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Books > Professional & Technical > Agriculture & farming > Horticulture > General
Soilborne microbial plant pathogens including oomycetes, fungi, bacteria and viruses cause several economically important destructive diseases and the symptoms of infection can be recognized only after the pathogen has invaded many tissues primarily vascular tissues of susceptible plants. This condition places formidable challenges in investigating different aspects of host-microbial pathogen interactions. Early detection of infection and precise identification, differentiation, and quantification of the microbial plant pathogens in plants, soil and water sources are essential requirements for development of effective tactics to reduce the incidence and spread of the diseases caused by them. As the microbial plant pathogens differ in their virulence and sensitivity to the environment and chemicals applied, it is imperative to assess the extent of variability in the concerned pathogens. This first volume of a two-volume set introduces disease-causing microorganisms including oomycetes, fungi, bacteria, and viruses found in soils. It focuses on the biology, detection, and identification of soilborne bacterial, fungal, and viral plant pathogens. This volume discusses various techniques based on biological, immunological and genetic properties of the pathogens indicating their advantages and limitations for selecting the appropriate technique to fulfill the requirements. Features: Presents techniques useful for detection, identification, quantification of microbial plant pathogens in plants, soil, and irrigation water from waterbodies. Highlights subversive activities of viruses, resulting in the breakdown of host defense systems. Discusses RNA silencing in infected plants by viruses and posttranscriptional gene silencing (PTGS) functioning as an endogenous mechanism in plants against virus infection. Presents information on methods of assessment of genetic variability and sensitivity of microbial plant pathogens to chemicals and adverse environmental conditions.
Crop disease management strategies revolve around the principles of exclusion, eradication and immunization. Cultural practices are aimed at preventing or reducing the accumulation of pathogen population (inoculum). Development of cultivars with genetic resistance by transgressing resistance gene(s) through traditional breeding procedures or biotechnological techniques is the most effective and acceptable strategy, as it is environment-friendly and does not need any additional cost to the grower. Assessment of different grades of resistance of cultivars or genotypes to soilborne microbial pathogens has been possible by quantifying pathogen populations or their DNA contents in the test plants by applying biological and molecular methods. This second volume of a two-volume set focuses on the soilborne microbial plant pathogens and the diseases caused by them. The book provides information on ecology and epidemiology of soilborne microbial plant pathogens and various strategies applicable for effective management of diseases. Chapters cover exclusion and prevention strategies; improvement of host plant resistance; biological management; application of chemicals; and integration of these disease management strategies. Features Discusses various aspects of soilborne microbial plant pathogens to develop effective methods of managing diseases. Presents information on epidemiology and ecology of soilborne microbial plant pathogens. Facilitates the application of management strategies alone or in combination with others for effective suppression of disease development. Features information on application of biotic and abiotic biological control agents (BCAs) to suppress pathogen development either by directly acting on the pathogen(s) or indirectly by enhancing host resistance to the pathogens. Employs biotic and abiotic biocontrol agents either to replace or reduce the use of chemicals is an achievable approach for managing the soilborne microbial pathogens.
A multibillion dollar industry that has tripled in the last ten years, turfgrass management plays an important role in landscaping, golf courses, and other sports surfaces. Proper management and cultural practices are crucial for the performance of these versatile grasses, creating a demand among scientists, researchers, and industry professionals for better quality, hardier grasses. The mounting collection of research into new species, modern cultivars, and stress tolerant genotypes requires a high-quality, accessible resource. Filling a long-empty niche by compiling the most complete, up-to-date collection of contributions from internationally known specialists, Handbook of Turfgrass Management and Physiology is the only single source reference that covers every aspect of turfgrass maintenance and cultivation. Divided into several sections, this all-inclusive volume begins with an introductory chapter on turf related issues. The second section reveals detailed accounts of turfgrass growth, management, and cultural practices such as carbon metabolism and overseeding. Subsequent sections cover sports turf management and growth regulating factors, as well as breeding, genetics, and biotechnology. The text highlights research in turfgrass pathology and disease including nutritional disorders, rapid blight, and fungal diseases. The book reviews several methods of pest control using herbicides, as well as biological, and microbial control agents. It provides extensive information on the physiological responses of turfgrass to acidic soil, salinized water, temperature, light, depleted oxygen, reactive nitrogen use, and other environmental stressors. The final section looks at future and potential grasses requiring minimal maintenance and management. Offering hundreds of figures and tables, thousands of references, and an extensive index, Handbook of Turfgrass Management and Physiology is the definitive reference to the dynamic and growing world of turfgr
With the increased interest in and demands for compost from commercial horticultural industries, composting is on the verge of becoming an economically feasible option for waste management. While horticultural producers can create some of the compost to meet their own needs, demand has grown beyond what they can supply for themselves and others. Compost Utilization in Horticultural Cropping Systems gives you the tools to meet the needs of this growing industry. Consider these statistics: Americans generate about 200 million megagrams of municipal solid waste per year The agricultural market for compost could reach over 680 million m3 per year Two horticultural areas together account for over 50% of compost use: landscaping (31%) and food crop production (25%) Now consider this: Proven benefits of compost use, including plant disease suppression, better moisture retention, supplying plant nutrients, and building soil organic matter Increased pressure on peat supplies and wider availability of compost products Creation of composting enterprises by the horticultural industry in response to its own needs, rising disposal fees for organic waste, and consumer demand for compost at retail centers The first book to establish a composite of the existing scientific knowledge on the use of compost in commercial horticultural enterprises, Compost Utilization in Horticultural Cropping Systems gives you a comprehensive review of the production, use, and economics of compost. It covers production methods, compost quality and the parameters associated with its measurement, and the biological, chemical, and physical processes that occur during composting. Rather than searching for information in various places, now you can find all the information you need in one convenient source.
Farmers have developed a range of agricultural practices to sustainably use and maintain a wide diversity of crop species in many parts of the world. This book documents good practices innovated by farmers and collects key reviews on good practices from global experts, not only from the case study countries but also from Brazil, China and other parts of Asia and Latin America. A good practice for diversity is defined as a system, organization or process that, over time and space, maintains, enhances and creates crop genetic diversity, and ensures its availability to and from farmers and other users. Drawing on experiences from a UNEP-GEF project on "Conservation and Sustainable Use of Wild and Cultivated Tropical Fruit Tree Diversity for Promoting Livelihoods, Food Security and Ecosystem Services", with case studies from India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, the authors show how methods for identifying good practices are still evolving and challenges in scaling-up remain. They identify key principles effective as a strategy for mainstreaming good practice into development efforts. Few books draw principles and lessons learned from good practices. This book fills this gap by combining good practices from the research project on tropical fruit trees with chapters from external experts to broaden its scope and relevance.
The common fig Ficus carica L. is an ancient fruit native to the Mediterranean. Dried figs have been successfully produced and processed in arid regions with little sophisticated infrastructure for centuries. Figs are rich in fibre, trace minerals, polyphenols and vitamins, with higher nutrient levels than most fruits. Advances in agricultural production and postharvest technologies have not only improved the efficiency of dried fig production but have facilitated the development of high value fresh fig industries both for export and domestic markets. The result is high quality fresh figs that are marketed internationally throughout the year. This book provides a comprehensive summary of fig growing, processing and marketing from a scientific and horticultural perspective. It is comprised of 19 chapters that include in-depth discussions of: History of fig cultivation; Physiology; Breeding and cultivars; Propagation; Site selection and orchard establishment; Nutrition and irrigation management; Pollination management; Integrated pest management; Greenhouse production; Harvesting, dried and fresh fig processing; The medicinal uses of figs; and World fig markets. The Fig: Botany, Production and Uses is a comprehensive applied resource for academic researchers, as well as producers, processors, and marketers of dried and fresh figs.
Swathes of the human world are covered in ornamental grass lawns; they are the single most commonly encountered horticultural feature on the planet. Unfortunately, they are now often viewed as resource-draining green deserts due to the lack of plant and animal diversity, the need for frequent mowing and watering, and addition of lawn greening products to keep them looking at their best. It is a venerable horticultural feature that is essentially frozen in time, and with few alternatives to whet the appetite, the lawn has languished in its current grass-only format for decades. Until now. Tapestry lawns are a new, practically researched and timely development of the ornamental lawn format that integrates both horticultural practice and ecological science and re-determines the potential of a lawn. Mown barely a handful of times a year and with no need for fertilisers or scarifying, tapestry lawns are substantially richer in their diversity of plant and animal life compared to traditional grass-only lawns and see the return of flowers and colour to a format from which they are usually purposefully excluded. Tapestry Lawns: Freed from Grass and Full of Flowers traces the changes in the lawn format from its origins to the modern day and offers information on how and why the tapestry lawn construct is now achievable. It provides guidance on how to create and maintain a tapestry lawn of your own and champions the potential benefits for wildlife that can follow. Features Accessible and informative to all types of readers from academic to amateur Includes a refined and tested set of useful tapestry lawn plants Contains step-by-step instructions for creation and management methods of grass-free lawns Illustrated in full colour If you have ever thought about mowing your lawn much less, making it much more colourful and wildlife friendly, then this book will inform and guide you to create a perfect, grass-free lawn.
This full-colour photographic guide describes and illustrates over 350 different species of widely used cut flowers and foliage plants. Cut Flowers of the World is a user-friendly but scientifically accurate, quick reference guide to the most important commercial cut flowers, foliage greens and potted flowers that are sold in florist shops all over the world. This second edition has been expanded to include updated cultivar photos, and a new section on the practical aspects of cut flower production. For each flower, the following information is given: description of the plant; geographical origin; historical overview; cultivation; properties such as colours, scent and vase life; quality criteria (how to select for quality); and the proper care and handling of the flowers. Also included are introductory chapters on basic aspects such as cultivation methods, harvesting and shipping techniques, cultivar development, and modern trends in marketing.
Since the second half of the 20th Century, our agricultural bee pollinators have faced mounting threats from ecological disturbance and pan-global movement of pathogens and parasites. At the same time, the area of pollinator-dependent crops is increasing globally with no end in sight. Never before has so much been asked of our finite pool of bee pollinators. This book not only explores the evolutionary and ecologic bases of these dynamics, it translates this knowledge into practical research-based guidance for using bees to pollinate crops. It emphasizes conserving wild bee populations as well as culturing honey bees, bumble bees, and managed solitary bees. To cover such a range of biology, theory, and practice from the perspectives of both the pollinator and the crop, the book is divided into two volumes. Volume 1 focuses on bees, their biology, coevolution with plants, foraging ecology and management, and gives practical ways to increase bee abundance and pollinating performance on the farm. Volume 2 (also available from CABI) focuses on crops, with chapters addressing crop-specific requirements and bee pollination management recommendations. Both volumes will be essential reading for farmers, horticulturists and gardeners, researchers and professionals working in insect ecology and conservation, and students of entomology and crop protection.
Focusing exclusively on postharvest vegetable studies, this book covers advances in biochemistry, plant physiology, and molecular physiology to maximize vegetable quality. The book reviews the principles of harvest and storage; factors affecting postharvest physiology, calcium nutrition and irrigation control; product quality changes during handling and storage; technologies to improve quality; spoilage factors and biocontrol methods; and storage characteristics of produce by category. It covers changes in sensory quality such as color, texture, and flavor after harvest and how biotechnology is being used to improve postharvest quality.
Horticultural Reviews presents state-of-the-art reviews on topics in horticultural science and technology covering both basic and applied research. Topics covered include the horticulture of fruits, vegetables, nut crops, and ornamentals. These review articles, written by world authorities, bridge the gap between the specialized researcher and the broader community of horticultural scientists and teachers.
Chopped in salads, scooped up in salsa, slathered on pizza and pasta, squeezed onto burgers and fries, and filling aisles with roma, cherry, beefsteak, on-the-vine, and heirloom: where would American food, fast and slow, high and low, be without the tomato? The tomato is representative of the best and worst of American cuisine: though the plastic-looking corporate tomato is the hallmark of industrial agriculture, the tomato's history also encompasses farmers' markets and home gardens. Garden Variety illuminates American culinary culture from 1800 to the present, challenging a simple story of mass-produced homogeneity and demonstrating the persistence of diverse food cultures throughout modern America. John Hoenig explores the path by which, over the last two centuries, the tomato went from a rare seasonal crop to America's favorite vegetable. He pays particular attention to the noncorporate tomato. During the twentieth century, as food production, processing, and distribution became increasingly centralized, the tomato remained the king of the vegetable garden and, in recent years, has become the centerpiece of alternative food cultures. Reading seed catalogs, menus, and cookbooks, and following the efforts of cooks and housewives to find new ways to prepare and preserve tomatoes, Hoenig challenges the extent to which branding, advertising, and marketing dominated twentieth-century American life. He emphasizes the importance of tomatoes to numerous immigrant groups and their influence on the development of American food cultures. Garden Variety highlights the limits on corporations' ability to shape what we eat, inviting us to rethink the history of our foodways and to take on our opportunity to expand the palate of American cuisine.
Although urban allotment gardening dates back to the nineteenth century, it has recently undergone a renaissance of interest and popularity. This is the result of greater concern over urban greenspace, food security and quality of life. This book presents a comprehensive, research-based overview of the various features, benefits and values associated with urban allotment gardening in Europe. The book is based on a European COST Action project, which brings together researchers and practitioners from all over Europe for the first detailed exploration of the subject on a continent-wide scale. It assesses the policy, planning and design aspects, as well as the social and ecological benefits of urban allotment gardening. Through an examination of the wide range of different traditions and practices across Europe, it brings together the most recent research to discuss the latest evolutions of urban allotment gardening and to help raise awareness and fill knowledge gaps. The book provides a multidisciplinary perspective, including insights from horticulture and soil science, ecology, sociology, urban geography, landscape, planning and design. The themes are underpinned by case studies from a number of European countries which supply a wide range of examples to illustrate different key issues.
Landscape architects, design professionals and contractors alike require a good working knowledge of how to achieve plant establishment under a variety of conditions and situations. Overlooking the physiological needs of plants can lead to potential problems that can have negative financial and design impacts. Plants and Planting on Landscape Sites is a practical book giving practitioners in landscape design the essential horticultural knowledge and concepts needed to understand the limits of the material they are working with and make informed decisions. From specification to supervision, this book provides concrete advice along with practical examples for each stage of a typical project. It contains sections on: the landscape site; selecting, assessing and purchasing plants; understanding nursery practice; forms and types of transplant traded; seeds and direct seeding; pre-planting site work; transplanting; and care in the establishment phase. Specially commissioned high quality line diagrams and full colour photographs are used throughout to demonstrate meaning and give examples. Peter Thoday is an experienced consultant, international lecturer in landscape management, and past president of The Institute of Horticulture, who has had numerous roles in high-profile projects, such as Horticultural Director of the Eden Project. Written by an expert, this book is as an essential tool for landscape architects, project managers, contractors and nursery managers.
Essential reading for all studying horticulture and keen gardeners. This clear introduction to the principles underlying the practical applications of horticulture opens up the excitement of growing plants and garden development without readers wading through complex information. Written by a team of highly motivated and experienced horticultural tutors, the text supports the newly restructured RHS Level 2 qualifications with related Level 3 topics in boxes and signposting to Level 4 topics, together with other horticultural qualifications at these levels. Full colour images tied closely to the text and practical case study boxes inspire readers by making topics relevant to their own horticultural experiences. A comprehensive glossary helps build confidence in the use of classical horticulture language as well as new developing terms, and end-of-chapter questions encourage readers to apply what they have learnt. Extensive online supporting material includes mind maps showing the relationship of topics and aiding students in revision.
This book is a guide for the maintenance of the helath and well-being of landscape trees. The authors describe general maintenance practices such as planting, pruning, fertilizing, repairing, diagnosing and managing tree problems. This is followed by an extensive section on the diagnosis and control of specific tree pests and diseases.
This title includes a number of Open Access chapters. Urban horticulture, referring to the study and cultivation of the relationship between plants and the urban environment, is gaining more attention as the world rapidly urbanizes and cities expand. While plants have been grown in urban areas for millennia, it is now recognized that they not only provide food, ornament, and recreation, but also supply invaluable ecological services that help mitigate potentially negative impacts of urban ecosystems, and thus increase the livability of cities. This book provides background on key issues in this growing field.
The best person to design the property of your dreams is you. This book gives you the tools to succeed. Building Your Permaculture Property offers a revolutionary holistic method to overcome overwhelm in the complex process of resilient land design. It distills the authors' decades of experience as engineers, farmers, educators, and consultants into a five-step process complete with principles, practices, templates, and workflow tools to help you: Clarify your vision, values, and resources Diagnose your land and resources for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats Design your land and resources to meet your vision and values Implement the right design to enhance your strengths and improve your weakest resource Establish benchmarks to monitor the sustainability and success of your development. When designing a regenerative permaculture property, too many land stewards suffer from option paralysis, a lack of integrated holistic design, fruitless trial-and-error attempts, wasted money, and the frustration that results from too much information and no context. Building Your Permaculture Property is the essential guide for everyone looking to cut through the noise and establish an ecologically regenerative, financially sustainable, enjoyable, and thriving permaculture property, anywhere in the world.
The Study of Plants in a Whole New Light "Matt Candeias succeeds in evoking the wonder of plants with wit and wisdom." James T. Costa, PhD, executive director, Highlands Biological Station and author of Darwin's Backyard #1 New Release in Nature & Ecology, Plants, Botany, Horticulture, Trees, Biological Sciences, and Nature Writing & Essays In his debut book, internationally-recognized blogger and podcaster Matt Candeias celebrates the nature of plants and the extraordinary world of plant organisms. A botanist's defense. Since his early days of plant restoration, this amateur plant scientist has been enchanted with flora and the greater environmental ecology of the planet. Now, he looks at the study of plants through the lens of his ever-growing houseplant collection. Using gardening, houseplants, and examples of plants around you, In Defense of Plants changes your relationship with the world from the comfort of your windowsill. The ruthless, horny, and wonderful nature of plants. Understand how plants evolve and live on Earth with a never-before-seen look into their daily drama. Inside, Candeias explores the incredible ways plants live, fight, and conquer new territory. Whether a blossoming botanist or a professional plant scientist, In Defense of Plants is for anyone who sees plants as more than just static backdrops to more charismatic life forms. In this easily accessible introduction to the incredible world of plants, you'll find: Fantastic botanical histories and plant symbolism Passionate stories of flora diversity and scientific names of plant organisms Personal tales of plantsman discovery through the study of plants If you enjoyed books like The Botany of Desire, What a Plant Knows, or The Soul of an Octopus, then you'll love In Defense of Plants.
Food gardening is becoming increasingly popular, as people look for new ways to live more sustainably and minimize harm to the environment. This book addresses the most pressing challenges facing food gardening in the 21st century - worldwide changes in climate, the environment, natural resources, and communities - and the basic biological, ecological and social concepts which influence our understanding. Examples throughout the text demonstrate how gardeners can use these theories to their advantage.
Providing the most up-to-date coverage of basic principles and methods of practical application, INTRODUCTORY HORTICULTURE, 9e, offers many avenues to explore the horticulture field and remain on the cutting-edge of the industry. Extremely student friendly, the text fully engages you within the learning experience through vivid imagery, a variety of activities, step-by-step procedures, and additional resources encouraging further exploration. The Ninth Edition emphasizes organic and sustainable farming methods, introduces new and emerging technology, and focuses on organizations and career development paths relevant to budding horticulturists. Through extensive full-color visuals, current information, and engaging activities, this all-new edition ensures success within a horticulture course - and well beyond.
Seed conditioning turns raw harvested seed into pure seed that is free of undesirable materials, safe from pests and diseases, and that which can be planted for a good stand of healthy plants of the desired crop. The cost of conditioning is a major component of the capital investment. Conditioning is the most significant process in the seed industry. It involves machines, engineering, operations, biology, physics, plant physiology and pathology, science, and business. It must be accurate, economic and practical. To make seed conditioners more efficient, this Seed Conditioning compendium was prepared. Based on real-life experiences, trials and efforts of many conditioners were compiled and distilled into a brief, easy-to-understand form.
Fresh? Juice? Paste? Canned? Stewed? Diced? Pureed? Sun Dried? Salsa? Sauce? Ketchup? Rare is the cuisine that does not make use of the tomato in some way, shape, or form, and the resulting culinary popularity of the tomato has led to its proliferation in fields and farms around the world. While some may still argue whether the tomato is a fruit or a vegetable, few would argue that tomato crops are highly lucrative, attractive to farmers in both developing and developed countries and on large and small farms alike. In fact, for those crops with significant global volume and market share, tomatoes are the highest valued among those crops that lack an affiliation to mind-altering drugs. But, the tomato can be a persnickety critter. The tomato doesn't like it too hot, too chilly, too wet, too dry, or too fertile. Many don't ripen at the same time. Most are easily bruised. And, the selective breeding that has yielded a larger, more attractive, and deep red tomato has also mercilessly drained much of the taste and flavor from a once sweet and delectable fruit. Enter the world of sensors and modern sensing technology. The Internet of Things (IOT), when using well chosen, well networked, and well aggregated sensors, has shown tremendous potential to support precision agriculture, providing a more detailed picture of crops than was previously possible using conventional crop monitoring techniques. But, the stringent resources and tight profit margins that are a fact of life among many tomato growing operations, large and small, mean that sensor technologies must be chosen and used carefully. There is no doubt that each sensor must earn its keep in producing the perfect tomato. With that in mind, this book explores key opportunities to marry the potential of sensors that are networked within the IOT to the needs of tomato production in ways that are economically fruitful, technologically robust, and sustainable overall.
Cultivated Power explores the collection, cultivation, and display of flowers in early modern France at the historical moment when flowering plants, many of which were becoming known in Europe for the first time, piqued the curiosity of European gardeners and botanists, merchants and ministers, dukes and kings. Elizabeth Hyde reveals how flowers became uniquely capable of revealing the curiosity, reason, and taste of those elite men who engaged in their cultivation. The cultural and increasingly political value of such qualities was not lost on royal panegyrists, who seized on the new meanings of flowers in celebrating the glory of Louis XIV. Using previously unexplored archival sources, Hyde recovers the extent of floral plantations in the gardens of Versailles and the sophisticated system of nurseries created to fulfill the demands of the king's gardeners. She further examines how the successful cultivation of those flowers made it possible for Louis XIV to demonstrate that his reign was a golden era surpassing even that of antiquity. Cultivated Power expands our knowledge of flowers in European history beyond the Dutch tulip mania and restores our understanding of the importance of flowers in the French classical garden. The book also develops a fuller perspective on the roles of gender, rank, and material goods in the age of the baroque. Using flowers to analyze the movement of culture in early modern society, Cultivated Power ultimately highlights the influence of curious florists on the taste of the king and the extension of the cultural into the realm of the political.
Did you know that plants and plant products can be used to improve people's cognitive, physical, psychological, and social functioning? Well, they can, and Horticulture as Therapy is the book to show you how If you are already familiar with the healing potential of horticultural therapy, or even practice horticultural therapy, this book will help you enrich your knowledge and skills and revitalize your practice. You will learn how horticultural therapy can be used with different populations in a variety of settings, what resources are available, effective treatment strategies, and the concepts behind horticultural treatment. The first comprehensive text on the practice of horticulture as therapy, this one-of-a-kind book will enable the profession to educate future horticultural therapists with fundamental knowledge and skills as they embark on careers as practitioners, researchers, and educators. You come to understand the relationship between people and plants more deeply as you learn about: vocational, social, and therapeutic programs in horticulture special populations including children, older adults, those who exhibit criminal behavior, and those with developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, mental health disorders, or traumatic brain injury use of horticultural therapy in botanical gardening and community settings adaptive gardening techniques applied research documentation and assessment in horticultural practice Horticulture as Therapy establishes, integrates, and communicates a foundation of knowledge for horticultural therapists, other therapists, horticulturists, students, research scientists, gardeners, and others interested in this special and unique kind of therapy. By reading Horticulture as Therapy, you will see how you can make a difference in the health and well-being of so many people, today and tomorrow. Translated into Greek |
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