Books > Health, Home & Family > Self-help & practical interests > Advice on careers & achieving success
"The Power Move: Accelerate Your Professional Advancement
through the Power of Knowledge" provides the opportunity to step
back and view the realities regarding your work environment and how
to function and advance within this competitive and dynamic
This is a book on empowerment for planning personal finance,
especially for Indian middle class with a stress on the investors
from North East. Nobody can live decently without making provisions
for food, shelter, and cloth. For human beings to provide for above
provisions, wealth creation is necessary. Even monks need money for
sustenance. The great prophet like Swami Vivekananda once said that
no proper worship would be possible with empty stomach. People
nowadays enjoy a much longer life than before. This necessitated
the emergence of Personal Finance for security of family members,
for continued better health, and for better livelihood.
This book attempts to make our young citizens much more
investment savvy. It is not an effort for spoon-feeding. The book
would ultimately inspire one to be a millionaire. This is not just
a copy book or handbook of notes that would make investors
millionaire automatically.
The essays of the book would only empower the mind and inspire
one to take his/her own decisions honestly and truthfully. Most of
the articles of the book were written from 2008 till 2012.Though
economic conditions of the country have vastly changed, the
principle of investing has remained unchanged.
The Wisdom of Wallace D. Wattles I - Including: The Science of
Getting Rich, The Science of Being Great & The Science of Being
The Science of Getting Rich
THIS book is pragmatical, not philosophical; a practical manual,
not a treatise upon theories. It is intended for the men and women
whose most pressing need is for money; who wish to get rich first,
and philosophize afterward. It is for those who have, so far, found
neither the time, the means, nor the opportunity to go deeply into
the study of metaphysics, but who want results and who are willing
to take the conclusions of science as a basis for action, without
going into all the processes by which those conclusions were
reached. It is expected that the reader will take the fundamental
statements upon faith, just as he would take statements concerning
a law of electrical action if they were promulgated by a Marconi or
an Edison; and, taking the statements upon faith, that he will
prove their truth by acting upon them without fear or hesitation.
Every man or woman who does this will certainly get rich; for the
science herein applied is an exact science, and failure is
impossible. For the benefit, however, of those who wish to
investigate philosophical theories and so secure a logical basis
for faith, I will here cite certain authorities. The monistic
theory of the universe the theory that One is All, and that All is
One; That one Substance manifests itself as the seeming many
elements of the material world -is of Hindu origin, and has been
gradually winning its way into the thought of the western world for
two hundred years. It is the foundation of all the Oriental
philosophies, and of those of Descartes, Spinoza, Leibnitz,
Schopenhauer, Hegel, and Emerson. The reader who would dig to the
philosophical foundations of this is advised to read Hegel and
Emerson for himself. In writing this book I have sacrificed all
other considerations to plainness and simplicity of style, so that
all might understand. The plan of action laid down therein was
deduced from the conclusions of philosophy; it has been thoroughly
tested, and bears the supreme test of practical experiment; it
works. If you wish to know how the conclusions were arrived at,
read the writings of the authors mentioned above; and if you wish
to reap the fruits of their philosophies in actual practice, read
this book and do exactly as it tells you to do.
The Science of Being Great
..". in Mr. Wattles' book, "THE SCIENCE OF BEING GREAT," you
will get methods, plans, carefully outlined instruction, for the
highest self-development and training for efficient living."
The Science of Being Well
If you are well this book will tell you how to keep so. If you
are seeking better health this book is for you. _
Each book builds upon the previous one to construct a complete,
simple, practical, easy-to-understand, step-by-step system for
getting rich, being healthy, and becoming successful.
When you apply for your first job, your CV is compared to hundreds
of others from graduates with similar academic credentials. You've
only got the time it takes the employer to scan the pages to show
how brilliant you are. How do you impress them when you don't know
what employers are actually looking for? Brilliant CV tells you
what they want and how to write it. This new edition of the
bestselling CV guide has been rewritten and recrafted to deliver
specific device for graduates on innovative approaches to writing
your first CV, so now you can really shine out from the rest. Based
on research among employers and recruiters, revealing what they
look for, Brilliant CV will ensure your CV never fails to impress.
Public speaker, transformative teacher, and CEO of Peak Potentials,
Adam Markel has been inspiring people to find their best work for
years. Now, for the first time, he presents his practical program
for people who are looking to reinvent themselves. Here's how to
"get in touch with your real self, decide exactly who you are and
what you want, and make your life into a masterpiece," raves Brian
Tracy, author of The Power of Self-Confidence. Whether you are out
of work or want to change where you are now, Pivot inspires you on
a cellular level to make lasting life changes possible. This
seminal guide to successfully changing your life for the better
provides stories, prompts, clear step-by-step exercises, and calls
to actions throughout. You'll follow the steps of career
reinvention: Creating a Vision, Getting Clear, Having a Definite
Plan, Thinking Boldly, Relentless Focus, Support, and Spiritual
Practice. By changing self-limiting beliefs-the internal pivot to
finding clarity about what you want-you can effectively deal with
the mental and emotional obstacles that normally stop you from
reaching your career goals. Based on his own personal story and the
success of thousands of students, Markel provides a clear and
applicable program perfect for "taking charge of your life and
realizing your potential" (Sharon Lechter, author of Think and Grow
Rich for Women).