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This book challenges dominant thinking about early career teachers
and their work. It offers an in-depth and critical analysis of
policies concerning the work of early career teachers and how they
are supported during this critical period, when they are highly
vulnerable to leaving the profession. Moreover, the book provides
examples from actual practice that illustrate how to help early
career teachers make a successful transition into the profession.
These practices promote early career teachers' development and help
the profession as a whole to capitalize on the new knowledge and
skills that these teachers bring to their classrooms and their
students. The book is divided into two main parts. Part 1 deals
with the difficult to define process of retaining early career
teachers, and its respective chapters consider this broad issue
from an international perspective. They explore how policies and
practices have an impact on what happens in schools, and what it
means to be a teacher and to teach. In turn, Part 2 focuses on the
need to reconsider the policies and practices that create the
'problem' of early career teachers, and offers alternative ways
forward. Each chapter addresses a specific aspect of the early
career teacher retention issue, contributing to a greater
understanding of how we can rethink the work of early career
teachers so that they can more successfully transition into the
The fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family of ligands and the
corresponding family of FGF receptor tyrosine kinases comprise one
of the most versatile and diverse growth factor signaling families
in vertebrates, found virtually in every tissue and cell type where
they regulate metabolic and physiologic function, maintain tissue
homeostasis, and mediate injury response, tissue repair, and
regeneration. As a result, FGFs play critical roles in a wide
variety of normal biological and abnormalities in FGF signaling can
lead to a variety of disease states from developmental
malformations, to atherosclerosis, pulmonary hypertension and
cancer among many others. A thorough understanding of this system
is necessary for critical insights into both normal and disease
biology and is essential to development of rationale therapeutic
strategies aimed at treatment of FGF-dependent diseases
states.Recent years have seen advances in our understanding of FGFs
role in endothelial and, more general, vascular biology, the
subject of this book. In particular, FGFs have been implicated in
the maintenance of vascular homeostasis and control of blood vessel
permeability while aberrant FGF signaling has been shown to be
central to the development of pulmonary hypertension, and
endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition, a process implicated in the
development of atherosclerosis. Finally, FGFs ability to stimulate
blood vessel growth has been explored in therapeutic angiogenesis
approaches.With this in mind, the present monograph is structured
to provide comprehensive information to a reader interested in FGFs
in general and vascular biology in particular. To this end, we
explore everything from the structure and signaling of FGFs and
their receptors (Chapters 1, 2 and 3) to their role in the
regulation of vascular homeostasis (Chapter 4) and cardiovascular
diseases (Chapters 5 and 6). We then address new developments in
FGF therapeutics (chapter 7) and explore FGF biology in the
epithelium (Chapter 8) thereby providing a complete analysis of
this growth factor family biology in two closely related but
distinctly different environments - endothelium and epithelium.
Finally, we examine FGF biology in eye disease and in cancer.It is
our hope that this comprehensive treatment of FGF vascular biology
and its application will provide the reader with the accurate and
timely summary of this rapidly moving field.
In April 1863 after the U.S. Dakota War of 1862, after the hanging
of thirty-eight Dakota men in the largest mass execution in U.S.
History some 270 Dakota men were moved from Mankato, Minnesota, to
a prison at camp McClellan in Davenport, Iowa. Separated from their
wives, children, and elder relatives, with inadequate shelter, they
lived there for three long, wretched years. More than 120 men died.
Desperate to connect with their families, many of these prisoners
of war learned to write. Their letters, mostly addressed to the
missionaries Stephen R Riggs and Thomas S. Williamson, asked for
information, for assistance, and for help sending and receiving
news of their loved ones. Dakota elders Clifford Canku and Michael
Simon, fluent Dakota speakers, provide both the Dakota
transcription and the first published English translation of fifty
of these letters, culled from Riggs's papers at the Minnesota
historical society. They are a precious resource for Dakota people
learning about the travails their ancestors faced, important
primary source documents for historians, and a vital tool for
Dakota language learners and linguists. These haunting documents
present a history that has long been unrecognised in this country,
in the words of the Dakota people who lived it. The dedication
written by the authors, both of whom are descendants of Dakota
prisoners of war, declares: "Our relatives are watching over us. /
We are humbled as we honour our ancestors. / Woecon kin de unyakupi
do / We accept this responsibility you gave us".
Dieses Buch bietet eine Untersuchung des Einflusses neoliberaler
Denkmuster auf die deutsche Gesundheitspolitik seit 1945. Der
Einfluss wird untersucht und aufgezeigt am Beispiel der
gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung, die von zentraler Bedeutung fĂźr
das deutsche Gesundheitswesen ist.Das Buch wendet sich an alle
Wissenschaftsdisziplinen, die sich mit Gesundheitspolitik und
insbesondere Fragen der Ausgestaltung der gesetzlichen
Krankenversicherung befassen. DarĂźber hinaus bietet es auch
Akteuren der Gesundheitspolitik vielfältiges Material und
Hintergrundwissen Ăźber die historische Entwicklung der
Gesundheitspolitik und zentrale Fragen der Ausgestaltung der
gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung. Mit seinem Erscheinen in der
Reihe âGesundheit. Politik-Gesellschaft-Wirtschaftâ (hrsg. von
E.-W. Luthe und J.N. Weatherly) steht das Buch fĂźr die wachsende
Erkenntnis, Gesundheitspolitik als interdisziplinäre Aufgabe zu
Angiogenesis and Cardiovascular Disease provides a comprehensive
review of the basic scientific and clinical advances in the field
of angiogenesis, and its role in the human cardiovascular system.
The material presented draws from multiple disciplines, integrating
information in a single source. Topics addressed focus first on
aspects of development and normal biology of the vasculature, and
then on angiogenesis and how it is involved in the pathophysiology
and therapy of ischemic cardiovascular disease. Vascular
development, endothelial cell biology, the vascular matrix, and
growth factors are discussed. Up to date information on current
clinical trials, and practical advice concerning application to
cardiovascular therapeutic options, are also stressed.
This book challenges dominant thinking about early career teachers
and their work. It offers an in-depth and critical analysis of
policies concerning the work of early career teachers and how they
are supported during this critical period, when they are highly
vulnerable to leaving the profession. Moreover, the book provides
examples from actual practice that illustrate how to help early
career teachers make a successful transition into the profession.
These practices promote early career teachers' development and help
the profession as a whole to capitalize on the new knowledge and
skills that these teachers bring to their classrooms and their
students. The book is divided into two main parts. Part 1 deals
with the difficult to define process of retaining early career
teachers, and its respective chapters consider this broad issue
from an international perspective. They explore how policies and
practices have an impact on what happens in schools, and what it
means to be a teacher and to teach. In turn, Part 2 focuses on the
need to reconsider the policies and practices that create the
'problem' of early career teachers, and offers alternative ways
forward. Each chapter addresses a specific aspect of the early
career teacher retention issue, contributing to a greater
understanding of how we can rethink the work of early career
teachers so that they can more successfully transition into the
Vor 15 Jahren wurde die Krankenhausvergutung auf ein
DRG-Fallpauschalensystem umgestellt (DRG: Diagnosis Related
Groups). Das DRG-System wird seitdem im Krankenhausbereich, in
Politik und Wissenschaft kontrovers diskutiert. Dieser Sammelband
fasst kritische Perspektiven auf das DRG-System zusammen. Er wendet
sich an Expertinnen und Experten aus Politik, Wissenschaft und
Verbanden sowie allgemein an Personen, die sich mit der Gestaltung
des Gesundheitswesens und der Krankenhausversorgung befassen. Mit
Beitragen von: Nikola Biller-Andorno, Ingo Bode,Johann Boehmann,
Bernard Braun, Anja Dieterich, Margrit Fassler, Jonathan
Falkenberg, Max Geraedts, Thomas Gerlinger, Christoph Kranich,
Giovanni Maio, Georg Marckmann, Hans-Joachim Meyer, Michael Simon,
Arved Weimann, Maximiliane Wilkesmann. Der Inhalt Einfuhrende
Beitrage Auswirkungen des DRG-Systems auf den arztlichen Dienst,
den Pflegedienst und die Qualitat der Patientenversorgung Die
Beharrungskraft des DRG-Systems und moegliche Auswege Zielgruppe:
Studierende, Lehrende, Wissenschaftler, Praktiker in den
entsprechenden Disziplinen Entscheidungstrager Journalisten Die
Herausgebenden Dr. Anja Dieterich ist Referentin fur
Grundsatzfragen der gesundheitlichen Versorgung bei der Diakonie
Deutschland, Berlin. Dr. Bernard Braun ist assoziierter
Gesundheitswissenschaftler am SOCIUM der Universitat Bremen mit den
Arbeitsschwerpunkten Versorgungs- und Politikfolgenforschung. Prof.
Dr. Dr. Thomas Gerlinger ist Professor fur Gesundheitspolitik,
Gesundheitssysteme und Gesundheitssoziologie an der Universitat
Bielefeld. Prof. Dr. Michael Simon ist Hochschullehrer im Ruhestand
und lehrte bis 2016 an der Hochschule Hannover mit den
Arbeitsschwerpunkten Gesundheitssystem und Gesundheitspolitik.
Dieses Buch bietet einen Uberblick uber die historische Entwicklung
und die Besonderheiten der Krankenhauspolitik in der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland. Es werden die wichtigsten Reformen und deren
wesentliche Inhalte dargestellt. Die Untersuchung reicht von der
ersten Pflegesatzverordnung von 1954 uber das
Krankenhausfinanzierungsgesetz von 1972, die verschiedenen
Kostendampfungsgesetze der 70er und 80er Jahre bis zur 'Dritten
Stufe' der Gesundheitsreform in den Jahren 1995 bis 1998. Der
Schwerpunkt der Untersuchung liegt auf der Analyse der Reform der
Krankenhausfinanzierung im Rahmen des Gesundheitsstrukturgesetzes
1993. Am Beispiel dieser Reform wird exemplarisch die besondere
Bedeutung institutioneller Strukturen und des politischen Prozesses
fur die Inhalte krankenhauspolitischer Reformen herausgearbeitet."
Document the architecture of your software easily with this highly
practical, open-source template. Key Features Get to grips with
leveraging the features of arc42 to create insightful documents
Learn the concepts of software architecture documentation through
real-world examples Discover techniques to create compact, helpful,
and easy-to-read documentation Book DescriptionWhen developers
document the architecture of their systems, they often invent their
own specific ways of articulating structures, designs, concepts,
and decisions. What they need is a template that enables simple and
efficient software architecture documentation. arc42 by Example
shows how it's done through several real-world examples. Each
example in the book, whether it is a chess engine, a huge CRM
system, or a cool web system, starts with a brief description of
the problem domain and the quality requirements. Then, you'll
discover the system context with all the external interfaces.
You'll dive into an overview of the solution strategy to implement
the building blocks and runtime scenarios. The later chapters also
explain various cross-cutting concerns and how they affect other
aspects of a program. What you will learn Utilize arc42 to document
a system's physical infrastructure Learn how to identify a system's
scope and boundaries Break a system down into building blocks and
illustrate the relationships between them Discover how to describe
the runtime behavior of a system Know how to document design
decisions and their reasons Explore the risks and technical debt of
your system Who this book is forThis book is for software
developers and solutions architects who are looking for an easy,
open-source tool to document their systems. It is a useful
reference for those who are already using arc42. If you are new to
arc42, this book is a great learning resource. For those of you who
want to write better technical documentation will benefit from the
general concepts covered in this book.
Who's flying your plane? Do you know who you are and where you're
going? Everyone needs courage and hope. Everyone experiences wobbly
moments of faith. Everyone needs to make the next move that changes
everything--that changes the future. "Altitude" will fly you over
eight moves that will change the trajectory of your life.
"Altitude's" theme is Your Next Move Changes Everything. The
chapters reflect what every person struggles with: how to craft a
life of meaning and purpose. "Altitude" is written by teaching
pastor Michael Simone, using successful sermons and teachings.
Combined with his poignant letters God and the study guide,
"Altitude" will apply transformational moves to help individuals
and church groups.
Twenty-five, Chinese-American, and agoraphobic, Marcy Chen
navigates love, sex, gourmet food, family and a desperate fear of
people and intimacy. Living in the trendy Fremont district of
Seattle, Washington, Marcy has created a life insulated from the
people around her. Slowly she realizes that she must make a choice
between seclusion and safety, or living the life she wants - in
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