Books > Health, Home & Family > Mind, body & spirit > Astrology > General
Your astrological birth chart reveals who you are when you are
born. Join noted astrologer Dusty Bunker in this simple direct
beginner's workbook that will teach you how to truly know your
inner-self while creating your personal birth chart. Written in a
lively, conversational style, Dusty touches the excitement of
learning the nuances of the stars through clear, simple
instructions for interpreting your chart. Learn the language of
astrology, including the planets, signs, houses, and aspects that
prove you are exactly who you should be! Discover the meanings of
the astrological symbols, how they communicate with each other, and
what the planetary guardians have to say to you. Work with tools,
like the sentencing sheet, that contain key words to aid you in
composing accurate answers to your life's questions. Includes an
author's collection of tips and advice. An excellent resource for
Learn how to chart and utilize the phases of the Moon and its
mystic energy to seek out the life you truly want with Moon
Mapping, or read up on your astrological Moon sign and find out
more about your instinctive, emotional nature. The Complete Guide
to Living by the Moon has everything you need to map and chart the
phases of the Moon and determine exactly what each phase means in
relation to your short- and long-term goals. Following the phases
of the Moon, this book teaches you how to set and manifest
intentions-whether in your personal or professional life.
Additionally, the second half of the book dives into the depths of
your astrological Moon. By learning more about the sign and house
in which it is placed, you can further understand your emotional
nature and how you instinctively orient to the world around you.
Connecting with your Moon will also help you know how to better
nourish yourself and what self-care activities may be best
supportive for your well-being. Harnessing the energy of the Moon
to improve and understand all aspects of your life is a strength
that anyone can achieve with the helpful guidance of The Complete
Guide to Living by the Moon. The Complete Guide to Living by the
Moon is part of the Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia series,
elegantly designed and beautifully illustrated books that offer
comprehensive, display-worthy references on a range of intriguing
topics, including dream interpretation, techniques for harnessing
the power of dreams, flower meanings, and the stories behind signs
and symbols. Also available in the series: The Complete Book of
Birthdays, The Complete Language of Flowers, The Complete Language
of Herbs, The Complete Language of Food, The Complete Language of
Trees, The Complete Guide to Astrological Self-Care, and The
Complete Book of Dreams.
The Witness of the Stars stands as one of the best explanations of
the constellations in the context of Biblical wisdom. This edition
includes all of E. W. Bullinger's original charts and illustrations
of the heavens above. To compose this book, E. W. Bullinger used
his Biblical scholarship alongside research of the origins of the
astronomical constellations. He demonstrates, through a close
reading of the Old and New Testaments, how each of the star signs
relates to the Bible's stories. Gradually, it is revealed how God
makes himself known to us through the Bible's astronomy. The
symbolism of the star signs are shown as important in the Bible.
Their presence in verse relates not simply to their appearances,
such as Libra's scales or Aries as a ram, but also the way in which
Biblical figures behave after looking at the heavens for guidance.
The Book of Job is highlighted by Bullinger for being significantly
influenced by the stars.
As interest in astrology grows, so too have the sales of this
accurate working tool. Every astrologer preparing accurate birth
charts needs the information in this book. It is widely recognised
in its classic livery as a proven record of reliability and
accuracy. Raphael's Ephemeris should be displayed in every
astrology outlet, general bookshop and mind, body, spirit outlet
for maximum sales. It contains daily longitudes of all the planets,
tables of houses for London, Liverpool and New York, plus a
complete lunar and planetary aspectarian.