Books > Money & Finance > Insurance
Confused, Bewildered, Perplexed and Unsure about your Health
Insurance Options?
Includes the New Health Insurance Marketplaces
Looking for a resource guide that helps you navigate the maze of
health care choices available to you? Want a clear and concise book
which answers all your questions? It's not the answers you already
know, it's the questions you don't even know to ask Questions you
might be thinking about? What does the Affordable Care Act change?
What are the Health Insurance Marketplaces? What does Bronze,
Silver, Gold and Platinum mean? Am I eligible for premium tax
credits or cost-sharing reductions? Should I contribute to an FSA?
What are the penalties for not enrolling for health insurance? What
is concierge medicine? How do I contribute to an HSA? What are the
costs for original Medicare? What's the difference between a Med
Supp plan and a Medicare Advantage plan? What's a Medigap plan? Are
there tax credits for small business owners? What's a donut hole?
What is the MIB? What options do I have for long-term care? Can I
qualify for Medicaid?
Click the book cover to "Look Inside" to read the first 10% of
the book free. Who might benefit from the information and tools
contained in this book? You're going to be turning age 65 in 2014.
You're a small business owner figuring out if you can offer health
insurance to your employees. You want a comprehensive resource
guide covering the new Health Insurance Marketplaces and the plans
offered. You're a healthcare professional who wants to learn more
about the choices consumers have for their healthcare needs.
Retirement Planning and Medicare
Healthcare expenses can torpedo your retirement savings if these
costs are not properly taken into account. Thinking that portfolio
returns will exceed your potential health care expenses should
extensive medical care be needed is ignoring financial market
reality. Additional information is included covering: Cost of
Health Care Disability Income Insurance Choices for Long-Term Care
Medicaid The Future of Health Care
The business of reinsurance developed at the fringe of financial
services and, for most of its existence, went largely unnoticed
outside the expert community. More recently, both public and
professional sensitivity towards managing risks has increased and
reinsurers have emerged as authorities on global threats such as
climate change and natural catastrophes. This is the first book to
provide a comprehensive historical description of this industry. It
traces the global development of reinsurance from the early 19th
century until today. As such it gives a detailed account of how the
nature of risk itself changed over the last 200 years. It
highlights all aspects relevant in shaping the industry from the
development of risk, risk engineering and risk management,
actuarial science, the financial and monetary environment, market
conditions, impacts of politics, the effects of regulatory changes,
to large risks and natural catastrophes. A comprehensive
introduction by the editors highlights the different challenges and
approaches to managing risk from a reinsurance perspective such as
mathematical, financial, legal, and contractual developments, as
well as the changing business models adopted. All of these are
dealt with in further detail by ten contributing authors.
Save and Borrow Money the Smart Way A Better Way to Save, Borrow,
and Recycle Your Family's Money will show you and your family a
better way to simultaneously save money and borrow money. If you
are looking for the smartest way to save money, borrow money, or if
you are contemplating how to get a loan, or even how to save for
retirement, then read this book first. Most people believe the bank
is the only place to save money or borrow money, and IRA's and
401K's are the only place to save for retirement. However, a bank
savings account doesn't allow you to keep earning money when you
take money out of the account to pay for an expense. Likewise,
neither 401K's nor IRA's allow you to borrow money from them
without severe limitations, potentially significant penalties and
taxes, and you'll miss out on any potential market gains. There is
a smarter way to save and borrow with more flexibility so that your
money works much harder for you and allows your family to keep more
in their pocket. If you are open to listening to an idea that has
been around for close to 200 years and stood the test of time, then
consider looking at a participating whole life insurance policy. A
participating whole life insurance policy, specifically built with
a high cash value as part of the infinite banking concept, allows
you to save money and borrow money with much greater efficiency and
superior financial performance than any other system you are
currently using. This is due to the fact that a properly designed
participating whole life policy allows you to get safe,
tax-deferred growth and allows you to simultaneously borrow money
from the cash value without impacting the growth of that money.
Unlike a bank savings account or a bank loan, you can literally get
your money working in two different directions at once so you can
live better today while saving for tomorrow. If you currently have
or are contemplating owning a bank savings account, credit cards,
student loans, personal loans, business loans, or car loans, then
you need to read this book. Even if you think you are financially
savvy and pay cash for all of your major expenses, the system
illustrated will keep more in your pocket. Just by reading this
book, you will understand why and how you could easily be saving
$100,000 to $200,000 over your lifetime if you are currently using
credit cards, financing, or paying cash for major expenses.
Even with the delay of the Employer Mandate, Health Care Reform is
radically changing the health insurance environment for employers.
The Smart Business Guide to Health Care Reform is your
plain-language, yet detail-rich, ticket to understanding the impact
of the law on employers (and everyone else). It will help your
company navigate the new challenges presented by the law to reduce
costs and keep employees happy. The law is complicated, and if you
are responsible for making insurance decisions for your company, it
is causing stress and anxiety that impacts your work life, and
likely your personal well-being, as well. Like all laws, however,
it is manageable when you are able to determine what portions
impact you and concentrate on those issues. This book is your short
cut to understanding what PPACA says, what it doesn't say, and how
both will impact your business. The purpose is not to tell you
everything about the law; but rather to inform you of the relevant
provisions and translate those provisions from bureaucrat-speak to
plain English. So while you may not fully understand every obscure
provision, you hopefully will have the tools you need to assess
your organization's exposure to key aspects of PPACA. This book is
NOT a legal treatise, a magic bullet in the form of
legal/accounting/insurance advice, or an op-ed piece telling you
how wonderful or horrible the law is. It is information presented
in a manner intelligent people can understand and apply.
Bureaucrat-speak is translated, and the interaction between various
provisions is discussed. Some issues addressed are: How do we know
if the Employer Mandate applies to us? What about part-time and
seasonal workers? What are the advantages and disadvantages of
dropping coverage? Should we consider exchanges as the answer to
our health insurance issues? Other than complying with the Employer
Mandate, what else do businesses need to do to be in compliance
with PPACA? What about FSAs, HSAs, and HRAs? Are defined
contribution or self-insured plans options? What role does the
Coast Guard have in implementation of Health Care Reform? This
practical, easy to navigate, and easily understood discussion of
the law will demystify topics that have been built up as
unsolvable, and put you in the best position possible to analyze
your company's health insurance responsibilities and opportunities.
If one of the "hats" you wear is "insurance-buyer" for your bank,
then this is the book for you. This book is written for bankers who
buy insurance for their banks. Hundreds of definitions, forms,
charts, suggestions, recommendations, and just plain good advice -
for bankers. The language of insurance is demystified and
translated into banker-speak. Scott Simmonds has worked with more
than 370 banks in his career as a consultant. Bankers look to Scott
to help make their insurance better - better coverage, better
premiums, easier administration, and faster claims. Unbiased,
expert bank-experience. In this second edition of his book, you get
his latest thoughts, ideas, and approaches. One hundred updates
were made from the 2007 version. Scott has received many industry
awards and designations, making him one of the top 1% of insurance
professionals in the country. Scott's ideas have been published and
quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Money Magazine, Forbes, The
Boston Globe, and the Ellsworth American. He is a past president of
his local Rotary Club, and of the Maine Association of Professional
Confused, Bewildered, Perplexed and Unsure about your Medicare
Updated and expanded for 2014
Are you turning 65 in 2014? Looking for a resource guide that
helps you to navigate the maze of Medicare choices available to
you? Want a clear and concise book which will answer all your
questions? It's not the answers you already know, it's the
questions you don't even know to ask Questions you might be
thinking about? When can I enroll in Medicare? Does Medicare cover
everything I might need? Is Medicare free? What's the difference
between copayments and coinsurance? Are there any deductibles? Are
there any penalties for not enrolling? What's an AEP, IEP, SEP, OEP
and everything else? Can I make changes to what I already have?
What are the costs for Medicare? What's the difference between a
Med Supp plan and a Medicare Advantage plan? What's a Medigap plan?
How do I get my prescriptions paid for in Medicare? What's a donut
hole? What is TrOOP? What is MOOP? Does Medicare cover long term
care needs?
Click the book cover to "Look Inside" to read the first 10% of
the book free. Who might benefit from the information and tools
contained in this book? You're going to be turning age 65 in 2014.
You're already enrolled in Medicare and want to know what other
options you have. You want a comprehensive resource guide about
Medicare benefits and Medicare health plans. You're a healthcare
professional who wants to learn more about Medicare. Retirement
Planning and Medicare
Healthcare expenses can torpedo your retirement savings if these
costs are not properly taken into account. Thinking portfolio
returns will exceed the potential health care expenses should
extensive medical care be needed is ignoring financial market
reality. Additional information is included covering: The Medicaid
Program Choices for Long-Term Care What you Need to Know Before you
Buy Planning the Medicare Buying Decision Additional Resources