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Books > Reference & Interdisciplinary > Communication studies > Information theory
The definitive guide to control system design Modern Control System Theory and Design, Second Edition offers the most comprehensive treatment of control systems available today. Its unique text/software combination integrates classical and modern control system theories, while promoting an interactive, computer-based approach to design solutions. The sheer volume of practical examples, as well as the hundreds of illustrations of control systems from all engineering fields, make this volume accessible to students and indispensable for professional engineers. This fully updated Second Edition features a new chapter on modern control system design, including state-space design techniques, Ackermann's formula for pole placement, estimation, robust control, and the H method for control system design. Other notable additions to this edition are:
Superbly organized and easy-to-use, Modern Control System Theory and Design, Second Edition is an ideal textbook for introductory courses in control systems and an excellent professional reference. Its interdisciplinary approach makes it invaluable for practicing engineers in electrical, mechanical, aeronautical, chemical, and nuclear engineering and related areas.
This book highlights new trends and challenges in intelligent systems, which play an important part in the digital transformation of many areas of science and practice. It includes papers offering a deeper understanding of the human-centred perspective on artificial intelligence, of intelligent value co-creation, ethics, value-oriented digital models, transparency, and intelligent digital architectures and engineering to support digital services and intelligent systems, the transformation of structures in digital businesses and intelligent systems based on human practices, as well as the study of interaction and the co-adaptation of humans and systems. All papers were originally presented at the International KES Conference on Human Centred Intelligent Systems 2020 (KES HCIS 2020), held on June 17-19, 2020, in Split, Croatia.
This book aims at reviewing recent progress in the direction of algebraic and symbolic computation methods for functional systems, e.g. ODE systems, differential time-delay equations, difference equations and integro-differential equations. In the nineties, modern algebraic theories were introduced in mathematical systems theory and in control theory. Combined with real algebraic geometry, which was previously introduced in control theory, the past years have seen a flourishing development of algebraic methods in control theory. One of the strengths of algebraic methods lies in their close connections to computations. The use of the above-mentioned algebraic theories in control theory has been an important source of motivation to develop effective versions of these theories (when possible). With the development of computer algebra and computer algebra systems, symbolic methods for control theory have been developed over the past years. The goal of this book is to propose a partial state of the art in this direction. To make recent results more easily accessible to a large audience, the chapters include materials which survey the main mathematical methods and results and which are illustrated with explicit examples.
This book contains papers on selected aspects of dependability analysis in computer systems and networks, which were chosen for discussion during the 16th DepCoS-RELCOMEX conference held in Wroclaw, Poland, from June 28 to July 2, 2021. Their collection will be a valuable source material for scientists, researchers, practitioners and students who are dealing with design, analysis and engineering of computer systems and networks and must ensure their dependable operation. Being probably the most complex technical systems ever engineered by man (and also-the most dynamically evolving ones), organization of contemporary computer systems cannot be interpreted only as structures built on the basis of (unreliable) technical resources. Their evaluation must take into account a specific blend of interacting people (their needs and behaviours), networks (together with mobile properties, cloud organization, Internet of Everything, etc.) and a large number of users dispersed geographically and constantly producing an unconceivable number of applications. Ever-growing number of research methods being continuously developed for dependability analyses apply the newest techniques of artificial and computational intelligence. Selection of papers in these proceedings illustrates diversity of multi-disciplinary topics which are considered in present-day dependability explorations.
"Coalescent Argumentation" is based on the concept that arguments
can function from agreement, rather than disagreement. To prove
this idea, Gilbert first discusses how several
components--emotional, visceral (physical) and kisceral (intuitive)
are utilized in an argumentative setting by people everyday. These
components, also characterized as "modes," are vital to
argumentative communication because they affect both the argument
and the resulting outcome.
This text provides one of the first book-length studies on the innovative and sustainable development of complex systems in the era of digital transformations, combining quantitative data from several countries with detailed qualitative accounts at the national level. In particular, the book covers the basic concepts, methods, and cutting-edge research on innovation and sustainability in complex systems. Given its scope, the book will be of great interest and value to researchers and practitioners working across the social sciences and in a diverse range of areas in complexity science. Pursuing a multidisciplinary approach, the book is also an ideal resource for advanced undergraduate and graduate level courses in complexity science, sustainability research, economics, and development studies.
The extraordinary growth of the Internet and other information age developments in communications, particularly marketing communications, are transforming the international and national business environments. This work is designed to help people, whether with large corporations or the smallest of enterprises, to venture with confidence into cyberspace. Written in non-technical language by a businessman for other business people, the information seizes on the many opportunities emerging for enterprises and personal career development. The socio-economic impact is covered from important perspectives, such as the impact on the Third World. The book heralds an age in which information becomes an internationally marketable commodity, and gives individual entrepreneurs on miniscule budgets the tools to compete against the big corporate guns on a level playing field. The appendices include useful electronic mailing lists, a product protection and order delivery system on the Web, and details on getting connected in the UK.
This book is intended for specialists in systems engineering interested in new, general techniques and for students and practitioners interested in using these techniques for solving specific practical problems. For many real-world, complex systems, it is possible to create easy-to-compute explicit analytical models instead of time-consuming computer simulations. Usually, however, analytical models are designed on a case-by-case basis, and there is a scarcity of general techniques for designing such easy-to-compute models. This book fills this gap by providing general recommendations for using analytical techniques in all stages of system design, implementation, testing, and monitoring. It also illustrates these recommendations using applications in various domains, such as more traditional engineering systems, biological systems (e.g., systems for cattle management), and medical and social-related systems (e.g., recommender systems).
This book introduces a passivity-based approach which simplifies the controller design task for AC-motors. It presents the application of this novel approach to several classes of AC motors, magnetic levitation systems, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and rigid robot manipulators actuated by AC motors. The novel passivity-based approach exploits the fact that the natural energy exchange existing between the mechanical and the electrical subsystems allows the natural cancellation of several high order terms during the stability analysis. This allows the authors to present some of the simplest controllers proposed in scientific literature, but provided with formal stability proofs. These simple control laws will be of use to practitioners as they are robust with respect to numerical errors and noise amplification, and are provided with tuning guidelines. Energy-based Control of Electromechanical Systems is intended for both theorists and practitioners. Therefore, the stability proofs are not based on abstract mathematical ideas but Lyapunov stability theory. Several interpretations of the proofs are given along the body of the book using simple energy ideas and the complete proofs are included in appendices. The complete modeling of each motor studied is also presented, allowing for a thorough understanding. Advances in Industrial Control reports and encourages the transfer of technology in control engineering. The rapid development of control technology has an impact on all areas of the control discipline. The series offers an opportunity for researchers to present an extended exposition of new work in all aspects of industrial control.
This book presents a time-delay approach to the analysis and synthesis of networked control systems (NCSs) under communication constraints. Differently from other approaches, the time-delay approach to NCSs allows communication delays to be larger than the sampling intervals in the presence of scheduling protocols. The book starts from a comprehensive introduction to three main approaches to sampled-data and networked control. It then focuses on time-delay approach, and the modelling of the closed-loop systems in the form of time-delay system. It presents discontinuous (in time) Lyapunov functional constructions that are efficient for NCSs in the presence of communications delays. Further, it highlights time-delay approaches developed to model and analyze NCSs under communication constraints, with a particular focus on dynamic quantization, round-robin, try-once-discard and stochastic protocols. The results are first presented for the continuous-time NCSs and then extended to discrete-time NCSs. Discussing recent developments in Lyapunov-based analysis of NCSs under communication constraints, the book is a valuable resource for researchers interested in sampled-data and networked control, and time-delay systems, as well as for graduate students in automatic control and systems theory.
This book originated at a workshop by the same name held in May 2018 at the University of Pavia. The aim was to encourage a cross-disciplinary discussion on the limits of cognition. When venturing into cognitive science, notwithstanding the approach, one of the first riddles to be solved is the definition of cognition. Any definition immediately sparks the ascription debate: who/what cognizes? Definitions may appear either too loose, or too demanding. Are bacteria included? What about plants? Is it a human prerogative? We engage in the quest for artificial intelligence, but is artificial cognition already the case? And if it was a human prerogative, are we doing it all the time? Is cognition a process, or the sum of countless sub processes? Is it in the brain, or also in the body? Or does it go beyond the body? Where does it start? Where does it end? We tried answering these questions each from our own perspectives, as philosophers, ethnographers, psychologists and rhetoricians, handing each other our peculiar insight.
This book presents the proceedings of the International Conference "Stability, Control, Differential Games" (SCDG2019, September 16 - 20, 2019, Yekaterinburg, Russia), organized by the Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Discussing the latest advances in the theory of optimal control, stability theory and differential games, it also demonstrates the application of new techniques and numerical algorithms to solve problems in robotics, mechatronics, power and energy systems, economics and ecology. Further, the book includes fundamental results in control theory, stability theory and differential games presented at the conference, as well as a number of chapters focusing on novel approaches in solving important applied problems in control and optimization. Lastly, it evaluates recent major accomplishments, and forecasts developments in various up-and-coming areas, such as hybrid systems, model predictive control, Hamilton-Jacobi equations and advanced estimation algorithms.
This book provides energy efficiency quantitative analysis and optimal methods for discrete manufacturing systems from the perspective of global optimization. In order to analyze and optimize energy efficiency for discrete manufacturing systems, it uses real-time access to energy consumption information and models of the energy consumption, and constructs an energy efficiency quantitative index system. Based on the rough set and analytic hierarchy process, it also proposes a principal component quantitative analysis and a combined energy efficiency quantitative analysis. In turn, the book addresses the design and development of quantitative analysis systems. To save energy consumption on the basis of energy efficiency analysis, it presents several optimal control strategies, including one for single-machine equipment, an integrated approach based on RWA-MOPSO, and one for production energy efficiency based on a teaching and learning optimal algorithm. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable guide for students, teachers, engineers and researchers in the field of discrete manufacturing systems.
Written in the 1980s by one of the fathers of chaos theory, Otto E. Roessler, the manuscript presented in this volume eventually never got published. Almost 40 years later, it remains astonishingly at the forefront of knowledge about chaos theory and many of the examples discussed have never been published elsewhere. The manuscript has now been edited by Christophe Letellier - involved in chaos theory for almost three decades himself, as well as being active in the history of sciences - with a minimum of changes to the original text. Finally released for the benefit of specialists and non-specialists alike, this book is equally interesting from the historical and the scientific points of view: an unconventionally modern approach to chaos theory, it can be read as a classic introduction and short monograph as well as a collection of original insights into advanced topics from this field.
This book is based on a number of systems concepts, of which the following are emphasized here: oThe interacting systems of society and the environment are dynamic and evolution ary oEvolution of these systems carries them through stages of differential stability and instability, continuity and discontinuity oAssociated with evolution and instability is structural change that is essentially irre versible oThe present is a stage of world transformation that may not have been equaled for decades or even centuries oPolicies and decisions must match the times, in the present case the stage of world transformation The time 11:59:59 PM, approximately, on December 31, 2000 has an impor tant symbolic meaning. It marks the end of a minute, the end of an hour, the end of a day, the end of a year, the end of a decade, the end of a century, and the end of a millennium. The time and date provide a convenient yardstick against which we can evaluate the evolution of our thinking and the adequacy of our assumptions, mental models, paradigms, and policies. Will the beginning tum out to be appropriately dif ferent from the end? We hope that this book is helpful in such evaluation. This is a new-paradigm book, which both presents and advances the new way of thinking about the systems of science, technology, society, economics, politics, and the environment, and actively calls for the replacement of the worn out cognitive/sociotechnical paradigm."
This book provides step-by-step explanations of successful implementations and practical applications of machine learning. The book's GitHub page contains software codes to assist readers in adapting materials and methods for their own use. A wide variety of applications are discussed, including wireless mesh network and power systems optimization; computer vision; image and facial recognition; protein prediction; data mining; and data discovery. Numerous state-of-the-art machine learning techniques are employed (with detailed explanations), including biologically-inspired optimization (genetic and other evolutionary algorithms, swarm intelligence); Viola Jones face detection; Gaussian mixture modeling; support vector machines; deep convolutional neural networks with performance enhancement techniques (including network design, learning rate optimization, data augmentation, transfer learning); spiking neural networks and timing dependent plasticity; frequent itemset mining; binary classification; and dynamic programming. This book provides valuable information on effective, cutting-edge techniques, and approaches for students, researchers, practitioners, and teachers in the field of machine learning.
The book provides an encompassing overview of all aspects relating to the sharing economy paradigm in different fields of study, and shows the ongoing research efforts in filling previously identified gaps in understanding in this area. Control and optimization analytics for the sharing economy explores bespoke analytics, tools, and business models that can be used to help design collaborative consumption services (the shared economy). It provides case studies of collaborative consumption in the areas of energy and mobility. The contributors review successful examples of sharing systems, and explore the theory for designing effective and stable shared-economy models. They discuss recent innovations in and uses of shared economy models in niche areas, such as energy and mobility. Readers learn the scientific challenging issues associated with the realization of a sharing economy. Conceptual and practical matters are examined, and the state-of-the-art tools and techniques to address such applications are explained. The contributors also show readers how topical problems in engineering, such as energy consumption in power grids, or bike sharing in transportation networks, can be formulated and solved from a general collaborative consumption perspective. Since the book takes a mathematical perspective to the topic, researchers in business, computer science, optimization and control find it useful. Practitioners also use the book as a point of reference, as it explores and investigates the analytics behind economy sharing.
This book presents the latest researches on hypersonic steady glide dynamics and guidance, including the concept of steady glide reentry trajectory and the stability of its regular perturbation solutions, trajectory damping control technique for hypersonic glide reentry, singular perturbation guidance of hypersonic glide reentry, trajectory optimization based on steady glide, linear pseudospectral generalized nominal effort miss distance guidance, analytical entry guidance and trajectory-shaping guidance with final speed and load factor constraints. They can be used to solve many new difficult problems in entry guidance. And many practical engineering cases are provided for the readers for better understanding. Researchers and students in the fields of flight vehicle design or flight dynamics, guidance and control could use the book as valuable reference.
This book develops a mathematical framework for modeling and
optimizing interference-coupled multiuser systems. At the core of
this framework is the concept of general interference functions,
which provides a simple means of characterizing interdependencies
between users. The entire analysis builds on the two core axioms
scale-invariance and monotonicity.
This book presents several novel constructive methodologies for global stabilization and H-infinity control in switched dynamic systems by using the systems' structure information. The main features of these new approaches are twofold: i) Novel Lyapunov functions are constructed and new switching strategies are designed to guarantee global finite-time stabilization of the closed-loop switched dynamic systems,while ii) without posing any internal stability requirements on subsystems, the standard H-infinity control problem of the switched dynamic systems is solved by means of dwell-time switching techniques. Systematically presenting constructive methods for analyzing and synthesizing switched systems, the content is of great significance to theoretical research and practical applications involving switched systems alike. The book provides a unified framework for stability analysis, stabilization and H-infinity control of switched systems, making it a valuable resource for researchers and graduate students who want to learn about the state of the art in the analysis and synthesis of switched systems, as well as recent advances in switched linear systems. In addition, it offers a wealth of cutting-edge constructive methods and algorithm designs for researchers who work with switched dynamic systems and graduate students of control theory and control engineering.
This book introduces a comprehensive and mathematically rigorous controller design for families of nonlinear systems with time-varying parameters and unstructured uncertainties. Although the presented methodology is general, the specific family of systems considered is the latest, NextGen, unconventional fixed-wing unmanned aircraft with circulation control or morphing wings, or a combination of both. The approach considers various sources of model and parameter uncertainty, while the controller design depends not on a nominal plant model, but instead on a family of admissible plants. In contrast to existing controller designs that consider multiple models and multiple controllers, the proposed approach is based on the 'one controller fits all models' within the unstructured uncertainty interval. The book presents a modeling-based analysis and synthesis approach with additive uncertainty weighting functions for accurate realization of the candidate systems. This differs significantly from existing designs in that it is capable of handling time-varying characteristics. This research monograph is suitable for scientists, engineers, researchers and graduate students with a background in control system theory who are interested in complex engineering nonlinear systems.
This book aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from diverse disciplines-from sociology, biology, physics, and computer science-who share a passion to better understand the interdependencies within and across systems. This volume contains contributions presented at the 11th International Conference on Complex Networks (CompleNet) in Exeter, United Kingdom, 31 March - 3 April 2020. CompleNet is a venue for discussing ideas and findings about all types of networks, from biological, to technological, to informational and social. It is this interdisciplinary nature of complex networks that CompleNet aims to explore and celebrate.
This book presents a new methodology with reduced time impact to address the problem of analog integrated circuit (IC) yield estimation by means of Monte Carlo (MC) analysis, inside an optimization loop of a population-based algorithm. The low time impact on the overall optimization processes enables IC designers to perform yield optimization with the most accurate yield estimation method, MC simulations using foundry statistical device models considering local and global variations. The methodology described by the authors delivers on average a reduction of 89% in the total number of MC simulations, when compared to the exhaustive MC analysis over the full population. In addition to describing a newly developed yield estimation technique, the authors also provide detailed background on automatic analog IC sizing and optimization.
Unifying information theory and digital communication through the language of lattice codes, this book provides a detailed overview for students, researchers and industry practitioners. It covers classical work by leading researchers in the field of lattice codes and complementary work on dithered quantization and infinite constellations, and then introduces the more recent results on 'algebraic binning' for side-information problems, and linear/lattice codes for networks. It shows how high dimensional lattice codes can close the gap to the optimal information theoretic solution, including the characterisation of error exponents. The solutions presented are based on lattice codes, and are therefore close to practical implementations, with many advanced setups and techniques, such as shaping, entropy-coding, side-information and multi-terminal systems. Moreover, some of the network setups shown demonstrate how lattice codes are potentially more efficient than traditional random-coding solutions, for instance when generalising the framework to Gaussian networks.
Gathering the proceedings of the 12th CHAOS2019 International Conference, this book highlights recent developments in nonlinear, dynamical and complex systems. The conference was intended to provide an essential forum for Scientists and Engineers to exchange ideas, methods, and techniques in the field of Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, Fractals and their applications in General Science and the Engineering Sciences. The respective chapters address key methods, empirical data and computer techniques, as well as major theoretical advances in the applied nonlinear field. Beyond showcasing the state of the art, the book will help academic and industrial researchers alike apply chaotic theory in their studies. |
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