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Books > Medicine > Other branches of medicine > Dentistry / oral & maxillofacial medicine
This authoritative reference presents the modern concepts of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and biomaterials as they pertain to the dental field. The book is organized around three main topics: MSCs biology, advanced biomaterials, and clinical applications. The chapters present basic information on stem cell biology and physiology, modern biomaterials that improve bone tissue regeneration, the biomatrices like platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) used to functionalize the biomaterials surface, the strategic and safe intraoral seats of harvesting, the new sources for MSCs, as well as the future perspectives and new challenges in these exciting fields. The contributors are top scientists with a great deal of experience in regenerative dentistry and biomedical research. They offer an international perspective and are richly cross-disciplinary, representing academia, research, and industry. MSCs and Innovative Biomaterials in Dentistry is indispensable reading for students, researchers, and clinicians who need to stay up-to-date on the cutting-edge developments of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applied to dental sciences.
This book is a practical guide to dental radiology for trainees in dentistry. Beginning with an overview of the history of radiation, radiation physics and the basics of dental radiography, the next chapters discuss many different types of radiograph - intraoral, extraoral, panoramic and so on. The following sections explain radiographic features of numerous dental diseases and disorders, guiding trainees towards accurate diagnosis and treatment. The third edition of this textbook has been fully revised and updated to provide the latest advances and techniques in the field. Clinical photographs and diagrams, many new to this edition, further enhance the comprehensive text. Key points Comprehensive guide to dental radiology for trainees in dentistry Fully revised, third edition providing latest advances and techniques Covers radiographic features of many different disorders to assist accurate diagnosis Previous edition (9789350250792) published in 2011
Die 2. Auflage von Clinical Cases in Pediatric Dentistry wurde vollstandig aktualisiert. Dieses beliebte fallbasierte Werk bietet neue Inhalte, klinische Richtlinien und Referenzen zu bestehenden Fallstudien sowie acht ganz neue Falle. - Aktualisierte 2. Auflage mit neuen klinischen Richtlinien, Referenzen zu bestehenden Fallstudien sowie acht ganz neuen Fallszenarien. - Leicht zugangliches Format: Patientengeschichte und Anamnese, Fragen, Antworten und Erlauterungen zu jedem Fall. - Begleitende Website mit weiteren Fallstudien, Diagrammen, Tabellen und Web-Links.
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology: A Diagnostic Approach, Second Edition is a fully updated and revised edition of this richly illustrated reference to the wide range of diagnostic imaging modalities available for investigating lesions affecting the face and jaws. Provides extensive flowcharts detailing the steps of diagnosis and decisions Features more than 450 clinical images, including many multi-part figures, demonstrating the concepts discussed, with more images covering cone beam computed tomography, positron emission tomography, and interventional procedures Discusses differences in the demographic, clinical and radiological presentations, and outcomes of treatment due to ethnicity Presents practical approaches firmly grounded in the scientific literature, focusing on the most common and important lesions Includes perspectives from experts in various specialty areas, including medical radiologists, oral and maxillofacial radiologists, functional imaging specialists, and radiation oncologists
1 Die Chirurgie des Felsenbeins und der lateralen Schadelbasis.- 1 Unsere Langzeiterfahrungen bei der Behandlung von jugulotympanalen Paragangliomen.- 2 Der Wert der Somatostatinszintigraphie in der Diagnostik der Paragangliome.- 3 Das Felsenbeinkarzinom - eine interdisziplinare Herausforderung.- 4 Unser Konzept beim Karzinom des ausseren Gehoerganges.- 5 Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen der Karotiskanalchirurgie.- 6 Intrakraniell bedrohliche Erkrankungen durch unscheinbare Entzundungen des Mittelohrs.- 7 Der transtemporale Zugang zum Klivus und zur petroklivalen Region Chirurgische Anatomie und klinische Erfahrung.- 8 Topographische Anatomie der Felsenbeinspitze und des Dorello-Kanals.- 9 Differentialdiagnosen von Raumforderungen des inneren Gehoergangs.- 10 Zum Stellenwert der Sakkotomierevision in der Behandlung des Morbus Meniere.- 11 Der subtemporale Zugangsweg - eine gehoererhaltende Alternative beim Felsenbeincholesteatom.- 12 Wie stellt sich die laterale Schadelbasis im Dunnschnittplastinat dar?.- 13 Langerhans-Zellhistiozytose mit Beteiligung des Felsenbeins.- 14 Massive Osteolyse Gorham-Stout des Felsenbeins und des kraniozervikalen UEbergangs.- 15 Falldarstellung: Lymphangiom des Felsenbeins.- 16 Missbildungen der lateralen Schadelbasis.- 2 Die Therapie des Vestibularisschwannoms.- 17 Funktionserhaltende Chirurgie des Akustikusneurinoms - Ergebnisse interdisziplinarer Kooperation.- 18 Hoervermoegen vor, wahrend und nach transtemporaler Akustikusneurinomexstirpation.- 19 Wurzburger Schule der Akustikusneurinomchirurgie Interdisziplinare Chirurgie des Akustikusneurinoms - Wurzburger Konzept aus der Sicht des Otochirurgen.- 20 Zur Wait-and-See-Strategie beim einseitigen Akustikusneurinom.- 21 Die radiochirurgische Therapie des Akustikusneurinoms Technik im internationalen Vergleich.- 22 Rundtischgesprach zur Therapie des Vestibularisschwannoms.- 3 "Multi-information-guided therapy", CAS und neue Technologien in der Schadelbasischirurgie.- 23 3D-Navigation an der frontalen und lateralen Schadelbasis.- 24 Intraoperative Bildgebung und Neuronavigation - Gegenwart und Weiterentwicklung.- 25 Die Kombination der konventionellen CAS mit der intraoperativen Navigation der Laterobasis: enhanced CAS.- 26 Telemedizin in der Chirurgie der lateralen Schadelbasis - Vergleich ISDN, Internet, ATM.- 27 Computerassistierte Chirurgie der lateralen Schadelbasis Aktuelle Moeglichkeiten und zukunftige Entwicklungen.- 28 Variationen des navigationsgestutzten Zugangs zur lateralen Schadelbasis.- 29 Moegliche Fehler bei der Anwendung von CAS-Systemen an der Schadelbasis.- 30 Anwendungsmoeglichkeiten der Telemedizin in der Schadelbasischirurgie.- 31 MRT-Visualisierung der Schadelbasisregion von unfixierten und kurzzeitfixierten Materialien.- 4 Experimentelle und histopathologische Untersuchungen zur Chirurgie der lateralen Schadelbasis.- 32 Tierexperimentelle Untersuchung zur medikamentoesen Therapie der traumatischen Optikusneuropathie.- 33 Molekulargenetische und zellbiologische Untersuchungen am NF2-Gen.- 34 Analyse des adenoidzystischen Karzinomes mittels Laser-Scanning-Zytometrie.- 35 Das maligne fibroese Histiozytom der Kieferhoehle.- 36 Das intratemporale Fazialisneurinom: Diagnostik und Therapie.- 37 Neurobiokompatibilitat von Titan, Gold und Silikon in vitro.- 38 Angiosarkomentstehung in Schwannomen des Nervus vagus.- 39 Minimal-invasiv applizierbare Zell- und Gewebetrager fur die Schadelbasischirurgie.- 40 Dehiszenzen des Paries jugularies und Haufigkeit zusatzlicher Knochenkanale der Fossa jugularis.- 5 Aktuelle Aspekte der Chirurgie der vorderen Schadelbasis.- 41 Neue Aspekte zur Therapie des Lagophthalmus.- 42 Invasive Mukozelen der Stirnhoehle - therapeutisches Vorgehen.- 43 Das Osteosarkom der Schadelbasis.- 44 Dorsale und ventrale kraniozervikale Stabilisierung bei progredienter basilarer Impression nach Densresektion bei PCP.- 45 Optikusdekompression bei bewusstlosen Patienten.- 46 Dislokation des
See how to effectively manage ALL dental implant complications throughout ALL phases of treatment! Complications in Oral Implantology provides evidence-based management protocols for a wide range of implant problems such as placement complications, malpositioning, bleeding, infection, and nerve injuries. Hundreds of high-quality, full-color photos and illustrations clearly demonstrate the complications and their resolution. Edited by Carl Misch and Randolph Resnik - both well-known names in dental implantology and prosthodontics - and with a team of expert contributors, this authoritative guide helps you handle the implant-related complications that can occur as more and more patients choose dental implants. Expert authors are joined by a panel of recognized leaders in implant dentistry - many of whom are associated with the Misch International Implant Institute - to share their extensive experience with handling complications through all phases of treatment. Comprehensive approach to complications that occur in the different phases of oral implantology provides the knowledge and skills you need to handle treatment planning, implant placement, post-operative complications, prostheses-related complications, and more. Over 1,000 images include full-color clinical photographs, radiographs, line drawings, and diagrams, clearly demonstrating complications, procedures, and outcomes. Management protocols developed by world-renowned dental implantologists provide a proven system and authoritative guidance in managing complications with dental implants. Evidence-based solutions make it easier to manage a wide variety of clinical problems associated with dental implants, with state-of-the-art guidance supported by the best available research.
This book focuses on the basic aspects of dental stem cells (DSCs) as well as their clinical applications in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. It opens with a discussion of classification, protocols, and properties of DSCs and proceeds to explore DSCs within the contexts of cryopreservation; epigenetics; pulp, periodontal, tooth, bone, and corneal stroma regeneration; neuronal properties, mesenchymal stem cells and biomaterials; and as sources of hepatocytes for liver disease treatment. The fifteen expertly authored chapters comprehensively examine possible applications of DSCs and provide invaluable insights into mechanisms of growth and differentiation. Dental Stem Cells: Regenerative Potential draws from a wealth of international perspectives and is an essential addition to the developing literature on dental stem cells. This installment of Springer's Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine series is indispensable for biomedical researchers interested in bioengineering, dentistry, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, cell biology and oncology.
This volume provides methods and approaches to study genetic and environmental regulatory controls on odontogenesis. Chapters guide readers through protocols for isolation and characterization of both epithelial and mesenchymal dental cells, methods on isolation, phenotypic characterization, expansion, differentiation, immunofluorescence, in situ hybridization, immunohistochemistry, imaging protocols, rodent dental fluorosis model, 3D assessment of crown size, dental diseases models, next generation sequencing, genetic and epigenetic studies, genome-wide association studies as well as clinical protocols for measurement of early childhood caries and saliva, and supragingival fluids and biofilm collection and subsequent analyses. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Odontogenesis: Methods and Protocols aims to guide researchers towards elucidating the secrets and mysteries of a fascinating and unique organ, the tooth.
Key Features: 1. Addresses the necessary gap in the literature with a concise yet comprehensive approach. 2. Overhauls and updates the content to provide an exam-oriented text for students of oral and maxillofacial surgery, and professionals.
Evidence-based Implant Dentistry and Systemic Conditions provides essential information on the osseointegration and survival of dental implants in medically challenged patients. Aggregates the major research on the impact of systemic conditions on implant therapy success Discusses a range of conditions, including oral and systemic cancers, AIDS, osteonecrosis, arthritis, and more Provides clinical recommendations for every condition listed Compiles studies from indexed databases such as PubMed, MEDLINE, ISI web of knowledge, Scopus, and EMBASE
Laser halten zunehmend in der Zahnarztpraxis Einzug. Aufgrund ihrer Prazision und minimal-invasiven Eigenschaften werden Laser bevorzugt in der asthetischen Zahn- und Kinderzahnheilkunde, in der oralen Medizin und bei einer Reihe weiterer Behandlungsansatze in der Zahnmedizin eingesetzt. Lasers in Dentistry: Guide for Clinical Practice ist ein umfassendes und dennoch pragnantes Praktikerbuch mit allem Wissenswerten rund um Lasertechnologie in der Zahnarztpraxis.
Nasal continuous positive airway pressure ventilation is the gold standard in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. Long-term compliance rates are about 60%. Therefore, several alternative treatment options are of special interest. Beside conservative therapies, various surgical concepts exist. The field of surgery for sleep disordered breathing has rapidly grown with new instrumentation and surgical techniques in the last 10 years. Surgeons in these fields have to attend scientific meetings, participate in workshops, and read the literature to stay up to date. In our sleep laboratories we conduct 30 polysomnographies each night. Each year, we perform almost 1,000 surgical procedures for sleep disordered breathing apart from numerous other conservative and apparative treatment modalities. Referring to our expe- ence and the present literature, we tried to give new information on surgical techniques in this second edition. The chapters are grouped in different anatomical fields of interest. We wanted to give general advice and specific new hints for the surgery of sleep disordered breathing so that the reader learns basic techniques followed by more advanced surgery. In addition to the illustrated surgical descriptions, the chapters contain informations about indications and contraindications of each surgical procedure and the postoperative care. Special interest has been dedicated to evidence-based medicine. So in each chapter, there is a table of references summarizing the effectiveness of the procedure and EBM grade.
A lively account of fluoridation and its discontents Since its first implementation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 1945, public drinking water fluoridation and its attendant conflicts, controversies, and conspiracy theories serve as an object lesson in American science, public health, and policymaking. In addition to the arguments on the issue still raging today, the tale of fluoridation and its discontents also resonates with such present concerns as genetically modified foods, global warming response, nuclear power, and environmental regulation. Offering the best current thinking on the issue, The Fluoride Wars presents a witty and detailed social history of the fluoridation debate in America, illuminating the intersection of science and politics in our recent past. This reader-friendly assessment explores the pro- and anti-fluoridation movements, key players, and important events. Full of amusing and vivid anecdotes and examples, this accessible recounting includes: A careful and non-condescending look at the hard science, popular science, pseudo-science, and junk science involved A look at fluoride issues including dosage, cost, financial and funding interests, fluorosis, and problems of risk-cost-benefit analysis The back-and-forth drama between pro- and anti-fluoridation factions, with all its claims, counterclaims, insults, acrimony, and lawsuits Case studies of various cities and their experiences with municipal water fluoridation initiatives Fluorophobia and popular conspiracy theories involving fluoride The colorful characters in the debate including activists, scientists, magicians, and politicians A richly and considerately told tale of American science and public life, The Fluoride Wars offers an engrossing history to both interested general readers and specialists in public health, dentistry, policymaking, and related fields.
The complete health-focused approach makes this a must-have instructional resource to support you throughout your Dental Hygiene educational program and beyond. Based on the trusted content in Newman and Carranza's Clinical Periodontology, the most widely used periodontal textbook in the world, this resource provides the most up-to-date, complete, and essential information. The broad range of content covers everything from the biology of the periodontium - how it's structured and the functions it serves, the new classification of periodontal disease, the link between periodontal disease and systemic health, and more. An extensive clinical section contains a complete guide to everything from procedure instrumentation to patient management at the point of care. Full color photos, illustrations, radiographs show how to perform periodontal procedures. Case based practice questions and skill evaluation checklists promote board-exam readiness. The clear instruction and health-focused approach provides support throughout the Dental Hygiene program and beyond. Access to this product, which may be at the discretion of your institution, is up to 3 years of online and perpetual offline access. Elsevier reserves the right to restrict or remove access due to changes in product portfolio or other market conditions. Online student and educator support on Evolve. Dental hygiene emphasis and relevance provides solid foundational content. Comprehensive topic coverage focuses on the translation of the science to evidence-based practice and clinical decision making. Extensive full-color photos and illustrations clearly demonstrate core concepts and reinforce important principles. Case-based clinical scenarios incorporated throughout the book mimic the patient case format used in credentialing exams. Many new and important chapters on periimplantitis, resolving inflammation, evidence-based decision making, and critical thinking. Robust art program of clinical images, charts, graphs, and unique illustrations enhances engagement. The most complete atlas of periodontal pathology ever offered for the dental hygienist. Key information and highlights presented as call out boxes.
The standard in prosthodontics for nearly 50 years, McCracken's Removable Partial Prosthodontics, 13th Edition walks readers through all the principles and concepts surrounding removable partial denture treatment planning and design that today's practitioners need to know. Using an evidence-based approach, this full-color text incorporates the latest information on new techniques, procedures, and equipment, including expanded information on dynamic communication and the use of implants with removable partial dentures. From initial contact with the patient to post-treatment care, McCracken's is the complete foundation today's dentists need to successfully practice prosthodontic care. A variety of philosophies and techniques are featured throughout the text, so readers can select and incorporate applicable techniques on a case-by-case basis. Full-color drawings and photographs give readers a detailed view of techniques, materials, and anatomic detail. Evidence-based approach uses current research to help readers diagnose, design, develop, and sequence a treatment plan. Expert guidance from both authors walks readers through the latest techniques as well as technological advances specific to removable partial dentures. NEW! Standardized removable partial denture designs offered for application to the major categories of patients seen in practice. NEW! Expanded information on the use of implants with removable partial dentures highlights considerations in treatment planning including the selection of implants and provision of care utilizing dental implants. NEW! More information on dynamic communication which incorporates the progress being made in shared decision making with patients, especially regarding decisions made in light of patient values and 'trade-off' considerations.
This book gives an introduction to the mechanical behavior and degradation of dental ceramics and guides the reader through their performance under effect of oral environments. It addresses the different kinds of dental ceramics, their properties, degradation and mechanical aspects with less emphasys on the physics and chemistry involved, which makes the reading interesting for beginners in the field. In each chapter, the reader will learn about the mechanical behavior of dental ceramics and each phenomenon involved in their application, besides finding some practical examples of their use in dental clinics, their manufacturing procedures and types of degradation. The clear language and the application-oriented perspective of the book makes it suitable for both professionals and students who want to learn about dental ceramics.
This book both explains in detail diverse aspects of the law as it relates to dentistry and examines key issues in forensic odontostomatology. A central aim is to enable the dentist to achieve a realistic assessment of the legal situation and to reduce uncertainties and liability risk. To this end, experts from across the world discuss the dental law in their own countries, covering both civil and criminal law and highlighting key aspects such as patient rights, insurance, and compensation. In the section on forensic odontostomatology, extensive guidance is provided on development of the dentition, clinical findings and documentation, personal identification, age estimation, and the nature and significance of bite, tooth, and lip marks. This book will be an invaluable source of information for all who practice in the field of dentistry as well as forensic scientists, lawyers, investigative and identification authorities, criminologists, prosecutors, insurance agents, and students.
This book offers a comprehensive overview of current challenges and strategies to regenerate load-bearing and calcified human tissues, including bone, cartilage,tendon, ligaments and dental structures (dentin, enamel, cementum and periodontal ligament). Tissue engineering has long held great promises as an improved treatment option for conditions affecting mineralized and load-bearing structures in the body. Although significant progress has been achieved in recent years, a number of challenges still exist. Scaffold vascularization, new biofabrication methods (3D printing, lithography, microfabrication), peptide conjugation methods, interface engineering, scaffold mechanical properties, iPS cells, organs-on-a-chip, are some of the topics discussed in this book. More specially, in the first section readers will find an overview of emerging biofabrication methods. In section 2, applied strategies for regeneration of (2.1) bone, cartilage and ligament, as well as (2.2) dentin, cementum, enamel and periodontal ligament are discussed across 14 chapters. While other volumes have addressed the regeneration of individual tissues, or exclusively focused on different regenerative strategies, the focus of this work is to bring together researchers integrating backgrounds in materials sciences, engineering, biology, mechanics, fluidics, etc, to address specific challenges common to regeneration of several load-bearing and calcified tissues. Therefore, this book provides a unique platform to stimulate progress in the regeneration of functional tissue substitutes. We envision that this book will represent a valuable reference source for university and college faculties, post-doctoral research fellows, senior graduate students, and researchers from R&D laboratories in their endeavors to fabricate biomimetic load bearing tissues.
The chapters of Studies on Periodontal Disease comprise four parts. Part 1 provides basic sciences from the general to the particular. The findings of cell culture and animal models supply the mechanism between periodontal disease and oxidative stress. In part 2, human clinical studies are mainly addressed. The effects of periodontal therapy on circulating oxidative stress are also discussed. The relationships between periodontal disease and systemic diseases are examined in part 3. The involvement of oxidative stress and inflammation are discussed through in vivo and in vitro study results. Part 4 discusses future strategies, including the effects of antioxidants and nutrition on periodontal disease. This thorough examination of the relationship between oxidative stress and periodontal disease is essential reading for researchers in oxidative stress and periodontal clinicians, alike.
Mastication Robotics: Biological Inspiration to Implementation is the first book in the special field of masticatory robots for applications including foods texture analysis, dental training and speech therapy. It is a collection of the efforts we have made in the field at Massey University, New Zealand. The book provides a thorough review of the human masticatory system, and presents principles, analysis, design, simulations and experiments of a number of masticatory robots developed by the authors. This book is a valuable reference for researchers, engineers and graduates in the field of robotics, mechatronics, automatic control, artificial intelligence and food sciences.
This book provides a timely and comprehensive review of our current knowledge of BPA release from dental polymers and the potential endocrinological consequences. After a review of the history and evolution of the issue within the broader biomedical context, the estrogenicity of BPA is explained. The basic chemistry of the polymers used in dentistry is then presented in a simplified and clinically relevant manner. Key chapters in the book carefully evaluate the release of BPA from polycarbonate products and composite resins and the estrogenicity of these materials. Currently available evidence on the potential estrogenic action of dental composities, sealants, and adhesives is presented, and means are suggested by which adverse health effects can be minimized. The entire dental community will find this book to be an excellent source of information on the true risks posed by BPA, and an invaluable aid to safe practice.
This book presents the current state of research on the basic scientific aspects of root canal biofilm biology within a clinically applicable context. Root canal biofilms are complex polymicrobial structures adhering to the root canal surface that are formed by microorganisms invading the pulpal space of teeth, and are associated with persistent root canal infections. Concerted efforts to study root canal biofilms have been made in the past decade, resulting in the publication of observational and experimental studies that detail the morphology and biology of these structures in infected root canals. In addition to confirming that bacteria in root canals do not exist in free-floating planktonic states as previously assumed, this new information on root canal biofilm infections has provided an opportunity to re-evaluate conventional clinical protocols and improve endodontic therapeutic measures.
Traditional dental materials such as metals and ceramics have a number of disadvantages such as cost and the significant damage caused in grinding to make space for such reconstructions. Fiber-reinforced composites (FRCs) are a novel group of dental materials characterized by fibrous fillers that are being increasingly used in place of traditional prosthodontic materials. They allow fabrication of minimally invasive, lightweight, durable and biocompatible restorations. This book will provide clinicians and students with theoretical and clinical guidelines to use the FRCs for dental applications. The book begins with an introduction to the fundamentals of FRCs in dentistry. Further chapters cover the treatment possibilities, fabrication and application procedures of FRCs, followed by information on care and maintenance.
Oral Cytology: A Concise Guide provides a state-of-the-art review of the major issues specific to the field of oral cytology. The sections of the book have been structured to review the complexities of sample collection, manual/automated analysis, pitfalls, gray zones and controversies in diagnosis, as well as, issues not covered by other available materials. Recent advancements in ancillary techniques like DNA ploidy, image analysis and molecular biology are discussed in detail. This useful text is extensively illustrated with patient and microscopic pictures, which will further highlight the clinical application. Throughout the text, simultaneous inclusion of both cytologic and histologic images will allow cyto-histological correlation. Readers will find descriptions of techniques offering greater simplicity, speed, patient comfort and cost effectiveness, as well as improved diagnostic precision. This bench-side reference is a unique and valuable resource in the field of oral cytology, both for those currently in training and clinicians dealing with the diagnosis of oral lesions.
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