Books > Arts & Architecture > The arts: general issues
El autor nos cuenta de su gran atracci n por la ingenier a mec
nica que representan las m quinas de escribir y calcular.
A los nueve a a os visita con su padre el taller del se or ngel
Salas y siente un gran impacto al ver la variedad de herramientas
necesarias en la reparaci n de las m quinas de escribir y calcular.
Esta fuerte atracci n se convierte en su profesi n y con ella
trabajar en Montevideo, Buenos Aires, Madrid, Paris y Nueva
Jos nos cuenta de la situaci n peronista en Buenos Aires en los
a os 1948-1952. En Madrid, con el se or Barranco adem?'s de
compartir sus conocimientos sobre la Olimpia SGE y Facit este le
relata sus recuerdos vividos en al ciudad Universitaria durante la
Guerra Civil en Espa a. En Paris, monsieur Hasold, quien bajo la
primera impresi n de ser una persona fr a, se escond a una persona
afable y c lida, quien llega a apreciar la camarader a que se
establece en ellos entre las reparaciones de Facit y Hamann,
monseiur Klasser le cuenta sus experiencias durante la ocupaci n
Nazi. Compa ero de trabajo el austriaco Wondell, quien manualmente
construye y regala un reloj a Alvar. Jos nos cuenta de sus an
cdotas durante los varios viajes que disfrut durante los fines de
semana y vacacione desde Paris a Espa a, Marruecos y el sur de
Alemania. De regreso a Uruguay, Jos pasa por Nueva York a visitar
su hija Cristina y ah establece contacto con la compa a Bruce
Business Machines. Treinta a os de acumulada experiencia en una
variedad de m quinas de escribir y calcular, pagan su fruto, Bruce
Business Machines ofrece un contrato de trabajo, que Jos acepta.
Regresa a Montevideo a organizar su retorno permanente a Nueva
York, mientras su visa est en tr mite. En Montevideo, con su hija
Cristina que tambi n regresa despu?'s de un a o en Nueva York, le
esperan sus hijos Jos Luis y Alvar. Esta es una etapa crucial en su
vida, pues es el momento de separarse de su ciudad natal, familia y
amistades. En 1969 retorna a Nueva York y el departamento de
trabajo, al no poder conseguir un mec nico con la experiencia de
Jos le otorga la visa de residente. M?'s de setenta a os han pasado
y una atracci n que se convierte en una profesi n y continua hasta
hoy con un promedio de una o dos reparaciones por semana
Convicci n de entender y aceptar la vocaci n en cada uno, en
este caso su admiraci n por la ingenier a mec nica que representan
las m quinas de escribir y calcular.
Dedicaci n a aprender a cada paso que la oportunidad se
presente, en las diferentes ciudades en que vivi .
Esp ritu positivo para aceptar los altos y bajos que siguen el
uno al otro, diferentes idiomas y modalidades de vida.
Esta combinaci n es esencial en el car cter de la persona para
salir adelante y realizar la utop a de sus sue os.
In this open access book, seventeen scholars discuss how
contemporary Scandinavian art and media have become important
arenas to articulate and stage various forms of vulnerability in
the Scandinavian welfare states. How do discourses of privilege and
vulnerability coexist and interact in Scandinavia? How do the
Scandinavian countries respond to vulnerability given increased
migration? How is vulnerability distributed in terms of margin and
centre, normality and deviance? And how can vulnerability be used
to move audiences towards each other and accomplish change? We
address these questions in an interdisciplinary study that brings
examples from celebrated and provocative fiction and documentary
films, TV-series, reality TV, art installations, design,
literature, graphic art, radio podcasts and campaigns on social
New Nonfiction Film: Art, Poetics and Documentary Theory is the
first book to offer a lengthy examination of the relationship
between fiction and documentary from the perspective of art and
poetics. The premise of the book is to propose a new category of
nonfiction film that is distinguished from - as opposed to being
conflated with - the documentary film in its multiple historical
guises; a premise explored in case-studies of films by
distinguished artists and filmmakers (Abbas Kiarostami, Ben Rivers,
Chantal Akerman, Ben Russell Pat Collins and Gideon Koppel). The
book builds a case for this new category of film, calling it the
'new nonfiction film,' and argues, in the process, that this kind
of film works to dismantle the old distinctions between fiction and
documentary film and therefore the axioms of Film and Cinema
Studies as a discipline of study.
The Stillness of Space and Line is a collection of images inspired
by early Chinese painting. Discover the quiet stillness within each
image. The lines arise from the empty space and remain part of the
connection to the presence of the moment. The space is the yin and
the line is the yang energy. Use the Stillness of Space and Line as
a visual Meditation Guide. There are no distractions to the flow of
energy. The images are timeless and alive with presence.
Nations have risen to power through their might and driven by greed
they have held many people in bondage. When the workforce was
limited, they bought and sold slaves. Slavery is still taking place
on the continent of Africa, and no one is there protesting.
Politics It is all about politics and the political game that is
being played out in the greatest nation that the world has ever
known could be its demise. We will examine the foundation that was
laid by those who came from Great Britain and with only thirteen
colonies became the ruler of the seas and skies with an army that
is unmatched anywhere. Politics Yes, politics played by men and
women desiring power and wealth have brought us the very brink of
collapse as they tend to forget who it was that gave so much to so
few in the beginning. Thousands upon thousands have given their
lives for the freedoms that we have in this land, and yet there are
many who do not care, preferring a socialist form of government.
But there is still hope for a failing nation.
Intersections of Value investigates the universal human need for
aesthetic experience. It examines three appreciative contexts where
aesthetic value plays a central role: art, nature, and the
everyday. However, no important appreciative context or practice is
completely centered on a single value. Hence, the book explores the
way the aesthetic interacts with moral, cognitive, and functional
values in these contexts. The account of aesthetic appreciation is
complemented by analyses of the cognitive and ethical value of art,
the connection between environmental ethics and aesthetics, and the
degree to which the aesthetic value of everyday artefacts derives
from their basic practical functions. Robert Stecker devotes
special attention to art as an appreciative context because it is
an especially rich arena where different values interact. There is
an important connection between artistic value and aesthetic value,
but it is a mistake to reduce the former to the latter. Rather,
artistic value should be seen as complex and pluralistic, composed
not only of aesthetic but also ethical, cognitive, and
art-historical values.
This book (hardcover) is part of the TREDITION CLASSICS. It
contains classical literature works from over two thousand years.
Most of these titles have been out of print and off the bookstore
shelves for decades. The book series is intended to preserve the
cultural legacy and to promote the timeless works of classical
literature. Readers of a TREDITION CLASSICS book support the
mission to save many of the amazing works of world literature from
oblivion. With this series, tredition intends to make thousands of
international literature classics available in printed format again
- worldwide.
Ella is a young fairy. For most of her existence, she's had little
to worry about. She was just a normal, beautiful fairy-like all of
her friends-until one day, blue streaks showed up in her wings.
Suddenly, she was shunned by friends and fellow fairies.The elders
know of a legend that speaks of a blue-winged fairy. In the
well-known prophecy, there is significance to this added color, but
Ella always thought the prophecy was mere legend, not truth. She
could not have been more wrong, as she comes to realize the
prophecy is about her. With this news, Ella must leave her village
and go on a quest to seek the meaning behind her newly discovered
gift.Ella's only companion is Brogan, a warrior wolf, sent to keep
her safe as she searches the wide world for her destiny. There are
those who would hurt Ella and Brogan, yet there are also those who
await their arrival with joy. The legend of the blue wings is
finally coming true. Ella must accept her destiny and learn to be a
Blue Wing Princess. Will she live to fulfill the prophecy, or will
she fall into fearful darkness, just like all the other blue-winged
fairies that came before?
Hysteria is alive and well in our present time and is apparently
spreading contagiously: especially the second decade of the
twenty-first century has displayed an ever-increasing interest in
the term. A quick Google search opens the gates to sheer endless
swathes of discussions on hysteria, covering almost every aspect of
public discourses. The arts-as it is often in such cases-seem
conspicuously involved in and engaged with this hysterical
discourse. Surprisingly, while the strong academic interest in
hysteria throughout the twentieth century and most prominently at
the turn of the century is well known and much discussed, the study
of how these discourses have continued well into
twenty-first-century art practices, is largely pressing on a blind
spot. It is the aim of this volume to illustrate how hysteria was
already well established within the arts alongside and at times
even separately from the much-covered medical studies, and reveal
how those current artistic practices very much continue a century
spanning cross-fertilization between hysteria and the arts.
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