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Moral Judgments and Social Education (Hardcover): Hans A. Hartmann Moral Judgments and Social Education (Hardcover)
Hans A. Hartmann
R4,388 Discovery Miles 43 880 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The study of morality is an empirical as well as conceptual task, one that involves data collection, statistical analysis, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses. This volume is about moral judgment, especially its exercise in selected social settings. The contributors are psychologists, sociologists, and philosophers of morality, most of whom have collaborated on long-ranged research projects in Europe involving socialization. These essays make it clear that moral judgment is a complex phenomena. The book fuses developmental psychology, sociology, and social psychology. It relates this directly to the work of Jean Piaget and Lawrence Kohlberg, who wrote the introduction to the book. Whether moral reasoning has a content-specific domain, or whether its structures transcend specific issues of justice, obedience, and rights, these and similar questions suggest that moral philosophers and ethical theorists have much to say about the human condition. The contributors represent diverse disciplines; but they have as their common concern the topic of the interaction of individual or group-specific moral development and social milieu. Although deeply involved in empirical research, they maintain that research on moral development can be pursued properly only in conjunction with a well-formulated theory of the relationship between society, cognition, and behavior. Moral development is an institutional as well as individual concern for schools, universities, and the military. It is rooted in the ability to formulate genuine and coherent moral judgments that reflect social conditions at two levels: individual socialization and historical development of the social system. This classic volume, now available in paperback, not only exemplifies that framework, but also makes an important contribution to it.

Moral Judgments and Social Education (Paperback): Hans A. Hartmann Moral Judgments and Social Education (Paperback)
Hans A. Hartmann
R1,522 Discovery Miles 15 220 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The study of morality is an empirical as well as conceptual task, one that involves data collection, statistical analysis, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses. This volume is about moral judgment, especially its exercise in selected social settings. The contributors are psychologists, sociologists, and philosophers of morality, most of whom have collaborated on long-ranged research projects in Europe involving socialization.

These essays make it clear that moral judgment is a complex phenomena. The book fuses developmental psychology, sociology, and social psychology. It relates this directly to the work of Jean Piaget and Lawrence Kohlberg, who wrote the introduction to the book. Whether moral reasoning has a content-specific domain, or whether its structures transcend specific issues of justice, obedience, and rights, these and similar questions suggest that moral philosophers and ethical theorists have much to say about the human condition.

The contributors represent diverse disciplines; but they have as their common concern the topic of the interaction of individual or group-specific moral development and social milieu. Although deeply involved in empirical research, they maintain that research on moral development can be pursued properly only in conjunction with a well-formulated theory of the relationship between society, cognition, and behavior. Moral development is an institutional as well as individual concern for schools, universities, and the military. It is rooted in the ability to formulate genuine and coherent moral judgments that reflect social conditions at two levels: individual socialization and historical development of the social system. This classic volume, now available in paperback, not only exemplifies that framework, but also makes an important contribution to it.

Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Measurement (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1985): A. Hartmann, S.... Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Measurement (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1985)
A. Hartmann, S. Hoyer
R1,667 Discovery Miles 16 670 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

At the present time several techniques are available for studying quantitatively global and regional blood flow and metabolism of the human brain. How ever, many scientists working in the clinical and research field who would like to use these tools for their investigations may be less familiar with the indi cations and limitations of the individual methods. The rapid development of both modern imaging techniques and new tracers may have led to some con fusion in answering the question as to which method is appropriate to solve the diagnostic problem of an individuum with brain disease. Scepticism and ignorance as to the methods to be used as tools in differential diagnosis of brain disorders may have prevented their widespread introduction into clinical practice. Thus, the significance of circulatory and metabolic parameters involved in the majority of diseases of the central nervous system may have been overlooked. The contributions compiled in this book describe in detail the individual techniques, outline their indications and limitations and deal in particular with newer methods such as the atraumatic 133Xe technique, stable xenon tomogra phy, three-dimensional techniques such as 133Xe single photon emission tomog raphy and N-isopropyl-P23-iodoamphetamine. Positron emission tomography studies provide information on function and metabolism, particularly that of oxygen and glucose, in regional brain areas of interest. Nuclear magnetic reso nance may be a promising method for studying metabolic parameters; however, accurate circulation measurements can not be performed at present."

Der Ekzempatient in Der Praxis (German, Hardcover, Reprint 2019 ed.): G. Burg, P. Elsner, A. Hartmann Der Ekzempatient in Der Praxis (German, Hardcover, Reprint 2019 ed.)
G. Burg, P. Elsner, A. Hartmann
R3,453 Discovery Miles 34 530 Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Der Schlaganfall - Pathogenese, Klinik, Diagnostik Und Therapie Akuter Zerebrovaskularer Erkrankungen (German, Paperback,... Der Schlaganfall - Pathogenese, Klinik, Diagnostik Und Therapie Akuter Zerebrovaskularer Erkrankungen (German, Paperback, Softcover Reprint of the Original 1st 2001 ed.)
A. Hartmann, W.D. Heiss
R3,594 Discovery Miles 35 940 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Der Schlaganfall - obwohl dritthaufigste Todesursache in den Industrielandern und mit den hoechsten Folgekosten verbunden - wird haufig als nicht behandelbares schicksalshaftes Ereignis angesehen. Das Buch beschreibt die im deutschen Sprachraum vertretenen Auffassungen und ublichen Strategien fur Diagnostik und Therapie und grenzt sich dadurch zur angloamerikanischen Literatur ab. Damit ist es das umfassende Standardwerk uber akute zerebrovaskulare Erkrankungen aus zentraleuropaischer Sicht.

The Old Mill (Paperback): Patricia A. Hartmann The Old Mill (Paperback)
Patricia A. Hartmann
R591 Discovery Miles 5 910 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Freizeit in der Erlebnisgesellschaft (German, Paperback, 2.Aufl. 1998): Hans A. Hartmann, Rolf Haubl Freizeit in der Erlebnisgesellschaft (German, Paperback, 2.Aufl. 1998)
Hans A. Hartmann, Rolf Haubl
R1,410 Discovery Miles 14 100 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Leistungsgesellschaft, "Risikogesellschaft", "Erlebnisgesellschaft" - diese drei von der Sozialwissenschaft beschriebenen "Typen" uberlagern und durchdringen sich in (post-)modernen Gesellschaften. Im Anschluss an das dritte Konzept versammelt dieser Band acht anschauliche Beitrage aus Psychologie und Soziologie zu erlebnisorientierten Freizeitbereichen. Es geht um Massentourismus, "Fun"- und Extremsportarten, Fussball, Popmusik, "suchtiges" Einkaufen als Zeitvertreib, Korperkult, Fantasy-Rollenspiele und virtuelles Vergnugen im "Cyberspace". Die Beitrage orientieren sich an der zentralen These, dass Gesellschaftstypus, Sozialcharakter und Freizeitverhalten in einer Wechselwirkungsbeziehung stehen: Die Gesellschaft modelliert (auch) uber Freizeitangebote und deren Nutzung die Sozialcharaktere, die zu ihr passen.

Bilderflut und Sprachmagie (German, Paperback, 1992 ed.): Hans A. Hartmann, Rolf Haubl Bilderflut und Sprachmagie (German, Paperback, 1992 ed.)
Hans A. Hartmann, Rolf Haubl
R1,928 Discovery Miles 19 280 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Die Konsumguterwerbung schafft Kultur, indem sie sich traditionelle Motive aus Literatur und Kunst aneignet und diese ihrem vordringlichen Verwertungsinteresse gemass umgestaltet. Derart fuhrt sie Traditionen, Sprach- und Sehgewohnheiten verfremdend und entfremdend fort. Sozialwissenschaftlich ist es von Interesse, diesen Umgestaltungsprozess zu studieren, in dessen Verlauf Muster verbalen und visuellen Erlebens sozialisiert werden. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Diagnose versammelt der Band 12 exemplarische Fallanalysen von Werbeanzeigen in Publikumszeitschriften. Jede Studie fuhrt an einem jeweils ausgewahlten, markanten Beispiel eine spezifische, abgrenzbare Methode der Bild-Text-Interpretation vor, so dass ein reprasentativer Querschnitt moglicher Zugange zur Dramaturgie und Rhetorik von Werbeanzeigen in Printmedien aus kulturkritischer Sicht entsteht.

Strategische Marketingplanung Im Einzelhandel (German, Paperback, 1992 ed.): Ralph A. Hartmann Strategische Marketingplanung Im Einzelhandel (German, Paperback, 1992 ed.)
Ralph A. Hartmann
R1,707 Discovery Miles 17 070 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Vor dem Hintergrund wachsender Komplexitiit und sich beschleunigender Dynamik des einzelhandelsbetrieblichen Entscheidungsfeldes gestaltet sich die Pflege langfristig wirksamer Erfolgspotentiale von Unternehmungen zunehmend schwieriger. Aus der Perspektive der nach Existenzsicherung strebenden Einzelhandelsunternehmung ergibt sich die Notwendigkeit, sich verstiirkt mit strategisch ausgerichteten Fiihrungstechni- ken auseinanderzusetzen und entsprechende Methoden der Marketingplanung zu nut- zen. 1m Gegensatz zum industriebetrieblichen Sektor, in dem sich die Umorientierung von operativ ausgerichteten Konzeptionen zur strategischen Planung schon seit geraumer Zeit erfolgreich vollwgen hat, ist diese Entwicklung in den meisten Bereichen des Einzelhandels wegen der haufig iiblichen Konzentration auf das Tagesgeschlift noch nicht sehr weit fortgeschritten. Vor einer Schelte der dort herrschenden Planungskul- tur ist jedoch zu bedenken, daB die bekannten Techniken strategischer Planung aus- schlieBlich fiir den Einsatz in der Industrie konzipiert worden sind. Diese sich aus der Einzelhandelsperspektive ergebende "Unzullinglichkeit" strategischer Planungstechni- ken ist als Grundlage des Forschungsplanes der vorliegenden Dissertationsschrift zu kennzeichnen. Auf der Basis eines geschlossenen Systems der strategischen Marketingplanung hat sich der Verfasser die Aufgabe gestellt, die Techniken der strategischen Planung auf eine einzelhandelsspezifische Anwendung zu iiberpriifen und gegebenenfalls Ansatz- stellen zur Modifikation aufzuzeigen. Diesen methodischen Ansatz erglinzt der Ver- fasser urn die Ergebnisse einer lundesweit angelegten empirischen Studie zum Komplex "Strategische Marketing')lanung in Einzelhandelsunternehmungen", deren Kernaussagen in die entsprechelld. !n Uberlegungen einflieBen und einen bislang noch nicht verfiigbaren Einblick in den aktuellen Stand der Planung dieser Branche ermoglichen.

Treatment of Cerebral Edema (German, Paperback): A. Hartmann, Mario Brock Treatment of Cerebral Edema (German, Paperback)
A. Hartmann, Mario Brock
R1,901 Discovery Miles 19 010 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book contains the papers delivered at the Symposium on "Medical Treatment of Brain Ede- ma" at the Seventh International Congress ofNeu- rological Surgery, held in Munich in 1981. The aim of each speaker was to give a short review of current knowledge in his or her field. In addition, most of the authors presented their own data. The symposium . was divided into two parts. The experimental part focused on pathophysiological and biochemical findings, while the clinical part dealt with therapy for brain edema, with particular emphasis on steroids. We wish to acknowledge the technical support of Springer-Verlag, Merck Company, Darmstadt and the help of Miss Scholz, Secretary of the Depart- ment of Neurology at the University of Heidel- berg. Heidelberg/Berlin A. Hartmann M. Brock v Contents K. -A. Hossmann Pathophysiology of Va so genic and Cytotoxic Brain Edema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Marrnarou, K. Tanaka, and K. Shulmann The Brain Response to Infusion Edema: Dynamics of Fluid Resolution . . . . . . . . . . 11 M. D. O'Brien 19 Ischemic Cerebral Edema A. Baethmann, W Oettinger, K. Moritake, L. Chaussy, andF. Jesch Metabolic Effects of Corticosteroids in Central Nervous Tissue . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 K. Maier-Hauff, O. Kempski, A. Unterberg, U. Gross, M. Lange, L. Schurer, and A. Baethmann The Kallikrein-Kinin-System as Mediator in Cerebral Edema, Recent Progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 S. F. Berndt 36 Symptoms of Cerebral Edema W R. Lanksch The Diagnosis of Brain Edema by Computed Tomography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 H. J. Klein and K. Schmidt Hyperosmolar Solutions and Diuretics in the Treatment of Brain Edema . . . . . . . .

Blutgefass- Und Lymphgefassapparat Atmungsapparat Und Innersekretorische Drusen - Erster Teil Blutgefasse Und Herz -... Blutgefass- Und Lymphgefassapparat Atmungsapparat Und Innersekretorische Drusen - Erster Teil Blutgefasse Und Herz - Lymphgefasse Und Lymphatische Organe - Milz (German, Paperback, Softcover Reprint of the Original 1st 1930 ed.)
A Benninghoff, A. Hartmann, T. Hellman
R1,762 Discovery Miles 17 620 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfangen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen fur die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfugung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden mussen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Lost Lake (Paperback): Patricia A. Hartmann Lost Lake (Paperback)
Patricia A. Hartmann
R613 Discovery Miles 6 130 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Anger Turned Sideways - A Memoir (Paperback): A. Hartmann Anger Turned Sideways - A Memoir (Paperback)
A. Hartmann
R327 R279 Discovery Miles 2 790 Save R48 (15%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Lonesome Mountain (Paperback): Patricia A. Hartmann Lonesome Mountain (Paperback)
Patricia A. Hartmann
R670 Discovery Miles 6 700 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Linguethica Materialistica - From Fact (is) to Virtue (Ought) (Paperback): Hartmann Ralph A. Hartmann Linguethica Materialistica - From Fact (is) to Virtue (Ought) (Paperback)
Hartmann Ralph A. Hartmann
R190 Discovery Miles 1 900 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Philosophies of Language and Linguistics - Plato, Aristotle, Saussure, Wittgenstein, Bloomfield, Russell, Quine, Searle,... Philosophies of Language and Linguistics - Plato, Aristotle, Saussure, Wittgenstein, Bloomfield, Russell, Quine, Searle, Chomsky, and Pinker on Language and Its Systematic Study (Paperback)
Ralph A. Hartmann
R306 Discovery Miles 3 060 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Yosemite (Paperback): Patricia A. Hartmann Yosemite (Paperback)
Patricia A. Hartmann
R622 Discovery Miles 6 220 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Colby was born and raised in Yosemite. Following a painful divorce, he returns to the "granite womb" as a park ranger, desperate for healing. He sees this summer as both a homecoming and a last chance to reconnect with his estranged son, Jake. Skylar's husband has gone missing in the park's backcountry. Facing an uncertain future, she tries to put the past behind her as she spearheads a Yosemite Conservancy project to restore the crumbling Wawona Hotel fountain. The two guard their secrets while dealing with lost hikers, wild bears, a lightning storm on Half Dome, a devastating rockfall, and ruthless wildlife poachers. The valley, dominated by the iconic Half Dome, holds both danger and promise amid its cascading white water and grey monoliths of stone. Can Colby and Skylar find in Yosemite and in each other, the healing grace of this one last golden summer? Patricia Hartmann is the author of historical romances, The Ojai-Pink Moment Promises, and Secrets of Sandpiper Cove. She has camped in her beloved Yosemite wilderness since she was a girl, returning year after year like a salmon to its home water. She lives with her husband in Ojai, California in a 145-year old farmhouse on a nine acre farm where they grow pixie tangerines. Patricia is a teacher, writer and artist whose signature is to paint the artwork for all of her book covers. She has a his/mine/and ours family of eight children, fifteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Visit her website at patriciahartmannbooks.com

The Ojai - Pink Moment Promises (Paperback): Patricia A. Hartmann The Ojai - Pink Moment Promises (Paperback)
Patricia A. Hartmann
R789 R692 Discovery Miles 6 920 Save R97 (12%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The simplicity of Ojai farm girl Meggie Baxter's life is shattered when she must choose between loyalty to her rough-hewn friend, Rusty, and the dashing Charles. As the decades of her life unfold, she faces the elemental dangers of floods and fire as well as the colorful high-jinks radiating from Pop Soper's Fight Camp, the steam baths at Matilija Hot Springs, a leaning post office tower, a corrupt councilman and Libbey's plans to modernize the town.

Amid tragedy and loss, Meggie clings to the one constant in her life, the promise of God's love. It is the "pink moment," the evening sunset casting a rosy hue like a prayer across the Topa Topa Mountains, that points her again and again to faith and courage. Midst the idyllic beauty of the Ojai Valley and the crushing forces of change, will Meggie and her beloved Ojai stay true to their rural roots of faith and family? Will the ultimate sacrifice that spares Rusty's life be enough? Or will the winds of destiny destroy both the people and the indomitable spirit of the Ojai?

Himbeerschmuggeleien - Kriminalnovelle (German, Paperback): Ralph A. Hartmann Himbeerschmuggeleien - Kriminalnovelle (German, Paperback)
Ralph A. Hartmann
R297 Discovery Miles 2 970 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Die Welt als reine Materie oder metaphysische Illusion 2021 - Linguistisch-philosophische Untersuchungen zu Sprache, Zeit und... Die Welt als reine Materie oder metaphysische Illusion 2021 - Linguistisch-philosophische Untersuchungen zu Sprache, Zeit und Wirklichkeit bei I. Kant, A. Schopenhauer, K. Lorenz und E. Schroedinger (German, Paperback)
Ralph A. Hartmann
R403 Discovery Miles 4 030 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Anamnesis - Erinnerungsfetzen - ein Gedichtzyklus (German, Paperback): Ralph A. Hartmann Anamnesis - Erinnerungsfetzen - ein Gedichtzyklus (German, Paperback)
Ralph A. Hartmann
R195 Discovery Miles 1 950 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Ego Mensura II - Des Werdegangs zur Gottheit Zweiter Teil (German, Paperback): Ralph A. Hartmann Ego Mensura II - Des Werdegangs zur Gottheit Zweiter Teil (German, Paperback)
Ralph A. Hartmann
R288 Discovery Miles 2 880 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
La Decouverte Des Sanctuaires De Menas Dans Le Desert De Mareotis (1908) (French, Paperback): Carl Maria Kaufmann La Decouverte Des Sanctuaires De Menas Dans Le Desert De Mareotis (1908) (French, Paperback)
Carl Maria Kaufmann; Translated by A. Hartmann; J.C.Ewald Falls
R764 Discovery Miles 7 640 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
La Decouverte Des Sanctuaires De Menas Dans Le Desert De Mareotis (1908) (French, Paperback): Carl Maria Kaufmann La Decouverte Des Sanctuaires De Menas Dans Le Desert De Mareotis (1908) (French, Paperback)
Carl Maria Kaufmann; Translated by A. Hartmann; J.C.Ewald Falls
R764 Discovery Miles 7 640 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
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