Books > Mind, Body & Spirit > Astrology
This book shows how the discovery of the asteroids Ceres, Pallas
Athena, Juno, and Vesta coincided with the shift of a woman. The
creating, supporting, nurturing aspect held by the goddess Ceres,
the universal mother, brings us to how we feel nurtured and how we
function with our roles of mother-child. She embodies the principle
of unconditional love. Pallas Athena is our Warrior Goddess, a
woman in a man's world, carrying the principle of creative
intelligence. Vesta, our goddess of Focus and Commitment, is our
High Priestess. Juno, the Queen of Heaven and Divine Consort, is
our capacity for meaningful relationships. Understanding the themes
that each goddess holds enriches our understanding of that function
and expression in our lives.
Now you can find the key to well-being, total health, and eternal
youth by using the cosmic energies activated by the moon! Based on
ancient Japanese energy healing wisdom, this book combines the
Eastern and Western element systems using the moon, revealing the
energy flows of the body. Discover how to tune your organs into a
cosmic symphony of creation by understanding the 12 Soul Gates and
how to activate energies that will transform your life, enabling
you to become a conscious creator of your own destiny. Understand
how astrology and the moon work together to initiate your good
health, happiness, and success. Learn about energy and vibration
and how to merge them to influence your body and your reality. Find
out who you really are in this world-or rather how you become what
you are-and what the Moon has to do with how you present yourself
and perceive your reality!
This volume is a lunar calendar and descriptive text that guides the novice planter through the world of planting, sowing, tending and harvesting vegetable and fruit plants according to the lunar and zodiacal cycle.
Build a unique, multi-faceted personality profile based on your
birth date to help fuel your personal growth through every stage of
life. Am I on the right path? That is the question internationally
recognized tarot expert Kerry Ward faces daily from thousands of
private clients and readers of her popular Cosmopolitan tarot
column. In Power, Purpose, Practice, she shows you how to answer it
for yourself using a simple system based on an insightful blend of
astrology, numerology, and tarot and perfected by 25 years of tarot
reading. Â Your birth date holds the key to the system. From
there, astrology guides you to your ruling planet and your ruling
element, while tarot reveals your personality archetype. These
three items—planet, element, archetype—represent your power. To
discover your purpose, we turn to numerology, which provides a
guided map for your life journey via your Life Path number.
Finally, Kerry provides a series of meditations and rituals for you
to practice in your daily life, to help you amplify your power and
direct it toward your purpose. Â Are you ruled by the fiery
ambition of Mars or the beautiful energy of Venus? Are you an
emotional, shape-shifting water sprite or a grounded, healing earth
mama? Is your tarot archetype the wise, solitary Hermit or the
magical visionary of the Star? Or the gentle hero of Strength? Is
your purpose to build new worlds from the ground up, to create and
communicate stories, or to seek deeper meaning in service to
others? Written in a casual, intimate voice and bursting with bold,
inclusive artwork, this spiritual guide helps you understand each
of these cosmic connections and more as you explore every facet of
your personality and discover your true self. Â Are you on
the right path? Power, Purpose, Practice will help you find out, so
you can find your way.
Find Your Soulmate through Astrology is a guide to help you find
your perfect match for a loving and lasting relationship. Learn
winning methods and strategies for finding your "Special One" . The
answer is in the astrological signs. Once you commit to work
through the simple guidelines outlined for you and follow the
formula invented by Sylvan, you will find your soul mate in sixteen
dates or less. Your Soulmate will complete your life and bring you
to a level of happiness you never dreamed possible. No more wishful
thinking...take action!
The Shodasa Vargas or sixteen divisional charts are an essential
technique that is studied in vedic astrology in order to understand
the true nature of an individual. Each varga focuses on a different
area of life, and together they represent the complete picture,
reflecting human consciousness from reality to the subconscious.
Komilla Sutton unravels the sixteen vargas and their secrets
through the in-depth study of case histories that include Sri
Ramana Maharshi, Bill Clinton, Prince William, Bill Gates, Sri
Aurobindo, Oprah Winfrey, Julia Roberts, George Clooney, Michael
Jackson and many more. She explains the navamsha techniques of
relationship compatibility, karakamsha, the atmakaraka in navamsha,
how to analyse dasha and transits with vargas, plus vimshopaka,
visheshika amsha and finally, appropriate remedies. This book is
perfect for all students of vedic astrology, from beginner level to
A limited hardback edition of this unique reference book, which
presents 150 horoscopes and chart worksheets for the student and
working astrologer. Includes: 150 notable names and fascinating
lives from the worlds of entertainment, sport, royalty, business,
art, fashion, literature, politics and crime. All charts are in
Placidus and Equal Houses, sourced and rated for accuracy.
Employing a practical, mathematical approach, author Kenneth
Coombs presents a scientific and comprehensive analysis of the
twenty-two Tarot cards in the Major Arcana. This detailed
examination deciphers the reactions and interactions of the Tarot
cards with each other, rather than simply the individual meanings
of each card. He shares the results of the 231 possible
In Tarot Alchemy, Coombs, a chemist with more than thirty years
of Tarot card reading experience, discusses a novel approach to
understanding Tarot. He details the process of alchemy, which
involves looking at each Tarot card as an element. The interactions
of the Tarot cards are like reactions that create molecules, and it
is the interactions of the Tarot cards with each other that give
depth and enlightenment in a Tarot reading. This process has given
him the ability to determine specific timeframes and even names of
people and places using the cards.
His approach of deciphering the interactions in a scientific way
leads to new insights about the meanings of the Tarot cards in a
reading. Tarot Alchemy shows how learning to find patterns in the
cards strengthens intuitive abilities and unlocks the doors to
understanding the Tarot cards.
What can the starry skies tell you about yourself and others? More
than you might imagine. For over four thousand years, people have
watched the skies, correlating the movements of the Sun, the Moon,
and the planets with human affairs. Astrology for Dummies shows the
reader how to use that accumulated wisdom to identify strengths and
weaknesses, discover creative abilities, understand relationships,
and make the most of the times in which we live. Using an abundance
of real-life examples, author Rae Orion offers an incisive account
of each sign and planet, taking the reader far beyond the daily
horoscope and illuminating the birth chart in all its individuality
and complexity. Astrology for Dummies examines the time-honored
ways astrology helps us understand ourselves and others. From how
to map and interpret individual horoscopes to building and reading
birth charts, Astrology For Dummies provides you with the tools to
apply the art of astrology to your everyday life. Explore the long,
multi-cultural, occasionally bloody history of astrology Discover
useful advice about romance, career, and wellness Find the creative
potential to be found in every sign and every birth chart Unravel
the mysteries behind Mercury retrograde and other celestial
phenomena Delve into the horoscopes of dozens of famous (and
infamous) people, both past and present Investigate different ways
to align yourself with the cosmos. Astrology hasn't been around for
millennia for nothing. It's a practical tool, a symbolic language,
a way to expand awareness, a means to increase empathy, and an
exploration that touches the soul. Whether you want to learn about
yourself, understand others, or glimpse the opportunities and
challenges that lie ahead, the answers are here -- and in the
A comprehensive astrology package, this package consists of a book
and a software package. It offers an in-depth analysis for each
astrological configuration that an individual chart contains.
including the Sign and House position of the Sun, Moon and Planets,
the five major aspects between them and the Ascendant and
Midheaven. In addition to thoroughly interpreting the natal chart,
"The Instant Astrologer" also calculates and interprets Transits
(planetary influences through time) for any month or year period,
and the Synastry of any two individuals' charts (the chemistry
between them). The book is divided into three sections covering the
personality profile, the timeline profile and the relationship
profile. The CD similarly consists of three modules that calculate
the basic astrological data and then gives the page numbers in the
book where interpretations are given. Complete reports can be shown
on screen but not printed. Sit at home and instantly work out your
own charts for partners, parents, colleagues, friends as well as
Investigates how children's security of attachment in infancy is
related to various aspects of their cognitive development over the
preschool years. The book thus constitutes an attempt to build
bridges between the domains of social and cognitive development,
and as such addresses issues which are of increasing interest to
developmental psychologists. In the first two chapters it outlines
Bowlby's attachment theory and the research which it has inspired,
and develops the theme of a secure attachment relationship
providing children with a sense of themselves as effective agents
in their interactions with the world (self-efficacy);The following
chapters describe a study of a sample of children whose security of
attatchment was assessed in infancy. Security-related differences
are reported in the areas of object/person permanence, language
aquisition. symbolic play, maternal tutoring and theory of mind,
but no differances were found in general cognitive ability. The
book's major focus is explaining why securely attached children may
be more self-effective and flexible in social interactions.
Your complete one-volume guide to the year 2024. This fantastic and in-depth book includes month-by-month forecasts for every sign and all you need to know to find out what is in store for you in the year ahead.
This popular, complete one-volume guide contains all you need to know about your personal horoscope for the year 2024. Be prepared for the forthcoming year with monthly predictions for your own sign and discover how to maximise your opportunities and potential to make the most of 2024.
This bestselling astrological guide contains:
- A personality profile for each sign
- A forecast for the year ahead – what you can expect in terms of wealth, home, health, social and love life
- A month-by-month forecast of your best days and worst days – the ideal days to attract love, money or success, and when it’s better to just stay in bed!
Joseph Polansky is a leading US astrologer who has been practising astrology for over 20 years.