chapters from seven eminent scientists in residence at the twenty-second Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics examine the interior of our Sun relative to data collected from distant stars, how to measure the fundamental parameters of single field stars, diffusion processes, and the effects of rotation on stellar structures. The volume also provides detailed treatments of modeling and computing programs, providing astronomers and graduate students a practical, methods-based guide.
Hans Friedrich Gadow (1855 1928) was a renowned German zoologist, ornithologist and botanist. Originally published in 1930, this book presents Gadow's observations regarding the El Jorullo volcano in central Mexico, with information on its beginnings as a new volcano in 1759 and its effect on the plants and animals of the surrounding region. Illustrative figures and an appendix section are also included. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in botany, zoology and volcanoes.
The Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) is one of the most widely used analysis packages for regional and teleseismic seismic data. For the first time, this book provides users at introductory and advanced levels with a complete guide to SAC. It leads new users of SAC through the steps of learning basic commands, describes the SAC processing philosophy, and presents its macro language in full, supported throughout with example inputs and outputs from SAC. For more experienced practitioners, the book describes SAC's many hidden features, including advanced graphics aspects, its file structure, how to write independent programs to access and create files, and much more. Tutorial exercises engage users with newly acquired skills, providing data and code to implement the standard methods of teleseismic shear-wave splitting and receiver function analysis. Methodical and authoritative, this is a key resource for researchers and graduate students in global seismology, earthquake seismology and geophysics.
The aftershocks of the devastating Lisbon earthquake of 1755 were not only physical: the scientific investigations undertaken in its wake formed the basis of the science of seismology. Published in 1757, the present work is, in the words of its presumed editor, John Bevis (1695-1771), 'a repertory of all that has been written of earthquakes and their causes', and includes several recent papers published by the Royal Society. At the time, scientists suggested subterranean fires or electrical shocks in the atmosphere as possible causes of earthquakes. This reissue also incorporates a brief 1760 work by John Michell (1724/5-93), which uses Bevis' collection as a source and suggests that earthquakes were caused by seismic waves through the earth: it was one of the first to propose that tsunamis were the result of undersea earthquakes. Both these works rank as important steps in the developing understanding of one of nature's most destructive phenomena.
Encapsulating over one hundred years of research developments, this book is a comprehensive manual for measurements of Earth surface temperatures and heat fluxes, enabling better detection and measurement of volcanic activity. With a particular focus on volcanic hot spots, the book explores methodologies and principles used with satellite-, radiometer- and thermal-camera data. It presents traditional applications using satellite and ground based sensors as well as modern applications that have evolved for use with hand-held thermal cameras and is fully illustrated with case studies, databases and worked examples. Chapter topics include techniques for thermal mixture modelling and heat flux derivation, and methods for data collection, mapping and time-series generation. Appendices and online supplements present additional specific notes on areas of sensor application and data processing, supported by an extensive reference list. This book is an invaluable resource for academic researchers and graduate students in thermal remote sensing, volcanology, geophysics and planetary studies.
This book was first published in 2004. There is emerging interest amongst researchers from various subject areas in understanding the interplay of earthquake and volcanic occurrences, archaeology and history. This discipline has become known as archeoseismology. Ancient earthquakes often leave their mark in the myths, legends, and literary accounts of ancient peoples, the stratigraphy of their historical sites, and the structural integrity of their constructions. Such information leads to a better understanding of the irregularities in the time-space patterns of earthquake and volcanic occurrences and whether they could have been a factor contributing to some of the enigmatic catastrophes in ancient times. This book focuses on the historical earthquakes of North and South America, and describes the effects those earthquakes have had with illustrated examples of recent structural damage at archaeological sites. It is written at a level that will appeal to students and researchers in the fields of earth science, archaeology, and history.
The original French edition of this book appeared in 1866 as part of Hachette's extensive, popularising Bibliotheque des Merveilles series, which included several science titles by Frederic Zurcher (1816 90) and Elie Margolle (1816 84). Their books were illustrated with attractive wood-cuts, and remained in print until the 1880s; they were also translated into English. This volume was published in London in 1868, and is a good example of popular science publishing in Victorian Britain. The material is organised geographically, beginning in Europe with Vesuvius, Etna and Icelandic volcanoes including Hecla, all of which had recently seen major eruptions. The authors quote from eyewitness accounts, and refer to scholarly publications on volcanoes including Darwin (1844) and Scrope (1862), also reissued in the Cambridge Library Collection. Later chapters describe oceanic volcanoes, the Andes, the volcanic zone of New Zealand's North Island, and recently discovered volcanoes such as Mt Erebus in Antarctica.
G. F. Rodwell (1843-1905) was researching an entry about Mount Etna for the Encyclopaedia Britannica when he realised that no history of this Italian volcano existed in English. He therefore he began the present work, which was published in 1878. Rodwell starts by looking at classical and literary references before giving a detailed physical description of the volcano. One chapter is devoted to explaining how to climb the mountain - something Rodwell was qualified to do, as he had scaled it himself in 1877. He also gives a historical account of the most dramatic aspect of Etna - its many eruptions, which had first been recorded as early as 525 BCE, while the most recent activity had taken place in 1874, only a few years before Rodwell's ascent. With its focus on history and geology, and inclusion of illustrations and maps, Etna gives a detailed portrait of this famous volcano.
This short but distinctive paper was published in 1835 by Charles Daubeny (1795 1867), who began his career as a physician but soon found his passion to be volcanos. At this time, Daubeny held chairs in chemistry and botany at Oxford. He had made many field trips to European volcanic regions between 1819 and 1825, was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1822, and in 1826 published the first edition of his famous Description of Active and Extinct Volcanos, of which a later version also appears in this series. Here Daubeny describes a winter trip to the Apulia (Puglia) region in the south-east of Italy, rarely described by travel writers of his time, to visit Lake Amsanctus, famously mentioned by Virgil, and the extinct volcano Mount Vultur. Although Daubeny's overall focus is scientific, his account also includes lively descriptions of classical remains and rural society in southern Italy.
Charles Darwin (1809-1882) published Observations on the Volcanic Islands in 1844. It is one of three major geological works resulting from the voyage of the Beagle, and contains detailed geological descriptions of locations visited by Darwin including the Cape Verde archipelago, Mauritius, Ascension Island, St Helena, the Galapagos, and parts of Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Chapter 6 discusses the types of lava found on different oceanic islands. There is an appendix of short contributions by two other scholars: descriptions of fossil shells from Cape Verde, St Helena and Tasmania by G. B. Sowerby and of fossil corals from Tasmania by W. Lonsdale. The book is illustrated with woodcuts, maps and sketches of specimens. It provides valuable insights into one of the most important scientific voyages ever made, and the development of Darwin's ideas on geology.
George Poulett Scrope (1797 1876) was a British geologist who studied at Cambridge, where his teachers included Adam Sedgwick, and who became a close colleague of Charles Lyell. As an undergraduate he developed a lifelong fascination with volcanos, inspired by visits to Vesuvius and Etna. After graduating in 1821 he spent six months exploring extinct volcanos of the Massif Central in France, and he returned to Naples to witness the 1822 eruption of Vesuvius. In 1825 he published Considerations on Volcanos (also reissued in this series), and in 1826 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. His pioneering work on France was originally published in 1827 as Memoir on the Geology of Central France and later revised for the 1858 edition reissued here. It contains detailed descriptions and illustrations of volcanos, and argues that the concept of geological time is important for the understanding of mineralogy and volcanism.
George Julius Poulett Scrope (1797 1876) published Considerations on Volcanos in 1825. The work contains the results of his observations of volcanos in the volcanic regions of central France, Italy and Germany. It includes scientific descriptions of all volcanos in these areas, with each categorised according to its level of activity, main characteristics and geological history. Scope's work was one of the first attempts at a comprehensive theory of volcanic action and an understanding of the significance of volcanos as evidence for the earth's history. Scrope argued that volcanos should be studied in terms of known geological processes, and that 'non-catastrophic' causes should be considered to explain their formation. He argued that a gradual cooling of the earth was key to the formation of volcanos. This is a major work of nineteenth-century geology that sets out many of the principles still followed in vulcanology. |
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