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Books > Computing & IT > Internet
The Architectural Imagination at the Digital Turn asks what it means to speak of a "digital turn" in architecture. It examines how architects at the time engaged with the digital and imagined future modes of practice, and looks at the technological, conceptual and economic phenomena behind this engagement. It argues that the adoption of digital technology in architecture was far from linear but depended on complex factors, from the operative logic of the technology itself to the context in which it was used and the people who interacted with it. Creating a mosaic-like account, the book presents debates, projects and publications that changed how architecture was visualized, fabricated and experienced using digital technology. Spanning the university, new media art institutes, ecologies, architectural bodies, fabrication and the city, it re-evaluates familiar narratives that emphasized formal explorations; instead, the book aims to complicate the "myth" of the digital by presenting a nuanced analysis of the material and social context behind each case study. During the 1990s, architects repurposed software and technological concepts from other disciplines and tested them in a design environment. Some architects were fascinated by its effects, others were more critical. Through its discussion on case studies, places and themes that fundamentally influenced discourse formation in the era, this book offers scholars, researchers and students fresh insights into how architecture can engage with the digital realm today.
"In today's networked societies, a key factor of the social and economic success is the capability to exchange, transfer, and share knowledge. In the wide-ranging area of knowledge management, the issue of knowledge exchange in networked environments emerges in several application fields, and is treated with different approaches. Building the Knowledge Society on the Internet: Sharing and Exchanging Knowledge in Networked Environments proposes a vast panorama of research on the topic while presenting a variety of viewpoints, approaches, and indications of the shared elements intended as the foundations of an emerging and fascinating multidisciplinary field."
The story of Paddy Power's growth from a small chain of Irish bookies to the biggest gambling company in the world. Flutter Entertainment, the parent company of Paddy Power, is the largest gambling business in the world. The evidence of that success is visible everywhere, from shop fronts and bus shelters to sporting arenas and smartphone screens. The company's rise to this point has been rapid, but like any gambler worth their salt, Paddy Power has always succeeded in finding an edge. At the outset those innovations were modest, like offering odds on television shows and giving punters money back on losing bets, but as the company's ambition grew, so too did its determination to stay one step ahead of the competition, whatever the cost... Impeccably researched and informed by dozens of insider interviews, Punters is the incredible story of how an unlikely band of misfits and visionaries bet on the future of the gambling industry and won big. But it's also the story of how that victory may have come at an extraordinary cost - to their customers and society at large.
Web services and Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) have become thriving areas of academic research, joint university/industry research projects, and novel IT products on the market. SOC is the computing paradigm that uses Web services as building blocks for the engineering of composite, distributed applications out of the reusable application logic encapsulated by Web services. Web services could be considered the best-known and most standardized technology in use today for distributed computing over the Internet. "Web Services Foundations" is the first installment of a two-book collection covering the state-of-the-art of both theoretical and practical aspects of Web services and SOC research. This book specifically focuses on the foundations of Web services and SOC and covers - among others - Web service composition, non-functional aspects of Web services, Web service selection and recommendation, and assisted Web service composition. The editors collect advanced topics in the second book of the collection, "Advanced Web Services," (Springer, 2013). Both books together comprise approximately 1400 pages and are the result of an enormous community effort that involved more than 100 authors, comprising the world's leading experts in this field.
Cyberspace opens up infinitely new possibilities to the deviant imagination. With access to the Internet and sufficient know-how you can, if you are so inclined, buy a bride, cruise gay bars, go on a global shopping spree with someone else's credit card, break into a bank's security system, plan a demonstration in another country and hack into the Pentagon all on the same day. In more than any other medium, time and place are transcended, undermining the traditional relationship between physical context and social situation. This book crosses the boundaries of sociological, criminological and cultural discourse in order to explore the implications of these massive transformations in information and communication technologies for the growth of criminal and deviant identities and behaviour on the Internet. This is a book not about computers, nor about legal controversies over the regulation of cyberspace, but about people and the new patterns of human identity, behaviour and association that are emerging as a result of the communications revolution.
1.1 Introduction Each year corporations spend millions of dollars training and educating their - ployees. On average, these corporations spend approximately one thousand dollars 1 per employee each year. As businesses struggle to stay on the cutting-edge and to keep their employees educated and up-to-speed with professional trends as well as ever-changing information needs, it is easy to see why corporations are investing more time and money than ever in their efforts to support their employees' prof- sional development. During the Industrial Age, companies strove to control natural resources. The more resources they controlled, the greater their competitive edge in the mark- place. Senge (1993) refers to this kind of organization as resource-based. In the Information Age, companies must create, disseminate, and effectively use kno- edge within their organization in order to maintain their market share. Senge - scribes this kind of organization as knowledge-based. Given that knowledge-based organizations willcontinuetobeadrivingforcebehindtheeconomy, itisimperative that corporations support the knowledge and information needs of their workers.
Set up Skype on Windows, Mac OS® X, or PocketPC See how to use Skype for secure chats and to connect using SkypeIn and SkypeOut Here's the "fun and easy way" to understand all the hype about Skype and make this cool alternative communication system work for you! You'll get great advice about hardware, directions for downloading and installing Skype, ideas for using Skype in your business, and the lowdown on making Skype calls to people with old-fashioned phones. Discover how to Install Skype and start making calls Create a contacts list Set up voicemail and call forwarding Use Skype for worldwide conference calls and Skypecasting Enhance Skype with Bluetooth, Wi-Fi wireless, and video
This textbook discusses the principles of queuing theory and teletraffic engineering in telecommunication networks. The book lays out the rigorous theoretical background while keeping strong links to practical applications and real-life scenarios. The overall goal of this textbook is to provide students with in-depth and broad understanding of the operational framework of teletraffic problems, and therefore the capability to select the most suitable and effective method to solve traffic engineering problems that may arise in real-life. The student will learn to pick and choose from a spectrum of tools, ranging from the simplest mathematical treatment to sophisticated models. The book features practical examples derived from real life, presented and discussed, establishing the links with the theoretical results. Pedagogical materials include end-of-chapter exercises and problems.
Combinatorial optimization algorithms are used in many applications including the design, management, and operations of communication networks. The objective of this book is to advance and promote the theory and applications of combinatorial optimization in communication networks. Each chapter of the book is written by an expert dealing with theoretical, computational, or applied aspects of combinatorial optimization. Topics covered in the book include the combinatorial optimization problems arising in optical networks, wireless ad hoc networks, sensor networks, mobile communication systems, and satellite networks. A variety of problems are addressed using combinatorial optimization techniques, ranging from routing and resource allocation to QoS provisioning.
'E-business Implementation' is written as a complete guide to
successful e-business delivery, from both a project management and
a detailed technological perspective.
Joining a thriving field of new media, this collective volume authored by global academics features important research by thought leaders within computer-mediated communication (CMC) and social media. Featuring 40 comprehensive chapters of new research that focuses on what is new, relevant, and cutting edge in the areas of CMC and social media, authors critically explore topics ranging from social media theories to civil rights. Divided into three parts, the handbook begins with theory and methods, which sets the foundation for the text and then moves into the applicability of strategy, tactics, and measurement. The final focus is toward the future of CMC and social media and its impact on the study and practice of communication. Uniquely relating social media communication research to its computer-mediated communication foundation, as well as digital and emerging media trends, this handbook is an indispensable resource whether you're a graduate student or a seasoned practitioner.
The Web is the nervous system of information society. As such, it has a pervasive influence on our daily lives. And yet, in some ways the Web does not have a high MIQ (Machine IQ). What can be done to enhance it? This is the leitmotif of "Intelligent Exploration of the Web," (lEW)--a collection of articles co-edited by Drs. Szczepaniak, Segovia, Kacprzyk and, to a small degree, myself. The articles that comprise lEW address many basic problems ranging from structure analysis of Internet documents and Web dialogue management to intelligent Web agents for extraction of information, and bootstrapping an ontology-based information extraction system. Among the basic problems, one that stands out in importance is the problem of search. Existing search engines have many remarkable capabilities. But what is not among them is the deduction capability--the capability to answer a query by drawing on information which resides in various parts of the knowledge base. An example of a query might be "How many Ph.D. degrees in computer science were granted by European universities in 1996?" No existing search engine is capable of dealing with queries of comparable or even much lower complexity. Basically, what we would like to do is to add deduction capability to a search engine, with the aim of transforming it into a question-answering system, or a QI A system, for short. This is a problem that is of major importance and a challenge that is hard to meet.
Language and the Internet gives the readers a linguistic perspective and explains them the role of internet in the changing world. The book throws light on the multilingualism of the internet and talks about the various languages the corresponding themes for in the 21st century. Also discussed in the book is the language that is employed on the web, the language that is used in the virtual world and the one that e-mails are composed in. The readers are also informed about the use of blogs for the understanding of the readers, the various challenges in the internet language and the solutions to them and the linguistic future of internet.
Explore ways to bring and keep your library's electronic services up to date!From editor Di Su: "Some years ago, if you were told that a library's catalog would be available on a 24/7/365 basis, you'd think it was just another fiction. Perhaps as influential as Johannes Gutenberg's invention of movable type printing, the Internet is one of the most significant happenings in the information world in modern times."In addition to showing you how library services have been influenced and enhanced by the advent of the Internet, Evolution in Reference and Information Services: The Impact of the Internet will enable you to make the most of the new opportunities that current technologies offer. This valuable book will also help you and your library avoid the pitfalls and new challenges to professional competency that come along with electronic research.Evolution in Reference and Information Services: gives you a review of the history of electronic reference looks at the increasing role of librarians as teachers and providers of technical help for users provides case studies and ways to evaluate electronic research methods suggests strategies for providing effective electronic services examines government Web sites explores Internet sources of health information shows you how to establish electronic services through your library's portal site looks at how to manage a library computer lab and much more!
Design and implement successful Web-based courses This wide-ranging book discusses both the micro and macro aspects of using the Internet to enhance your travel and tourism curriculum. The Internet and Travel and Tourism Education offers useful insights for both novices and experienced users. With these suggestions, you can use online resources to contribute to your class objectives. The innovative teaching strategies presented in The Internet and Travel and Tourism Education will not soon become outdated. Instead of being based on fast-changing technical details, such as specific programs, the ideas are rooted in the way information is presented and absorbed. By tapping the power of the Internet, you can find more effective ways to teach the skills and facts your students need. The Internet and Travel and Tourism Education provides helpful advice and information on essential aspects of this powerful tool, including: Web-based instruction students'perceptions of Internet courses using the Web to expand content areas an Internet-based master's degree program administrative issues managing multimedia projects The Internet and Travel and Tourism Education will help you offer the best possible education for your students and stay up-to-date in an increasingly competitive world.
This book develops the object-oriented programming skills of experienced programmers (at the Junior, Senior or above level) by showing how to use Java 2 (the latest release of Sun's Java platform), and by providing a complete understanding of the philosophy behind Java 2. It starts out covering the language-independent concepts that are at the heart of the Java world, and then moves on to introduce Java through several example programs. Following this is an in-depth discussion on inheritance and polymorphism. Finally, the book concludes with material on important features of Java that are not object-oriented.
I3E 2001 is the first in a series of conferences on e-commerce, e-business, and- government organised by the three IFIP committees TC6, TC8, and TC11. It provides a forum, where users, engineers, and scientists from academia, industry, and government can present their latest findings in e-commerce, e-business, and- government applications and the underlying technology to support those applications. The conference comprises a main track and mini tracks dedicated to special topics. The papers presented in the main track were rigorously refereed and selected by the International Programme Committee of the conference. Thematically they were grouped in the following sessions: - Sessions on security and trust, comprising nine papers referring to both trust and security in general as well as presenting specific concepts for enhancing trust in the digital society. - Session on inter-organisational transactions, covering papers related to auditing of inter-organizational trade procedures, cross-organizational workflow and transactions in Business to Business platforms. - Session on virtual enterprises, encompassing papers describing innovative approaches for creating virtual enterprises as well as describing examples of virtual enterprises in specific industries. - Session on online communities containing three papers, which provide case studies of specific online communities and various concepts on how companies can build and harness the potential of online communities. - Sessions on strategies and business models with papers describing specific business models as well as general overviews of specific approaches for E- Strategy formulation.
The only beginning book of its kind, this book will teach you SAP/ABAP developers the skills you need for Java 5 programming. The book emphasizes the fundamentals of core Java SE 5 and Java EE 5, to get you up to speed with these technologies. You'll learn about the most important enterprise Java API found in the new Java EE 5 platform, which you can immediately use and integrate. Furthermore, the book elaborates on connecting to a database, SAP Java Connector, servlets, Java Server Pages, Enterprise JavaBeans, and Java Messaging.
Surveys indicate that many E-Business efforts either fail or disrupt the basic business processes and transactions. E-Business is sometimes not aligned with the business or IT. Vague vision statements are not translated into specific actions related to E- Business. It is because of these factors that Transform Your Business into e was written. The book covers E-Business from the review of the business at the start to expanding E-Business after it is live.
* Recommended by T.Basar, SC series ed. * This text addresses a new, active area of research and fills a gap in the literature. * Bridges mathematics, engineering, and computer science; considers stochastic and optimization aspects of congestion control in Internet data transfers. * Useful as a supplementary text & reference for grad students with some background in control theory; also suitable for researchers.
This book intends to change the perception of modern day telecommunications. Communication systems, usually perceived as "dumb pipes", carrying information / data from one point to another, are evolved into intelligently communicating smart systems. The book introduces a new field of cloud communications. The concept, theory, and architecture of this new field of cloud communications are discussed. The book lays down nine design postulates that form the basis of the development of a first of its kind cloud communication paradigm entitled Green Symbiotic Cloud Communications or GSCC. The proposed design postulates are formulated in a generic way to form the backbone for development of systems and technologies of the future. The book can be used to develop courses that serve as an essential part of graduate curriculum in computer science and electrical engineering. Such courses can be independent or part of high-level research courses. The book will also be of interest to a wide range of readers including both scientific and non-scientific domains as it discusses innovations from a simplistic explanatory viewpoint. |
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