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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Applied mathematics
Excel Crash Course for Engineers is a reader-friendly introductory guide to the features, functions, and applications of Microsoft Excel in engineering. The book provides readers with real-world examples and exercises that are directly related to engineering, and offers highly illustrated, step-by-step demonstrations of techniques to solve and visualize engineering problems and situations. The book includes an introduction to MS Excel, along with in-depth coverage of graphing and charting, functions and formulae, Excel's Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming language, and engineering data analysis. This powerful tutorial is a great resource for students, engineers, and other busy technical professionals who need to quickly acquire a solid understanding of Excel.
This book is an introduction to the theories of Special and General Relativity. The target audience are physicists, engineers and applied scientists who are looking for an understandable introduction to the topic - without too much new mathematics. The fundamental equations of Einstein's theory of Special and General Relativity are derived using matrix calculus, without the help of tensors. This feature makes the book special and a valuable tool for scientists and engineers with no experience in the field of tensor calculus. In part I the foundations of Special Relativity are developed, part II describes the structure and principle of General Relativity. Part III explains the Schwarzschild solution of spherical body gravity and examines the "Black Hole" phenomenon. Any necessary mathematical tools are user friendly provided, either directly in the text or in the appendices.
This book is intended to make recent results on the derivation of higher order numerical schemes for random ordinary differential equations (RODEs) available to a broader readership, and to familiarize readers with RODEs themselves as well as the closely associated theory of random dynamical systems. In addition, it demonstrates how RODEs are being used in the biological sciences, where non-Gaussian and bounded noise are often more realistic than the Gaussian white noise in stochastic differential equations (SODEs). RODEs are used in many important applications and play a fundamental role in the theory of random dynamical systems. They can be analyzed pathwise with deterministic calculus, but require further treatment beyond that of classical ODE theory due to the lack of smoothness in their time variable. Although classical numerical schemes for ODEs can be used pathwise for RODEs, they rarely attain their traditional order since the solutions of RODEs do not have sufficient smoothness to have Taylor expansions in the usual sense. However, Taylor-like expansions can be derived for RODEs using an iterated application of the appropriate chain rule in integral form, and represent the starting point for the systematic derivation of consistent higher order numerical schemes for RODEs. The book is directed at a wide range of readers in applied and computational mathematics and related areas as well as readers who are interested in the applications of mathematical models involving random effects, in particular in the biological sciences.The level of this book is suitable for graduate students in applied mathematics and related areas, computational sciences and systems biology. A basic knowledge of ordinary differential equations and numerical analysis is required.
This book presents practical applications of the finite element method to general differential equations. The underlying strategy of deriving the finite element solution is introduced using linear ordinary differential equations, thus allowing the basic concepts of the finite element solution to be introduced without being obscured by the additional mathematical detail required when applying this technique to partial differential equations. The author generalizes the presented approach to partial differential equations which include nonlinearities. The book also includes variations of the finite element method such as different classes of meshes and basic functions. Practical application of the theory is emphasised, with development of all concepts leading ultimately to a description of their computational implementation illustrated using Matlab functions. The target audience primarily comprises applied researchers and practitioners in engineering, but the book may also be beneficial for graduate students.
Microcontinuum Field Theories constitutes an extension of classical field theories - of elastic solids, viscous fluids, electromagnetism, and the like - to microscopic length and time scales. Material bodies are viewed as collections of a large number of deformable particles (sub-continua), suitable for modeling blood, porous media, polymers, liquid crystals, slurries, and composite materials. This volume extends and applies the ideas developed in the first volume, Microcontinuum Field Theories: Foundations and Solids, to liquid crystals, biological fluids, and other microstretch and micomorphic fluids. The theory makes it possible to discuss properties of such materials that are beyond the scope of classical field theories and may provide a basis for the resolution of some outstanding problems, such as turbulence.
This book gathers threads that have evolved across different mathematical disciplines into seamless narrative. It deals with condition as a main aspect in the understanding of the performance ---regarding both stability and complexity--- of numerical algorithms. While the role of condition was shaped in the last half-century, so far there has not been a monograph treating this subject in a uniform and systematic way. The book puts special emphasis on the probabilistic analysis of numerical algorithms via the analysis of the corresponding condition. The exposition's level increases along the book, starting in the context of linear algebra at an undergraduate level and reaching in its third part the recent developments and partial solutions for Smale's 17th problem which can be explained within a graduate course. Its middle part contains a condition-based course on linear programming that fills a gap between the current elementary expositions of the subject based on the simplex method and those focusing on convex programming.
This book bridges the fields of Supply Chain Management, Digital Transformation, and Dynamic Quality models in order to illustrate how digital transformation affects the work of researchers and managers in Supply Chain Quality problems. It aims to address the gap in scholarship regarding new technologies, updating the established literature to reimagine theoretical models, dynamic games, knowledge management, supply chain coordination solutions, interfaces in circular economies, and other functional spaces for a digital era. Written for researchers, managers, and practitioners, this book offers an accessible approach to the topics through clear, management-oriented chapters, reserving mathematical background for the Appendices. It discusses an array of modern challenges in digitization, including smart device installation, Cloud data accessibility, applications of AI systems, Supply Chain monitoring via Blockchains, using sensors in operations, and digital tool integration within traditional IS frameworks.
This volume, following in the tradition of a similar 2010 publication by the same editors, is an outgrowth of an international conference, "Fractals and Related Fields II," held in June 2011. The book provides readers with an overview of developments in the mathematical fields related to fractals, including original research contributions as well as surveys from many of the leading experts on modern fractal theory and applications. The chapters cover fields related to fractals such as: *geometric measure theory *ergodic theory *dynamical systems *harmonic and functional analysis *number theory *probability theory Further Developments in Fractals and Related Fields is aimed at pure and applied mathematicians working in the above-mentioned areas as well as other researchers interested in discovering the fractal domain. Throughout the volume, readers will find interesting and motivating results as well as new avenues for further research.
This thesis provides a systematic and integral answer to an open problem concerning the universality of dynamic fuzzy controllers. It presents a number of novel ideas and approaches to various issues including universal function approximation, universal fuzzy models, universal fuzzy stabilization controllers, and universal fuzzy integral sliding mode controllers. The proposed control design criteria can be conveniently verified using the MATLAB toolbox. Moreover, the thesis provides a new, easy-to-use form of fuzzy variable structure control. Emphasis is given to the point that, in the context of deterministic/stochastic systems in general, the authors are in fact discussing non-affine nonlinear systems using a class of generalized T-S fuzzy models, which offer considerable potential in a wide range of applications.
Simulation of ODE/PDE Models with MATLAB(r), OCTAVE and SCILAB shows the reader how to exploit a fuller array of numerical methods for the analysis of complex scientific and engineering systems than is conventionally employed. The book is dedicated to numerical simulation of distributed parameter systems described by mixed systems of algebraic equations, ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and partial differential equations (PDEs). Special attention is paid to the numerical method of lines (MOL), a popular approach to the solution of time-dependent PDEs, which proceeds in two basic steps: spatial discretization and time integration. Besides conventional finite-difference and element techniques, more advanced spatial-approximation methods are examined in some detail, including nonoscillatory schemes and adaptive-grid approaches. A MOL toolbox has been developed within MATLAB(r)/OCTAVE/SCILAB. In addition to a set of spatial approximations and time integrators, this toolbox includes a collection of application examples, in specific areas, which can serve as templates for developing new programs. Simulation of ODE/PDE Models with MATLAB(r), OCTAVE and SCILAB provides a practical introduction to some advanced computational techniques for dynamic system simulation, supported by many worked examples in the text, and a collection of codes available for download from the book s page at www.springer.com. This text is suitable for self-study by practicing scientists and engineers and as a final-year undergraduate course or at the graduate level.
This monograph establishes a theory of classification and translation closedness of time scales, a topic that was first studied by S. Hilger in 1988 to unify continuous and discrete analysis. The authors develop a theory of translation function on time scales that contains (piecewise) almost periodic functions, (piecewise) almost automorphic functions and their related generalization functions (e.g., pseudo almost periodic functions, weighted pseudo almost automorphic functions, and more). Against the background of dynamic equations, these function theories on time scales are applied to study the dynamical behavior of solutions for various types of dynamic equations on hybrid domains, including evolution equations, discontinuous equations and impulsive integro-differential equations. The theory presented allows many useful applications, such as in the Nicholson`s blowfiles model; the Lasota-Wazewska model; the Keynesian-Cross model; in those realistic dynamical models with a more complex hibrid domain, considered under different types of translation closedness of time scales; and in dynamic equations on mathematical models which cover neural networks. This book provides readers with the theoretical background necessary for accurate mathematical modeling in physics, chemical technology, population dynamics, biotechnology and economics, neural networks, and social sciences.
This book is devoted to the modeling and understanding of complex urban systems. This second volume of Understanding Complex Urban Systems focuses on the challenges of the modeling tools, concerning, e.g., the quality and quantity of data and the selection of an appropriate modeling approach. It is meant to support urban decision-makers-including municipal politicians, spatial planners, and citizen groups-in choosing an appropriate modeling approach for their particular modeling requirements. The contributors to this volume are from different disciplines, but all share the same goal: optimizing the representation of complex urban systems. They present and discuss a variety of approaches for dealing with data-availability problems and finding appropriate modeling approaches-and not only in terms of computer modeling. The selection of articles featured in this volume reflect a broad variety of new and established modeling approaches such as: - An argument for using Big Data methods in conjunction with Agent-based Modeling; - The introduction of a participatory approach involving citizens, in order to utilize an Agent-based Modeling approach to simulate urban-growth scenarios; - A presentation of semantic modeling to enable a flexible application of modeling methods and a flexible exchange of data; - An article about a nested-systems approach to analyzing a city's interdependent subsystems (according to these subsystems' different velocities of change); - An article about methods that use Luhmann's system theory to characterize cities as systems that are composed of flows; - An article that demonstrates how the Sen-Nussbaum Capabilities Approach can be used in urban systems to measure household well-being shifts that occur in response to the resettlement of urban households; - A final article that illustrates how Adaptive Cycles of Complex Adaptive Systems, as well as innovation, can be applied to gain a better understanding of cities and to promote more resilient and more sustainable urban futures.
This volume highlights problems from a range of biological and medical applications that can be interpreted as questions about system behavior or control. Topics include drug resistance in cancer and malaria, biological fluid dynamics, auto-regulation in the kidney, anti-coagulation therapy, evolutionary diversification and photo-transduction. Mathematical techniques used to describe and investigate these biological and medical problems include ordinary, partial and stochastic differentiation equations, hybrid discrete-continuous approaches, as well as 2 and 3D numerical simulation.
This is an open access book. This course-tested text is an ideal starting point for engineers and physicists entering the field of particle accelerators. The fundamentals are comprehensively introduced, derivations of essential results are provided and a consistent notation style used throughout the book allows readers to quickly familiarize themselves with the field, providing a solid theoretical basis for further studies. Emphasis is placed on the essential features of the longitudinal motion of charged particle beams, together with the corresponding RF generation and power amplification devices for synchrotron and storage ring systems. In particular, electrical engineering aspects such as closed-loop control of system components are discussed. The book also offers a valuable resource for graduate students in physics, electronics engineering, or mathematics looking for an introductory and self-contained text on accelerator physics.
This book presents ways of interfacing sensors to the digital world, and discusses the marriage between sensor systems and the IoT: the opportunities and challenges. As sensor output is often affected by noise and interference, the book presents effective schemes for recovering the data from a signal that is buried in noise. It also explores interesting applications in the area of health care, un-obstructive monitoring and the electronic nose and tongue. It is a valuable resource for engineers and scientists in the area of sensors and interfacing wanting to update their knowledge of the latest developments in the field and learn more about sensing applications and challenges.
When you combine nature’s efficiency and the computer’s speed, the financial possibilities are almost limitless. Today’s traders and investment analysts require faster, sleeker weaponry in today’s ruthless financial marketplace. Battles are now waged at computer speed, with skirmishes lasting not days or weeks, but mere hours. In his series of influential articles, Richard Bauer has shown why these professionals must add new computerized decision-making tools to their arsenal if they are to succeed. In Genetic Algorithms and Investment Strategies, he uniquely focuses on the most powerful weapon of all, revealing how the speed, power, and flexibility of GAs can help them consistently devise winning investment strategies. The only book to demonstrate how GAs can work effectively in the world of finance, it first describes the biological and historical bases of GAs as well as other computerized approaches such as neural networks and chaos theory. It goes on to compare their uses, advantages, and overall superiority of GAs. In subsequently presenting a basic optimization problem, Genetic Algorithms and Investment Strategies outlines the essential steps involved in using a GA and shows how it mimics nature’s evolutionary process by moving quickly toward a near-optimal solution. Introduced to advanced variations of essential GA procedures, readers soon learn how GAs can be used to:
Traditionally, Lie theory is a tool to build mathematical models for physical systems. Recently, the trend is towards geometrization of the mathematical description of physical systems and objects. A geometric approach to a system yields in general some notion of symmetry which is very helpful in understanding its structure. Geometrization and symmetries are meant in their widest sense, i.e., representation theory, algebraic geometry, infinite-dimensional Lie algebras and groups, superalgebras and supergroups, groups and quantum groups, noncommutative geometry, symmetries of linear and nonlinear PDE, special functions, and others. Furthermore, the necessary tools from functional analysis and number theory are included. This is a big interdisciplinary and interrelated field. Samples of these fresh trends are presented in this volume, based on contributions from the Workshop "Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics" held near Varna (Bulgaria) in June 2013. This book is suitable for a broad audience of mathematicians, mathematical physicists, and theoretical physicists and researchers in the field of Lie Theory.
This book describes an effective framework for setting the right process parameters and new mold design to reduce the current plastic defects in injection molding. It presents a new approach for the optimization of injection molding process via (i) a new mold runner design which leads to 20 percent reduction in scrap rate, 2.5 percent reduction in manufacturing time, and easier ejection of injected part, (ii) a new mold gate design which leads to less plastic defects; and (iii) the introduction of a number of promising alternatives with high moldability indices. Besides presenting important developments of relevance academic research, the book also includes useful information for people working in the injection molding industry, especially in the green manufacturing field.
In this thesis, quantum estimation theory is applied to investigate uncertainty relations between error and disturbance in quantum measurement. The author argues that the best solution for clarifying the attainable bound of the error and disturbance is to invoke the estimation process from the measurement outcomes such as signals from a photodetector in a quantum optical system. The error and disturbance in terms of the Fisher information content have been successfully formulated and provide the upper bound of the accuracy of the estimation. Moreover, the attainable bound of the error and disturbance in quantum measurement has been derived. The obtained bound is determined for the first time by the quantum fluctuations and correlation functions of the observables, which characterize the non-classical fluctuation of the observables. The result provides the upper bound of our knowledge obtained by quantum measurements. The method developed in this thesis will be applied to a broad class of problems related to quantum measurement to build a next-generation clock standard and to successfully detect gravitational waves.
The book describes the main findings of the EU-funded project IDIHOM (Industrialization of High-Order Methods - A Top-Down Approach). The goal of this project was the improvement, utilization and demonstration of innovative higher-order simulation capabilities for large-scale aerodynamic application challenges in the aircraft industry. The IDIHOM consortium consisted of 21 organizations, including aircraft manufacturers, software vendors, as well as the major European research establishments and several universities, all of them with proven expertise in the field of computational fluid dynamics. After a general introduction to the project, the book reports on new approaches for curved boundary-grid generation, high-order solution methods and visualization techniques. It summarizes the achievements, weaknesses and perspectives of the new simulation capabilities developed by the project partners for various industrial applications, and includes internal- and external-aerodynamic as well as multidisciplinary test cases.
This volume is the first of the new series Advances in Dynamics and Delays. It offers the latest advances in the research of analyzing and controlling dynamical systems with delays, which arise in many real-world problems. The contributions in this series are a collection across various disciplines, encompassing engineering, physics, biology, and economics, and some are extensions of those presented at the IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) conferences since 2011. The series is categorized in five parts covering the main themes of the contributions: * Stability Analysis and Control Design * Networks and Graphs * Time Delay and Sampled-Data Systems * Computational and Software Tools * Applications This volume will become a good reference point for researchers and PhD students in the field of delay systems, and for those willing to learn more about the field, and it will also be a resource for control engineers, who will find innovative control methodologies for relevant applications, from both theory and numerical analysis perspectives.
Neuronal dendritic trees are complex structures that endow the cell with powerful computing capabilities and allow for high neural interconnectivity. Studying the function of dendritic structures has a long tradition in theoretical neuroscience, starting with the pioneering work by Wilfrid Rall in the 1950s. Recent advances in experimental techniques allow us to study dendrites with a new perspective and in greater detail. The goal of this volume is to provide a resume of the state-of-the-art in experimental, computational, and mathematical investigations into the functions of dendrites in a variety of neural systems. The book first looks at morphological properties of dendrites and summarizes the approaches to measure dendrite morphology quantitatively and to actually generate synthetic dendrite morphologies in computer models. This morphological characterization ranges from the study of fractal principles to describe dendrite topologies, to the consequences of optimization principles for dendrite shape. Individual approaches are collected to study the aspects of dendrite shape that relate directly to underlying circuit constraints and computation. The second main theme focuses on how dendrites contribute to the computations that neurons perform. What role do dendritic morphology and the distributions of synapses and membrane properties over the dendritic tree have in determining the output of a neuron in response to its input? A wide range of studies is brought together, with topics ranging from general to system-specific phenomena-some having a strong experimental component, and others being fully theoretical. The studies come from many different neural systems and animal species ranging from invertebrates to mammals. With this broad focus, an overview is given of the diversity of mechanisms that dendrites can employ to shape neural computations.
Focused on recent advances, this book covers theoretical foundations as well as various applications. It presents modern mathematical modeling approaches to the qualitative and numerical analysis of solutions for complex engineering problems in physics, mechanics, biochemistry, geophysics, biology and climatology. Contributions by an international team of respected authors bridge the gap between abstract mathematical approaches, such as applied methods of modern analysis, algebra, fundamental and computational mechanics, nonautonomous and stochastic dynamical systems on the one hand, and practical applications in nonlinear mechanics, optimization, decision making theory and control theory on the other. As such, the book will be of interest to mathematicians and engineers working at the interface of these fields.
This thesis focuses on the study and characterization of entanglement and nonlocal correlations constrained under symmetries. It includes original results as well as detailed methods and explanations for a number of different threads of research: positive partial transpose (PPT) entanglement in the symmetric states; a novel, experimentally friendly method to detect nonlocal correlations in many-body systems; the non-equivalence between entanglement and nonlocality; and elemental monogamies of correlations. Entanglement and nonlocal correlations constitute two fundamental resources for quantum information processing, as they allow novel tasks that are otherwise impossible in a classical scenario. However, their elusive characterization is still a central problem in quantum information theory. The main reason why such a fundamental issue remains a formidable challenge lies in the exponential growth in complexity of the Hilbert space as well as the space of multipartite correlations. Physical systems of interest, on the other hand, display symmetries that can be exploited to reduce this complexity, opening the possibility that some of these questions become tractable for such systems. |
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