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Books > Computing & IT > General theory of computing > Systems analysis & design
The overwhelming majority of a software system's lifespan is spent in use, not in design or implementation. So, why does conventional wisdom insist that software engineers focus primarily on the design and development of large-scale computing systems? In this collection of essays and articles, key members of Google's Site Reliability Team explain how and why their commitment to the entire lifecycle has enabled the company to successfully build, deploy, monitor, and maintain some of the largest software systems in the world. You'll learn the principles and practices that enable Google engineers to make systems more scalable, reliable, and efficient-lessons directly applicable to your organization. This book is divided into four sections: Introduction-Learn what site reliability engineering is and why it differs from conventional IT industry practices Principles-Examine the patterns, behaviors, and areas of concern that influence the work of a site reliability engineer (SRE) Practices-Understand the theory and practice of an SRE's day-to-day work: building and operating large distributed computing systems Management-Explore Google's best practices for training, communication, and meetings that your organization can use
Since its first volume in 1960, Advances in Computers has presented detailed coverage of innovations in computer hardware, software, theory, design, and applications. It has also provided contributors with a medium in which they can explore their subjects in greater depth and breadth than journal articles usually allow. As a result, many articles have become standard references that continue to be of significant, lasting value in this rapidly expanding field.
Control Engineering and Information Systems contains the papers presented at the 2014 International Conference on Control Engineering and Information Systems (ICCEIS 2014, Yueyang, Hunan, China, 20-22 June 2014). All major aspects of the theory and applications of control engineering and information systems are addressed, including: - Intelligent systems - Teaching cases - Pattern recognition - Industry application - Machine learning - Systems science and systems engineering - Data mining - Optimization - Business process management - Evolution of public sector ICT - IS economics - IS security and privacy - Personal data markets - Wireless ad hoc and sensor networks - Database and system security - Application of spatial information system - Other related areas Control Engineering and Information Systems provides a valuable source of information for scholars, researchers and academics in control engineering and information systems.
Modern-day projects require software and systems engineers to work together in realizing architectures of large and complex software-intensive systems. To date, the two have used their own tools and methods to deal with similar issues when it comes to the requirements, design, testing, maintenance, and evolution of these architectures. Software and Systems Architecture in Action explores practices that can be helpful in the development of architectures of large-scale systems in which software is a major component. Examining the synergies that exist between the disciplines of software and systems engineering, it presents concepts, techniques, and methods for creating and documenting architectures. The book describes an approach to architecture design that is driven from systemic quality attributes determined from both the business and technical goals of the system, rather than just its functional requirements. This architecture-centric design approach utilizes analytically derived patterns and tactics for quality attributes that inform the architect's design choices and help shape the architecture of a given system. The book includes coverage of techniques used to assess the impact of architecture-centric design on the structural complexity of a system. After reading the book, you will understand how to create architectures of systems and assess their ability to meet the business goals of your organization. Ideal for anyone involved with large and complex software-intensive systems, the book details powerful methods for engaging the software and systems engineers on your team. The book is also suitable for use in undergraduate and graduate-level courses on software and systems architecture as it exposes students to the concepts and techniques used to create and manage architectures of software-intensive systems.
As the complexity of today s networked computer systems grows,
they become increasingly difficult to understand, predict, and
control. Addressing these challenges requires new approaches to
building these systems. Adaptive, Dynamic, and Resilient Systems
supplies readers with various perspectives of the critical
infrastructure that systems of networked computers rely on. It
introduces the key issues, describes their interrelationships, and
presents new research in support of these areas.
"Systems: Concepts, Methodologies and Applications, Second Edition" is brought forward by Brian Wilson Department of Systems and Information Management, Lancaster University, UK. The result of many years' experience, this book, now extensively revised and updated, emphasizes the application of systems concepts and methodologies that have been developed at Lancaster University. In particular the book is about problem solving and the relationship between theory and practice. Complementary to "Systems Thinking, Systems Practice" by Peter Checkland (Wiley, 1981), which has become a classic in the field, this book shows how systems ideas can be used to cope with real-life problems. Reviews of the first edition: "an excellent book which provides a synthesis of the action-research undertaken by the well-known Department of Systems, University of Lancaster. Wilson's lucid style of writing and the historical perspective of the Lancaster learning experience provide a strong contextural case for the concept of a human activity system to investigate 'badly-defined' [Checkland's 'soft'] systems". (Chris Beaumont, "Journal of the Operational Research Society", January 1985). "This volume, expertly compiled by Brian Wilson, is the latest and probably the clearest statement in book form of the philosophy of that department [Department of Systems, University of Lancaster]. This is a volume which deserves to be read. (E.R. Carson, Kybernetes, 12, 1985). ""Systems: Concepts, Methodologies and Applications" is Wilson's account of his professional life at Lancaster since then (1966). His careful reflection on the work of so many years deserves attention). (Trevor Williams, Futures, December 1985).
In Software Mistakes and Tradeoffs you'll learn from costly mistakes that Tomasz Lelek and Jon Skeet have encountered over their impressive careers. You'll explore real-world scenarios where poor understanding of tradeoffs lead to major problems down the road, to help you make better design decisions. Plus, with a little practice, you'll be able to avoid the pitfalls that trip up even the most experienced developers. Software Mistakes and Tradeoffs teaches you how to make better decisions about designing, planning, and implementing applications. You'll analyse real-world scenarios where the wrong tradeoff decisions were made, and discover what could have been done differently. The book lays out the pros and cons of different approaches and explores evergreen patterns that will always be relevant to software design. Code performance versus simplicity. Delivery speed versus duplication. Flexibility versus maintain ability-everydecision you make in software engineering involves balancing tradeoffs. Often, decisions that look good at the design stage can prove problematic in practice.This book reveals the questions you need to be asking to make the right decisions for your own software tradeoffs.
Service computing is a cutting-edge area, popular in both industry and academia. New challenges have been introduced to develop service-oriented systems with high assurance requirements. High Assurance Services Computing captures and makes accessible the most recent practical developments in service-oriented high-assurance systems. An edited volume contributed by well-established researchers in this field worldwide, this book reports the best current practices and emerging methods in the areas of service-oriented techniques for high assurance systems. Available results from industry and government, R&D laboratories and academia are included, along with unreported results from the hands-on experiences of software professionals in the respective domains. Designed for practitioners and researchers working for industrial organizations and government agencies, High Assurance Services Computing is also suitable for advanced-level students in computer science and engineering."
Informational Macrodynamics (IMD) presents the unified information systemic approach with common information language for modeling, analysis and optimization of a variety of interactive processes, such as physical, biological, economical, social, and informational, including human activities. Comparing it with thermodynamics, which deals with transformation energy and represents a theoretical foundation of physical technology, IMD deals with transformation information, and can be considered a theoretical foundation of Information Computer Technology (ICT). ICT includes but is not limited to applied computer science, computer information systems, computer and data communications, software engineering, and artificial intelligence. In ICT, information flows from different data sources, and interacts to create new information products. The information flows may interact physically or via their virtual connections, initiating an information dynamic process that can be distributed in space. As in physics, a problem is understanding general regularities of the information processes in terms of information law, for the engineering and technological design, control, optimization, and development of computer technology, operations, manipulations, and management of real information objects. Information Systems Analysis and Modeling: An Informational Macrodynamics Approach belongs to an interdisciplinary science that represents the new theoretical and computer-based methodology for system informational description and improvement, including various activities in such interdisciplinary areas as thinking, intelligent processes, management, and other nonphysical subjects with their mutual interactions, informational superimpositions, and the information transferred between interactions. Information Systems Analysis and Modeling: An Informational Macrodynamics Approach can be used as a textbook or secondary text in courses on computer science, engineering, business, management, education, and psychology and as a reference for research and industry.
There are essentially two theories of solutions that can be considered exact: the McMillan-Mayer theory and Fluctuation Solution Theory (FST). The first is mostly limited to solutes at low concentrations, while FST has no such issue. It is an exact theory that can be applied to any stable solution regardless of the number of components and their concentrations, and the types of molecules and their sizes. Fluctuation Theory of Solutions: Applications in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, and Biophysics outlines the general concepts and theoretical basis of FST and provides a range of applications described by experts in chemistry, chemical engineering, and biophysics. The book, which begins with a historical perspective and an introductory chapter, includes a basic derivation for more casual readers. It is then devoted to providing new and very recent applications of FST. The first application chapters focus on simple model, binary, and ternary systems, using FST to explain their thermodynamic properties and the concept of preferential solvation. Later chapters illustrate the use of FST to develop more accurate potential functions for simulation, describe new approaches to elucidate microheterogeneities in solutions, and present an overview of solvation in new and model systems, including those under critical conditions. Expert contributors also discuss the use of FST to model solute solubility in a variety of systems. The final chapters present a series of biological applications that illustrate the use of FST to study cosolvent effects on proteins and their implications for protein folding. With the application of FST to study biological systems now well established, and given the continuing developments in computer hardware and software increasing the range of potential applications, FST provides a rigorous and useful approach for understanding a wide array of solution properties. This book outlines those approaches, and their advantages, ac
Conventional build-then-test practices are making today's embedded, software-reliant systems unaffordable to build. In response, more than thirty leading industrial organizations have joined SAE (formerly, the Society of Automotive Engineers) to define the SAE Architecture Analysis & Design Language (AADL) AS-5506 Standard, a rigorous and extensible foundation for model-based engineering analysis practices that encompass software system design, integration, and assurance. Using AADL, you can conduct lightweight and rigorous analyses of critical real-time factors such as performance, dependability, security, and data integrity. You can integrate additional established and custom analysis/specification techniques into your engineering environment, developing a fully unified architecture model that makes it easier to build reliable systems that meet customer expectations. Model-Based Engineering with AADL is the first guide to using this new international standard to optimize your development processes. Coauthored by Peter H. Feiler, the standard's author and technical lead, this introductory reference and tutorial is ideal for self-directed learning or classroom instruction, and is an excellent reference for practitioners, including architects, developers, integrators, validators, certifiers, first-level technical leaders, and project managers. Packed with real-world examples, it introduces all aspects of the AADL notation as part of an architecture-centric, model-based engineering approach to discovering embedded software systems problems earlier, when they cost less to solve. Throughout, the authors compare AADL to other modeling notations and approaches, while presenting the language via a complete case study: the development and analysis of a realistic example system through repeated refinement and analysis. Part One introduces both the AADL language and core Model-Based Engineering (MBE) practices, explaining basic software systems modeling and analysis in the context of an example system, and offering practical guidelines for effectively applying AADL. Part Two describes the characteristics of each AADL element, including their representations, applicability, and constraints. The Appendix includes comprehensive listings of AADL language elements, properties incorporated in the AADL standard, and a description of the book's example system.
The European Conference on Computer and Network Defense draws contributions and participation both from academia and industry, and addresses security from multiple perspectives, including state-of-the-art research in computer network security, intrusion detection, denial-of-service, privacy protection, security policies, and incident response & management. The conference is organized jointly by the Institute of Computer Science of the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH) and the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).
Microcontroller Programming: An Introduction is a comprehensive one-stop resource that covers the concepts, principles, solution development, and associated techniques involved in microcontroller-based systems. Focusing on the elements and features of the popular and powerful Motorola 68HC11 microcontroller IC as a representative example, this book is unlike others, which are often too broad in scope, delving into every topic of concern regarding microcontroller programmers. Instead, this text concentrates on design, architecture, and development, giving developers the tools to develop solid, effective embedded applications. Packaged with helpful examples, projects, and illustrations, this book gives an in-depth assessment of microcontroller design programming in both assembly and C. By illustrating the relatively sophisticated 8-bit 68HC11 microcontroller, the author-who is a consultant for NASA-provides a firsthand exploration and demonstration of the languages, tools, and techniques needed to build embedded applications. Readers can then apply their newly acquired skills to program other 8/16/32-bit microcontrollers. For readers who want to do more than just scrape the surface, this book is an enjoyable and immensely beneficial tool to help them cultivate a deeper understanding of microcontroller-based application development. An extensive supplements package is available free of charge to instructors who use the book for a course.
Because of the continuous evolution of integrated circuit manufacturing (ICM) and design for manufacturability (DfM), most books on the subject are obsolete before they even go to press. That's why the field requires a reference that takes the focus off of numbers and concentrates more on larger economic concepts than on technical details. Semiconductors: Integrated Circuit Design for Manufacturability covers the gradual evolution of integrated circuit design (ICD) as a basis to propose strategies for improving return-on-investment (ROI) for ICD in manufacturing. Where most books put the spotlight on detailed engineering enhancements and their implications for device functionality, in contrast, this one offers, among other things, crucial, valuable historical background and roadmapping, all illustrated with examples. Presents actual test cases that illustrate product challenges, examine possible solution strategies, and demonstrate how to select and implement the right one This book shows that DfM is a powerful generic engineering concept with potential extending beyond its usual application in automated layout enhancements centered on proximity correction and pattern density. This material explores the concept of ICD for production by breaking down its major steps: product definition, design, layout, and manufacturing. Averting extended discussion of technology, techniques, or specific device dimensions, the author also avoids the clumsy chapter architecture that can hinder other books on this subject. The result is an extremely functional, systematic presentation that simplifies existing approaches to DfM, outlining a clear set of criteria to help readers assess reliability, functionality, and yield. With careful consideration of the economic and technical trade-offs involved in ICD for manufacturing, this reference addresses techniques for physical, electrical, and logical design, keeping coverage fresh and concise for the designers, manufacturers, and researchers defining product architecture and research programs.
Advances such as cloud computing and streaming multimedia are steadily increasing the demand on network resources, and telecommunications providers must ensure that their networks are managed effectively in order to ensure that Internet and mobile users remain satisfied with their quality of service. Network and Traffic Engineering in Emerging Distributed Computing Applications focuses on network management and traffic engineering for Internet and distributed computing technologies, as well as present emerging technology trends and advanced platforms. This premier reference source for academics, students, researchers, readers, and knowledge seekers puts together some of the critical aspects of Internet and distributed systems.
The TransNav 2011 Symposium held at the Gdynia Maritime University, Poland in June 2011 has brought together a wide range of participants from all over the world. The program has offered a variety of contributions, allowing to look at many aspects of the navigational safety from various different points of view. Topics presented and discussed at the Symposium were: navigation, safety at sea, sea transportation, education of navigators and simulator-based training, sea traffic engineering, ship's manoeuvrability, integrated systems, electronic charts systems, satellite, radio-navigation and anti-collision systems and many others. This book is part of a series of six volumes and provides an overview of Human Resources and Crew Resource management and is addressed to scientists and professionals involved in research and development of navigation, safety of navigation and sea transportation.
This book investigates the fundaments, standards, and protocols of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) in the industrial transformation environment. It facilitates a fusion of both technologies in the creation of reliable and robust applications. Cyber-Physical Systems for Industrial Transformation: Fundamentals, Standards, and Protocols explores emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, data science, blockchain, robotic process automation, virtual reality, edge computing, and 5G technology to highlight current and future opportunities to transition CPS to become more robust and reliable. The book showcases the real-time sensing, processing, and actuation software and discusses fault-tolerant and cybersecurity as well. This book brings together undergraduates, postgraduates, academics, researchers, and industry individuals that are interested in exploring new ideas, techniques, and tools related to CPS and Industry 4.0.
This book describes how we can design and make efficient processors for high-performance computing, AI, and data science. Although there are many textbooks on the design of processors we do not have a widely accepted definition of the efficiency of a general-purpose computer architecture. Without a definition of the efficiency, it is difficult to make scientific approach to the processor design. In this book, a clear definition of efficiency is given and thus a scientific approach for processor design is made possible. In chapter 2, the history of the development of high-performance processor is overviewed, to discuss what quantity we can use to measure the efficiency of these processors. The proposed quantity is the ratio between the minimum possible energy consumption and the actual energy consumption for a given application using a given semiconductor technology. In chapter 3, whether or not this quantity can be used in practice is discussed, for many real-world applications. In chapter 4, general-purpose processors in the past and present are discussed from this viewpoint. In chapter 5, how we can actually design processors with near-optimal efficiencies is described, and in chapter 6 how we can program such processors. This book gives a new way to look at the field of the design of high-performance processors.
Cancer is a complex disease process that spans multiple scales in space and time. Driven by cutting-edge mathematical and computational techniques, in silico biology provides powerful tools to investigate the mechanistic relationships of genes, cells, and tissues. It enables the creation of experimentally testable hypotheses, the integration of data across scales, and the prediction of tumor progression and treatment outcome (in silico oncology). Drawing on an interdisciplinary group of distinguished international experts, Multiscale Cancer Modeling discusses the scientific and technical expertise necessary to conduct innovative cancer modeling research across scales. It presents contributions from some of the top in silico modeling groups in the United States and Europe. The ultimate goal of multiscale modeling and simulation approaches is their use in clinical practice, such as supporting patient-specific treatment optimization. This volume covers state-of-the-art methods of multiscale cancer modeling and addresses the field's potential as well as future challenges. It encourages collaborations among researchers in various disciplines to achieve breakthroughs in cancer modeling.
The Definitive Guide to the ARM (R) Cortex (R)-M0 and Cortex-M0+ Processors, Second Edition explains the architectures underneath ARM's Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M0+ processors and their programming techniques. Written by ARM's Senior Embedded Technology Manager, Joseph Yiu, the book is packed with examples on how to use the features in the Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M0+ processors. It provides detailed information on the instruction set architecture, how to use a number of popular development suites, an overview of the software development flow, and information on how to locate problems in the program code and software porting. This new edition includes the differences between the Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M0+ processors such as architectural features (e.g. unprivileged execution level, vector table relocation), new chapters on low power designs and the Memory Protection Unit (MPU), the benefits of the Cortex-M0+ processor, such as the new single cycle I/O interface, higher energy efficiency, better performance and the Micro Trace Buffer (MTB) feature, updated software development tools, updated Real Time Operating System examples using Keil (TM) RTX with CMSIS-RTOS APIs, examples of using various Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M0+ based microcontrollers, and much more.
As a collection of ideas and methodologies, systems thinking has made an impact in organizations and in particular in the information systems field. However, this main emphasis on organizations limits the scope of systems thinking and practice. There is a need first to use systems thinking in addressing societal problems, and second to enable people involved in developing the information society to reflect on the impacts of systems and technologies in society as a whole. Thus, there are opportunities to review the scope and potential of systems thinking and practice to deal with information society-related issues. Systems Practice in the Information Society provides students of information systems as well as practicing Inofrmation Systems managers with concepts and strategies to enable them to understand and use systems thinking methodologies and address challenges posed by the development of information-based societies. This book brings experiences, ideas, and applications of systemic thinking in designing and evaluating socio-technological initiatives. Using a number of cultural contexts, this book explores how organizations, including governments, can enable better access to information and communication technologies and improve the quality of life of individuals.
Maintaining compatibility among all affected network and application interfaces of modern enterprise systems can quickly become costly and overwhelming. This handbook presents the knowledge and practical experience of a global group of experts from varying disciplines to help you plan and implement enterprise integration projects that respond to business needs quickly and are seamless to business users. The Handbook of Enterprise Integration brings together the latest research and application results to provide infrastructure engineers, software engineers, software developers, system designers, and project managers with a clear and comprehensive understanding of systems integration technologies, architectures, applications, and project management techniques involved in enterprise system integration. The text includes coverage of mobile communications, standards for integrated manufacturing and e-commerce, RFID, Web-based systems, and complete service-oriented enterprise modeling and analysis. Practitioners will benefit from insights on managing virtual teams as well as techniques for introducing complex technology into businesses. Covering best practices in enterprise systems integration, the text highlights applications across various business enterprises to help you: Bring together existing systems for business processes improvement Design and implement systems that can be reconfigured quickly and easily in response to evolving operational needs Establish procedures for achieving smooth migrations from legacy systems-with minimal disruption to existing operations Complete with case studies, this book illustrates the current state of the art in the context of user requirements and integration and provides the up-to-date understanding required to manage today's complex and interconnected systems.
Systems Analysis and Design: An Object-Oriented Approach with UML, Sixth Edition helps students develop the core skills required to plan, design, analyze, and implement information systems. Offering a practical hands-on approach to the subject, this textbook is designed to keep students focused on doing SAD, rather than simply reading about it. Each chapter describes a specific part of the SAD process, providing clear instructions, a detailed example, and practice exercises. Students are guided through the topics in the same order as professional analysts working on a typical real-world project. Now in its sixth edition, this edition has been carefully updated to reflect current methods and practices in SAD and prepare students for their future roles as systems analysts. Every essential area of systems analysis and design is clearly and thoroughly covered, from project management, to analysis and design modeling, to construction, installation, and operations. The textbook includes access to a range of teaching and learning resources, and a running case study of a fictitious healthcare company that shows students how SAD concepts are applied in real-life scenarios.
The art, craft, discipline, logic, practice and science of developing large-scale software products needs a professional base. The textbooks in this three-volume set combine informal, engineeringly sound approaches with the rigor of formal, mathematics-based approaches. This volume covers the basic principles and techniques of specifying systems and languages. It deals with modelling the semiotics (pragmatics, semantics and syntax of systems and languages), modelling spatial and simple temporal phenomena, and such specialized topics as modularity (incl. UML class diagrams), Petri nets, live sequence charts, statecharts, and temporal logics, including the duration calculus. Finally, the book presents techniques for interpreter and compiler development of functional, imperative, modular and parallel programming languages. This book is targeted at late undergraduate to early graduate university students, and researchers of programming methodologies. Vol. 1 of this series is a prerequisite text.
Since 1994, the European Conference on Product and Process Modelling (www.ecppm.org) has been providing a review of research, development and industrial implementation of product and process model technology in construction. The 7th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling (ECPPM 2008) provided a unique discussion platform for topics of key importance for the AEC/FM industry, with a focus on two main themes: - Structuring of product and process information for enhanced collaborative teamwork and information sharing in this fragmented industry, and - Advanced Computing, Information and Communication Technology addressing the resolution of challenges for the AEC/FM industry in the upcoming years. Leading experts delivered up-to-date, comprehensive presentations on the broad achievements in research, development, standardisation and industrial implementation of product and process data technology. This book covers a large spectrum of topics, including process optimisation, extended products and future services for homes and buildings infrastructures, decision support systems for universal design of buildings, ICT-based applications for energy efficiency, environmental monitoring, the ageing population, assistive technologies for the built environment, policy, legal framework, and rules and regulations, and will be of interest to scientists and professionals working in these areas. |
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