Rock and Roll, Cancer, and God's Love Collide at the Crossroads
of Doubt and Faith
"Stumbling on Open Ground" is a story of private trial and faith
like those found in the books of Esther and Job. Punctuated with
stories from Mansfield's years in the music business--working with
George Harrison and Waylon Jennings, among others--"Stumbling on
Open Ground" is a private dialogue between a charismatic man, his
loving wife, and the extraordinary God who transformed them both in
the middle of a heartbreaking disease.
""Dealing with cancer is not as linear as most books describe
the ordeal. Going into it, going through it, and coming out of
cancer is not that orderly. The battle is more of a hanging on, a
falling apart, a sense of loss, and a lot of lonely flailing among
the rubble.""
--Ken Mansfield
Ken's story is told in tandem with his wife, Connie. She is the
enduring comforter, a co-victim of cancer whose capacity for
selfless, empathetic "eros" comprises the human counterpart to
God's "agape." This is the consummate love story of two people on a
journey with God to the edge and back. "Stumbling on Open Ground"
is a must-read for anyone who has ever needed strength in moments
of trial and doubt.
"Ken is jarringly honest about everything--life, success, fame,
disillusionment, faith, questioning faith, cancer, the death of
friends, and staying very close to one's spouse and Creator in the
face of life-threatening challenges. This book might make you a
little uncomfortable, but that's probably why you should read it.
We must all at some point face similar challenges, face mortality,
losing everything material, and Ken talks about what it's like to
trust God, no matter what."
--Bernie Leadon, founding member of "The Eagles"
"Ken Mansfield's "Stumbling on Open Ground" is one of the most
extraordinary messages of healing--spiritual, physical and
emotional--I have ever read. As someone who is paid to write, I'm
genuinely in awe of his descriptive powers . . . and he needs them
all to convey the Tolstoyan experiences of his past trials, and to
describe the miraculous. Ken's writing is truly magnificent and
this is a book that will be savored and remembered forever by those
lucky enough to crack it open. Thank God for keeping Ken alive to
write it."
--David Asman, host of "Forbes on Fox," Fox News Channel
"Ken Mansfield's harrowing journey from the pinnacle of
success--on the rooftop with the Beatles for their final
performance--to the depths of near death is a story both heavenly
and hellish as he openly faces his God with the questions very few
trust their heavenly Father enough to ask. God's answers lie
between the pages of this book."
--Mancow Muller, nationally syndicated radio and television
"Ken has been down roads so unique that many of us only read
about lives like his in novels or see them in blockbuster movies.
But this time, he gets personal and strikes a chord deep in our
hearts as he tackles the universal questions of 'Why me? Why now?
Will I be able to handle this? Where are you, God?' This book is
sure to inspire you, and help you to doubt your doubts, and place
your faith in God."
--Kirk Cameron, actor and producer