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The book covers the application of numerical methods to reinforced
concrete structures. To analyze reinforced concrete structures
linear elastic theories are inadequate because of cracking, bond
and the nonlinear and time dependent behavior of both concrete and
reinforcement. These effects have to be considered for a realistic
assessment of the behavior of reinforced concrete structures with
respect to ultimate limit states and serviceability limit
The book gives a compact review of finite element and other
numerical methods. The key to these methods is through a proper
description of material behavior. Thus, the book summarizes the
essential material properties of concrete and reinforcement and
their interaction through bond. These basics are applied to
different structural types such as bars, beams, strut and tie
models, plates, slabs and shells. This includes prestressing of
structures, cracking, nonlinear stress-strain relations, creeping,
shrinkage and temperature changes.
Appropriate methods are developed for each structural type. Dynamic
problems are treated as well as short-term quasi-static problems
and long-term transient problems like creep and shrinkage. Most
problems are illustrated by examples which are solved by the
program package ConFem, based on the freely available Python
programming language. The ConFem source code together with the
problem data is available under open source rules in combination
with this book.
The author aims to demonstrate the potential and the limitations of
numerical methods for simulation of reinforced concrete structures,
addressing students, teachers, researchers and designing and
checking engineers.
Drawing on previously inaccessible and overlooked archival sources,
The Herero Genocide undertakes a groundbreaking investigation into
the war between colonizer and colonized in what was formerly German
South-West Africa and is today the nation of Namibia. In addition
to its eye-opening depictions of the starvation, disease, mass
captivity, and other atrocities suffered by the Herero, it reaches
surprising conclusions about the nature of imperial dominion,
showing how the colonial state's genocidal posture arose from its
own inherent weakness and military failures. The result is an
indispensable account of a genocide that has been neglected for too
Phase transitions in disordered systems and related dynamical
phenomena are a topic of intrinsically high interest in theoretical
and experimental physics. This book presents a unified view,
adopting concepts from each of the disjoint fields of disordered
systems and nonlinear dynamics. Special attention is paid to the
glass transition, from both experimental and theoretical
viewpoints, to modern concepts of pattern formation, and to the
application of the concepts of dynamical systems for understanding
equilibrium and nonequilibrium properties of fluids and solids. The
content is accessible to graduate students, but will also be of
benefit to specialists, since the presentation extends as far as
the topics of ongoing research work.
In this issue of Veterinary Clinics: Equine Practice, guest editor
Kevin K. Haussler brings his considerable expertise to the topic of
Integrative Medicine. Provides in-depth reviews on the latest
updates in Integrative Medicine, providing actionable insights for
veterinary practice. Presents the latest information on this
timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors
in the field; Authors synthesize and distill the latest research
and practice guidelines to create these timely topic-based reviews.
This book gives an up-to-date introduction to the structure, physical properties and applications of quasicrystalline alloys. It covers quasiperiodic tilings and the determination and modelling of the atomic structure of quasicrystals. The electronic properties, determined from measurements of the partial electronic density of states and the calculation of the electronic structure, play a key role in this introduction, as does an extensive discussion of the determination and simulation of the atomic dynamics. For the application of these aperiodic crystals, defects are a critical issue. Thus the book also presents a detailed treatement of the study of defects in quasicrystals by high resolution electron microscopy and ion channeling, as well as computer simulations of defects and fracture in decorated tilings.
This book has the highest impact factor of all publications
ranked by ISI within polymer science. It contains short and concise
reports on physics and chemistry of polymers, each written by the
world renowned experts. It remains valid and useful after 5 or 10
years. The electronic version is available free of charge for
standing order customers at: springer.com/series/12/.
The startling range of muffin pans produced by the Griswold
Manufacturing Company from the late nineteenth century through the
1950s is covered in detail in this fascinating guide. The author
provides more than 235 photographs of muffin pan designs and
computer graphics depicting 226 pan variations. All the pertinent
details necessary to identify Griswold pans are provided, in
addition to the names, numbers, pattern numbers, dates of
production, and comparative rarity of each pan. Also included is a
brief history of the company, the evolution of Griswold's muffin
pans, and details from Griswold sales catalogs. Prices are provided
in the text for every pan and variation listed. "Collecting
Griswold muffin pans is enjoyable, affordable, challenging,
somewhat mysterious, and addictive," says the author, who has been
seeking out cast-iron for more than half a decade.
Combining their years of experience working with individuals on the
autism spectrum, both here and around the world, authors Vera
Bernard-Opitz and Anne Haussler bring teachers and other
professionals practical ideas and teaching methods for offering
visual supports to students with autism spectrum disorders and
other visual learners. With hundreds of colourful illustrations and
step-by-step directions, this book lays the foundation for how to
structure teaching environments, as well as offers countless
examples of activities for students, ranging from basic skills, to
reading and math, to social behaviour.
Phase transitions in disordered systems and related dynamical
phenomena are a topic of intrinsically high interest in theoretical
and experimental physics. This book presents a unified view,
adopting concepts from each of the disjoint fields of disordered
systems and nonlinear dynamics. Special attention is paid to the
glass transition, from both experimental and theoretical
viewpoints, to modern concepts of pattern formation, and to the
application of the concepts of dynamical systems for understanding
equilibrium and nonequilibrium properties of fluids and solids. The
content is accessible to graduate students, but will also be of
benefit to specialists, since the presentation extends as far as
the topics of ongoing research work.
The present volume summarizes some of the important recent
developments in the field of metallic glasses. A variety of new
"amorphization" methods such as hydrogen absorption, thermal
interdiffusion reactions, irradiation and mechanical alloying are
presented and various thermodynamic and experimental aspects of
these techniques are discussed in detail. A chapter is devoted to
glassy metals used as catalyst precursors yielding metal catalysts
with unusual chemical and structural properties. The interrelation
between electronic and ionic structures in glassy and liquid metals
gives fascinating insights in the basic properties of the
non-crystalline state of matter.
Die Entdeckung bzw. Wiederentdeckung der blutzuckersenkenden
Wirkung von Sulfonylharnstoffen im Jahre 1955 durch FRANKE und
FUCHS hat die For- schung sowohl uber die Physiologie der
Langerhansschen Inseln als auch uber den Kohlenhydratstoffwechsel
sehr angeregt. Nachdem es wahrscheinlich wurde, dass Substanzen aus
der Gruppe der Sulfonylharnstoffe die Sekretion von Insulin
stimulieren, wurden verschiedene Methoden zur Bestimmung von
Insulin im Blut entwickelt, die wegweisend fur empfindliche
Methoden zur Bestimmung anderer Peptidhormone waren, und die
elektronenmikroskopischen Beobachtungen der Vorgange bei der
Sekretion von Insulin aus den B-Zellen wurden zum Modell fur die
Vorstellungen uber die Funktion anderer Drusen. Es gibt viele
Substanzen, die die Insulin-Sekretion aus den B-Zellen beeinflus-
sen, die Zucker Glucose und Mannose, die Aminosauren Arginin und
Leucin, ver- schiedene kurzkettige Fettsauren, verschiedene
Metaboliten des intermediaren Stoffwechsels und Hormone, wie
Glucagon, Corticotropin, Secretin, Gastrin, Pankreozym und
verschiedene andere. In diesem Band sollten die therapeutisch
interessanten Pharmaka abgehandelt werden, zu denen vor allem die
Gruppen der Sulfonylharnstoffe bzw. Sulfonamide und der Biguanide
gehoren. Auf die Geschichte der Verwendung von Biguaniden zur
Behandlung von Diabetikern geht BECKMANN in seinem Artikel
ausfuhrlich ein, so dass sich eine Darstellung hier erubrigt. Die
blutzuckersenkenden Sulfonylharnstoffe wurden 1955 sozusagen durch
eine klinische Zufallsbeobachtung mit Carbutamid wieder entdeckt
und fur die Therapie zuganglich gemacht, nachdem LOUBATIERES sich
mit der Wirkung ahnlicher Substanzen auf den Blutzucker und auf die
Langerhans'schen Inseln bereits seit Anfang der 40er Jahre
ausfuhrlich experimentell beschaftigt und bereits prinzipielle
Aussagen uber den Wirkungsmechanismus gemacht hatte, die auch heute
noch weitgehend akzeptiert werden.
The book provides an introduction to all aspects of the physics of
quasicrystals. The chapters, each written by an expert in this
field, cover quasiperiodic tilings and the modeling of the atomic
structure of quasicrystals. The electronic density of states and
the calculation of the electronic structure play a key role in this
introduction, as does an extensive discussion of the atomic
dynamics. The study of defects in quasicrystals by high resolution
electron microscopy and the computer simulations of defects and
fracture in decorated tilings are important subjects for the
application of these aperiodic crystals.
Carolin Haussler analyzes the following topics: Do inter-firm
collaborations increase firm value? Does value enhancement vary
according to firm and collaboration characteristics? What
determines the allocation of control rights between asymmetrical
partners? Does the contractual structure influence the success of
collaboration? Is collaboration supporting firm restructuring in
times of change?
Der Band gibt einen umfassenden Einblick in aktuelle Debatten zur
Organisation alltaglicher Fursorge- und Versorgungsarbeiten rund um
den privaten Haushalt. Aus vier haushaltswissenschaftlichen
Perspektiven wird deutlich, dass die Unterbewertung der Arbeit des
Alltags zu gesellschaftlichen Folgekosten und Benachteiligung
insbesondere von Frauen fuhrt und fur die UEbergange zwischen
oeffentlicher und privater Verantwortung fur "Care" strukturell
verankerte Loesungen von Noeten sind.
"Physikdidaktik" gibt eine Einfuhrung in Theorie und Praxis des
Physikunterrichts. In jedem der sieben Kapitel werden traditionelle
Aspekte berucksichtigt wie Martin Wagenscheins physikdidaktische
Auffassungen. Ausserdem sind auch neuere Entwicklungen der
Physikdidaktik dargestellt, wie zum Beispiel Computer und Internet
im Physikunterricht oder wie man den "Lernerfolg" messen kann.
Auswahlkriterium fur diese Variablen des Physikunterrichts: sie
mussen sich in der Schule und/ oder in der Lehrerbildung bewahrt
haben. Insgesamt werden in "Physikdidaktik" favorisiert: offener,
schulerzentrierter Unterricht gegenuber lehrerzentriertem
Unterricht, Gruppenunterricht und individualisierter Unterricht
gegenuber Frontalunterricht."
Inhalts}bersicht: Geschichtliche Entwicklung des Kassenarztrechts.
- Orztliche Organisationen. - Teilnahme an der kassen{rztlichen
Versorgung. - Formen {rztlicher Berufst{tigkeit. - Allgemeines
Arztrecht. - Spezielles Arztrecht. - Regelnde Normen der
kassen{rztlichen Versorgung.- Beziehungen des Kassenarztes zu
anderen Institutionen. - Die kurative ambulante Behandlung. -
Wirtschaftliche Verordnungs- und Behandlungsweise. - Beleg{rztliche
Behandlung. - Gesundheitsvorsorge. - Krankheitsfr}herkennung. -
Rehabilitation. - Bescheinigung der Arbeitsunf{higkeit und
Begutachtungen. - Orztliche Zusammenarbeit. - Abrechnung,
Leistungsverg}tung und Pr}fwesen. - Umsatz, Kosten, Einkommen.
-Mitgliedschaft in Laborgemeinschaften. - Praxisfinanzierung. -
Orztliche Aufkl{rungspflicht. - Literatur. - Sachregister.
Bob Jones University is a Christian, fundamentalist,
nondenominational liberal arts school in Greenville, South
Carolina. BJU was founded in 1927 by Christian evangelist Bob Jones
Sr., who was against the secularization of higher education and the
influence of religious liberalism in denominational colleges. For
most of the twentieth century, BJU branded itself as the "World's
Most Unusual University" because of its separatist culture. Many
BJU students come from fundamentalist communities and are aware of
BJU's strict rules and conservative lifestyle. So why would queer
students enroll at BJU? A former queer student of BJU himself,
Lance Weldy has come to terms with his own involvement with the
institution and has reached out to other queer students to help
represent the range of queer experience in this restrictive
atmosphere. BJU and Me: Queer Voices from the World's Most
Christian University provides behind-the-scenes explanations from
nineteen former BJU students from the past few decades who now
identify as LGBT+. They write about their experiences, reflect on
their relationships with a religious institution, and describe
their vulnerability under a controlling regime. Some students hid
their sexuality and graduated under the radar; others transferred
to other schools but faced reparative therapy elsewhere; some
endured mandatory counseling sessions on campus; while still others
faced incredible obstacles after being outed by or to the BJU
administration. These students give voices to their queer
experiences at BJU and share their unique stories, including
encounters with internal and/or external trauma and their paths to
self-validation and recovery. Often their journeys led them out of
fundamentalism and the BJU network entirely.
Bob Jones University is a Christian, fundamentalist,
nondenominational liberal arts school in Greenville, South
Carolina. BJU was founded in 1927 by Christian evangelist Bob Jones
Sr., who was against the secularization of higher education and the
influence of religious liberalism in denominational colleges. For
most of the twentieth century, BJU branded itself as the "World's
Most Unusual University" because of its separatist culture. Many
BJU students come from fundamentalist communities and are aware of
BJU's strict rules and conservative lifestyle. So why would queer
students enroll at BJU? A former queer student of BJU himself,
Lance Weldy has come to terms with his own involvement with the
institution and has reached out to other queer students to help
represent the range of queer experience in this restrictive
atmosphere. BJU and Me: Queer Voices from the World's Most
Christian University provides behind-the-scenes explanations from
nineteen former BJU students from the past few decades who now
identify as LGBT+. They write about their experiences, reflect on
their relationships with a religious institution, and describe
their vulnerability under a controlling regime. Some students hid
their sexuality and graduated under the radar; others transferred
to other schools but faced reparative therapy elsewhere; some
endured mandatory counseling sessions on campus; while still others
faced incredible obstacles after being outed by or to the BJU
administration. These students give voices to their queer
experiences at BJU and share their unique stories, including
encounters with internal and/or external trauma and their paths to
self-validation and recovery. Often their journeys led them out of
fundamentalism and the BJU network entirely.
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