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Books > Business & Economics > Finance & accounting > General
Sie wollen Ihre Finanzen in den Griff bekommen, wissen aber nicht wie? Oder vielleicht haben Sie dieses Thema auch schon zu lange vor sich hergeschoben? Finanzielle UnabhAngigkeit und Geldanlage sind Themen, die fA1/4r Frauen heute wichtiger sind denn je. Nur wenn Sie sich selbst darum kA1/4mmern, finden Sie die beste LAsung fA1/4r sich.Lisa Breloer zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie sich im Alter und fA1/4r SchicksalsschlAge absichern. Neben der Lebensplanung hat auch die eigene Finanzplanung groA en Einfluss auf Ihr VermAgen. Sie erfahren, wie Sie das Thema Finanzen in einer Beziehung fair regeln kAnnen. Mit diesem Buch finden Sie Ihren eigenen Weg, um finanziell fest im Sattel zu sitzen und Ihr Geld anzulegen. Sie bekommen obendrei den Durchblick im Finanzdschungel: A1/4ber Festgeld, Anleihen, ETFs bis hin zu Rohstoffen und Renten. Diese Themen werden verstAndlich erklArt und Sie kAnnen gleich loslegen.
Systems of innovation that are conducted within national borders can preserve inefficient solutions and prevent development. This has led to a feeling that transnational learning strategies are more and more desirable. In practice, the field of transnational learning has been dominated by various policy-making institutions, such as the OECD and European Union, working through different types of policy instruments and programs such as structural funds, open methods of coordination, as well as international research institutions and networks set up by cooperating national governments working on comparative analysis, benchmarking and indicators. This book lays out a set of methods which can further enhance the experience of transnational learning, starting from the sociological ideas promoted by Charles Sabel of learning through monitoring, and by Marie Laure Djelic and others of the "translation" of experiences between different countries. Case studies and examples are collected from three fields: industrial development, tourism and local government.
During the last ten years the Islamic banking sector has grown rapidly, at an international level, as well as in individual jurisdictions including the UK. Islamic finance differs quite substantially from conventional banking, using very different mechanisms, and operating according to a different theory as it is based on Islamic law. Yet at the same time it is always subject to the law of the particular financial market in which it operates. This book takes a much-needed and comprehensive look at the legal and regulatory aspects which affect Islamic finance law, and examines the current UK and international banking regulatory frameworks which impact on this sector. The book examines the historical genesis of Islamic banking, looking at how it has developed in Muslim countries before going on to consider the development of Islamic banking in the UK and the legal position of Islamic banks within English law. The book explores company, contract, and some elements of tax law and traces the impact it has had on the development of Islamic banking in the UK, before going on to argue that the current legal and regulatory framework which affects the Islamic banking sector has on certain occasions had an unintended adverse impact on Islamic banking in the UK. The book also provides an overview of the Malaysian experience in relation to some of the main legal and regulatory challenges in the context of Islamic banking and finance.
STRATEGIC RISK MANAGEMENT Having just experienced a global pandemic that sent equity markets into a tailspin in March 2020, risk management is a more relevant topic than ever. It remains, however, an often poorly understood afterthought. Many portfolios are designed without any thought given to risk management before they are handed off to a dedicated--but separate--risk management team. In Strategic Risk Management: Designing Portfolios and Managing Risk, Campbell R. Harvey, Sandy Rattray, and Otto Van Hemert deliver a reimagining of the risk management process. The book envisions a marriage between the investment and risk processes, an approach that has proven successful at the world's largest publicly listed hedge fund, Man Group. The authors provide readers with a new framework for portfolio design that includes defensive strategies, drawdown risk controls, volatility targeting, and actively timing rebalancing trades. You will learn about how the book's new approach to risk management fared during the recent market drawdown at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. You will also discover why the traditional risk weighting approach only works on certain classes of assets. The book shows you how to accurately evaluate the costs of defensive strategies and which ones offer the best and most cost-effective protection against market downturns. Finally, you will learn how to obtain a more balanced return stream by targeting volatility rather than a constant notional exposure and gain a deeper understanding of concepts like portfolio rebalancing. Perfect for people working in the asset management industry and financial policy makers, Strategic Risk Management: Designing Portfolios and Managing Risk will also earn a place in the libraries of economics and finance scholars, as well as casual readers who take an active approach to investing in their savings or pension assets. PRAISE FOR STRATEGIC RISK MANAGEMENT "Strategic Risk Management shows how to fully embed risk management into the portfolio management process as an equal partner to alpha. This should clearly be best practice for all asset managers." --Jase Auby, Chief Investment Officer, the Teacher Retirement System of Texas "This book shows the power of integrating risk and investment management, rather than applying risk management as an afterthought to satisfy set limits. I was pleased to shepherd some of the key ideas in this book through the publication process at The Journal of Portfolio Management." --Frank J. Fabozzi, Editor, The Journal of Portfolio Management "Financial markets today are quite different from those of the last century. Understanding leverage, correlations, tails, and other risk parameters of a portfolio is at least as important as work on signals and alpha. In that sense, bringing risk management from 'control' to 'front office' should be a priority for asset managers. This book explains how to do it." --Marko Kolanovic, Chief Global Market Strategist, J.P. Morgan A powerful new approach to risk management in volatile and uncertain markets While the COVID-19 pandemic threw the importance of effective risk management into sharp relief, many investment firms hang on to a traditional and outdated model of risk management. Using siloed and independent portfolio management and risk monitoring teams, these firms miss out on the opportunities presented by integrated risk management. Strategic Risk Management: Designing Portfolios and Managing Risk delivers a fresh approach to risk management in difficult market conditions. The accomplished author team advocates for the amalgamation of portfolio design and risk monitoring teams, incorporating risk management into every aspect of portfolio design. The book provides a roadmap for the crucial aspects of portfolio design, including defensive strategies, drawdown risk controls, volatility targeting, and actively timing rebalancing trades. You will discover how these techniques helped the authors achieve remarkable results during the market drawdown in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and how they can help you protect your assets against unpredictable--but inevitable--future bear markets. Ideal for professionals in the asset management industry, Strategic Risk Management: Designing Portfolios and Managing Risk is a valuable resource for financial policy makers, economics and finance scholars, and anyone with even a passing interest in taking an active role in investing for their future.
This book presents an economic analysis of the causes and consequences of institutional change in ancient Athens. Focusing on the period 800-300 BCE, it looks in particular at the development of political institutions and taxation, including a new look at the activities of individuals like Solon, Kleisthenes and Perikles and on the changes in political rules and taxation after the Peloponnesian War.
As nonprofit organizations mature and grow, their staffs and programs expand, their operations and dynamics become more complex, and the climate they operate in changes and presents new challenges. If they are to move to a new level of effectiveness, they must periodically adjust their leadership, management, structure, governance, and operating style to fit their changed circumstances. Author Susan Gross calls these adjustments ""turning points."" The author's forty years of work with nonprofit organizations has shown that turning points are most likely to arise at seven predictable times in a group's life. Recognizing these turning points and taking action can ease the adjustments necessary as your organization pivots in a new direction. The seven turning points are: When a loose, family style of operating leads to disorganization and a lack of professionalism or accountability When the management needs of an organization outstrip its executive director's management skills When a founding volunteer board hires its first executive director but finds it hard to delegate and adjust to a less involved role When opportunistic, unplanned growth results in an absence of focus and priorities and spreads an organization too thin When strong central direction becomes micromanagement, top-down control, and over-dependency on the leader When decentralization goes too far, splitting the organization into autonomous units that have little or no connection, coherence, or coordination; When a longtime, cherished executive director must prepare to step down.  This lively text includes charts, illustrations, and an engaging graphic design to help readers assess the state of their organizations and decide what changes to make.
Insights into a pattern-based method of trading that can increase the likelihood of profitable outcomes While most books on chart patterns, or pattern recognition, offer detailed discussion and analysis of one type of pattern, the fact is that a single pattern may not be very helpful for trading, since it often does not give a complete picture of the market. What sets "Trading Between the Lines" apart from other books in this area is author Elaine Knuth's identification of sets of patterns that give a complete analysis of the market. In it, she identifies more complex chart patterns, often several patterns combined over multiple time frames, and skillfully examines these sets of patterns called "constellations" in relation to one another. These constellations turn sets of individual patterns into a more manageable set of patterns, where the relationship between them can lead to tactical trading opportunities.Shows how to apply complex patterns to specific trades and identify opportunities as well entry and exit pointsMarkets covered include commodities, equities, and indexesPresents an effective trading approach based on real market cycles-as opposed to computer simulations-that are found in active markets Moving beyond the simple identification of basic patterns to identifying pattern constellations, this reliable resource will give you a better view of what is really going on in the market and help you profit from the opportunities you uncover.
Warren Buffett--widely considered the most successful investor of
all time--has repeatedly acknowledged Benjamin Graham as the
primary influence on his investment approach. Indeed, there is a
direct line between the record-shattering investing performance of
Buffett (and other value investors) and Graham's life. In six books
and dozens of papers, Graham--known as the "Dean of Wall
Street"--left an extensive account of an investing system that, as
Buffett can attest, actually works
The Jewish community in Rome is the oldest in Europe, the only one to have existed continuously for over 2,000 years. This detailed study of the Jewish banking community in Italy is therefore of special value and interest. Poliakov's classic account of the rise and fall of the Jewish bankers is at the same time the story of medieval finance in general, its decline, and the birth of 'modern' finance. The author traces the economic and theological implication of each stage in the ambiguous relationship that developed between the Jewish money trade and the Holy See. He shows that the protection enjoyed by the Jews from the Holy See had not only theological, but also economic roots. The study ends with an account of the introduction of modern, 'capitalist' techniques and of the consequent inevitable decline of the Jewish money trade.
This report, prepared for the government by the National Consumer Council, examines money transmission, access to banking services, new technology, banking and the law, disputes between bank and customer, saving and borrowing. There are special sections on Northern Ireland and Scotland and on bank executor and trustee work - all from a consumer perspective. It is based on the findings of two surveys of consumer attitudes to banking services and evidence from the banks and building societies themselves.
This book is concerned with developments in three main areas of monetary history: domestic commercial banking; monetary policy; and the UK 's international financial position. For ease of analysis the 160 years under study are arranged into three clear chronological divisons. Part 1 covers the years 1826-1913, a period in which the UK emerged as the world 's leading economic power. It was in these years that an extensive and fully-operative domestic banking system was established. Part 2 covers 1914 to 1939 the years which marked a break in the traditional monetary arrangements of the Victorian and Edwardian eras. Part 3 covers 1939-1986 when the dominance of state influence within the domestic money markets was re-established by the Second World War and the acceptance by the authorities of the obligation to manage the economy which meant that successive postwar governments took direct responsibility for the conduct of monetary and credit policy.
This volume presents a clear and concise explanation of why the American banking crisis of 1933 occurred. The bulk of the book analyses the actual events of the final major panic which was ushered in by the closing down of the banks in the State of Michigan on February 14, 1933. The following three weeks made history and events happened so fast that years of banking history seemed to be compressed into as many days. The events are set within an historical context which enables the reader to see the panic in relation to what came before it.
This is widely acknowledged as a scholarly and well-documented study of early banking in England. It bridges gaps in the early history of English banking and deals with the operations of the pre-Bank of England bankers, the evolution of English paper money and the remarkable transactions of the early directors of the Bank of England. Although the main body of the book concentrates on the 16th and 17th centuries, the volume includes a brief survey of English banking in the 18th and early 19th centuries.
Global payments imbalances and the rise of emerging economies provide the background to this analysis of risk exposure and near-insolvency at the world's major banks. Emerging Risk was published in 1985, three years after the first international banking crisis of the post-War era, but prior to resolution after 1989 of the underlying sovereign debt overhang. With episodes of international financial instability punctuating the following quarter century until the Lehman collapse of 2008, this re-issue will contribute to the historical perspective on modern diagnoses of policy weakness and financial sector excess that is clearly needed. Whereas OPEC price increases in the 1970s were a source of the earlier global imbalances, Chinese surpluses and those occasioned by her rapid growth among commodity and oil producing countries are today's equivalents. Emerging Risk documents the earlier poor employment of surplus funds 'recycled' to Latin America, much as the failure of the USA and others to use Asian financing productively is now evident. The role of the main global banking institutions in each of these outcomes reveals common threads. As a reading of Emerging Risk will confirm, both the special consequences of free competition in a global banking market, and the perverse incentives inherent in the remuneration of loan officers, were clearly present in the mid-1980s. The interaction of regulation and the competitive response of banks to produce increased reliance on wholesale borrowing and lending, together with enhanced gearing, have clear echoes in modern debates over the consequences of the Basel provisions.
When it was originally published this volume was the first comprehensive survey of the experience of Islamic banking throughout the Muslim world in Turkey, Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan, Sudan, iran, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Drawing comparisons between the countries in economic terms, it shows that the success of Islamic banks to a large extent reflects the immediate political environment. The complete Islamization of the financial systems of the more fundamentalist countries of Iran and Pakistan is compared with the divide between conventional interest-based systems and the new Islamic banks in Kuwait, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan and Jordan. Islamic Financial Markets explores both international Islamic finance and the national markets in which Islamic banks operate, raising for the first time the issue of competition in Islamic banking. It also looks to the future, to retail development and wholesale possibilities which seem to be the next step forward in Islamic finance. Setting the subject in historical, religious and economic perspective, the book offers a comprehensive survey of the successful adaptation of an ancient financial system to meet the requirements of modern commerce.
This book provides a comparative analysis of the several types of banking structure and the ways in which banks undertake their business. It surveys central banking arrangements in a number of countries. Against an historical background, it describes banking systems ranging from the so-called 'unit banking' of the USA to the branch banking arrangements that derive from British experience, as well as many systems in between. The business of banking is analysed comparatively within the framework of a simplified bank balance sheet, special attention being given to industrial banking and to assets and liabilities management. It explores how money markets function and, within this framework, how central banks operate and attempt to implement monetary and credit policy. The book includes the results of extensive new research, part of which involved interviewing many key figures throughout the banking industry.
Directed both at students of international finance and practitioners in the field, the book stresses the importance of treating the analysis of sovereign risk in a more general framework than is typically the case, identifying the components of both the demand and supply of sovereign loans. The author also discusses the link between the unique aspects of sovereign lending, the interdependence of the international banking system and the potential instability in the world financial system.
The need for continued analysis and evaluation of the international financial system is as pressing now as it was when this book was originally published. This volume provides an in-depth analysis of certain aspects of the international financial system. Specifically it addresses four of the most important financial and monetary issues of the present time: exchange rate, capital markets, international banking and external debt and international financial management.
This volume examines various banking systems from around the world as well as the mechanisms of international and central banking. Although inevitably a reflection of the banking landscape at the time it was originally published, the book nonetheless represents a valuable tool in providing information on the history of banks and the banking sector which laid the foundations of the system we know today.
Charting developments in one of the most turbulent periods of economic history, this far reaching volume covers the problems facing the major economies of Europe in the inter-war years. It also discusses global economic policies and the crises for the world 's major currencies. Although it covers complex themes, the book is written in an accessible way even for the non-specialist.
Kaum ein Unternehmen ist nicht von internationalem Wettbewerb betroffen. Exporte, internationale Direktinvestitionen und multinationale Unternehmen sind nicht nur Schlagworte die sich taglich in den Medien finden, die Auswirkungen internationaler Unternehmensaktivitat beeinflussen auch erheblich die betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung. Dieser Sammelband bietet einen Uberblick uber aktuelle Ansatze, Theorien und empirische Studien zu diesen Themen. Geschrieben von renommierten Wissenschaftlern und erfahrenen Praktikern macht das Buch den Leser in kompakter und kompetenter Weise mit den aktuellen Trends auf diesen Gebieten vertraut.
This book examines and explains the intellectual capital reporting practices, with a human capital focus, of firms located in the developing nation of Sri Lanka. The study ascertains the following: first, to what extent the industry groups, based on the number of shareholders, differ in their ICR practices; and second, to what extent firms in Sri Lanka differ from counterparts in other nations in their intellectual capital reporting practices. An important aspect of this book is looking at the practices from a critical perspective to providing a more balanced view of 'good' and 'bad' effects of intellectual capital. The book meticulously outlines an extensive literature review, research methods, the theoretical perspective, findings with an engaging discussion, and concluding remarks. Indra Abeysekera's fine research project is an impressive contribution to an emerging area of interest throughout academia and industry.
The spectacular economic performance of China, East Asia and India during the last ten years has ignited some profound changes in the world economy. The share of global demand, investments, trade and production of the traditional industrialized powers, the US, Europe and Japan, has gradually yet continuously declined. This rise of China also has implications for Latin America. On the one hand, booming Chinese demand for raw materials and food has sustained the economic performance of Latin America during the last decade. On the other hand, the competitiveness of China and as a hub for advanced manufacturing is threatening Latin America's attempt to diversify its economy from its dependence on the export of natural resource-based goods. Most Latin American countries are not however waiting passively for their economies to become ever more reliant on high prices for food, minerals and oil. Leveraging the economic and political stability that they achieved during the last decades, many countries in the region, such as Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica and Uruguay, are attempting to capture the growing market for knowledge intensive products and services by breeding their own Silicon Valleys. This book discusses the promotion of ICT clusters in Latin America by analyzing the development of the Costa Rican cluster in particular, an often celebrated case of successful policy in the region. Costa Rica, a small country traditionally known for its coffee and wildlife, managed to build an information technology cluster within ten years, becoming the leading producer of ICT per capita in Latin America. Studying the Costa Rican case provides a solid starting point for understanding the challenges of building ICT clusters in Latin America.
In Warren Buffett: Inside the Ultimate Money Mind, Hagstrom breaks new ground with a deep analysis of Buffett's essential wisdom, an intricate mosaic of wide-ranging ideas and insights that Buffett calls a Money Mind. What exactly is a Money Mind? At one level, it's a way of thinking about major financial issues such as capital allocation. At another level, it summarizes an overall mindset for successfully investing in today's fast-paced stock market, a mindset that depends on a commitment to learning, adapting, and facing down irrelevant noise. This is not a method book. It is a thinking book. Warren Buffett: Inside the Ultimate Money Mind explains the philosophies of self-reliance, stoicism, rationalism, and pragmatism and their contributions to making intelligent investment decisions. It also outlines the evolution of value investing, discusses how to develop a business-driven investing mindset, and describes the defining traits of successful active management. Lastly, it examines the surprising aspects of a Money Mind - sportsman, teacher, and artist. In short, Warren Buffett: Inside the Ultimate Money Mind helps readers understand the building blocks that go into making a Money Mind so they can begin to incorporate its principles in the service to a life of value. Testimonials "An erudite masterpiece..." -Lawrence A. Cunningham, author; professor and director, Quality Shareholders Initiative, George Washington University "It's another must-read..." -Bethany McLean, journalist and Contributing Editor, Vanity Fair, author, Saudi America and co-author The Smartest Guys in the Room "Pure Genius! This is a game changer in investment books..." -Robert P. Miles, author; Executive in Residence, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Executive MBA Program, 'The Genius of Warren Buffett' "Effervescence and thoughtful analysis of Buffett's life and work..." -Tom Gayner, Co-chief Executive Officer, Markel Corporation "Hagstrom's books always enable readers to think about the world in new ways..." -Tren Griffin, author, Charlie Munger: The Complete Investor
Equity crowdfunding is a new way for seed stage start-ups to generate initial capital and, as such, raises questions around the choices made by investors within this area. Understanding it is important for investor protection, as investors are generally unaware of the factors that can influence their decisions. However, investing in equity crowdfunding places the investor in a unique decision-making framework, in which resources such as images, videos and storytelling are all mobilized by entrepreneurs and platforms as tools of persuasion. This context thus seems to favor more holistic and emotional decision-making, rather than a process that is rational and analytical. This first volume centers on the emotional and axiological determinants of choice. A transdisciplinary theoretical analysis is carried out, combining different fields within the social sciences, primarily finance, marketing and psychology. This state of the art leads to the emergence of an original theoretical framework for understanding investment choices in equity crowdfunding. |
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