Books > Money & Finance > Insurance
This report presents the rationale for and design of a city
government disaster insurance pool in the Philippines. Insurance
pools help governments enhance their financial preparedness for
disasters, focusing on the provision of rapid post-disaster
financing for early recovery. The Philippine City Disaster
Insurance Pool was developed under the guidance of the Department
of Finance as part of the 2015 Disaster Risk Financing and
Insurance Strategy. It utilizes a parametric insurance structure,
basing payouts on the occurrence of earthquakes and typhoons
according to their physical features, rather than actual losses.
This guidance note underscores the importance of scaling up climate
change resilience-building measures through community-driven
projects. The poor and vulnerable populations suffer
disproportionately from the adverse impacts of climate change and
disasters, which result in loss of life, damage to household and
community assets, disruption of livelihoods, and loss of income.
Solutions that recognize localized risks and address them in the
context of wider socioeconomic development are needed. This
guidance note underscores the importance of scaling up
resilience-building measures through community-driven development
projects. It proposes a framework that recommends five key
considerations that should be factored in the design and
implementation of community-driven development projects to ensure
that they deliver on scaling up of resilience-building measures.