Books > Mind, Body & Spirit > Astrology
When we are born, each one of us is given a name-a name so
unique and purposeful that each letter in it has certain vibrations
and energies that correlate to the signs and planets of the zodiac.
In her comprehensive guidebook, Linda Bender shares insight into an
ancient science that explains the power and association of letters
and words that allows others to unlock the secrets that lie hidden
within a name, including who we are, why we are here, where we are
going, and how we can get there.
Bender, an astrologer and acrophonoligist, relies on inclusive
notes from fellow astrologer Pepe Applegate in order to offer
practical tools that help students understand and analyze the
vibrational qualities of a name and its relationship to the planets
at the time of birth. After detailing the complex background of
acrophonology, Bender provides step-by-step guidance on how to
investigate the letters in a name and apply that knowledge to our
own lives and personalities in order to create a happier
"Acrophonology" provides valuable information about unmistakable
and repeated correlations between astrological factors in birth
charts and letters in birth names that empowers anyone to heal from
within and ultimately discover their true potential.
Horary is the branch of astrology that provides clear, specific
answers to specific questions. Quick, simple, and accurate, horary
was for centuries the most valuable tool in any astrologer's
work-box. Whether the question be on love, career, illness - or
predicting the weather for a barbecue, this clear and comprehensive
guide by a modern master of horary shows you how to answer it. The
first edition of this book quickly established itself as a classic
of astrological teaching. Now this master of the craft shares his
deepening understanding, bringing what he has learned in the
intervening years of teaching and practice to clarify, expand upon,
and correct the original text. With the wit and lucidity that
characterise his writing, the author guides all from beginners to
seasoned practitioners to the very heart of horary astrology.
"Frawley's prowess as a horary astrologer is awesome." - The
Mountain Astrologer.
Over two decades ago, this book exploded onto the scene and has
continued to set a new pace for the evolution of astrology itself.
Jeff Wolf Green's writing embodies everything you would expect from
Pluto; intense, powerful,riveting, transformative and penetrating.
A book that satiates both the desire for knowledge and the deep
yearning for true understanding is a rare find indeed, and just as
profound as the information included here, is the deep intuitive
awakening it will bring to your own soul. If you want to help
yourself and assist other in conscious evolution, rather than
simply waiting for it to happen, this book is the essential map for
that journey!
Zodiac Signs
- The Ultimate Guide to Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces
Mari Silva
Discovery Miles 11 020
Ships in 12 - 17 working days
The zodiacal signs impact art, advertising, literature, history,
mythology, psychology, health, and language with their evocative
imagery, symbols and scientific and religious lore. This
fact-filled reference guide pulls together applications of the
zodiacal signs in those fields and others. Each sign is explicated
in a separate chapter which discusses its origin and importance in
diverse cultures, including its history, artistic applications,
traditions, literary and religious interpretations, psychological
significance, and application to notable historical and
contemporary figures. An organized overview with cross-references
and indexing allows the zodiac to be studied from numerous points
of view. Artistic representations of each of the 12 houses
accompany the text. Introductory chapters on the origins of the
zodiacal signs, the historical foundation of astrology, the zodiac
in the first millennium A.D., and the zodiac in the arts and
sciences provide a thorough overview and comparative examination of
the influence of the zodiac in human history and thought. A
detailed timeline synchronizes discoveries and development of
zodiacal associations and thought around the world. Appendices list
planetary correspondences in jewels, metals, herbs, color, flavor,
form, shapes, food preferences, and senses, and the symptoms and
pathologies associated with birth signs. The work also contains an
extensive bibliography and index.
Originally published in 1938, this book is a fascinating look at
the yogis of India at that time, both fakir and fake. "The witty
and instructive author of New Guinea Gold has now visited India and
has made a careful study of the supposed supernatural powers of the
Hindu mystic. M. Demaitre warns the reader that the more
picturesque performers are very likely to be in the employment of a
travel agency, and that their usual repertoire would disgrace any
competent European conjurer. At the same time he admits to having
been very thoroughly mystified on several occasions. For the
benefit of more serious students there is a sound exposition of the
theory and practice of contemplation and the book is illustrated
with some enlightening and unusual photographs." Many of the
earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and
before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive.
Hesperides Press are republishing these classic works in
affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text
and artwork. Contents Include: Letter to a Yogi - River of Torment
- The City of Forgotten Dreams - Miracles Under the Microscope -
The Awakening of the Serpent Kundalini - In the Shadow of Kali
The Text-Book of Astrology, written by noted English astrologer
Alfred John Pearce, was first published as a combined edition in
London in 1911. It includes the author's individual books on:
Genethliacal Astrology Mundane Astrology Astro-Meteorology Medical
Astrology Elections This classic work is filled with numerous
examples and its original publication was praised in the the
Spiritualist: "Even for those who desire only to obtain a general
knowledge of the subject, or at most be able to cast and read an
astrological figure, Mr. Pearce's book may be recommended as easily
intellligible, and containing much interesting matter, besides the
process that will be chiefly useful to the student whose aims are
more ambitious. To the latter it is invaluable. It is enriched with
many interesting notices of nativities illustrating the different
rules and doctrines of the science. "
An unabridged edition to include: Wherein I Bow to the Reader - A
Prelude to the Quest - A Magician Out of Egypt - I Meet A Messiah -
The Anchorite of the Adyar River - The Yoga Which Conquers Death -
The Sage Who Never Speaks - With The Spiritual Head of South India
- The Hill of the Holy Beacon - Among The Magicians And Holy Men -
The Wonder-Worker of Benares - Written in the Stars - The Garden of
the Lord - At the Parsee Messiah's Headquarters - A Strange
Encounter - In a Jungle Hermitage - Tablets of Forgotten Truth
In the first chapters of this book we simultaneously follow two
threads. While considering the lives of Richard Wagner, Friedrich
Nietzsche, and King Ludwig II of Bavaria in their
nineteenth-century incarnations and in earlier incarnations, we
examine the planetary configurations accompanying not only their
conception, birth, and death, but also various significant events
in their lives. In this way we experience how these two
perspectives-the biographical and the astrological-weave together
and are intimately interconnected. As illuminating as this is, the
author also indicates however that astrological calculation alone
can never suffice for the truly deep biographical research into
karma and reincarnation demonstrated in this work. The author shows
that although it is clear that an individual's destiny is connected
with the positions of the celestial bodies-that certain regular
occurrences are evident-nonetheless no strict regularities exist.
He maintains moreover that a certain level of clairvoyance is
requisite for any serious astrological study of destiny; even
more-that real astrology requires initiation. Such astrological
research, when successfully carried out as it is here, relating
salient celestial configurations to the life-drama of well-known
historical personalities, reads like fine literature. On a
practical level this work illustrates several important new tools
for the astrologer: how to calculate hermetic charts, how to cast
horoscopes not only of birth and death but also of conception
(including the astrological significance of the embryonic period
between conception and birth), and then also how to apply these
various horoscopes in describing the spiral of life that unfolds in
seven-year periods during the course of a person's earthly
existence. All this reveals profound and fascinating
regularities-among them the discovery that stellar configurations
during the embryonic period are reflected again and again in the
subsequent periods of life. Quite new for most readers will be the
author's treatment of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, indicating that
the names given these planets are deeply meaningful in the light of
spiritual science. To make his case he extends Rudolf Steiner's
description of cosmic evolution by drawing upon Greek mythology,
particularly Orphic cosmology. This book by Robert Powell is of the
greatest possible interest. Professor Konrad Rudni_ki Astronomical
Observatory Jagiellonian University Cracow, Poland
Julius Firmicus Maternus; Translated by James Herschel Holden
Discovery Miles 14 950
Ships in 12 - 17 working days
This book contains a translation of the Eight Books of the Mathesis
by the 4th century astrologer Julius Firmicus Maternus along with
some useful Indexes of Occupations, the Causes of Death, and
Personal Characteristics. Book I: An essay on what astrology is
Book II: The twelve signs Book III: Aspects and house placement of
planets Book IV: Chart Interpretation Book V: The angles and the
terms Book VI: The aspects Book VII: Life and death Book VIII: The
degrees of the signs The translator, James H. Holden, is a well
respected astrological scholar who has translated more than twenty
astrology books that were written between the 2nd and 17th
centuries. He is also the author of A History of Horoscopic
This thoroughly researched book is a history of the development of
Western horoscopic astrology from its origin among the Babylonians
and its subsequent creation in its present form by the Alexandrians
down to modern times. Special attention is given to background
history and to the working conditions and techniques used by
astrologers during the last two thousand years. Numerous footnotes
provide additional information and bibliographic references. A
separate bibliography lists reference sources of particular
importance. Two comprehensive indices containing more than 2,800
individual entries enable the reader to locate persons, publishers,
topics, and book and periodical titles that are mentioned in the
history. The book also contains discussions of several questions
and topics relating to astrology.