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Books > Social sciences > Psychology > Psychological methodology > General
Now in its fourth edition, Behavioral Research and Analysis: An Introduction to Statistics within the Context of Experimental Design presents an overview of statistical methods within the context of experimental design. It covers fundamental topics such as data collection, data analysis, interpretation of results, and communication of findings. New in the Fourth Edition: Extensive improvements based on suggestions from those using this book in the classroom Statistical procedures that have been developed and validated since the previous edition Each chapter in the body now contains relevant key words, chapter summaries, key word definitions, and end of chapter exercises (with answers) Revisions to include recent changes in the APA Style Manual When looking for a book for their own use, the authors found none that were totally suitable. They found books that either reviewed the basics of behavioral research and experimental design but provided only cursory coverage of statistical methods or they provided coverage of statistical methods with very little coverage of the research context within which these methods are used. No single resource provided coverage of methodology, statistics, and communication skills. In a classic example of necessity being the mother of invention, the authors created their own. This text is ideal for a single course that reviews research methods, essential statistics through multi-factor analysis of variance, and thesis (or major project) preparation without discussion of derivation of equations, probability theory, or mathematic proofs. It focuses on essential information for getting a research project completed without prerequisite math or statistics training. It has been revised many times to help students at a variety of academic levels (exceptional high school students, undergraduate honors students, masters students, doctoral students, and post-doctoral fellows) across varied academic disciplines (e.g., human factors and ergonomics, behavioral and social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, exercise and sport sciences, business and management, industrial hygiene and safety science, health and medical sciences, and more). Illustrating how to plan, prepare, conduct, and analyze an experimental or research report, the book emphasizes explaining statistical procedures and interpreting obtained results without discussing the derivation of equations or history of the method. Destined to spend more time on your desk than on the shelf, the book will become the single resource you reach for again and again when conducting scientific research and reporting it to the scientific community. Illustrates how to plan, conduct, analyze, and prepare an experimental or research report Includes new statistical procedures that have been developed and validated since the previous edition Incorporates SAS in the exercises at the end of each chapter Takes into account the changes in the APA guidebook Provides new examples in exercise and sport science, public health, gerontology, and biomedical areas Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption
Foundations of Psychological Testing: A Practical Approach by Leslie A. Miller and Robert L. Lovler presents a clear introduction to the basics of psychological testing as well as psychometrics and statistics. Aligned with the 2014 Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, this practical book includes discussion of foundational concepts and issues using real-life examples and situations that students will easily recognize, relate to, and find interesting. A variety of pedagogical tools furthers the conceptual understanding needed for effective use of tests and test scores. The Sixth Edition includes updated references and examples, new In Greater Depth boxes for deeper coverage of complex topics, and a streamlined organization for enhanced readability.
Open Learning Units offer a very flexible approach to the teaching
of psychology. They are designed to be more than sufficient for the
purposes of A/S and A-Level psychology, and the applied emphasis
will appeal to various vocational courses such as those offered by
BTEC and also to mature students on Access courses.
Highlighting the progress made by researchers in using Web-based surveys for data collection, this timely volume summarizes the experiences of leading behavioral and social scientists from Europe and the US who collected data using the Internet. Some chapters present theory, methodology, design, and implementation, while others focus on best practice examples and/or issues such as data quality and understanding paradata. A number of contributors applied innovative Web-based research methods to the LISS panel of CentERdata collected from over 5,000 Dutch households. Their findings are presented in the book. Some of the data is available on the book website. The book addresses practical issues such as data quality, how to reach difficult target groups, how to design a survey to maximize response, and ethical issues that need to be considered. Innovative applications such as the use of biomarkers and eye-tracking techniques are also explored. Part 1 provides an overview of Internet survey research including its methodologies, strengths, challenges, and best practices. Innovative ways to minimize sources of error are provided along with a review of mixed-mode designs, how to design a scientifically sound longitudinal panel and avoid sampling problems, and address ethical requirements in Web surveys. Part 2 focuses on advanced applications including the impact of visual design on the interpretability of survey questions, the impact survey usability has on respondents' answers, design features that increase interaction, and how Internet surveys can be effectively used to study sensitive issues. Part 3 addresses data quality, sample selection, measurement and non-response error, and new applications for collecting online data. The issue of underrepresentation of certain groups in Internet research and the measures most effective at reducing it are also addressed. The book concludes with a discussion of the importance of paradata and the Web data collection process in general, followed by chapters with innovative experiments using eye-tracking techniques and biomarker data. This practical book appeals to practitioners from market survey research institutes and researchers in disciplines such as psychology, education, sociology, political science, health studies, marketing, economics, and business who use the Internet for data collection, but is also an ideal supplement for graduate and/or upper level undergraduate courses on (Internet) research methods and/or data collection taught in these fields.
Description of time series, measurement, model building, and network methods for person-specific analysis Discussion of the statistical methods in the context of human research Empirical and simulated data examples used throughout the book R code for analyses provided as an online supplement Recorded lectures accompany each chapter
This book explores how discursive psychology (DP) research can be applied to disability and the everyday and institutional constructions of bodymind differences. Bringing together both theoretical and empirical work, it illustrates how DP might be leveraged to make visible nuanced understandings of disability and difference writ large. The authors argue that DP can attend to how such realities are made relevant, dealt with, and negotiated within social practices in the study of disability. They contend that DP can be used to unearth the nuanced and frequently taken for granted ways in which disability is made real in both everyday and institutional talk, and can highlight the very ways in which differences are embodied in social practices - specifically at the level of talk and text. This book demonstrates that rather than simply staying at the level of theory, DP scholars can make visible the actual means by which disabilities and differences more broadly are made real, resisted, contested, and negotiated in everyday social actions. This book aims to expand conceptions of disability and to deepen the - at present, primarily theoretical - critiques of medicalization.
Emphasizing causation as a functional relationship between variables that describe objects, Linear Causal Modeling with Structural Equations integrates a general philosophical theory of causation with structural equation modeling (SEM) that concerns the special case of linear causal relations. In addition to describing how the functional relation concept may be generalized to treat probabilistic causation, the book reviews historical treatments of causation and explores recent developments in experimental psychology on studies of the perception of causation. It looks at how to perceive causal relations directly by perceiving quantities in magnitudes and motions of causes that are conserved in the effects of causal exchanges. The author surveys the basic concepts of graph theory useful in the formulation of structural models. Focusing on SEM, he shows how to write a set of structural equations corresponding to the path diagram, describes two ways of computing variances and covariances of variables in a structural equation model, and introduces matrix equations for the general structural equation model. The text then discusses the problem of identifying a model, parameter estimation, issues involved in designing structural equation models, the application of confirmatory factor analysis, equivalent models, the use of instrumental variables to resolve issues of causal direction and mediated causation, longitudinal modeling, and nonrecursive models with loops. It also evaluates models on several dimensions and examines the polychoric and polyserial correlation coefficients and their derivation. Covering the fundamentals of algebra and the history of causality, this book provides a solid understanding of causation, linear causal modeling, and SEM. It takes readers through the process of identifying, estimating, analyzing, and evaluating a range of models.
Well known for applying mindfulness to the treatment of depression, pioneering researcher John Teasdale now explores the broader changes that people can experience through contemplative practices. What goes on in our minds when we are mindful? What does it mean to talk of mindfulness as a way of being? From a scientific perspective, how do core elements of contemplative traditions have their beneficial effects? Teasdale describes two types of knowing that human beings have evolved--conceptual and holistic-intuitive--and shows how mindfulness can achieve a healthier balance between them. He masterfully describes the mechanisms by which this shift in consciousness not only can reduce emotional suffering, but also can lead to greater joy and compassion and a transformed sense of self.
This book examines key ideas related to the Theory of Subjectivity within a cultural-historical approach. It brings together the intellectual contributions made by Professor Fernando Gonzalez Rey (1949-2019) towards understanding human subjectivity, and emphasizing their unfolding in different fields and contexts. The book addresses the genesis and development of Gonzalez Rey's work, articulating this discussion with the author's biography. Gonzalez Rey's main scientific contribution is the Theory of Subjectivity in a cultural-historical perspective, which is inseparable from Qualitative Epistemology and from its constructive-interpretive methodological expression. The book presents and discusses Gonzalez Rey's contributions to different contexts and fields, such as psychological research, education, cultural-historical psychology, human development, motivation, human health and psychotherapy. This book brings together examples of how these ideas have been employed and developed in different fields and contexts.
This book is concerned, in particular, with the research which is undertaken by healthcare practitioners and the evidence which they generate as a result of investigating their practice. In so doing it recognizes that, as well as working in academic life, practitioner researchers are often working as practitioners outside the Academy. It argues that the work of practitioner researchers has a signifi cant contribution to make to healthcare research and so needs to be disseminated further in order to create balanced research communities within the healthcare professions.It takes the view that the work of practitioner researchers has a contribution to make to the work of all people involved in healthcare helping academic researchers to broaden the limited ontological and epistemological perspectives of their research. It can also encourage healthcare practitioners who have not been trained academically to develop their research skills and to realize that they are actually researching into their practice on a day-to-day basis. Finally, it can provide a degree of transparency about therapeutic processes to help clients and patients to see aspects of professional practice and development which are usually hidden from them.The contributors cover a range of themes which address the above issues, such as the limitations of academic life and conventional medical models, ethics, the importance of imaginative writing and the use of story, metaphor, myth and the importance of personal transformation in the professional development of healthcare workers and the relevance of belief and spirituality to healthcare research.
Elite sport can be an unforgiving and harsh environment. This book explores psychological predictors of wellbeing and performance excellence in elite level athletes, and presents an innovative approach for optimizing mental wellbeing and sporting performance. Jointly developed by performance psychologists, clinical psychologists and sport scientists the Flexible Mind approach draws on contemporary psychological theory and research to help athletes build 'psychological flexibility' - the ability to experience challenging thoughts and emotions and still be true to one's values. A range of case studies relating to different sports are used to demonstrate how three core components - Being Present, Being Open and Doing What Matters - can improve athletes' performance and wellbeing. This book will be a game-changing resource for sports psychologists, mental health practitioners, coaches and support staff who are committed to helping athletes to excel and stay well.
A cognitive psychology which becomes increasingly specialized
requires a special effort in order to avoid a fragmentation into
several controversial issues that are independently discussed but
also inherently related. Rather than asking additional
differentiated questions which are then investigated by more
specialized experimental methods and designs, this book promotes
unified theories and a levels approach for their experimental
evaluation. Within this cognitive science approach and on the basis
of the most foundational assumptions of Kintsch's construction
integration theory, a computational theory of knowledge acquisition
is then developed and subsequently evaluated by psychological
This book is the second edition of Facet Theory and the Mapping Sentence: Evolving Philosophy, Use and Application (2014). It consolidates the qualitative and quantitative research positions of facet theory and delves deeper into their qualitative application in psychology, social and the behavioural sciences and in the humanities. In their traditional quantitative guise, facet theory and its mapping sentence incorporate multi-dimensional statistics. They are also a way of thinking systematically and thoroughly about the world. The book is particularly concerned with the development of the declarative mapping sentence as a tool and an approach to qualitative research. The evolution of the facet theory approach is presented along with many examples of its use in a wide variety of research domains. Since the first edition, the major advance in facet theory has been the formalization of the use of the declarative mapping sentence and this is given a prominent position in the new edition. The book will be compelling reading for students at all levels and for academics and research professionals from the humanities, social sciences and behavioural sciences.
This book highlights the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health needs of children and adolescents in order to shed light on future practice and reform needed to better deal with the aftermath of such devastating events. The book identifies the conditions during any public health crisis that heighten the mental health needs of children and adolescents and suggests the reforms of mental health services needed to better meet the needs of children and youths during and following pandemics and other public health crises. Importance is placed not only on addressing the effects of COVID-19 but on anticipating and preparing for other public health disruptions to the lives of those who have not reached adulthood. Although mental health services in all settings are considered, special attention is given to the role of schools in providing for the mental health of children and adolescents and preparing for the mental health implications of future public health disruptions. The book will be of equal use to both students and researchers in the fields of mental health, well-being, and education as well as teachers, educational psychologists, social workers, and practitioners working in schools and communities to address students' mental health needs. It will help readers better understand how and why COVID-19 was a negative influence on students' mental health, and unpack how best to deal with the aftermath of the pandemic.
How to Structure a Thesis, Report or Paper provides concise practical guidance for students to help make their writing more structured at any level. It assists students in demonstrating what they have learned in the relevant course or degree programme in a way that is accessible to the supervisor and the examiner. Drawing on almost 20 years of supervision experience, the author presents the eight sections of a well-structured thesis, report or paper, together with discussing other relevant issues. Each chapter provides a detailed description of why each section of a thesis, report or paper is structured in the way it is, and its relationship to the whole piece of work. Good and bad examples are provided throughout the book, and there is a focus on key areas such as the six parts of an Introduction and its relationship to the Conclusion, how to phrase clear research questions and hypotheses to the use of references and how to make the thesis, report or paper easier to read. The structure presented in this book can be used to support many courses on the student's entire degree programme, as the structure can be adapted by re-arranging or deleting sections. This book is an invaluable aid to students at all stages in higher education, from their first report or paper until they write their final thesis. It provides clear guidelines for when students should ask their supervisors for advice, and when students can use their own initiative to learn the most. It makes writing a thesis, report or papers more straightforward!
This book explores discursive psychological empirical research in the context of political communication. Drawing together a well-established field of study and a variety of discursive psychology approaches the authors confront the theoretical and practical challenges that discursive psychology and political communication studies face today. Using a diverse range of approaches, including the analysis of TV shows, cartoons, social media groups and blogs, face-to-face verbal interaction, political rhetoric and mainstream news reports, the authors explain the ways in which discursive psychology can offer insight into the nature of contemporary political communications. The book offers timely and international reflections on the context of online political communication, Brexit rhetoric, prejudice discourse and political persuasion, showcasing the analytical acumen and empirical insight that can be gleaned from discursive psychology methods. Political Communication: Discursive Perspectives highlights the value of contributions from outside English speaking academia and is essential reading for academics, researchers and students interested in political communication or discursive psychology.
This edited volume seeks to critically engage with the diversity of feminist and post-colonial theory to counter hegemonic Western knowledge in mainstream community psychology. In doing so, it situates paradigms of thought and representation that capture the lived experiences of those in the global South. Specifically, the book takes an intersectional approach towards its reshaping of community psychology, centering African, black, postcolonial, and decolonial feminist critiques in its 1) critique of existing hegemonic Euro-American community psychology concepts, theories, and practice, 2) proposal of new feminist, indigenous, and decolonial methodological approaches, and 3) real-life examples of engagement, research, dialogue, and reflexive qualitative psychology practice. The book concludes with an agenda for theorization and research for future practice in postcolonial contexts. The volume is relevant to researchers, practitioners, and students in psychology, anthropology, sociology, public health, development studies, social work, urban studies, and women's and gender studies across global contexts.
This latest edition has been fully updated to accommodate the needs of users of SPSS Releases 17, 18 and 19 while still being applicable to users of SPSS Releases 15 and 16. As with previous editions, Alan Bryman and Duncan Cramer continue to offer a comprehensive and user-friendly introduction to the widely used IBM SPSS Statistics. The simple, non-technical approach to quantitative data analysis enables the reader to quickly become familiar with SPSS and with the tests available to them. No previous experience of statistics or computing is required as this book provides a step-by-step guide to statistical techniques, including: Non-parametric tests Correlation Simple and multiple regression Analysis of variance and covariance Factor analysis. This book comes equipped with a comprehensive range of exercises for further practice, and it covers key issues such as sampling, statistical inference, conceptualization and measurement and selection of appropriate tests. The authors have also included a helpful glossary of key terms. The data sets used in Quantitative Data Analysis with IBM SPSS 17, 18 and 19 are available online at http://www.routledgetextbooks.com/textbooks/_author/bryman-9780415579193/; in addition, a set of multiple-choice questions and a chapter-by-chapter PowerPoint lecture course are available free of charge to lecturers who adopt the book.
This book explores sexual crime and intellectual functioning. Drawing on expertise from clinical practice and applied research, the volume begins with an exploration of the theoretical and historical background to the interest in links between sexual offending and intellectual functioning. The authors then move on to discuss assessment of intellectual functioning in prison, interventions for low intellectual functioning, autistic spectrum and personality disorder. This book offers a rare insight into the phenomenon of high IQ and sexual offending, a much neglected aspect of the sexual crime literature, and includes novel research that unpacks this link. It further offers an extraordinary insight into the experiences of a person of superior IQ in the criminal justice system for a sexual offence. The book is relevant not only to psychologists, criminologists, social workers and students, but also to practitioners, researchers and the general public with an interest in learning about sexual offending and intellectual functioning.
Statistics for the Terrified offers a clear and concise introduction to statistics. Perfect as a brief core or supplementary text for undergraduate courses in statistics and research methods, this Seventh Edition is also an ideal refresher for graduate students who have already taken a statistics course. Designed for students who may struggle with mathematical concepts, its informal and highly engaging narrative includes self-help strategies, numerous concrete examples, and a great deal of humor to encourage students from all backgrounds to the study of statistics.
Statistics for the Terrified offers a clear and concise introduction to statistics. Perfect as a brief core or supplementary text for undergraduate courses in statistics and research methods, this Seventh Edition is also an ideal refresher for graduate students who have already taken a statistics course. Designed for students who may struggle with mathematical concepts, its informal and highly engaging narrative includes self-help strategies, numerous concrete examples, and a great deal of humor to encourage students from all backgrounds to the study of statistics.
This book proposes a conceptual-empirical framework for exploring forms of continuity and change along psychosocial pathways in South African universities. It illustrates how the psychosocial pathways are grounded in the symbolic narratives and knowledges of young scientists, engineers and architects - all interlocutors in the research from which this book is based. Alala, Mamoratwa, Welile, Odirile, Kaiya, Amirah, Takalani, Nosakhele, Naila, Ambani, Khanyisile, Itumeleng, Ethwasa and Kgnaya provide collective standpoints in the multiplicities within and between the lived lives and told stories of young Black South African women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. In doing so, this compelling work advances possibilities for demythologising scientific endeavour as a white male achievement and shifting knowledge communities across gendered, racialised, class and national divides. This book presents an innovative narrative methodology, utilising the myth of the Minotaur to examine the state of the university at the heart of the hierarchical labyrinth in "post"-apartheid South Africa. Throughout the work the author wrestles with and self-reflexively highlights her own positionality as a white, middle-class South African woman to examine how this affects the production of this research in ways which serve to preserve the colonial knowledge system. With the rise of the Rhodes Must Fall and Fees Must Fall student movement in South Africa, demanding for the fall of institutionalised racial hierarchies, the author uses the cover image of narrative formations in the spirit of exploration to think with and through undulating networked forms that could possibly forge new psychosocial pathways towards decolonising and reinventing South African universities. This work offers a unique conceptual and methodological resource for students and scholars of psychosocial and narrative theory, as well as those who are concerned about the politics of higher education, both in South Africa and in other contexts around the world.
Written specifically for those with no prior programming experience and minimal quantitative training, this accessible text walks behavioral science students and researchers through the process of programming using MATLAB. The book explores examples, terms, and programming needs relevant to those in the behavioral sciences and helps readers perform virtually any computational function in solving their research problems. Principles are illustrated with usable code. Each chapter opens with a list of objectives followed by new commands required to accomplish those goals. These objectives also serve as a reference to help readers easily relocate a section of interest. Sample code and output and chapter problems demonstrate how to write a program and explore a model so readers can see the results obtained using different equations and values. A web site provides solutions to selected problems and the book's program code output and examples so readers can manipulate them as needed. The outputs on the website have color, motion, and sound. Highlights of the new edition include: *Updated to reflect changes in the most recent version of MATLAB, including special tricks and new functions. *More information on debugging and common errors and more basic problems in the rudiments of MATLAB to help novice users get up and running more quickly. *A new chapter on Psychtoolbox, a suite of programs specifically geared to behavioral science research. *A new chapter on Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) for user-friendly communication. *Increased emphasis on pre-allocation of memory, recursion, handles, and matrix algebra operators. The book opens with an overview of what is to come and tips on how to write clear programs followed by pointers for interacting with MATLAB, including its commands and how to read error messages. The matrices chapter reviews how to store and access data. Chapter 4 examines how to carry out calculations followed by a review of how to perform various actions depending on the conditions. The chapter on input and output demonstrates how to design programs to create dialogs with users (e.g., participants in studies) and read and write data to and from external files. Chapter 7 reviews the data types available in MATLAB. Readers learn how to write a program as a stand-alone module in Chapter 8. In Chapters 9 and 10 readers learn how to create line and bar graphs or reshape images. Readers learn how to create animations and sounds in Chapter 11. The book concludes with tips on how to use MATLAB with applications such as GUIs and Psychtoolbox. Intended as a primary text for Matlab courses for advanced undergraduate and/or graduate students in experimental and cognitive psychology and/or neuroscience as well as a supplementary text for labs in data (statistical) analysis, research methods, and computational modeling (programming), the book also appeals to individual researchers in these disciplines who wish to get up and running in MATLAB.
Plenty of literature review and applications of various tests provided to cover all the aspects of research methodology Various examination questions have been provided Strong Pedagogy along with regular features such as Concept Checks, Text Overviews, Key Terms, Review Questions, Exercises and References Though the book is primarily addressed to students,it will be equally useful to Researchers and Entrepreneurs More than other research textbooks, this book addresses the students' need to comprehend all aspects of the research process which includes Research process, clarification of the research problem, Ethical issues, Survey research, Research report preparation and presentation.
This text is about doing science and the active process of reading, learning, thinking, generating ideas, designing experiments, and the logistics surrounding each step of the research process. In easy-to-read, conversational language, Kim MacLin teaches students experimental design principles and techniques using a tutorial approach in which students read, critique, and analyze over 75 actual experiments from every major area of psychology. She provides them with real-world information about how science in psychology is conducted and how they can participate. Recognizing that students come to an experimental design course with their own interests and perspectives, MacLin covers many subdisciplines of psychology throughout the text, including IO psychology, child psychology, social psychology, behavioral psychology, cognitive psychology, clinical psychology, health psychology, educational/school psychology, legal psychology, and personality psychology, among others. Part I of the text is content oriented and provides an overview of the principles of experimental design. Part II contains annotated research articles for students to read and analyze. Classic articles have been retained and 11 new ones have been added, featuring contemporary case studies, information on the Open Science movement, expanded coverage on ethics in research, and a greater focus on becoming a better writer, clarity and precision in writing, and reducing bias in language. This edition is up to date with the latest APA Publication Manual (7th edition) and includes an overview of the updated bias-free language guidelines, the use of singular "they," the new ethical compliance checklist, and other key changes in APA style. This text is essential reading for students and researchers interested in and studying experimental design in psychology. |
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