Books > Humanities > Religion & beliefs > Non-Christian religions > Ethnic or tribal religions
Often spoken at the end of a prayer, a well-known Sioux phrase
affirms that we are all related." Similarly, the Sioux medicine
man, Brave Buffalo, came to realize when he was still a boy that
the maker of all was Wakan Tanka (the Great Spirit), and ...in
order to honor him I must honor his works in nature." The
interconnectedness of all things, and the respect all things are
due, are among the most prominentand most welcomethemes in this
collection of Indian voices on nature. Within the book are
carefully authenticated quotations from men and women of nearly
fifty North American tribes. The illustrations include historical
photographs of American Indians, as well as a wide selection of
contemporary photographs showing the diversity of the North
American natural world. Together, these quotations and photographs
beautifully present something of nature's timeless message.
Die Autoren des Buches stellen die Geschichte der Budweiser
Dioezese dar und reflektieren hierbei aktuelle Forschungsansatze.
Das Buch zeichnet ein komplexes Bild der Entstehung und
territorialen wie verwaltungstechnischen Entwicklung der Dioezese
in den Jahren 1785-1850. Die Autoren arbeiten mit neuen
Perspektiven die wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen heraus und
dokumentieren die Tatigkeit der einzelnen Bischoefe, des
bischoeflichen Konsistoriums und Kapitels. Dieses Buch bietet eine
grundliche und systematische Analyse verschiedener Facetten des
Lebens der Geistlichen in Sudboehmen: besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt
ihrer sozialen und nationalen Herkunft, ihrer Ausbildung und
Erziehung sowie ihrem Alltag und ihren Aktivitaten.
Die Studie erschliesst einen neuen Zugang zur "Liebe". Der Autor
untersucht Liebe nicht lediglich als sinnlichen Affekt, sondern als
Grundausrichtung auf das Gute. Seine rein philosophische
Argumentation geht den Gegebenheiten der Erfahrung auf den Grund.
Das Buch beginnt mit der Darstellung von Liebe als "Prinzip des
Seins". Das in Evolution befindliche Sein des Kosmos weist auf das
Goettliche als "sich verstroemende Liebe" hin. Liebe erscheint als
Aufbauprinzip einer Seinsordnung, die zum Beispiel Ehe und Familie
begrundet. Es folgt eine Betrachtung der Liebe als Prinzip des
sinnlichen und des geistigen Erkennens. Die Betrachtung kulminiert
in einem abschliessenden Teil mit einer Reflexion der Liebe als
"Prinzip des Handelns" gegenuber dem Sein, der eigenen Person, den
Mitmenschen und der Natur.
An innovative history of the politics and practice of the Caribbean
spiritual healing techniques known as obeah and their place in
everyday life in the region. Spanning two centuries, the book
results from extensive research on the development and
implementation of anti-obeah legislation. It includes analysis of
hundreds of prosecutions for obeah, and an account of the complex
and multiple political meanings of obeah in Caribbean societies.
Diana Paton moves beyond attempts to define and describe what obeah
was, instead showing the political imperatives that often drove
interpretations and discussions of it. She shows that
representations of obeah were entangled with key moments in
Caribbean history, from eighteenth-century slave rebellions to the
formation of new nations after independence. Obeah was at the same
time a crucial symbol of the Caribbean's alleged lack of modernity,
a site of fear and anxiety, and a thoroughly modern and
transnational practice of healing itself.
Die Beitrage untersuchen disziplinubergreifend das Phanomen
Migration. Die AutorInnen betrachten Migration als ein
konstitutives Element der Menschheitsgeschichte und als globales
Zukunftsthema. Spatestens seit Beginn der Fluchtlingswelle aus
Syrien nach Europa und auch OEsterreich in den Sommermonaten 2015
ist diese Thematik integraler Bestandteil medialer, politischer und
oeffentlicher Kontroversen. Migration ist kein modernes Phanomen.
Wanderungsprozesse aufgrund existenzieller Bedrohungen oder
Hoffnung auf bessere Lebensbedingungen anderswo hat es immer
gegeben. Die BeitragerInnen diskutieren Migration aus den
Perspektiven der Theologie, Philosophie und der Kunstwissenschaft.
Die Bandbreite der Sujets reicht hierbei von alttestamentarischen
Bibelstellen bis hin zum Europa der Neuzeit, uber Kolonialismus,
Imperialismus und Globalisierung. Aus kunstwissenschaftlicher
Perspektive wird der Migrationsbegriff hinsichtlich
unterschiedlicher Epochen und Kunstgattungen aufbereitet.
In Afrolatinx religious practices such as Cuban Espiritismo, Puerto
Rican Santeria, and Brazilian Candomble, the dead tell stories.
Communicating with and through mediums' bodies, they give advice,
make requests, and propose future rituals, creating a living
archive that is coproduced by the dead. In this book, Solimar Otero
explores how Afrolatinx spirits guide collaborative
spiritual-scholarly activist work through rituals and the creation
of material culture. By examining spirit mediumship through a
Caribbean cross-cultural poetics, she shows how divinities and
ancestors serve as active agents in shaping the experiences of
gender, sexuality, and race. Otero argues that what she calls
archives of conjure are produced through residual transcriptions or
reverberations of the stories of the dead whose archives are
stitched, beaded, smoked, and washed into official and unofficial
repositories. She investigates how sites like the ocean, rivers,
and institutional archives create connected contexts for unlocking
the spatial activation of residual transcriptions. Drawing on over
ten years of archival research and fieldwork in Cuba, Otero centers
the storytelling practices of Afrolatinx women and LGBTQ spiritual
practitioners alongside Caribbean literature and performance.
Archives of Conjure offers vital new perspectives on ephemerality,
temporality, and material culture, unraveling undertheorized
questions about how spirits shape communities of practice,
ethnography, literature, and history and revealing the deeply
connected nature of art, scholarship, and worship.
Das Buch bietet eine systematische Darstellung des Patroziniums,
naherhin des Kirchenpatroziniums sowie des titulus ecclesiae gemass
c. 1218 CIC/83. Das Patrozinium stellt im Leben und in der
Froemmigkeit der katholischen Kirche eine Realitat dar, die nur
selten hinterfragt wird. Kirchenwidmungen und Kirchendedikationen
gehoeren jedoch zu den wichtigsten Feiern fur das Leben einer
Ortskirche und viele kirchenrechtliche Detailfragen schliessen sich
an Bau, Widmung und Weihe einer Kirche an. Der Autor analysiert
speziell die rechtshistorische Evolution sowie die geltende
universalkirchenrechtliche Normierung aus theologischer sowie
kanonistischer Perspektive.
Ce volume recueille des etudes d'oeuvres quebecoises et francaises
considerees dans leur relation au fait religieux. A partir des
ecrits des jesuites et des moniales en Nouvelle-France, en passant
par les modeles offerts par Moliere et Chateaubriand, on suit le
parcours, sinueux et parfois paradoxal, de l'autonomisation
progressive du champ litteraire. Les analyses portent sur les
strategies d'affirmation, de contournement, d'oubli ou de
detournement du religieux adoptees par des auteurs comme Rejean
Ducharme, Anne Hebert, Michel Tournier ou Nelly Arcan. Cette
perspective diachronique et transatlantique contribue a faire
emerger les points de contact entre les oeuvres, en creant un jeu
de miroirs et de reflets fecond, dans lequel la relation au
religieux s'impose comme un enjeu, parfois sous-jacent mais
pourtant central, de la litterature contemporaine.
The New World came into being in the Europeans' encounter with the
indigenous religions and cultures of Central and South America. Yet
these religions remain little known or are filtered through
inadequate categories such as "animism," "superstition," or
"syncretism." In this volume, an international group of the finest
authorities working on the subject provide rich descriptions and
provocative interpretations of religious ideas rarely gathered in
one place. Since an exhaustive treatment would be impossible (it is
estimated that there could be as many as fifteen thousand different
South American languages living or extinct), the aim is to
illustrate something of the range of religious beliefs and
practices through cases that are exemplary. The first part of the
book describes the religious views of the Aztec, Maya, and Inca,
dating from the time prior to contact with Europeans. The rest of
the book treats contemporary cases from the major cultural and
geographical areas of Central and South America. Whether the focus
is on myth, architecture, ritual celebrations, or shamanic
practice, each essay provides a distinctive profile of the culture
in question.Contributors include David Carrasco, Edgardo J. Cordeu,
Mercedes de la Garza, Alfredo Lopez Austin, Juan Ossia Acuna,
Alejandra Siffredi, Lawrence E. Sullivan, Terence Turner, Peter van
der Loo, Robin M. Wright, and Reiner Tom Zuidema.
A compilation from years of teachings on angels. It treats "walking
with angels" as something we can make an aspect of our path, like
meditation or healing. Topics include the qualities needed to see
and make contact with the angels; the parallel life-streams of
humanity and the angels; the chakras and the angels associated with
them; feeling the angelic presence in nature; how to work with the
angels for healing; the great angels of the sun and the planets;
angelic guidance; ritual and ceremony; and the archangel Michael.
A classic question in studies of ritual is how ritual performances
achieve-or fail to achieve-their effects. In this pathbreaking
book, Matt Tomlinson argues that participants condition their own
expectations of ritual success by interactively creating distinct
textual patterns of sequence, conjunction, contrast, and
substitution. Drawing on long-term research in Fiji, the book
presents in-depth studies of each of these patterns, taken from a
wide range of settings: a fiery, soul-saving Pentecostal crusade;
relaxed gatherings at which people drink the narcotic beverage
kava; deathbeds at which missionaries eagerly await the signs of
good Christians' "happy deaths"; and the monologic pronouncements
of a military-led government determined to make the nation speak in
a single voice. In each of these cases, Tomlinson also examines the
broad ideologies of motion which frame participants' ritual
actions, such as Pentecostals' beliefs that effective worship
requires ecstatic movement like jumping, dancing, and clapping, and
nineteenth-century missionaries' insistence that the journeys of
the soul in the afterlife should follow a new path. By approaching
ritual as an act of "entextualization"-in which the flow of
discourse is turned into object-like texts-while analyzing the ways
people expect words, things, and selves to move in performance,
this book presents a new and compelling way to understand the
efficacy of ritual action.
In dieser Studie werden die umfassenden Veranderungen im Leben der
Moenchsgemeinschaft auf dem Heiligen Berg Athos analysiert. Ein
Fokus liegt dabei auf den Modernisierungsprozessen, die seit der
Eintragung des Heiligen Berges Athos in die UNESCO-Welterbeliste im
Jahr 1988 erfolgten. Zu diesen Prozessen gehoeren sowohl die
Einfuhrung von technischen Neuerungen wie Strom, Autos und Computer
als auch die Intensivierung der politischen Kontakte und der
demographische Wandel. Das Material fur diese Untersuchung wurde im
Laufe von Forschungsaufenthalten in zahlreichen Interviews mit den
Moenchen auf dem Berg Athos gesammelt. Die Studie wirft daher einen
einzigartigen Blick auf das gegenwartige Moenchsleben auf dem
Throughout West African societies, at times of social crises,
postmenopausal women-the Mothers-make a ritual appeal to their
innate moral authority. The seat of this power is the female
genitalia. Wielding branches or pestles, they strip naked and slap
their genitals and bare breasts to curse and expel the forces of
evil. In An Intimate Rebuke Laura S. Grillo draws on fieldwork in
Cote d'Ivoire that spans three decades to illustrate how these
rituals of Female Genital Power (FGP) constitute religious and
political responses to abuses of power. When deployed in secret,
FGP operates as spiritual warfare against witchcraft; in public, it
serves as a political activism. During Cote d'Ivoire's civil wars
FGP challenged the immoral forces of both rebels and the state.
Grillo shows how the ritual potency of the Mothers' nudity and the
conjuration of their sex embodies a moral power that has been
foundational to West African civilization. Highlighting the
remarkable continuity of the practice across centuries while
foregrounding the timeliness of FGP in contemporary political
resistance, Grillo shifts perspectives on West African history,
ethnography, comparative religious studies, and postcolonial
Long cloaked in protective secrecy, demonized by Western society, and distorted by Hollywood, Santería is at last emerging from the shadows with an estimated 75 million orisha followers worldwide. In The Altar of My Soul, Marta Moreno Vega recounts the compelling true story of her journey from ignorance and skepticism to initiation as a Yoruba priestess in the Santería religion. This unforgettable spiritual memoir reveals the long-hidden roots and traditions of a centuries-old faith that originated on the shores of West Africa.
As an Afro-Puerto Rican child in the New York barrio, Marta paid little heed to the storefront botanicas full of spiritual paraphernalia or to the Catholic saints with foreign names: Yemayá, Ellegua, Shangó. As an adult, in search of a religion that would reflect her racial and cultural heritage, Marta was led to the Way of the Saints. She came to know Santería intimately through its prayers and rituals, drumming and dancing, trances and divination that spark sacred healing energy for family, spiritual growth, and service to others. Written by one who is a professor and a santera priestess, The Altar of My Soul lays before us an electrifying and inspiring faith–one passed down from generation to generation that vitalizes the sacred energy necessary to build a family, a community, and a strong, loving society.
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