Books > Social sciences > Education > Study & learning skills
This book (hardcover) is part of the TREDITION CLASSICS. It
contains classical literature works from over two thousand years.
Most of these titles have been out of print and off the bookstore
shelves for decades. The book series is intended to preserve the
cultural legacy and to promote the timeless works of classical
literature. Readers of a TREDITION CLASSICS book support the
mission to save many of the amazing works of world literature from
oblivion. With this series, tredition intends to make thousands of
international literature classics available in printed format again
- worldwide.
Soft skills have become a game-changing competence in the modern world of work, which demands socially adept, professional leaders who are able to contribute and add value to multiple facets of an organisation. When people understand and learn to control their own behaviour, thoughts, feelings, attitudes and motives, it gives them a definite strategic advantage, both in the workplace and in society. Developing soft skills for success: a guide for modern professionals provides a foundation for cultivating excellence in emerging leaders.
Developing soft skills for success: a guide for modern professionals offers fresh, current and applicable content from a southern African perspective. It includes a range of real-life examples, scenarios and case studies as well as practical group and individual exercises to facilitate learning in an interactive, challenging and fun way.
Developing soft skills for success: a guide for modern professionals is aimed at students in higher education as well as practising professionals and managers.
This text focuses on the motivational regulation in English
language learning of Chinese college students. Considering the
importance and necessity of motivational regulation study in
foreign language learning, it systematically explores strategies
used by Chinese college students to regulate motivation, taking
into account student gender, specialty and English proficiency. The
book considers self-regulated language learning, pointing out the
impact that motivation, language learning strategies, and
motivational regulation have on academic learning and achievement.
Based on surveys of motivational regulation strategies used by
Chinese college students as well as the differences in using
motivational regulation strategies between high and low English
achievers, the volume introduces models of self-regulated learning
and provides a theoretical foundation for the study of motivational
This book focuses on academic writing and how academics who are
experts in their fields can translate their expertise into
publishable form. The magnitude and speed of the changes that are
transforming the global academic landscape produce an ongoing need
for literature that interprets the nature of academic work. This
book arises from the background discipline of Education, which is a
relatively new university subject that draws on the entire
knowledge spectrum from the fine arts to the natural sciences. Each
chapter addresses an aspect of the conditions of written academic
labour in an age of digital publishing: its nature, how it works,
and guidance for successful navigation. This book will provide
helpful guidance to graduate students, researchers and teachers in
universities and higher education, who are united by the challenges
of this new world of academic publishing.
This book presents research involving learning opportunities that
are afforded to learners of science when the focus is on linking
the formal and informal science education sectors. It uses the
metaphor of a "landscape" as it emphasises how the authors see the
possible movement within a landscape that is inclusive of formal,
informal and free-choice opportunities. The book explores
opportunities to change formal school science education via
perspectives and achievements from the informal and free-choice
science education sector within the wider lifelong, life-wide
education landscape. Additionally it explores how science learning
that occurs in a more inclusive landscape can demonstrate the
potential power of these opportunities to address issues of
relevance and engagement that currently plague the learning of
science in school settings. Combining specific contexts, case
studies and more general examples, the book examines the science
learning landscapes by means of the lens of an ecosystem and the
case of the Synergies longitudinal research project. It explores
the relationships between school and museum, and relates the
lessons learned through encounters with a narwhal. It discusses
science communication, school-community partnerships,
socioscientific issues, outreach education, digital platforms and
the notion of a learning ecology.
This book explores what it means to be 'critical' in different
disciplines in higher education and how students can be taught to
be effective critical thinkers. This book clarifies the idea of
critical thinking by investigating the 'critical' practices of
academics across a range of disciplines. Drawing on key theorists -
Wittgenstein, Geertz, Williams, Halliday - and using a
'textographic' approach, the book explores how the concept of
critical thinking is understood by academics and also how it is
constructed discursively in the texts and practices they employ in
their teaching. Critical thinking is one of the most widely
discussed concepts in debates on university learning. For many, the
idea of teaching students to be critical thinkers characterizes
more than anything else the overriding purpose of 'higher
education'. But whilst there is general agreement about its
importance as an educational ideal, there is surprisingly little
agreement about what the concept means exactly. Also at issue is
how and what students need to be taught in order to be properly
critical in their field. This searching monograph seeks answers to
these important questions.
Elementary Surveying is regarded as something more than a mere
adjunct to mathematics and geography, it appeared to the writer
that there might be a place for a little book which aims at opening
a vista of the educational and professional possibilities of the
subject, presenting it as the application of a few general
geometrical principles rather than something akin to a handicraft
with each operation an entity. It is hoped this book will stimulate
enthusiasm among those who contemplate entering one of the
professions implied in the Introduction or, otherwise, create an
interest in the other mans job. The text is based largely upon the
syllabus in Elementary Surveying in the General School Examination
of the University of London, and matter outside this curriculum is
indicated with an asterisk, suggesting the introduction to an
intermediate course in the subject. Also many of the questions are
taken from papers set by the writer in this particular examination
and he takes this opportunity of expressing his indebtedness to the
Senate of that University for their courtesy in permitting him to
reproduce this material. In addition to the theoretical exercises,
a number of field exercises are added, and these no doubt will
suggest lines upon which others can be devised in keeping with what
may be conveniently styled local conditions. These examples are
short, and anticipate the adoption of parues of three four at most
pupils, this organisation, in the writers opinion, being the only
rational way of handling the subject. Parts of larger surveys or
schemes can be allocated to these parties, who retain their
identity as far as ispracticable. Prior to going into the field the
routine should be outlined so as to reduce supervision to a
minimum, and, better still, to leave the parties to their own
devices. The writer takes this opportunity of expressing his
indebtedness to Mr. A. N. Utting, of the Cambridge University
Engineering Laboratory, for preparing the drawings from which the
figures are reproduced, also his thanks to Mr. S. G. Soal, M. A.,
of Queen Mary College, for his kindness in reading the proofs. In
conclusion the writer acknowledges the agency of his wife, whose
influence really led him to undertake this short but pleasant
enterprise. Queen Mary College, ARTHUR LOVAT HIGGINS cjo Kings
FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES 4 Co-ordinates Five fundamental methods
Triangulation and traversing Offsets, locating objects Chains and
chaining Sloping distances Other modes of linear measurement
Signals II. CHAIN SURVEYING 22 Equipment Field book Outline of
simple survey Boundary lines Traversing with the chain III,
PLOTTING PLANS AND MAPS 30 Construction and use of scales Special
scales Plotting and finishing maps Conventional signs Constructing
angles use of protractor and trigonometrical tables Enlarging maps
and plans IV...
This book is a theoretical and practical guide to implementing an
inquiry-based approach to teaching which centers creative responses
to works of art in curriculum. Guided by Maxine Greene's philosophy
of Aesthetic Education, the authors discuss the social justice
implications of marginalized students having access to the arts and
opportunities to find their voices through creative expression.
They aim to demystify the process of inquiry-based learning through
the arts for teachers and teacher educators by offering examples of
lessons taught in high school classrooms and graduate level
teaching methods courses. Examples of student writing and art work
show how creative interactions with the arts can help learners of
all ages deepen their skills as readers, writers, and thinkers.
Have you ever wondered why God has allowed Satan to come to this
earth? Can we think for our self and ask this question: why not put
him on Mars, Venus, or even Pluto? Or better still why create him
at all?This book will explain this and I double dog-dare you to
read this entire book, don't stop when it goes against what you
have been taught, this book will make you think, it may also set
you free. What if death and life was in the power of your tongue,
would you correct your tongue? What if God was your life, would you
treat your life different? What if God gave you the power to change
the very thoughts of your mind, would you do that? This book will
answer these questions, are you brave enough to take this
challenge. Again I triple dog-dare you to read this entire book.
Jerry Ooten
How to cite, reference & avoid plagiarising at university Is
there a secret to successful study? The answer is 'yes'! There are
some essential skills and smart strategies that will help you to
improve your results at university. This easy-to-use guide helps to
develop the essential academic skills of writing and thinking
needed to cite and reference with confidence in your academic
studies. Plagiarism and the most common methods of quoting,
summarising and paraphrasing are explained and modelled throughout
UNIVERSITY provides tips, tools and techniques you will need to
perform with excellence, including how to: * understand the
importance of correct citation and referencing in academic writing
* be aware of the facts about plagiarism and how it can be
identified and avoided * search for and evaluate sources from the
literature * introduce the work of others into your own text *
understand and use the five most common citation and referencing
styles. Visit www.smarterstudyskills.com to access a wealth of
useful information, tips, templates and interactive activities that
will support your skills development.
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