Books > Religion & Spirituality > Alternative belief systems > Syncretist & eclectic religions & belief systems > Post-renaissance syncretist / eclectic systems > Theosophy & Anthroposophy
"Translation of Geiste und soziale Wandlungen in der
Menschheitsentwickelung, published by Rudolf Steiner Verlag,
Dornach, Switzerland, 1992"--T.p. verso.
Steiner sees Krishna as a great spiritual teacher and the Bhagavad
Gita as a preparation, though still abstract, for the coming of
Christ and the Christ impulse as the living embodiment of the
world, law, and devotion, represented by the three Hindu streams of
Veda, Sankhya, and Yoga. For him, the epic poem of the Bhagavad
Gita represents the fully ripened fruit of Hinduism, whereas Paul
is related but represents the seed of something entirely new. In
the last lecture, Steiner reveals Krishna as the sister soul of
Adam, incarnated as Jesus, and claims Krishas Yoga teachings
streamed from Christ into Paul.
Based on direct communications with his eight spirit guides, Dr Bob
Woodward confirms that we have all lived in spirit worlds before
our birth - and that we will enter these same realms again after
our material deaths. In a very real sense, these higher spirit
worlds are actually our true home, he says, rather than our present
physical existence, which is only a temporary abode. In
consultation with his spirit guides - including a Tibetan Lama, a
Jewish Rabbi, a Native American and his personal guardian angel -
Bob Woodward gives a detailed survey of our lives in spirit worlds
before birth and after death, our relationships there with friends,
family and even pets, and our connections with both good and evil
spiritual beings. He also gives a commentary on a range of subjects
such as reincarnation and climate change. In a final extensive and
moving interview, Woodward finds and speaks with the soul of his
deceased father, who offers enlightening glimpses of life after
death. Whilst the author's knowledge is grounded in decades of
study of the work of Rudolf Steiner - with which he compares the
results of his own extrasensory perceptions - Knowledge of Spirit
Worlds is not intended as a dry philosophical study. Rather, it has
a warm, experiential quality - based as it is on personal
interaction with spirit entities - and emphasizes the love that
connects all worlds and beings together.
"A tone is at the foundation of everything in the physical world."
This is one of many astonishing statements made by Rudolf Steiner
in this collection of seven lectures on the inner realities of
music. These lectures are an unusual treasure as they are the only
two groups of lectures that Steiner gave primarily on music, other
than the lecture cycle for the tone eurythmy course, Eurythmy as
Visible Music. In the first group of three lectures, given in 1906,
Steiner explains why music affects the human soul so powerfully.
Music has always held a special position among the arts because it
is the only art form whose archetype, or source, lies not in the
physical world, as with architecture, sculpture, and painting, but
purely in the spiritual world-the soul's true home. Music thus
directly expresses through tones the innermost essence of the
cosmos, and our sense of well-being when we hear music comes from a
recognition of our soul's experience in the spiritual world. In the
remaining lectures, given in 1922-23, Steiner discusses our
experience of musical intervals and shows how it has undergone
profound changes during the course of evolution. The religious
effects of music in ancient times and the union of music with
speech are considered, as well as the origin of musical instruments
out of imaginations that accompanied singing. New insights are
offered on the nature of the major and minor modes and on future
directions of musical development.
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