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Books > Humanities > Religion & beliefs > Christianity > Christian institutions & organizations > Christian spiritual & Church leaders
Fr. Thomas Reese has observed that American Catholic dioceses are simultaneously mysterious and essential to the institutional health and vitality of American Catholicism. In recent years, as American Catholicism increasingly finds itself embroiled in scandal and conflict, this mysteriousness has given way to feelings of suspicion, frustration, and even contempt. How can American dioceses navigate this complex and often hostile social, cultural, and political environment? Several decades ago, J. Michael Sproule invited rhetorical and communication scholars to focus on institutions to increase our understanding of the profound role complex organizations play in contemporary life, assess the purpose and significance of communication in pursuit of their missions, and "give a human face to the otherwise institutional voice of corporate suasion." Following Sproule, this book defines a new field called diocesan institutional rhetoric that strives to transform dioceses from structures characterized by closure and adversity into sites of hope-full, response-able, Spirit-led opportunity. Today, rhetorical and communication issues emerge everywhere in American Catholicism. Drawing together relevant literature in Catholic theology, philosophy of communication, and corporate communication scholarship-as well as over twelve years' experience working as a communication professional in a diocesan chancery-this book helps diocesan leaders, scholars, and observers to think differently and more fruitfully about the future of American Catholic ecclesial leadership.
Draws on examples of 'entrepreneurs' from the Bible and Christian history to help readers imagine how such an approach could work in their own context Addresses the problems some have with the word 'entrepreneur' and sets out a positive and informed alternative understanding Full of informative and inspiring case-studies of entrepreneurial ministry in action
These stories of St. Francis and his first followers have inspired millions of people over the centuries. Since they were first committed to paper, they were told to inspire people to become better followers of Jesus (not St. Francis). For that reason, they have endured unlike any other early Franciscan literature. This new paperback edition edition of The Little Flowers is unique in its physical beauty as well as its editorial arrangement. For the first time, the stories have been arranged in the most likely chronological ordering of when they happened-rather than following the traditional ordering of them handed down for centuries. As a result, today's reader is now able to read The Little Flowers as a biographical narrative of the life of St. Francis and the world-transforming movement that he founded.
Becoming a Blessed Church will help you discern God's purpose and the path God is calling your congregation to walk. This book will help you find Christ in your midst and become aware of the many ways the blessings of God's Spirit flow through your congregation. This second edition includes three new practical chapters that answer the questions the author is most frequently asked.
Becoming a Blessed Church will help you discern God's purpose and the path God is calling your congregation to walk. This book will help you find Christ in your midst and become aware of the many ways the blessings of God's Spirit flow through your congregation. This second edition includes three new practical chapters that answer the questions the author is most frequently asked.
Recent years have seen the entry of large numbers of women into the ordained clergy of Protestant churches. Nesbitt here analyses the extent to which the large-scale entry of women into the ministry has affected the occupation.
First published in 1980, but then out of print for several years, this collection, together with The History of Ideas and Doctrines of Canon Law in the Middle Ages, presents a series of fundamental articles by the acknowledged master of medieval canon law studies. For this second edition they have been provided with extensive sections of new notes and references and the detailed indexes have been wholly revised and expanded. The volumes therefore now constitute essential works of reference for all those interested in the study of the medieval Church and its law. Ces deux collections, tout d'abord publiees en 1980, mais actuellement hors impression depuis plusieurs annees, presentent une serie de textes fondamentaux du mAcitre inconteste de l'etude du droit canon medieval. Pour cette seconde edition, elles ont ete enrichies de sections importantes de nouvelles notes et references et les index detailles ont ete entierement revises et approfondis. De ce fait, ces ouvrages constituent aujourd'hui des travaux essentiels de reference pour tous ceux interesses par l'etude de l'Eglise medievale et de son droit.
Every Sunday people walk into your church and decide if they will return the following week before the preacher even opens his mouth. Many of those people don't know what to make of Jesus. They're hesitant to be in church. They're not sure they belong. But over and over in the pages of scripture, we see something extraordinary. People who were nothing like Jesus liked Jesus. Shouldn't that be true of the church as well? In Going Deep & Wide, Andy Stanley lays out a blueprint and offers practical steps to help you turn up the irresistible in your church. Each section includes discussion materials that walk you deeper into the content of Deep & Wide and invites conversations about how to apply what you've learned.
This is an important book written by Pete Beck Jr. for the perilous times in which we Christians find ourselves. The maturing of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ is what is happening and is absolutely paramount to the Holy Spirit. It will not happen without mature and spiritual leaders. He wants to make it a truly apostolic church going forward with apostolic doctrine to win the nations. Apostles in the other five-fold ministry gifts, prophets, evangelistics, pastors and teachers are being raised up as never before across the world. They are being raised up as a team. The Bible is clear that satan will attempt to produce false apostles to weaken or mislead the church. Many do not seem to even understand the principles of God laid out in the Scriptures. Ambition and a love for money and recognition dominate some who claim to be apostles. When speaking to the church at Ephesus, the risen Christ commended them for discerning those who were true apostles and rejecting those who proved false.
When first published in 1958, The Canons of the Council of Sardica, AD 343 at once became the standard account of the canons passed by the Western bishops assembled at Serdica in 343 and the thinking on Church matters that lay behind them. In this new edition Hamilton Hess has updated his account in the light of recent literature, included new material and the full texts of the canons, and translated all quotations into English to reach a wider audience. Three new opening chapters make a fresh contribution to the study of early church history in giving a comprehensive analysis of the rise of the conciliar movement from its earliest beginnings to the fourth-century establishments of councils as exclusively episcopal legislative assemblies. It is also shown that the emergence of canon law was a gradual evolutionary process leading towards the sixth-century organization of canonical collections as juridical ecclesiastical codes parallel with and complementary to the contemporary civil codes of the Roman empire.
Governance and Ministry is an indispensable guide for church and synagogue leaders. The second edition has been revised throughout, including new chapters on congregation size, governance change, policy writing, and the lay-clergy relationship. It includes a unified example of a board policy book and guidance to help any church or synagogue improve its governance structure.
This short book has a dual purpose and is aimed at two audiences: Through practical instruction and guidance, it equips bishops to minister effectively as the chief pastor in the diocese, while helping clergy and congregations reduce the eternal anxiety around the words, "The bishop is coming." Realizing that ceremonial custom varies among dioceses and congregations, the author lays out some normative principles that should be followed in all liturgies at which the bishop presides or is present. His clear, engaging, and often humorous style will put the reader at ease when dealing with ceremonial material. CONTENTS 1. Bearings: Each Congregation's "Usual Thing" 2. Brief Survival Guides for the Bishop 3. The Parish Visitation, with a note on Eucharists at which the Bishop does not preside 4. The Cathedral Ordination of Presbyters with the Reception of the Orders of one Previously Ordained; A brief note on the Ordination of Deacons 5. Vows and Oils: Redefining the "Chrism Mass," with a note on Restoration to the Ministry 6. Solemn Evensong 7. Passages: Institutions, Weddings, and Funerals 8. Through the Liturgical Year 9. Sample Customaries and Documents, Select Bibliography
This book seeks to address both the bewilderment and desire for prophetic visionary leadership in the contemporary church by a discussion of two significant revivals of the 1600s: the English Nonconformist Quakers and the Protestant French Huguenots. How can prophetic vision be incorporated successfully into the ministry of the church? Campbell argues that the mission of the apostle, evangelist, pastor and teacher is to be prophetically inspired and led in every way by the union of the Word, the Person of Jesus Christ, and the Person of the Holy Spirit. - Publisher
William Howley, Archbishop of Canterbury 1828-1848, led the Church of England during the beginning and expansion of the Oxford Movement, at a time when the precursor to the Church Commissioners was established, and during the momentous debates and decisions in Parliament which saw the final retreat from the myth of an all Anglican legislature. Howley's chairmanship of the commissions of the 1830s and 1840s which began the gargantuan task of reforming the Church's practices and re-arranging its finances, made him an object of fury and scorn to some of those who benefited from things as they were, most especially in the cathedrals. Exploring the central events and debates within the Church of England in the first half of the nineteenth century, this book draws on primary and secondary evidence about Howley's career and influence. A section of original sources, including his Charges and other public documents, correspondence and speeches in the House of Lords, places Howley's achievements in proper context and illustrates his prevailing concerns in education, the establishment and political reform, relationships with the Tractarians, and in the early stages of Church reform. Dealing thematically with many of the issues faced by Howley, and exploring his own High Church theological views in historical context, James Garrard offers a fruitful re-appraisal of the intellectual, spiritual and 'party' context in which Howley moved.
"Vestry Papers" is an award winning newsletter published by the Episcopal Church Foundation and is designed to provide vestries with information that is spiritually grounding, yet offers practical illustrations and resources to assist them in their job as the elected lay leadership in their congregations. It has over 1,900 congregational subscribers and 28,500 readers. This collection of the "Best of Vestry Papers" offers church leaders a convenient reference filled with expert advice -- a gathering in one place -- of useful tips on church management. The topics in this collection include: Spiritual Leadership Christian Formation Hospitality/Church Growth Church Finances Parish Dynamics Vestry Responsibilities Buildings and Grounds
Combining thematic analysis and stimulating close readings, 'The Collar' is a wide-ranging study of the many ways - heroic or comic, shrewd or dastardly - in which Christian clergy have been represented in literature, from George Herbert and Laurence Sterne, via Anthony Trollope, G.K. Chesterton, T.S. Eliot, and Graham Greene, to Susan Howatch and Robertson Davies, and in film and television, such as 'Pale Rider', 'The Thorn Birds', 'The Vicar of Dibley', and 'Father Ted'. Since all Christians are expected to be involved in ministry of some type, the assumptions of secular culture about ministers affect more than just clergy. Ranging across several nations (particularly Britain, the U.S., and Canada), denominations, and centuries, 'The Collar' encourages creative and faithful responses to the challenges of Christian leadership and develops awareness of the times when leadership expectations become too extreme.Using the framework of different media to make inquiries about pastoral passion, frustration, and fallibility, Sue Sorensen's well-informed, sprightly, and perceptive book will be helpful to anyone who enjoys evocative literature and film as well as to clergy and those interested in practical theology.
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