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Books > Earth & environment > Earth sciences > Structure & properties of the Earth
The Omega-Theory: A New Physics of Earthquakes, Second Edition offers a unifying, mathematical framework to describe and answer the most pressing and unexamined dilemmas of earthquake sequences. Those in the fields of seismology and geology are currently faced with a vast and complex mathematical structure, involving many new, natural laws and theorems. This book interprets this structure as a new physical theory and paradigm, helping users understand the tectonic and seismic processes within the Earth. As such, it is an essential resource for future researchers in the fields of structural geology, physics of the Earth, and seismology. In the last decades, generations of seismologists, geophysicists, and geologists have accumulated enough knowledge and information to allow for the reformulation and solution of this essential problem. Hence, this book provides a great resource for researchers and professionals.
Acquisition and Processing of Marine Seismic Data demonstrates the main principles, required equipment, and suitable selection of parameters in 2D/3D marine seismic data acquisition, as well as theoretical principles of 2D marine seismic data processing and their practical implications. Featuring detailed datasets and examples, the book helps to relate theoretical background to real seismic data. This reference also contains important QC analysis methods and results both for data acquisition and marine seismic data processing. Acquisition and Processing of Marine Seismic Data is a valuable tool for researchers and students in geophysics, marine seismics, and seismic data, as well as for oil and gas exploration.
Structure and Tectonics of the Indian Continental Crust and Its Adjoining Region: Deep Seismic Studies, Second Edition, collates essential data from seismic studies of Earth's crust across India, offering an essential understanding of the tectonic development of the Indian subcontinent. Seismic studies have been carried out in various parts of India since 1972, recording crust-related seismic data for determination of velocity-depth configuration and determination of structural patterns. The book examines the details of these studies, including their synthesis and global applications. The book presents both background and applications in one cohesive volume for researchers and students of geophysics and geology.
Volcanoes around the world have their own legends, and many have wrought terrible devastation, but none has caught the imagination like Vesuvius. We now know that immense eruptions destroyed Bronze Age settlements around Vesuvius, but the Romans knew nothing of those disasters and were lulled into complacency-much as we are today-by its long period of inactivity. None of the nearly thirty eruptions since AD 79 has matched the infamous cataclysm that destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum within hours. Nearly two thousand years later, the allure of the volcano remains-as evidenced by its popularity as a tourist attraction, from Shelley and the Romantics to modern-day visitors. Vesuvius has loomed large throughout history, both feared and celebrated. Gillian Darley unveils the human responses to Vesuvius from a cast of characters as far-flung as Pliny the Younger and Andy Warhol, revealing shifts over time. This cultural and scientific meditation on a powerful natural wonder touches on pagan religious beliefs, vulcanology, and travel writing. Sifting through the ashes of Vesuvius, Darley exposes how changes in our relationship to the volcano mirror changes in our understanding of our cultural and natural environments.
The Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) is one of the most widely used analysis packages for regional and teleseismic seismic data. For the first time, this book provides users at introductory and advanced levels with a complete guide to SAC. It leads new users of SAC through the steps of learning basic commands, describes the SAC processing philosophy, and presents its macro language in full, supported throughout with example inputs and outputs from SAC. For more experienced practitioners, the book describes SAC's many hidden features, including advanced graphics aspects, its file structure, how to write independent programs to access and create files, and much more. Tutorial exercises engage users with newly acquired skills, providing data and code to implement the standard methods of teleseismic shear-wave splitting and receiver function analysis. Methodical and authoritative, this is a key resource for researchers and graduate students in global seismology, earthquake seismology and geophysics.
Earthquakes have taught us much about our planet's hidden structure and the forces that have shaped it. This knowledge rests not only on the recordings of seismographs, but also on the observations of eyewitnesses to destruction. During the nineteenth century, a scientific description of an earthquake was built of stories - stories from as many people in as many situations as possible. Sometimes their stories told of fear and devastation, sometimes of wonder and excitement. In "The Earthquake Observers", Deborah R. Coen acquaints readers not only with the century's most eloquent seismic commentators, including Alexander von Humboldt, Charles Darwin, Mark Twain, Charles Dickens, Karl Kraus, Ernst Mach, John Muir, and William James, but also with countless other citizen-observers, many of whom were women. Coen explains how observing networks transformed an instant of panic and confusion into a field for scientific research, turning earthquakes into natural experiments at the nexus of the physical and human sciences. Seismology abandoned this project of citizen science with the introduction of the Richter Scale in the 1930s, only to revive it in the twenty-first century in the face of new hazards and uncertainties. "The Earthquake Observers" tells the history of this interrupted dialogue between scientists and citizens about living with environmental risk.
Volcanoes are essential elements in the delicate global balance of elemental forces that govern both the dynamic evolution of the Earth and the nature of Life itself. Without volcanic activity, life as we know it would not exist on our planet. Although beautiful to behold, volcanoes are also potentially destructive, and understanding their nature is critical to prevent major loss of life in the future. Richly illustrated with over 300 original color photographs and diagrams the book is written in an informal manner, with minimum use of jargon, and relies heavily on first-person, eye-witness accounts of eruptive activity at both "red" (effusive) and "grey" (explosive) volcanoes to illustrate the full spectrum of volcanic processes and their products. Decades of teaching in university classrooms and fieldwork on active volcanoes throughout the world have provided the authors with unique experiences that they have distilled into a highly readable textbook of lasting value. Questions for Thought, Study, and Discussion, Suggestions for Further Reading, and a comprehensive list of source references make this work a major resource for further study of volcanology. Volcanoes maintains three core foci: Global perspectives explain volcanoes in terms of their tectonic positions on Earth and their roles in earth historyEnvironmental perspectives describe the essential role of volcanism in the moderation of terrestrial climate and atmosphereHumanitarian perspectives discuss the major influences of volcanoes on human societies. This latter is especially important as resource scarcities and environmental issues loom over our world, and as increasing numbers of people are threatened by volcanic hazards Readership Volcanologists, advanced undergraduate, and graduate students in earth science and related degree courses, and volcano enthusiasts worldwide.
This book provides an approachable and concise introduction to seismic theory, designed as a first course for undergraduate students. It clearly explains the fundamental concepts, emphasizing intuitive understanding over lengthy derivations. Incorporating over 30% new material, this second edition includes all the topics needed for a one-semester course in seismology. Additional material has been added throughout including numerical methods, 3-D ray tracing, earthquake location, attenuation, normal modes, and receiver functions. The chapter on earthquakes and source theory has been extensively revised and enlarged, and now includes details on non-double-couple sources, earthquake scaling, radiated energy, and finite slip inversions. Each chapter includes worked problems and detailed exercises that give students the opportunity to apply the techniques they have learned to compute results of interest and to illustrate the Earth's seismic properties. Computer subroutines and datasets for use in the exercises are available at www.cambridge.org/shearer.
Introduction to Volcanic Seismology, Third Edition covers all aspects of volcano seismology, specifically focusing on recent studies and developments. This new edition expands on the historical aspects, including updated information on how volcanic seismology was handled in the past (instrumentation, processing techniques, number of observatories worldwide) that is compared to present day tactics. Updated case studies can be found throughout the book, providing information from the most studied volcanoes in the world, including those in Iceland. Additional features include descriptions of analog experiments, seismic networks, both permanent and temporal, and the link between volcanoes, plate tectonics, and mantle plumes. Beginning with an introduction to the history of volcanic seismology, the book then discusses models developed for the study of the origin of volcanic earthquakes of both a volcano-tectonic and eruption nature. In addition, the book covers a variety of topics from the different aspects of volcano-tectonic activity, the seismic events associated with the surface manifestations of volcanic activity, descriptions of eruption earthquakes, volcanic tremor, seismic noise of pyroclastic flows, explosion earthquakes, and the mitigation of volcanic hazards.
This book aims to give an overview on the present state of volcanic lake research, covering topics such as volcano monitoring, the chemistry, dynamics and degassing of acidic crater lakes, mass-energy-chemical-isotopic balance approaches, limnology and degassing of Nyos-type lakes, the impact on the human and natural environment, the eruption products and impact of crater lake breaching eruptions, numerical modeling of gas clouds and lake eruptions, thermo-hydro-mechanical and deformation modeling, CO2 fluxes from lakes, volcanic lakes observed from space, biological activity, continuous monitoring techniques, and some aspects more. We hope to offer an updated manual on volcanic lake research, providing classic research methods, and point towards a more high-tech approach of future volcanic lake research and continuous monitoring.
The Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004 is considered to have been one of the worst natural disasters in history, affecting twelve countries, from Indonesia to Somalia. 175,000 people are believed to have lost their lives, almost 50,000 were registered as missing and 1.7 million people were displaced. As well as this horrendous toll on human life, the tsunami destroyed property worth billions of dollars and ruined many local economies. Based on their experience and analysis of this tsunami, the authors have developed methodologies for predicting and preparing for tsunamis. A basis is provided for a cost-effective warning and preparedness strategy, drawing on the example of existing systems used in earthquake disaster management and tidal wave warning, from genesis to impact. The book comprehensively addresses the fundamentals of tsunami science, identifying potential areas where tsunamis might be generated, predicting the anticipated course of tsunamis and considering how the geophysical, ecological and socioeconomic location of a community may determine the severity of tsunami damage. The authors suggest how precursors can be used to enhance the advance warning time, how tsunamis can be detected at the time of their occurrence, and the manner in which warnings should be communicated to the populations likely to be affected. Finally, improvement in eco-sociological resilience through the application of dual-use technologies is identified as a pivotal aid in allowing coastal communities to be better prepared. The book will be of interest to a global audience of professionals and academics active in seismology, ocean science, meteorology, coastal management, earthquake engineering and disaster management.
Earthquake Prediction is the ultimate goal for geoscientists. This volume presents the latest ideas of the ever fascinating and challenging research of earthquake prediction. Sunspot activity and Coronal mass ejection are considered to be influential phenomena in affecting both the electric as well as the magnetic characteristics of sun-earth environment. All these changes have been observed before the occurrence of earthquakes and tsunami in various parts of the earth. A session on Earthquake Prediction, chaired by Dr. Saumitra Mukerjee was held during the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2005, (Vienna, Austria, April 2005). The EGU General Assembly was able to bring together 8000 geoscientists from all over Europe and the rest of the world into one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth and Planetary Sciences. This book presents the 7 papers presented in the session on Earthquake Prediction.
This study presents an account of electromagnetic phenomena in the earth's crust immediately preceding a tectonic earthquake. The results of experiments performed throughout the last 20 years using data collected from the satellite and ground-based observations are analyzed and form the basis of various conceptual explanations of seismo-electromagnetic phenomena. The authors also present their own theoretical model of the generation of electromagnetic emission in the earth's crust. The tendency for earthquake-prone areas to be used for modern urban and industrial development underlines the significance of this monograph. Its applications are extensive, including defrectoscopy, monitoring stress in mines, and the development of electromagnetic methods of earthquake prediction; and should interest geologists, geophysicists, and specialists in solid-state physics.
Focusing on fundamental concepts, definitions various aspects of siting, this book contains a detailed checklist to help readers conduct a proper siting process to assess the seismic hazards of a given site. The required site investigation techniques are described in detail.
This is a translation of "Fazovie Prevrazheniya i Petrogenez." Earthquakes, tectonic movements and magmatic activities are considered as different manifestations of the same physico-mechanical process. This text discusses characteristics of phase transformation thermodynamics and the origin of magmaic fomrations are discussed.
Principles; Migration in the space-time & frequency domain; Optimised & non-linear migration; Effect of velocity structure inhomogeneity; Pseudo-three-dimensional & three-dimensional migrations; Peculiarities of migration results & technology.
In 1985 in Columbia, more than 23,000 people died due to the government's failure to take seriously scientists' warnings about an imminent volcanic eruption at Nevado del Ruiz. In 1993, at Volcan Galeras, the death toll was smaller but no less tragic: despite seismic data that foretold possible disaster, an expedition of international scientists proceeded into the volcano. Two hours later, nine people were dead.Expertly detailing the turbulent history of Colombia, Victoria Bruce links together the stories of the heroes, villains, survivors, and victims of these two events. No Apparent Danger is a spellbinding account of clashing cultures and the life-and-death consequences of scientific arrogance.
This book presents the most relevant basaltic plateau exposures in the provinces of Neuquen (northern Patagonia) and Santa Cruz (southern Patagonia), and analyzes their geomorphological and morphometric characteristics. The existence of wetland ecosystems near the volcanic plateaus is quantified, thus providing indexes that describe the quantitative relationships between these landscape features. These indexes also make it possible to estimate the development of these wetlands in non-surveyed areas, opening the door for studying remote, isolated areas by means of remote sensing images. In turn, the book proposes a numerical classification system for this type of landscape that summarizes the main geomorphological and hydrological characteristics.teristics.
This book collects 5 keynote and 15 topic lectures presented at the 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (2ECEES), held in Istanbul, Turkey, from August 24 to 29, 2014. The conference was organized by the Turkish Earthquake Foundation - Earthquake Engineering Committee and Prime Ministry, Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency under the auspices of the European Association for Earthquake Engineering (EAEE) and European Seismological Commission (ESC). The book's twenty state-of-the-art papers were written by the most prominent researchers in Europe and address a comprehensive collection of topics on earthquake engineering, as well as interdisciplinary subjects such as engineering seismology and seismic risk assessment and management. Further topics include engineering seismology, geotechnical earthquake engineering, seismic performance of buildings, earthquake-resistant engineering structures, new techniques and technologies and managing risk in seismic regions. The book also presents the Third Ambraseys Distinguished Award Lecture given by Prof. Robin Spence in honor of Prof. Nicholas N. Ambraseys. The aim of this work is to present the state-of-the art and latest practices in the fields of earthquake engineering and seismology, with Europe's most respected researchers addressing recent and ongoing developments while also proposing innovative avenues for future research and development. Given its cutting-edge content and broad spectrum of topics, the book offers a unique reference guide for researchers in these fields. Audience: This book is of interest to civil engineers in the fields of geotechnical and structural earthquake engineering; scientists and researchers in the fields of seismology, geology and geophysics. Not only scientists, engineers and students, but also those interested in earthquake hazard assessment and mitigation will find in this book the most recent advances.
This book discusses three major physical phenomena for active source seismology, namely underwater explosions, underground nuclear explosions, and large-scale on-surface chemical explosions. In particular, contributors consider how to use the technologies and applications in active source seismology and seismo-acoustics, rather than the theoretical approach for the resolution of the forensic explosion seismology in the light of an application for defense sciences. The volume also presents seismological investigations of discrimination between earthquakes and man-made explosions. |
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