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Books > Money & Finance > Public finance > Taxation

Grundsatze und Technik ordnungsmassiger Immobilienbewertung (German, Paperback): Bernhard Engelbrecht Grundsatze und Technik ordnungsmassiger Immobilienbewertung (German, Paperback)
Bernhard Engelbrecht
R1,979 Discovery Miles 19 790 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Anliegen dieses Buchs ist es, die verschiedenen Bewertungsverfahren auf ein moeglichst einheitliches, universell einsetzbares Immobilienbewertungsverfahren zu reduzieren und neue standardisierte Methoden der Immobilienbewertung zu entwickeln. Einer umfassenden Analyse der Methoden schliesst sich die Entwicklung und Implementierung standardisierter Verfahren der Immobilienbewertung an. Das Buch gibt einen umfassenden systematischen UEberblick uber bestehende Verfahren der Immobilienbewertung. Es ist eine Fundgrube fur die Loesung zahlreicher Detailfragen und gibt wertvolle Hinweise fur praktische Problemstellungen. Es stellt einen innovativen Beitrag zur betriebswirtschaftlich fundierten Fortentwicklung der Immobilienbewertung dar.

Altersvorsorge von abhangig Erwerbstatigen - Bestandsaufnahme, Modellvergleich und Reformvorschlage (German, Paperback): Rainer... Altersvorsorge von abhangig Erwerbstatigen - Bestandsaufnahme, Modellvergleich und Reformvorschlage (German, Paperback)
Rainer Mauer
R1,660 Discovery Miles 16 600 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Die Altersvorsorge von abhangig Erwerbstatigen (Arbeitnehmer in der Privatwirtschaft, Arbeitnehmer im offentlichen Dienst und Beamte) wird in ihrer derzeitigen Ausgestaltung dargestellt und auf investitionstheoretischer Basis verglichen. Mogliche Reformvorschlage im sozialversicherungsrechtlichen und einkommenssteuerlichen Bereich werden diskutiert.
Die Besonderheit des Buchs liegt im Vergleich der Altersversorgungssysteme auf Basis von vergleichbaren Netto-Konsumpositionen in der Erwerbs- und in der Altersphase, wobei sich die Vorteilhaftigkeit anhand von Flachendiagrammen der berechneten Netto-Barwert-Differenzen zeigt. Das Ergebnis der Arbeit zeigt, dass nur eine grundlegende Reform von Einkommens- und Sozialversicherungsrecht in der Lage ist, die aufgezeigten Ungleichbehandlungen zu beseitigen."

Wertorientierte Vergutung Von Fuhrungskraften (German, Paperback, 1998 ed.): Hansjoerg Schnabel Wertorientierte Vergutung Von Fuhrungskraften (German, Paperback, 1998 ed.)
Hansjoerg Schnabel
R1,256 Discovery Miles 12 560 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Der Autor zeigt, dass unter den sich verandernden Rahmenbedingungen in Deutschland langfristig vor allem die Unternehmen dominieren werden, die mit ihren Managern "unternehmerische" Entlohnungsvertrage vereinbaren."

The Tax System in Industrialized Countries (Hardcover): Ken Messere The Tax System in Industrialized Countries (Hardcover)
Ken Messere
R8,159 R5,920 Discovery Miles 59 200 Save R2,239 (27%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book provides a systematic and comparative analysis of the tax systems of ten countries (G7 plus Netherlands, Spain, and Sweden) over the last decade. All the main taxation areas are covered, together with a description of the underlying policy themes. The main focus is on recent and prospective tax reforms.

A Contribution to the Pure Theory of Taxation (Paperback, Revised): Roger Guesnerie A Contribution to the Pure Theory of Taxation (Paperback, Revised)
Roger Guesnerie
R1,222 Discovery Miles 12 220 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Now available in paperback A Contribution to the Pure Theory of Taxation investigates the way in which tax systems affect economic efficiency and the distribution of welfare. It adheres to the rigorous standards of pure theory while paying careful attention to the policy relevance of the arguments. Tax systems are viewed as information extracting devices that generate sets of equilibria of complex geometry. A tax reform methodology is proposed that sheds light on optimal taxes. Social conflicts in the determination of taxes are shown to have effects on social cohesion.

The Brain science of Cash - Ageless examples of riches, ravenousness, and satisfaction. (Paperback): John M. Robinson The Brain science of Cash - Ageless examples of riches, ravenousness, and satisfaction. (Paperback)
John M. Robinson
R266 Discovery Miles 2 660 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
The Poll Taxes of 1377, 1379, and 1381: Part 1: Bedfordshire-Leicestershire (Hardcover): Carolyn Fenwick The Poll Taxes of 1377, 1379, and 1381: Part 1: Bedfordshire-Leicestershire (Hardcover)
Carolyn Fenwick
R3,852 Discovery Miles 38 520 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The English poll taxes of 1377, 1379, and 1381 taxed householders, wives, dependants, and servants individually. The tax records therefore provide information about people who are rarely, if ever, mentioned in other documents - frequently including details of occupations and relationships. The widely varying documents associated with the taxes are being published in three volumes, to make this massive resource accessible to social and economic historians, demographers, and genealogists. This first volume, which covers all three taxes for Bedfordshire to Leicestershire, includes extensive editorial descriptions of the documents, explanations of the collection and recording processes, and a discussion of the relevance and value of this exciting material. Full indexes of original and contemporary place names and a glossary of occupations will appear in the third volume.

Information Resolution and Subnational Capital Markets (Hardcover): Christine R. Martell, Tima T. Moldogaziev, Salvador Espinosa Information Resolution and Subnational Capital Markets (Hardcover)
Christine R. Martell, Tima T. Moldogaziev, Salvador Espinosa
R2,537 Discovery Miles 25 370 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

A comprehensive explanation of information institutions as they relate to the success of subnational capital markets Global trends in decentralization and the growing role of world cities have increased the importance of infrastructure development. But with competing incentives of suppliers and borrowers of capital in the web of institutional governance arrangements, information problems are inevitable. Understanding how local choices affect these larger trends can help national and city actors not just avoid being paralyzed by information problems, but actually improve information resolution. In this book Christine R. Martell, Tima Moldogaziev, Salvador Espinosa argue that capital markets are a viable financing alternative for subnational borrowers. They explain how subnational governments can manage their fiscal and debt choices to leverage capital markets to finance efficient, effective, and equitable infrastructure provision. The book builds on previous work by exploring the role of information institutions as they relate to the success of subnational capital markets and by advancing options for subnational government to gain agency as active market participants. With broad geographic coverage, Information Resolution and Subnational Capital Markets answers core questions: How does information permeate the landscape and outcomes of subnational government borrowing, both at the aggregate national level and at the city level? What measures and mechanisms can national and subnational governments take to resolve information problems? And, what can cities do to enhance their agency vis-a-vis central governments and capital market actors, so that they can command a voice in managing internal and external sources of capital financing?

The Book On Retirement (Hardcover): Frank And Nick Guida, Michael Canet, Experts The Nation's Leading The Book On Retirement (Hardcover)
Frank And Nick Guida, Michael Canet, Experts The Nation's Leading
R695 Discovery Miles 6 950 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
How to Save Tax on Your Salary and Perquisites (Paperback): R.N. Lakhotia How to Save Tax on Your Salary and Perquisites (Paperback)
R.N. Lakhotia
R264 R151 Discovery Miles 1 510 Save R113 (43%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days
GST guide for Students - Making GST - Good & Simple Tax (Paperback): Ca Vivek Kr Agrawal GST guide for Students - Making GST - Good & Simple Tax (Paperback)
Ca Vivek Kr Agrawal
R206 Discovery Miles 2 060 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Grundlagen Der Finanzierungspraxis (German, Paperback, 1996 ed.): Christian Garhammer Grundlagen Der Finanzierungspraxis (German, Paperback, 1996 ed.)
Christian Garhammer
R1,662 Discovery Miles 16 620 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Taxes for Small Business - Simple and Effective Methods of Tax Management for your Business (Paperback): Gregory Becker Taxes for Small Business - Simple and Effective Methods of Tax Management for your Business (Paperback)
Gregory Becker
R506 Discovery Miles 5 060 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Trading made easy - Easy steps and guide to a profitable day trading (Paperback): James L. Wilson Trading made easy - Easy steps and guide to a profitable day trading (Paperback)
James L. Wilson
R209 Discovery Miles 2 090 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Abgeltungsteuer - Kapital schutzen - Steuern optimieren (German, Paperback, 3., uberarb. u. aktualisierte Aufl. 2023): Ellen... Abgeltungsteuer - Kapital schutzen - Steuern optimieren (German, Paperback, 3., uberarb. u. aktualisierte Aufl. 2023)
Ellen Ashauer-Moll
R1,330 Discovery Miles 13 300 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Alle aktuellen Regelungen und die besten Steuerstrategien: Dieses Buch erlautert die Besteuerung von Kapitalertragen im Privatvermoegen sowie in Grundzugen im Betriebsvermoegen und nennt wirksame Steueroptimierungen zum Schutz des Kapitals. Zahlreiche UEbersichten verdeutlichen die gesetzlichen Regelungen, die aktuellen Anpassungen durch die Rechtsprechung und Aussagen der Finanzverwaltung sowie Ausnahmen bei der Abgeltungsteuer. Von der praxisnahen Darstellung dieses wertvollen Ratgebers profitieren vor allem private Kapitalanleger, Bankberater und Steuerberater. Die uberarbeitete dritte Auflage wurde aufgrund neuer gesetzlicher Vorschriften, zahlreicher zwischenzeitlich ergangener BMF-Schreiben und Urteile der Finanzrechtsprechung aktualisiert.

With Inky Blots and Rotten Parchment - An Explanation of the Land Value Tax (Paperback): Ian Hopton With Inky Blots and Rotten Parchment - An Explanation of the Land Value Tax (Paperback)
Ian Hopton
R472 Discovery Miles 4 720 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

I believe that in the near future, the issue of taxation will become more widely discussed at all levels of government and this will include the possibility of a land value tax (LVT). At the same time, the majority of ordinary taxpayers, who may be otherwise very well informed, have probably never heard of it. This book is therefore an educational book aimed at filling this gap in our knowledge. It is aimed at those people who have no particular knowledge of economics or taxation but who wish to know what LVT is and how it works. The book is based on the information and data that I have collected over many years for my website: http://landvaluetaxguide.com The contemporary formulation of LVT owes its origin in the publication, in 1879, of Progress and Poverty by the American economic philosopher, Henry George. His book gave rise to a worldwide movement that reached its peak with reformist governments in the first decade of the 20th century. LVT thereafter became overshadowed by the preference of governments for the income tax and also by the organised opposition of vested interests, who saw it as a threat to their source of unearned income. But, in recent years, many economists, academics and politicians have begun to see the failures of the current neoclassical/neoliberal economic system and are seriously reconsidering LVT as an alternative. For a list of LVT supporters over recent years refer to: http://landvaluetaxguide.com/category/supporters/ The book comprises an introduction, thirteen chapters and three appendices with supplementary information. References are collected in several pages of endnotes and the text is fully indexed. I present the case for taxation in general as a 'good' not the 'necessary evil' that many people appear to believe. But it has to be accepted that there are good and bad taxes - measured in accordance with the degree of benefit or harm they may give rise to in their application. This book is an explanation of why LVT may be seen as a beneficial tax. I suggest that we would better understand taxes if we viewed them more as contributions towards the proper functioning of society. In the explanation I make use of diagrams, which take the reader step by step through the evolution of a society from simple beginnings to the development of a complex city, how land values arise in this process, and why they become a proper basis for a system of taxation. I suggest that throughout history there have always been the same three problems that beset the tax collector: identification, measurement and avoidance. The book shows how a land value tax would be effective in resolving these three issues that remain problems to this day. I examine the issue of private landownership and I suggest that this has historically been the basis of much economic injustice. In England, it began with the Norman conquest and became consolidated and legitimised over the centuries, so that now the concept is virtually sacrosanct. The title of the book is taken from John of Gaunt's 'sceptre'd isle' speech, in Shakespeare's Richard II, in which he laments the king's selling of land leases to finance his campaign in Ireland.

The State of the Nation for 1747-8 [microform] - With a General Balance of the Publick Accompts (Paperback): Anonymous The State of the Nation for 1747-8 [microform] - With a General Balance of the Publick Accompts (Paperback)
R419 Discovery Miles 4 190 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Second Report From the Special Committee on Various Communications From His Excellency the Governor in Chief Lord Aylmer... Second Report From the Special Committee on Various Communications From His Excellency the Governor in Chief Lord Aylmer [microform] - on the Subject of the Finances of the Province of Lower Canada (Paperback)
R421 Discovery Miles 4 210 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Report of the Revenue Commissioners - Transmitted to the Governor of Pennsylvania, in Pursuance of an Act of the 29th Day of... Report of the Revenue Commissioners - Transmitted to the Governor of Pennsylvania, in Pursuance of an Act of the 29th Day of April, 1844 (Paperback)
Pennsylvania Revenue Commission
R361 Discovery Miles 3 610 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Speech of Mr. Mills, M.P., on the Budget [microform] - Tuesday, March 29th, 1892 (Paperback): David 1831-1903 Mills Speech of Mr. Mills, M.P., on the Budget [microform] - Tuesday, March 29th, 1892 (Paperback)
David 1831-1903 Mills
R355 Discovery Miles 3 550 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
The Levying of Duty on the Cost of Inland Freight on Imported Goods [microform] (Paperback): Montreal Board of Trade The Levying of Duty on the Cost of Inland Freight on Imported Goods [microform] (Paperback)
Montreal Board of Trade
R358 Discovery Miles 3 580 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Warwick Town Tax (Paperback): Warwick (R I ) Assessors of Taxes Warwick Town Tax (Paperback)
Warwick (R I ) Assessors of Taxes
R490 Discovery Miles 4 900 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Biennial Report of the Montana State Board of Equalization to the Governor and Members of the ... Legislative Assembly of the... Biennial Report of the Montana State Board of Equalization to the Governor and Members of the ... Legislative Assembly of the State of Montana for the Period Ending ..; 1970-72 (Paperback)
Montana State Board of Equalization
R488 Discovery Miles 4 880 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Report of the Special Tax Commission of the State of Kentucky, 1912-14 (Paperback): Kentucky Special Tax Commission (191, W. O.... Report of the Special Tax Commission of the State of Kentucky, 1912-14 (Paperback)
Kentucky Special Tax Commission (191, W. O. Davis
R693 Discovery Miles 6 930 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
A Defence of Several Proposals for Raising Three Millions for the Service of the Government for the Year 1746. With a... A Defence of Several Proposals for Raising Three Millions for the Service of the Government for the Year 1746. With a Postscript, Containing Some Notions Relating to Publick Credit (Paperback)
John Barnard, Member of the House of Commons Lette
R424 Discovery Miles 4 240 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
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