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Books > Computing & IT > Internet
Social media is now ubiquitous on the internet, generating both new possibilities and new challenges in information analysis and retrieval. This comprehensive text/reference examines in depth the synergy between multimedia content analysis, personalization, and next-generation networking. The book demonstrates how this integration can result in robust, personalized services that provide users with an improved multimedia-centric quality of experience. Each chapter offers a practical step-by-step walkthrough for a variety of concepts, components and technologies relating to the development of applications and services. Topics and features: provides contributions from an international and interdisciplinary selection of experts in their fields; introduces the fundamentals of social media retrieval, presenting the most important areas of research in this domain; examines the important topic of multimedia tagging in social environments, including geo-tagging; discusses issues of personalization and privacy in social media; reviews advances in encoding, compression and network architectures for the exchange of social media information; describes a range of applications related to social media. Researchers and students interested in social media retrieval will find this book a valuable resource, covering a broad overview of state-of-the-art research and emerging trends in this area. The text will also be of use to practicing engineers involved in envisioning and building innovative social media applications and services.
In today's rapidly changing technological world, it is increasingly important that web and desktop applications be accessible to everyone, including those of us with special needs. However, the legal requirements for accessibility are often convoluted and diffucult to understand, making it impossible for most developers to comply with the laws. In the first book on the market to address the topic, Author John Paul Mueller leads you through the maze of Section 508the congressional law ensuring that all Americans have access to information technologyand offers comprehensive guidance on how to quickly and easily update your applications to conform to Section 508 requirements. To begin, Mueller outlines the Section 508 requirements that are relevant to web and desktop application developers, and explains the laws in language you can understand. Using extensive and varied program examples, Mueller continues on to teach you to write web and desktop applications that not only conform to Section 508 standards, but look forward to ensure long-term universal accessibility for all types of computer users. Specific topics include writing accessible web applications and desktop applications using Visual Basic .NET and Visual C# .NET, developing special application capabilities, using Microsoft and other third-party tools to develop accessible features, developing accessible scripting solutions, and more. The book even includes a directory of helpful organizations, agencies, and resources to help you with any further accessibility concerns you may have.
Semantic Web services promise to automate tasks such as discovery, mediation, selection, composition, and invocation of services, enabling fully flexible automated e-business. Their usage, however, still requires a significant amount of human intervention due to the lack of support for a machine-processable description. In this book, Jos de Bruijn and his coauthors lay the foundations for understanding the requirements that shape the description of the various aspects related to Semantic Web services, such as the static background knowledge in the form of ontologies, the functional description of the service, and the behavioral description of the service. They introduce the Web Service Modeling Language (WSML), which provides means for describing the functionality and behavior of Web services, as well as the underlying business knowledge, in the form of ontologies, with a conceptual grounding in the Web Service Modeling Ontology. Academic and industrial researchers as well as professionals will find a comprehensive overview of the concepts and challenges in the area of Semantic Web services, the Web Services Modeling Language and its relation to the Web Services Modeling Ontology, and an in-depth treatment of both enabling technologies and theoretical foundations.
'I loved her then, I love her now. Annie's back and she's better than ever! Fun, feel good and feisty - Annie Valentine is the woman you want to share a cocktail with!' Portia MacIntoshCan she make it big in the big apple? When Annie Valentine lands her dream job in the heart of fabulous Manhattan, it's a pinch me moment. She's finally made it to the city that never sleeps and will look a million dollars doing it! And this time, Annie is going to make it a family affair and take her teenage daughter Lauren with her to show her the fashion highs and lows and to have a bit of other and daughter bonding...what could possibly go wrong? But back home in London, husband Ed faces a scandal at work and knows, in his heart, he needs Annie back. Suddenly Annie finds herself torn between her true love in London and her new love, New York. Does it have to be fashion or family...or can Annie Valentine have it all? Fans of Sophie Kinsella, Lindsey Kelk and Paige Toon will love this laugh-out-loud romantic comedy from bestselling author Carmen Reid. What readers are saying! "If you love shopping as much as you love a great read, try this. Wonderful." Bestselling author, Katie Fforde "Annie Valentine is a wonderful character - I want her to burst into my life and sort out my wardrobe for me!" Bestselling author, Jill Mansell "You will enjoy getting to know Annie Valentine; laughing with her and crying with her. You may even fall in love with her . . . I have! A fantastic read!" Reader review "Fantastic read, couldn't put it down" Reader review "Can't wait to read the next one!" Reader review
The dynamics of the digital economy in the US, Europe and Japan are rather different. Some EU countries come close to the USA as the leading OECD country in the new economy, but Japan faces particular problems in catching-up digitally. Information and communication technology will affect productivity growth, production, the financial system and trade. Setting adequate rules for the digital economy - at the national and international level - is a key challenge for industrialized countries. Moreover, cultural and organizational challenges will also have to be met.
Classifying objects into categories at different granularity levels, establishing links between known objects, and discovering clues between known and unknown objects are essential for new-generation semantic data models. This book introduces the Resource Space Model (RSM), which effectively organizes and correctly manages resources by normalizing classification semantics. This volume presents basic models of RSM and the Semantic Link Network (SLN), the relationship between the two, and an approach to integrating the two models and exploring their semantic-rich interconnection. Also detailed is a comprehensive theory of query operations on RSM and extensive coverage of the distributed RSM in parallel with the distributed relational database systems. This text is sure to be considered a substantial contribution to the field of Knowledge Grid by researchers in the areas of web, semantic web, and decentralized data engineering, as well as the emerging semantic and knowledge grid arena.
After the dramatic failures of the dot coms in 2000 and 2001, many observers were quick to report on the death of electronic commerce. Investor confidence sagged, stock prices of technology firms in nearly all of the related sectors suffered. In reality, the picture is not nearly as dismal as the press would have us believe. E-commerce is not dead, but it has moved beyond its overhyped beginning stage. This book is an effort to sort through the hype, providing a realistic assessment of the state of electronic commerce today, and the important areas of opportunity and challenge for tomorrow. The book sees all kind of developments where e-business is becoming an integral part of 'traditional' business processes, with special emphasis on practical and policy importance. E-commerce scholars from a number of disciplines and countries contribute to assess the impact of the dot com bust and the current state of e-commerce.
This book presents a specific and unified approach framework to three major components: Search Engines Performance, Link Analysis, and User 's Web Behavior. The book can be used by researchers in the fields of information sciences, engineering (especially software), computer science, statistics and management, who are looking for a unified theoretical approach to finding relevant information on the WWW and a way of interpreting it from a data perspective to a user perspective.
Collaborative Networks for a Sustainable World Aiming to reach a sustainable world calls for a wider collaboration among multiple stakeholders from different origins, as the changes needed for sustainability exceed the capacity and capability of any individual actor. In recent years there has been a growing awareness both in the political sphere and in civil society including the bu- ness sectors, on the importance of sustainability. Therefore, this is an important and timely research issue, not only in terms of systems design but also as an effort to b- row and integrate contributions from different disciplines when designing and/or g- erning those systems. The discipline of collaborative networks especially, which has already emerged in many application sectors, shall play a key role in the implemen- tion of effective sustainability strategies. PRO-VE 2010 focused on sharing knowledge and experiences as well as identi- ing directions for further research and development in this area. The conference - dressed models, infrastructures, support tools, and governance principles developed for collaborative networks, as important resources to support multi-stakeholder s- tainable developments. Furthermore, the challenges of this theme open new research directions for CNs. PRO-VE 2010 held in St.
This research book presents some specific multimedia systems that have been developed and applied in practice. More specifically, it consists of an editorial, an introductory chapter and six chapters as below. * Use of Multi-attribute Decision Making for Combining Audio-Lingual and Visual-Facial Modalities in Emotion Recognition. . Cooperative Learning assisted by Automatic Classification within Social Networking Services. . Improving Peer-to-Peer Communication in e-Learning by Development of an Advanced Messaging System. * Fuzzy-based Digital Video Stabilization in Static Scenes. * Development of Architecture, Information Archive and Multimedia Formats for Digital e-Libraries. * Layered Ontological Image for Intelligent Interaction to extend User Capabilities on Multimedia Systems in a Folksonomy Driven Environment.
This 2nd edition has been completely revised and updated, with additional new chapters. It presents state-of-the-art research in this area and focuses on key topics such as: visualization of semantic and structural information and metadata in the context of the emerging Semantic Web; Ontology-based Information Visualization and the use of graphically represented ontologies; Semantic Visualizations using Topic Maps and graph techniques; Recommender systems for filtering and recommending on the Semantic Web; SVG and X3D as new XML-based languages for 2D and 3D visualisations; methods used to construct and visualize high quality metadata and ontologies; and navigating and exploring XML documents using interactive multimedia interfaces. The design of visual interfaces for e-commerce and information retrieval is currently a challenging area of practical web development.
Web Intelligence is a new direction for scientific research and development that explores the fundamental roles as well as practical impacts of artificial intelligence and advanced information technology for the next generation of Web-empowered systems, services, and environments. Web Intelligence is regarded as the key research field for the development of the Wisdom Web (including the Semantic Web). As the first book devoted to Web Intelligence, this coherently written multi-author monograph provides a thorough introduction and a systematic overview of this new field. It presents both the current state of research and development as well as application aspects. The book will be a valuable and lasting source of reference for researchers and developers interested in Web Intelligence. Students and developers will additionally appreciate the numerous illustrations and examples.
This book focuses on the development and implementation of cloud-based, complex software that allows parallelism, fast processing, and real-time connectivity. Software engineering (SE) is the design, development, testing, and implementation of software applications, and this discipline is as well developed as the practice is well established whereas the Cloud Software Engineering (CSE) is the design, development, testing, and continuous delivery of service-oriented software systems and applications (Software as a Service Paradigm). However, with the emergence of the highly attractive cloud computing (CC) paradigm, the tools and techniques for SE are changing. CC provides the latest software development environments and the necessary platforms relatively easily and inexpensively. It also allows the provision of software applications equally easily and on a pay-as-you-go basis. Business requirements for the use of software are also changing and there is a need for applications in big data analytics, parallel computing, AI, natural language processing, and biometrics, etc. These require huge amounts of computing power and sophisticated data management mechanisms, as well as device connectivity for Internet of Things (IoT) environments. In terms of hardware, software, communication, and storage, CC is highly attractive for developing complex software that is rapidly becoming essential for all sectors of life, including commerce, health, education, and transportation. The book fills a gap in the SE literature by providing scientific contributions from researchers and practitioners, focusing on frameworks, methodologies, applications, benefits and inherent challenges/barriers to engineering software using the CC paradigm.
The book is compilation of technical papers presented at International Research Symposium on Computing and Network Sustainability (IRSCNS 2016) held in Goa, India on 1st and 2nd July 2016. The areas covered in the book are sustainable computing and security, sustainable systems and technologies, sustainable methodologies and applications, sustainable networks applications and solutions, user-centered services and systems and mobile data management. The novel and recent technologies presented in the book are going to be helpful for researchers and industries in their advanced works.
For courses in computer programming in Java. Provide a step-by-step introduction to programming in Java Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Objects provides a step-by-step introduction to programming in Java. Gaddis covers procedural programming-control structures and methods-before introducing object-oriented programming to ensure that students understand fundamental programming and problem-solving concepts. As with all Gaddis texts, every chapter contains clear and easy-to-read code listings, concise and practical real-world examples, and an abundance of exercises. With the 7th Edition, JavaFX has replaced Swing as the standard GUI library for Java in chapters that focus on GUI development. The Swing and Applet material from the previous edition is available online. Also available with MyLab Programming MyLab(TM) is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student.With MyLab Programming, students work through hundreds of short, auto-graded coding exercises and receive immediate and helpful feedback based on their work. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab Programming does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Programming, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase boththe physical text and MyLab Programming, search for: 0135188636/9780135188637 Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Objects Plus MyLab Programming, 7/e Package consists of: 0134793676 / 9780134793672 MyLab Programming 0134802217 / 9780134802213 Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Objects
Recent technological progress in computer science, Web technologies, and the constantly evolving information available on the Internet has drastically changed the landscape of search and access to information. Current search engines employ advanced techniques involving machine learning, social networks, and semantic analysis. Next Generation Search Engines: Advanced Models for Information Retrieval is intended for scientists and decision-makers who wish to gain working knowledge about search in order to evaluate available solutions and to dialogue with software and data providers. The book aims to provide readers with a better idea of the new trends in applied research.
For courses in introductory Computer Science courses using Java, and other introductory programming courses in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, CIS, MIS, IT, and Business. Ideal for a wide range of introductory computer science courses, Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming, 8th Edition introduces students to object-oriented programming and important concepts such as design, testing and debugging, programming style, interfaces and inheritance, and exception handling. A concise, accessible introduction to Java, the text covers key Java language features in a manner that resonates with introductory programmers. Objects are covered early and thoroughly in the text. The author's tried-and-true pedagogy incorporates numerous case studies, programming examples, and programming tips, while flexibility charts and optional graphics sections allow instructors to order chapters and sections based on their course needs. This 8th Edition incorporates new examples, updated material, and revisions.
Grids are a crucial enabling technology for scientific and industrial development. Grid and Services Evolution, the 11th edited volume of the CoreGRID series, was based on The CoreGRID Middleware Workshop, held in Barcelona, Spain, June 5-6, 2008. Grid and Services Evolution provides a bridge between the application community and the developers of middleware services, especially in terms of parallel computing. This edited volume brings together a critical mass of well-established researchers worldwide, from forty-two institutions active in the fields of distributed systems and middleware, programming models, algorithms, tools and environments. Grid and Services Evolution is designed for a professional audience composed of researchers and practitioners within the Grid community industry. This volume is also suitable for advanced-level students in computer science.
'Is private regulation of the Internet over? Have states taken over?' This book examines the function of self-regulation in cyberspace. It argues that contrary to what is often supposed in the literature, self-regulation is still an indispensable part of regulation of the Internet and will arguably remain so. It is intricately woven into the mesh of rules that governs the Internet today. Private regulation fills substantive or procedural gaps where no state regulation exists or where it is incomplete or ineffective, thus complementing the reach of state regulation. Simultaneously, states supply legal (and financial) frameworks that enable or complement self-regulation. In practice, often unknown to users, their behaviour is regulated by intertwined rules coming from both states and private groups. While each source of rules retains its identity and regulatory strengths, it is dependent on and complementary to the rules and processes of the other to effectively regulate Internet activities. Dr. Jeanne P. Mifsud Bonnici is a Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Law, Information and Converging Technologies, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK. This is Volume 16 in the Information Technology and Law (IT&Law) Series
Web-based offerings in manu academic disciplines are redefining the educational landscape. In this book, Reinaldo Canton assesses the importance of learner activity in computer programmed instruction. This research explores the practical relation between the learner's behavior and the method of delivery of lesson content. Programmed Instruction in Online Learning is a timely and important book as online instruction becomes increasingly predominant in the education environment.
With the daily addition of million documents and new users, there is no doubt that the World Wide Web (WWW or Web shortly) is still expanding its global information infrastructure. Thanks to low-cost wireless technology, the Web is no more limited to homes or offices, but it is simply everywhere. The Web is so large and growing so rapidly that the 40 million page "WebBase" repository of Inktomi corresponds to only about 4% of the estimated size of the publicly indexable Web as of January 2000 and there is every reason to believe these numbers will all swell significantly in the next few years. This unrestrainable explosion is not bereft of troubles and drawbacks, especially for inexpert users. Probably the most critical problem is the effectiveness of Web search engines: though the Web is rich in providing numerous services, the primary use of the Internet falls in emails and information retrieval activities. Focusing in this latter, any user has felt the frustrating experience to see as result of a search query overwhelming numbers of pages that satisfy the query but that are irrelevant to the user.
Cyberspace in increasingly important to people in their everyday lives for purchasing goods on the Internet, to energy supply increasingly managed remotely using Internet protocols. Unfortunately, this dependence makes us susceptible to attacks from nation states, terrorists, criminals and hactivists. Therefore, we need a better understanding of cyberspace, for which patterns, which are predictable regularities, may help to detect, understand and respond to incidents better. The inspiration for the workshop came from the existing work on formalising design patterns applied to cybersecurity, but we also need to understand the many other types of patterns that arise in cyberspace. |
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