Books > Law > Jurisprudence & general issues > Foundations of law
International law is a fundamentally modern phenomenon. Tracing its
roots to nineteenth-century pronouncements on the 'law of nations,'
the discipline took shape in the elaborate treaty structures of the
post-First World War era and in the institutions and tribunals
established after the Second World War. International law as
scholars know and study it today is a product of modernism. In The
Aesthetics of International Law, Ed Morgan engages in a literary
parsing of international legal texts. In order to demonstrate how
these types of legal narratives are imbued with modernist
aesthetics, Morgan juxtaposes international legal documents and
modern (as well as some immediately pre- and post-modern) literary
texts. He demonstrates how the same intellectual currents that flow
through the works of authors ranging from Edgar Allan Poe to James
Joyce to Vladimir Nabokov are also present in legal doctrines
ranging from the law of war to international commercial disputes to
human rights. By providing a comparative, interdisciplinary account
of this modern phenomenon, Morgan's work highlights the ways
judges, lawyers, and state representatives artfully exploit the
narratives of international law. It demonstrates that just as
modernist literature developed complex narrative techniques as a
way of dealing with the human condition, modern international law
has developed parallel argumentative techniques as a way of dealing
with international political conditions.
Most of the women and men who practiced magic in Tudor England were
not hanged or burned as witches, despite being active members of
their communities. These everyday magicians responded to common
human problems such as the vagaries of money, love, property, and
influence, and they were essential to the smooth functioning of
English society. This illuminating book tells their stories through
the legal texts in which they are named and the magic books that
record their practices. In legal terms, their magic fell into the
category of sin or petty crime, the sort that appeared in the lower
courts and most often in church courts. Despite their relatively
lowly status, scripts for the sorts of magic they practiced were
recorded in contemporary manuscripts. Juxtaposing and
contextualizing the legal and magic manuscript records creates an
unusually rich field to explore the social aspects of magic
practice. Expertly constructed for both classroom use and
independent study, this book presents in modern English the legal
documents and magic texts relevant to ordinary forms of magic
practiced in Tudor England. These are accompanied by scholarly
introductions with original perspectives on the subjects. Topics
covered include: the London cunning man Robert Allen; magic to
identify thieves; love magic; magic for hunting, fishing and
gambling, and magic for healing and protection.
Referendums have become an undeniably important, and perhaps
inescapable, peacemaking tool in contemporary peace processes. As
such, understanding the ways in which referendum outcomes are
shaped by peace negotiations is vital. Drawing upon two case
studies, Amaral presents an empirically rich comparative analysis
of the Annan Plan in Cyprus and the Good Friday Agreement in
Northern Ireland. She examines the negotiations, offering new
interview material with key political and civil figures involved in
the peace negotiations and referendum campaigns in both cases.
Amaral argues that referendums are unsuitable for traditional
secretive and exclusionist peace negotiations that fail to engage
and educate the public. They rather require inclusive negotiations
that involve a broad spectrum of political stakeholders and civil
society at the early stages of the process. This collaborative
approach can allow referendums to positively shape societies in
conflict and be a crucial step toward lasting peace.
Navajo peacemaking is one of the most renowned restorative justice
programs in the world. Neither mediation nor alternative dispute
resolution, it has been called a "horizontal system of justice"
because all participants are treated as equals with the purpose of
preserving ongoing relationships and restoring harmony among
involved parties. In peacemaking there is no coercion, and there
are no "sides." No one is labeled the offender or the victim, the
plaintiff or the defendant. This is a book about peacemaking as it
exists in the Navajo Nation today, describing its origins, history,
context, and contributions with an eye toward sharing knowledge
between Navajo and European-based criminal justice systems. It
provides practitioners with information about important aspects of
peacemaking--such as structure, procedures, and outcomes--that will
be useful for them as they work with the Navajo courts and the
peacemakers. It also offers outsiders the first one-volume overview
of this traditional form of justice. The collection comprises
insights of individuals who have served within the Navajo Judicial
Branch, voices that authoritatively reflect peacemaking from an
insider's point of view. It also features an article by Justice
Sandra Day O'Connor and includes contributions from other scholars
who, with the cooperation of the Navajo Nation, have worked to
bring a comparative perspective to peacemaking research. In
addition, some chapters describe the personal journey through which
peacemaking takes the parties in a dispute, demonstrating that its
purpose is not to fulfill some abstract notion of Justice but to
restore harmony so that the participants are returned to good
relations. "Navajo Nation Peacemaking" seeks to promote both
peacemaking and Navajo common law development. By establishing the
foundations of the Navajo way of natural justice and offering a
vision for its future, it shows that there are many lessons offered
by Navajo peacemaking for those who want to approach old problems
in sensible new ways.
This book brings together past and present law commissioners,
judges, practitioners, academics and law reformers to analyse the
past, present and future of the Law Commissions in the United
Kingdom and beyond. Its internationally recognised authors bring a
wealth of experience and insight into how and why law reform does
and should take place, covering statutory and non-statutory reform
from national and international perspectives. The chapters of the
book developed from papers given at a conference to mark the
fiftieth anniversary of the Law Commissions Act 1965.
Lord Denning, an influential but controversial English judge,
stated that 'Words are the lawyer's tools of trade'. This course
book reflects that conviction as it focuses on words, the language
of the law - legal terms, expressions, and grammar - introduced
systematically with relevant aspects of the law, and examined in
context through analytical reading activities based on original
legal texts selected for their interest and importance in different
branches of the common law system. This book explores
constitutional law, criminal law, tort, and contract; yet includes
international legal contexts, with a particular focus on human
rights and European law. The presentation of legal concepts and
terminology in context in each chapter is graded so that the course
progresses, building on the vocabulary and law encountered in
earlier chapters. Each chapter, organized thematically, includes a
series of activities - tasks - to complete, yet the book does not
presuppose previous knowledge of legal English or of the common
law: full answer keys and reflective commentary on both legal and
linguistic aspects are given and sections marked 'Advanced' offer
especially challenging materials. Consolidation sections are
designed to test students' global comprehension of the legal texts
analysed, including precise usage of legal vocabulary in context,
with solutions. Common Law Legal English and Grammar is addressed
to the non-native speaker of English, and in particular,
intermediate to advanced students who are studying law, or
academics with a professional interest in Anglo-American law.
Practising lawyers will also find that the book offers valuable
analysis of the language of legal documents. Please note, this book
is not available for purchase in Italy.
Wolfgang Huber, der am 12. August 2022 seinen achtzigsten
Geburtstag feiert, hat den Protestantismus in der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland in unterschiedlichen Funktionen geprägt. Als Professor
fĂĽr Systematische Theologie in Marburg und Heidelberg von 1980 bis
1994 trieb er die Etablierung der Ethik als einer eigenständig
profilierten theologischen Disziplin insbesondere angesichts der
zeitgenössischen friedensethischen und bioethischen
Herausforderungen mit voran. Als Präsident des Deutschen
Evangelischen Kirchentages von 1983 bis 1985 engagierte er sich mit
Nachdruck dafĂĽr, den politischen Charakter des Kirchentages als
Konsequenz aus dessen religiöser Verankerung deutlich zu machen.
Als Bischof der Evangelischen Kirche Berlin-Brandenburg-schlesische
Oberlausitz von 1993 bis 2009 moderierte er das Zusammenwachsen
westlicher und östlicher Teile der Evangelischen Kirche an
zentraler Stelle. Als Vorsitzender des Rates der EKD von 2003 bis
2009 nutzte er die ihm damit zur VerfĂĽgung stehenden
Möglichkeiten, auf der politischen Ebene praktisch einzustehen
fĂĽr seine theologischen Ăśberzeugungen. Und als theologischer
Schriftsteller hat er nicht nur die fachwissenschaftlichen Debatten
vorangetrieben, sondern mit vielen Veröffentlichungen auch dafür
gesorgt, dass Einstellungen und Einsichten des evangelischen
Christentums einem breiteren interessierten Publikum verständlich
und vertraut werden konnten. In diesem Gesprächsband lässt
Wolfgang Huber im Dialog mit den MĂĽnchener Theologen Christian
Albrecht und Reiner Anselm sowie dem Göttinger Staatsrechtslehrer
Hans Michael Heinig wissenschaftsbiographische und
kirchenpolitische Etappen Revue passieren.
This volume arises from the inaugural Public Law Conference hosted
in September 2014 by the Centre for Public Law at the University of
Cambridge, which brought together leading public lawyers from a
number of common law jurisdictions. While those from such
jurisdictions share background understandings, significant
differences within the common law world create opportunities for
valuable exchanges of ideas and debate. This collection draws upon
one of the principal sub-themes that emerged during the conference
- namely, the the way in which relationships and distinctions
between the notions of 'process' and 'substance' play out in
relation to and inform adjudication in public law cases. The essays
contained in this volume address those issues from a variety of
perspectives. While the bulk of the chapters consider topical
issues in judicial review, either on common law or human rights
grounds, or both, other chapters adopt more theoretical,
historical, empirical or contextual approaches. Concluding chapters
reflect generally on the papers in the collection and the value of
facilitating cross-jurisdictional dialogue.
Das Handbuch des Römischen Privatrechts gilt dem römischen
Privat- und Zivilprozessrecht von den ältesten römischen
Rechtsquellen bis zur Zeit Justinians. Erstmals seit fĂĽnfzig
Jahren erfolgt eine umfassende Darstellung auf der Höhe des
aktuellen Forschungsstandes. Das Werk bietet sachkundige
Orientierung angesichts der Vielzahl der Forschungsgegenstände und
der stetig reicher werdenden Sekundärliteratur. Es dient auch
Althistorikern, Klassischen Philologen, anderen
Geisteswissenschaftlern und Vertretern des geltenden Rechts als
Nachschlagewerk und erhebt den Anspruch, ein Bezugspunkt der
internationalen römisch-rechtlichen Forschung zu sein. Der
Schwerpunkt der Darstellung liegt auf der Diskussion der
spätrepublikanischen und kaiserzeitlichen römischen Jurisprudenz,
wobei eine intensive Bezugnahme auf den Prozess erfolgt. Die
juristische Papyrologie und Epigraphik sind ebenso berĂĽcksichtigt
wie die provinziale Rechtspraxis. Das Handbuch erscheint in 2
Bänden und wird nur geschlossen abgegeben.
Uwe Kischel's comprehensive treatise on comparative law offers a
critical introduction to the central tenets of comparative legal
scholarship. The first part of the book is dedicated to general
aspects of comparative law. The controversial question of methods,
in particular, is addressed by explaining and discussing different
approaches, and by developing a contextual approach that seeks to
engage with real-world issues and takes a practical perspective on
contemporary comparative legal scholarship. The second part of the
book offers a detailed treatment of the major legal contexts across
the globe, including common law, civil law systems (based on
Germany and France, and extended to Eastern Europe, Scandinavia,
and Latin America, among others), the African context (with an
emphasis on customary law), different contexts in Asia, Islamic law
and law in Islamic countries (plus a brief treatment of Jewish law
and canon law), and transnational contexts (public international
law, European Union law, and lex mercatoria). The book offers a
coherent treatment of global legal systems that aims not only to
describe their varying norms and legal institutions but to propose
a better way of seeking to understand how the overall context of
legal systems influences legal thinking and legal practice.
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