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Books > Promotion > Juta Competition Showing 1 - 25 of 574 matches in Juta Competition
This revised edition of A Student’s A-Z of Psychology is a response to the requirements of the modern learning environment. It provides the core psychological knowledge required for a first year course in psychology as well as information on specific skills-based topics. As an alphabetically arranged resource, it is an easy-to-use companion for the entry-level student of psychology. Contents Include:
Now in its 10th edition, Financial Management is the leading text on the theory and application of corporate finance in southern Africa. Set against the backdrop of recent developments in financial markets, instruments, and financial theory, the text refers to real-world applications and financial decisions by South African companies.
General Principles of Commercial Law is a concise compendium written specifically for non-law students. Written by experienced commercial law lecturers in the Department of Mercantile Law at the University of South Africa as well as the University of Johannesburg, it has been a prescribed text for undergraduate non-law students at various South African tertiary institutions for the past 32 years. General Principles of Commercial Law provides students with a succinct exposition of the general principles of commercial law. It covers a wide range of topics influenced by the registration requirements of the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors. The tenth edition has been updated to reflect recent statutory and other developments in commercial law and includes:
In the third volume of this series, Media Studies, the emphasis is on media content and media audiences. Media content and media audiences (or users) are covered from methodological and theoretical perspectives. For the revised reprint of this volume, a new introduction has been included to highlight the relevance of the current content and to contextualise within it the content of Volume 4 Social (New) Media and Mediated Communication Today (2017). Part 1 of the book deals with: quantitative content analysis; communication and media semiotics; media, language and discourse; media and visual literacy; visual text analysis; textual analysis: narrative and argument; narrative analysis; film theory and criticism Part 2 deals with: media audience theory (dealing with the uses and gratification theory, reception theory and ethnography); questionnaire surveys in media research; field research in media studies; measuring media audiences; psychoanalysis and television as an illustration of an applied theoretical approach in media audience research.
Business Cases from South African Companies is an engaging collection of case studies dealing with real-life businesses. Written by business owners, the stories are unique and inspiring to students, practitioners and would-be entrepreneurs. Owners, entrepreneurs and corporates (from SMMEs to larger companies) share their frustrations, successes, and challenges on starting and running successful businesses.
Careers: An Organisational Perspective is the industry leader on careers in the modern organisational context. The seventh edition hallmarks the 27th year silver jubilee anniversary of this seminal South African textbook. This edition marks the transition of the book's basic premises toward greater congruency with the rapidly evolving tech-driven work world and tech-savvy generations. The book retains its popular blend of up-to-date theory, classical and contemporary research, local application activities and case scenarios that represent the cultural diversity of South Africa.
Advanced Questions on SA Tax is the third and final publication in the Question on SA Tax series designed to provide comprehensive tutorial coverage to taxation students. This book covers advanced topics and integrated questions. Its complementary publications, Introductory Questions on SA Tax and Questions on SA Tax, cover foundational topics and those typically dealt with in the study of tax at an undergraduate level. This tutorial book includes questions and selected solutions on South African income tax, estate duty and value-added tax. Up-to-date questions are graded, allowing students to develop their abilities from an introductory to an advanced level. A selection of tutorial solutions is included in the book, and solutions to all questions are provided to lecturers at prescribing institutions. Mark plans are allocated to solutions.
There are a number of strategy books, international and local, available in the South African market. Why another one? What makes this book different? The third edition of the book features a number of new chapters, focusing on strategy implementation and change management, resource allocation and responsible leadership. It also includes a more detailed coverage of managing strategic risk. Features: The third edition of the book promotes a paradigm change with regard to the overall goal of strategic management. Traditionally, the goal is the achievement of sustained competitive advantage. The world is in desperate need of responsible managers and organisations. The responsible organisation requires change to achieve responsible competitiveness. Responsible competitiveness is achievable by integrating responsible management principles and factors throughout the strategic management process, which is the approach that we adopt in this book.
Principles of Evidence fifth edition provides invaluable assistance to students, academics and practitioners alike and introduces a decolonial approach to South Africa’s law of evidence. The book continues to assess the impact of the Constitution on the rules of evidence and analyses the bourgeoning body of case law dealing with the admissibility of evidence. It also considers recent amendments impacting the child witness as well as the presentation of oral evidence more generally and offers a separate discussion on statutory provisions regulating matters as diverse as, for example, sexual history evidence and the admissibility of electronic evidence. Provides critical commentary and suggestions for law reform.
The aim of this work remains to set out the basic principles of South African private law systematically, in clear unmistakable language, and as comprehensively as is possible in a single volume. Over the years, Wille's principles has appealed to judges, practitioners and students alike, and this edition is also written with the needs of these groups in mind. This edition, of which Dale Hutchison was general editor, was a notable success in this regard, and we have sought to follow its example of balancing the retention of the basic structure of the work with innovation in the treatment of its subject matter and the dissemination of original research. We have nevertheless as far as possible maintained the very useful practice in previous editions of citing the older, original authority for a proposition alongside contemporary sources. Many of the changes were necessitated or inspired by the Constitution, which has radically altered the foundations of our legal system. The impact of the Bill of Rights on private law has been significant and is growing, via both the horizontal application of fundamental rights and their legislative implementation and elaboration. This is reflected in the structure and content of the new introductory general part as well as in the text of virtually every chapter. Importantly, the constitution has given new prominence to indigenous customary law, and in this edition we have sought, where possible in and relevant for a work of this nature, to reflect its status as equal partner of the common law. This has led to major changes in almost all of the chapters on Persons and the Family. The frequency of far-reaching judicial changes to the law combined with the uncertainties of legislative timetables to necessitate several significant revisions during the final stages of preparation for publication.
Principles of General Management: A Responsible Approach for Southern Africa responds to the need for a resource that provides students entering the field of management for the first time with fresh insights into responsible management. In particular, it is a resource that helps them to become responsible managers and leaders, to be change agents, and to act as the human foundation for responsible businesses. It is currently the first and only book written by South Africans for the South African and broader African market and that at the same time integrates the pillars of responsible management into the principal managerial functions.
Management Principles: a contemporary edition for Africa deals with the cornerstone principles of general management that have endured over many decades. The eighth edition of this comprehensive book on general management principles delves into the fundamentals of planning, organising, leading, controlling, and showcasing how these four management functions have stood the test of time amidst the challenges posed by, among others, the Fourth Industrial Revolution. From navigating artificial intelligence, data analytics, blockchain technology and other technological changes to sustainability issues, inclusive workplaces, and geo-political wars, this reader-friendly book exposes the student of management theory to real-life management issues. Backed by academic research, literature reviews and South African and African case studies, this book offers a practical roadmap for both management students and seasoned professionals who have to solve management problems and make sound management decisions. Written in an accessible style, it systematically covers all relevant management principles, providing a logical framework for understanding and implementation of these principles in a volatile business environment. In this fully-updated eighth edition, the authors have endeavoured to expose the reader to the relevant topics that managers of modern organisations must be familiar with. Furthermore, the book accommodates different learning styles by providing the following features:
Management Principles: a contemporary edition for Africa is written from a South African and African perspective. The uniqueness of this continent justifies a management approach that reflects Africa’s realities while being sensitive to the fact that Africa is part of the ever-growing borderless world.
The transformation of ideas into economic opportunities is the crux of entrepreneurship. History shows that pragmatic people who are entrepreneurial, creative and innovative, able to exploit opportunities and willing to take risks, have significantly advanced economic progress. For example, the USA gets more than half of its economic growth from industries that barely existed a decade ago. This is directly attributable to innovative entrepreneurs and their start-up businesses. Entrepreneurs can produce new solutions to old problems, and they always challenge the status quo. Entrepreneurs are risk-takers who pursue opportunities that others may fail to recognise or may even view as problems or threats. Entrepreneurs are closely associated with change, creativity, knowledge, innovation and flexibility, which are all factors that are increasingly important sources of competitiveness in an increasingly globalised world economy. Therefore, fostering entrepreneurship means promoting the competitiveness of businesses. At a macro-level private sector development and entrepreneurship development are essential ingredients for achieving the United Nations Millennium Development Goal of reducing poverty. While sound macroeconomic policies and providing market access are crucial, emerging markets need to nurture and develop entrepreneurs able to take advantage of the opportunities created by globalisation. At a national level, entrepreneurs can play a vital role in the economic development of the country and the social upliftment of its people. As with the rest of the private sector, entrepreneurial development is a powerful engine of economic growth and wealth creation, and crucial for improving the quality, number and variety of employment opportunities for the poor. Economically, entrepreneurship invigorates markets. The formation of new business leads to job creation and has a multiplying effect on the economy. Socially, entrepreneurship empowers citizens, generates innovation and changes mindsets. These changes have the potential to integrate developing countries successfully into the global economy.
Interpretation of statutes is about understanding enacted law-texts, that is, making sense of the legislative scheme applicable to the situation at hand. Statutory Interpretation: An Introduction for Students aims to teach students to interpret and apply legislation within the total legal environment. Part 1 (‘Statute law’) introduces students to the different types and categories of legislation, the structural components of legislation, the sometimes confusing ‘codes’ used in legislative texts, and the challenges of applying old order legislation together with new legislation. Part 2 (‘How legislation is interpreted’) comprises a chapter on the theoretical foundations of interpretation and an overview of the basic approaches to statutory interpretation in South Africa, and a chapter dealing with the practical application of the rules of interpretation. Part 3 (‘Judicial law-making during interpretation, and peremptory and directory provisions’) deals with day-to-day applications, and Part 4 is a basic introduction to constitutional interpretation. Students are also introduced to less well-known aspects of statutory interpretation, such as deeming clauses, the suspension of legislation, sunset clauses, legalese, and the counter-majoritarian difficulty. The 6th edition of Statutory Interpretation: An Introduction for Students is a user-friendly introduction to the basic principles of statutory interpretation. It is aimed mainly at undergraduate students, but practitioners will also find it useful. The rules and principles of statutory interpretation are explained using hypothetical situations and practical examples from case law and legislation.
Careers: An Organisational Perspective is a market-leading textbook on careers in the modern organisational context. The sixth edition reflects the most recent research and trends on the new unfolding nature of careers in the fast emerging digital-era employment environment. The book retains its popular blend of up-to-date theory, classical and contemporary research, application activities and real-life case scenarios that represent the cultural diversity of South Africa. Careers: An Organisational Perspective speaks to the national imperative for quality career development services for all South African citizens. The book continues to serve as a valuable resource for students, academics and practitioners who are eager to craft meaningful careers that enable them to thrive in the demanding and uncertain work sphere of Industry 4.0 (and beyond).
The fourth edition of Principles of Evidence strikes a balance between the theory of the law of evidence and its practical application. This edition continues to assess the impact of the Constitution on the traditional Anglo-South African law of evidence, especially with regards to the admissibility of unconstitutionally obtained evidence. It further discusses the statutory provisions regulating diverse matters such as sexual history evidence and the admissibility of electronic evidence.
Students will find this book invaluable in their study of Criminal Procedure. It introduces readers to the fundamental principles and values underlying this field of law and guides them systematically through the rules of procedure that apply in criminal cases.
A proper grasp of the law of insolvency can be acquired only by reading and digesting a sizeable volume of case law. This text, designed to complement Hockly's Insolvency Law, allows students and practitioners to come to terms with a broad range of insolvency cases.
This textbook is aimed at students of management who need to have an appreciation of the role of statistics in management decision making. The statistical treatment of business data is relevant in all areas of business activity and across all management functions (i.e. Marketing, finance, human resources, operations and logistics, accounting, information systems and technology). Statistics provide evidence-based information which makes it an important decision support tool in management.
Healthy societies can only be built on a realistic understanding of people and their world. The call for African solutions to the continent's problems demands an innovative pool of knowledgeable and skilled social researchers. Fundamentals of social research methods: An African perspective draws examples from a broad spectrum of fields including agriculture, public health, social welfare, community development and regional planning. The material is compatible with social science methods courses in sociology, economics, political science, psychology and education.
Tax Law: An Introduction deals with the fundamentals of income tax in a practical and clear manner that makes this book an ideal tool for tax teachers. Written for students, this much-needed textbook simplifies complex concepts and avoids unnecessary jargon as it explains the key objectives and principles of taxation. The book sheds light on contemporary South African tax law and the most important tax cases. It covers the process of tax collection as well as the interpretation of tax legislation. Tax Law: An Introduction is intended to ease the teaching and understanding of an often-daunting subject. The book includes a link to the relevant Acts for easy access by students.
Companion text to Juta's Manual of Nursing Volume 1: Fundamental and General Nursing. Suitable for use in the Staff Nurse, Professional Nurse and Midwifery, or Nursing Auxiliary courses, Juta's Manual of Nursing Volume 2: The Practical Manual is the `how to' book in the Juta Nursing range of books. Written in a clear and logical style, nursing procedures are explained in a step-by-step manner to help the student develop competencies to provide quality nursing care. Rationales for actions are always given, so that the student understands the reasons behind specific activities. Each nursing procedure has the following features: Explanation of the procedure, Learning outcomes, Learning assumed to be in place, Indications and contraindications, Resources required, Specific guidelines for the particular procedure, Essential patient teaching, Critical assessment criteria, Tips for nurses and/or precautions. Now in its second edition, additional procedures have been added and where appropriate, the latest evidence-based information added. Care has been taken to explain the integration with related aspects of the nursing curricula.
Business is a cut-throat environment. Even with an excellent idea or brilliant marketing plan, there is no guarantee of success. Besides having innovative ideas and the willpower to succeed, you need sound management and business skills, and you need to know how to apply the best business practices, whether you are an entrepreneur or professional manager. A business is fundamentally a cash-oriented process. This means that its ideas, image or products, no matter how remarkable, are still not as important as the ability to earn an income to stay afloat and have a reliable and accessible cash flow. A manager must be able to keep track of all income, expenses, assets the business owns and the cash flow. Poor fiscal management and inadequate accounting practices produce weak or incorrect information, preventing management from making well informed decisions or adapting adequately to changes in the environment. Basic Financial Management is written to answer the question: What does ANY manager or entrepreneur need to know to guarantee sound financial management?
IFRS for Small and Medium-Sized Entities: A tutorial book consists of over 100 questions dealing with the application of IFRS to SMEs issued by the International Accounting Standards Board. Short topic-specific questions are designed to encourage learners to work through the relevant sections of the IFRS for SMEs. These are complemented by full-length questions dealing with multiple aspects of specific sections of the IFRS for SMEs including recognition, measurement and disclosure issues. For more advanced learners, exam-style questions, with varying degrees of integration, are also available. Students will benefit, not only from the comprehensive analysis, but also from detailed recommended solutions which have been carefully referenced to the relevant section of the IFRS and form recommended mark and time allocations to improve exam technique. Key Features:
Sales drive the business world and the economy. However, sales in any business need to be managed to ensure that the business achieves its objectives. This is where the function of sales management comes into the business structure: it plays the key role of ensuring that salespeople succeed at selling. The profitability of the organisation depends on how successfully sales managers lead their sales force. The sales manager is responsible for the strategic planning of the sales force, which includes the management of the selling process and organising the sales activities within the sales department. With the third edition of this textbook, the authors hope that both industry and academia will be able to use the information to better understand and implement the different functions of sales management. Concepts are presented in such a manner that a student new to the field will easily grasp them. |
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