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Research in Colonial and Postcolonial Linguistics has experienced a
significant increase in contributions from varying fields of
language studies, gaining the attention of scholars from all over
the world. This volume aims to showcase the variety of topics
relevant to the study of language(s) in colonial, postcolonial and
decolonial contexts. A main reason of this variety is that the new
paradigm invites and necessitates research on different subject
matters such as language typology, grammar and cross-linguistics,
meta-linguistics and research on language ideology, discourse
analysis and pragmatics. The contributions of this volume are
selected, peer-reviewed papers which were partly invited and partly
given at the First Bremen Conference on Colonial and Postcolonial
Linguistics, held in September 2013.
This book summarises and critiques Extinction Rebellion (XR) as a
social movement organisation, engaging with key issues surrounding
its analysis, strategy and tactics. The authors suggest that XR
have an underdeveloped and apolitical view of the kind of change
necessary to address climate change, and that while this enables
the building of broad movements, it is also an obstacle to
achieving the systemic change that they are aiming for. The book
analyses different forms of protest and the role of civil
disobedience in their respective success or failure; democratic
demands and practices; and activist engagement with the political
economy of climate change. It engages with a range of theoretical
perspectives that address law-breaking in protest and participatory
forms of democracy including liberal political theory; anarchism
and forms of historical materialism, and will be of interest to
students and scholars across politics, international relations,
sociology, policy studies and geography, as well as those
interested in climate change politics and activism.
​In Beiträgen, die sich mit dem Bevölkerungsrückgang in der
Bundesrepublik beschäftigen, liegt der Fokus regelmäßig auf
Frauen und ihrer „Fertilität“, also der Potenz oder auch
Entscheidung, Kinder (nicht) zu bekommen. Im Zusammenhang mit den
sogenannten Neuen Bundesländern findet man in demografischen
Debatten des ersten Jahrzehnts des 21. Jahrhunderts häufig noch
ein anderes Narrativ: Vor allem junge, gut ausgebildete Frauen
kehrten in großem Maßstab ihrer „Heimat“ den Rücken, um
„im Westen“ ihr Glück zu suchen. Daniel Schmidt verortet diese
Erzählung in ihren historischen, wissens- sowie
bevölkerungspolitischen Kontexten und rekonstruiert die
dahinterliegenden kategorialen Subjektivierungen. Schließlich
skizziert er politische Konsequenzen dieses spezifischen
This book summarises and critiques Extinction Rebellion (XR) as a
social movement organisation, engaging with key issues surrounding
its analysis, strategy and tactics. The authors suggest that XR
have an underdeveloped and apolitical view of the kind of change
necessary to address climate change, and that while this enables
the building of broad movements, it is also an obstacle to
achieving the systemic change that they are aiming for. The book
analyses different forms of protest and the role of civil
disobedience in their respective success or failure; democratic
demands and practices; and activist engagement with the political
economy of climate change. It engages with a range of theoretical
perspectives that address law-breaking in protest and participatory
forms of democracy including liberal political theory; anarchism
and forms of historical materialism, and will be of interest to
students and scholars across politics, international relations,
sociology, policy studies and geography, as well as those
interested in climate change politics and activism.
This volume focusses on contradiction as a key concept in the
Humanities and Social Sciences. By bringing together theoretical
and empirical contributions from a broad disciplinary spectrum, the
volume advances research in contradiction and on contradictory
phenomena, laying the foundations for a new interdisciplinary field
of research: Contradiction Studies. Dealing with linguistic
phenomena, urban geographies, business economy, literary writing
practices, theory of the social sciences, and language education,
the contributions show that contradiction, rather than being a
logical exemption in the Aristotelian sense, provides a valuable
approach to many fields of socially, culturally, and historically
relevant fields of research.
Das Buch bietet einen Einstieg in die Informatik anhand von LEGO
Mindstorms NXT-Robotern, mit deren Hilfe Informatik-Inhalte
anschaulich vermittelt werden. Nach einer allgemein gehaltenen
Einfuhrung in die Informatik und informationstechnische Prinzipien
und Komponenten wie Computer und Compiler werden im zweiten Teil
die verschiedenen Bauteile (Sensoren, Motoren, Rechner) des
NXT-Bausatzes und die jeweiligen Funktionsweisen behandelt sowie
die grafische Programmierumgebung von LEGO. Der dritte Teil enthalt
eine Einfuhrung in die objektorientierte Programmiersprache JAVA
und die Programmierung von LEGO-Robotern mit Hilfe von LeJOS.
Antidiskriminierungspadagogik ist eine relativ junge Strategie, die
sich zum einen fur einen respektvollen Umgang mit Vielfalt einsetzt
und zum anderen ein entschiedenes Eintreten gegen Diskriminierung
und Herabwurdigung befordert. Das Konzept will junge Menschen
befahigen mit Differenzen umgehen zu lernen, die aus sozialen
Unterschieden resultieren und uber die gesellschaftlichen
Bedingungen, die die Konstruktion dieser Differenzen ergeben,
aufklaren. Der Band bietet Padagoginnen und Padagogen
praxisorientiertes und umfassendes Werkzeug, um im beruflichen
Handeln Ausgrenzung und Exklusion zu thematisieren und gegen diese
Die amtliche Statistik etablierte sich im 19. Jahrhundert als
essentielle Wissenstechnik moderner Staatlichkeit: Einerseits
konstitutierte sie das Regierungs-Objekt, die "Bevolkerung", uber
die sie andererseits ein umfangreiches Regierungs-Wissen bereit
stellte. Mit der statistischen Erfassung und Prasentation wurden
die politischen Probleme der Armut, der Delinquenz und der
Krankheit als Massenphanomene erkennbar, die eine rational
abgesicherte gouvernementalistische Intervention erreichten.
Zugleich mussten die Statistiker aber auch die individualistischen
und politischen Grenzen ihres Zugriffs auf das Leben der Menschen
The study extends the literature on venture capital by examining
whether entrepreneur's choice for an external investor and certain
firm characteristics have an impact on venture success or not. The
focus is set on the differences in value creation by venture
capitalists and business angels for ventures of the high- and
low-technology sector. The assessment of a data set including 252
Series A financing rounds by venture capitalist firms, business
angels and collaborative investments of both investors conducted
between 2005 and 2012 unveils value enhancing aspects for all three
financing solutions. Overall, start-ups initially financed by
venture capitalist firms perform best with regard to general
venture success, whereas start-ups collaboratively supported by
venture capitalists and business angels have the highest chances to
exit successfully through a trade sale. It becomes further apparent
that ventures located in one of the high-technology industries
'internet', 'pharmaceuticals' and 'high-tech', ventures that are
longer established in the market and ventures whose Series A
financing round was executed more recently indicate an enhanced
likelihood of success.
Master's Thesis from the year 2013 in the subject Economics -
Finance, grade: 8,0 (Top-Thesis), Maastricht University (Finance),
language: English, abstract: The study extends the literature on
venture capital by examining whether entrepreneur's choice for an
external investor and certain firm characteristics have an impact
on venture success or not. The focus is set on the differences in
value creation by venture capitalists and business angels for
ventures of the high- and low-technology sector. The assessment of
a data set including 252 Series A financing rounds by venture
capitalist firms, business angels and collaborative investments of
both investors conducted between 2005 and 2012 unveils value
enhancing aspects for all three financing solutions. Overall,
start-ups initially financed by venture capitalist firms perform
best with regard to general venture success (exit and survival
rates), whereas start-ups collaboratively supported by venture
capitalists and business angels have the highest chances to exit
successfully through a trade sale. It becomes further apparent that
ventures located in one of the high-technology industries
'internet', 'pharmaceuticals' and 'high-tech', ventures that are
longer established in the market and ventures whose Series A
financing round was executed more recently indicate an enhanced
likelihood of success.
Bachelor Thesis from the year 2007 in the subject Politics -
International Politics - Topic: European Union, grade: 1,0,
University of Twente (Political Institute ), language: English,
abstract: ...] Nonetheless, important changes happened on the club
level. On the 6th of April 2001 Energie Cottbus was the first club
in the Bundesliga that played with 11 non-German players (Kicker,
8th April 2001). This extreme case shows that significant changes
have taken place after the ruling. Clubs require more players from
other countries, and competition for the superstars of sport has
become enormous. The aim of this paper is to identify the changes,
which have come up for soccer due to the Bosman case. Therefore the
main question will be the following: How did the Bosman-case affect
the European football leagues, and especially the top-five leagues
(England, Italy, Spain, Germany and France)? In order to answer
this question many different dimension have to be taken into
consideration, since the Bosman case revolutionized football in
more than one way. Thus aspects, which have to be mentioned here,
include the changed number of foreign football players in the
European leagues, the new transfer system, the new competitiveness
situation as well as the financial development of the clubs.
Sub-questions, which need to be answered in order to support the
main questions, are: What is the historical relation between the EU
law and sport law? What exactly is the content of the Bosman case?
Which additional sport cases where decided by the ECJ after the
Bosman ruling? How did the clubs react to the changed rules? Where
the players able to benefit from the Bosman ruling, and if so how
exactly? Has the competitive balance situation changed after
Bosman? Are there also other reasons that can explain a changed
situation? In the first part the question about the exact relation
between the EU and the sport law will be answered. Sport still
enjoys a certain freedom and can implement ru
Internship Report from the year 2007 in the subject Politics -
International Politics - Region: Africa, grade: 1,0, University of
Twente (Political Institute ), 86 entries in the bibliography,
language: English, abstract: ...] In Kenya secondary education is
still very problematic, as it is cost school fees and this money is
often too much for the low-earning families. Therefore only 30% of
the eligible studets are going to secondary schools in Kenya
(Aduda, Daily Nation, 14.06.2007). ...]During a three-month stay in
Kenya I had the chance to conduct an interview with parents, who
send their girls to a secondary school in Mabungo, a village next
to the city of Ukunda. My aim was to find out, why parents decided
to send the girls to school and what they expect from those
investments in the future. Four leading hypotheses were established
before the interviews took place, namely: 1.Families that have the
choice of sending boys or girls to school prefer the boys. ...]
2.Only parents who are educated themselves also care about
education for their children. 3.The work that has to be done around
the house prevents parents from sending their children to school,
since their working skills are needed in order to feed the family
4.Parents see the investing in their children as a step into a
secure future for themselves, which is often the main reason why
they send their children to school. In order to find out whether
those hypotheses apply, the interview was constructed around those
questions. ...] The set-up of the paper will reconstruct the
approach, which was taken in order to find answers to the
hypotheses. In the first part the methodology, which was chosen in
order to construct and implement the interview, will be described.
After this the answers will be described and it will be shown that
especially the fourth hypothesis is true and of crucial importance
for parents that send their girls to secondary schools. In the
following section it will be checked if the resul
Seminar paper from the year 2008 in the subject Politics -
International Politics - Region: Africa, grade: 1,7, University of
Tubingen (Politikwissenschaftliches Institut), 50 entries in the
bibliography, language: English, abstract: The Millennium
Development goals (MDGs) were set in 2000 as an ambitious goal to
improve the situation in developing countries in fields such as
education, reducing poverty or improving the health situation for
the poor. Those goals shall be achieved until the year 2015, which
means that halve of the time between the settings of the goals and
the supposed reaching of those has passed. Thus it is time to ask
how successful the tries have been until now, and if it is still
realistic to achieve those goals. This paper will place special
emphasis on Africa and especially Sub-Sahara Africa. In this region
the smallest progress can be seen, and in certain areas no success
as all can be witnessed. The main question, which will be answered
in this paper, is therefore: "What are the problems that prevent
the countries in Sub-Sahara Africa to achieve the Millennium
Development goals?" In the first section of the paper the
Millennium Declaration, which was signed in September 2000, will be
introduced, and the growing international acceptation of those
goals will be mentioned. (Qureshi, 2004) After that the present
situation will be described. When all developing countries are seen
together, the data suggest that improvement has taken place and
that the implemented strategies have been at least partly
successful. But this is a very limited view, as there are different
categories of developing countries. The situation in the two
biggest countries of the world China and India has improved
significantly, and Asia in general has made some progress,
especially the regions East and South-East Asia show significant
improvement during the last years. The next section will analyse
the poor performance of African countries and why this is the case.
Two ma
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich BWL - Allgemeines,
Note: 1,3, Fachhochschule Koblenz - Standort RheinAhrCampus
Remagen, 26 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch,
Abstract: Veranderte Rahmenbedingungen in der Krankenhauslandschaft
- genannt seien der strukturelle, finanzwirtschaftliche,
gesellschaftliche, demografische und politischrechtliche Wandel -
erfordern die Notwendigkeit der Einfuhrung und Anwendung moderner
Kostenrechnungssysteme im Krankenhaussektor.1 Der zunehmende
Kostendruck, der insbesondere durch die Einfuhrung eines
fallpauschalenorientierten Vergutungssystems entstanden ist,
verlangt die Abkehr von traditionellen Kostenrechnungsmethoden. Nur
so kann es gelingen, ein Krankenhaus mittel- bis langfristig
zielorientiert zu steuern. Eine weitere Grundvoraussetzung dafur
ist eine transparente Kostensituation. Die Prozesskostenrechnung
(PKR) bietet einen hierfur geeigneten Losungsansatz. 2 Diese ist in
deutschen Krankenhausern aktuell jedoch noch unzureichend
verbreitet. 3 Das Verfahren der PKR wird in Kapitel 2 der
Seminararbeit theoretisch dargestellt. In Kapitel 3 werden
Besonderheiten des Einsatzes des Verfahrens in einem Krankenhaus
erortert. Im Anschluss daran veranschaulicht eine Fallstudie in
Kapitel 4 den Ablauf der PKR in der Praxis.
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Musikwissenschaft,
Note: 1,0, Justus-Liebig-Universitat Giessen, Veranstaltung: Musik
im Radio, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Das Recht fur geistiges
Eigentum oder auch Urheberrecht bildete sich zwischen
Spatmittelalter und dem Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts in Europa. In
der Antike bis zum Hochmittelalter existierte kein Schutz fur
geistiges Eigentum, sondern vielmehr Regelungen fur Sachbesitz als
Eigentum (vgl. Schickert 2005: 52), jedoch war der Begriff bereits
bekannt. Wichtige Werke wurden in der Antike ununterbrochen von
Monchen von Hand kopiert, in verschiedene Sprachen ubersetzt und
somit ohne Einwilligung des Urhebers vervielfaltigt. Lediglich das
Stehlen oder Zerstoren von Besitzgegenstanden wurde bestraft. Der
Urheber eines Buches konnte sich allerdings mit Fluchen vor
ungewollten Kopien schutzen. So schreibt Markus Junker, dass Eike
Repgow im Sachsenspiegel denjenigen, die sein Werk verfalschten"
(Junker 2002), schriftlich mit Aussatz und Holle" drohte. Das Wort
Plagiat stammt von dem lateinischen Wort plagium ab und bedeutet
die Entfuhrung freier Menschen in die Sklaverei" (Schickert 2005:
69). Marcus Valerius Martialis pragte diesen Begriff, da er diesen
mir einer Person namens Fidentius in Verbindung brachte, der
Martials Gedichte unter eigenem Namen vorlas und somit diese
bildlich gesehen versklavte
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich BWL - Allgemeines,
Note: 1,7, Fachhochschule Koblenz - Standort RheinAhrCampus
Remagen, Veranstaltung: Sozialwirtschaft, 17 Quellen im
Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Basel II: Dieser
Terminus, mit dem eine zukunftig veranderte Systematik der
Beurteilung von Unternehmen im Rahmen der Prufung ihrer
Kreditwurdigkeit durch die Banken verbunden ist, sorgt seit einiger
Zeit auch in Unternehmen und Einrichtungen der Gesundheits- und
Sozialwirtschaft fur Unruhe. Neben der Einfuhrung in die Begriffe
Basel II und Rating, ist das primare Ziel des Autors dieser
Hausarbeit, der Leserin/dem Leser die Auswirkungen der Neuen
Baseler Eigenkapitalubereinkunft sowie den sich daraus ergebenden
Handlungsbedarf fur die Unternehmen und Einrichtungen der
Sozialwirtschaft naher darzustellen.
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