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Books > Science & Mathematics > Biology, life sciences > Hydrobiology > Marine biology
Red Snapper Lutjanus campechanus, is an important commercial and recreational fish species and there has been much interest in maintaining its status among a variety of scientific, social and economic levels. Stocks are influenced by varying environmental conditions, changing fishing effort and efficiency, anthropogenic effects, inter- and intraspecific interactions, bycatch from other fisheries, and habitat alterations. Red Snapper Biology in a Changing World explores these changing factors and their potential effects on Red Snapper in the Eastern Atlantic region including the Gulf of Mexico and Southeastern U.S. The book will provide a better understanding of Red Snapper population fluctuations that will subsequently allow for better management decisions and more informed user groups in their efforts to maintain a sustainable fishery. It explores the responses Red Snapper have made, and are making, relative to their life history attributes such as early life history and adult ecology, especially attributes associated with population distribution and abundance, movement patterns, fish health issues and management success. A compendium of many papers presented at the 147th annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society in Tampa, Florida, this volume also includes additional research completed as a result of the symposium. It will be essential reading for fisheries scientists and managers, ichthyologists, resource and environmental managers, and policymakers who are involved with coastal fisheries.
Dieses Buch ist dem Praktiker eine Hilfe in der Wasseranalyse. Es erlautert die chemischen Reaktionen und Zusammenhange, z. B. warum sich eine Loesung durch Zugabe eines spezifischen Reagenzes farbt, es werden aber auch die Reaktionen zur Beseitigung von Stoerungen aufgezeigt. Es koennen in der Analyse auch mehrere Stoerungen auftreten. Damit verfugt der Wasseranalytiker uber eine Erganzung zu seinem analytischem Vorschriftenbuch. Insgesamt kann dabei ein betrachtliches theoretisches Rustzeug erarbeitet werden, das nicht nur fur die Wasseranalyse von Bedeutung ist. Es sind 40 Parameter in alphabetischer Reihenfolge aufgezeigt, in denen bis zu 10 Methoden des Parameters als chemische Reaktionen und mit ihren organischen Strukturen aufgefuhrt sind. Zusatzlich sind Vorkommen, Herkunft und Bedeutung der Verschmutzungsparameter beschrieben. Das Buch tragt damit erheblich zum Verstandnis der Wasseranalyse bei und darf in keinem Labor fehlen, in dem Wasseranalysen durchgefuhrt werden.
There's so much we don't know about what lies deep beneath the ocean's surface - and the time to find out is growing increasingly precious . . . Professor Alex Rogers is one of the world's leading experts in marine biology and oceanology, and has spent his life studying the deep ocean - and in particular the impact of human activity on the ecosystems of the oceans. In this timely, galvanising and fascinating book - replete with stunning photography of strange and beautiful creatures - Professor Rogers offers a fundamentally optimistic view of humanity's relationship with the oceans - and also a very personal account of his own interaction with the seas.
Reviews: Methods and Technology in Fish Biology and Fisheries published by Kluwer Academic Publishers is a book series dedicated to the publication of information on advanced, forward-looking methodologies, technologies, or perspectives in fish and is especially dedicated to relevant topics addressing global, fisheries. This series international concern in fish and fisheries. Humans continue to challenge our environments with new technologies and technological applications. The dynamic creativity of our own species often tends to place the greatest burden on our supporting ecosystems. This is especially true for aquatic networks of creeks, lakes, rivers and ocean environments. We also frequently use our conceptual powers to balance conflicting requirements and demands on nature and continue to develop new approaches and tools to provide sustainable resources as well as conserve what we hold most dear on local and global scales. This book series will provide a window into the developing dynamic among humans, aquatic ecosystems (both freshwater and marine), and the organisms that inhabit aquatic environments. There are many reasons to doubt the increasing social and economic value technology has gained over the last two centuries. Science and technology represent stages in human development. I agree with Ernst Mayer when he said in Toward a New Philosophy of Biology (1988) that "endeavors to solve all scientific problems by pure logic and refined measurements are unproductive, if not totally irrelevant.
The coelacanth (see-lo-canth) is no ordinary fish. Five feet long, with luminescent eyes and limb like fins, this bizarre creature, presumed to be extinct, was discovered in 1938 by an amateur icthyologist who recognized it from fossils dating back 400 million years. The discovery was immediately dubbed the "greatest scientific find of the century," but the excitement that ensued was even more incredible. This is the entrancing story of that most rare and precious fish -- our own great-uncle forty million times removed.
Many organisms in deep-sea environments are extremophiles thriving in extreme conditions: high pressure, high or low temperature, or high concentrations of inorganic compounds. This book presents the microbiology of extremophiles living in the deep sea and describes the isolation, cultivation, and taxonomic identification of microorganisms retrieved from the Mariana Trench, the world's deepest point. Also explained are techniques for recovering pressure-loving bacteria, the barophiles (piezophiles), and for whole genome analysis of "Bacillus halodurans" C-125. Physiological analysis of the pressure effect in "Saccharomyces cerevisiae" and "Escherichia coli" is used to answer the question of how deep-sea organisms survive under high hydrostatic pressure. These research results are useful in both basic science and industrial applications. Readers discover a new microbial world in the ocean depths, with state-of-the-science information on extremophiles.
The Black Sea presently faces severe ecological disequilibrium due primarily to eutrophication and other types of contaminants, from atmospheric, river and landbased sources. Major contaminants include nutrients, pesticides, hydrocarbons and heavy metals. Among the most critical contemporary concerns are eutrophication and associated deterioration of water quality, plankton blooms, hypoxia and anoxia, loss of biodiversity and decline of living resources. A better understanding of conditions leading to eutrophication and of the associated changes during the last four decades, is being carried out at national, regional and international levels. High quality scientific research has been conducted in all Black Sea riparian countries (Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russian Federation, Turkey, Ukraine). In addition, several successful regional research programmes (e.g., CoMSBlack, NATO-TU Black Sea, NATO-TU Waves, EC-EROS 2000 Phase III, IOC Black Sea Regional Center with Pilot Projects 112) and one major environmental management program (GEF-BSEP) have been successfully launched. New international efforts like the Black Sea Commission, the Black Sea Program Coordination Unit, the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (all situated in Istanbul), together with the Convention for the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution (Bucharest, 1992) and the Odessa Interministerial Decleration (1993) attest to the economic and political importance of these problems and the attention presently paid to this endangered sea."
"Reading Dave Ross's work will give you in-depth knowledge of
the ocean, its processes, and marine fish, which can only make you
a better saltwater angler." Here at last, in layman's terms, is a fisherman's guide to the habitat and behavior of saltwater fish. The author, an oceanographer and avid fly fisherman, explains the marine environment and the factors that affect where game fish congregate, how they move with tides and currents, what they see, smell, taste, and hear. The copiously illustrated text covers inshore and offshore habitat and will prove invaluable to anyone who fishes in saltwater, whether in the surf, on the flats, or out at sea. The ocean is vast. It pays to be educated.
The multidisciplinary character of this Encyclopedia of Marine Sciences (biology, chemistry, geology, physics in oceanography) is reflected in some 1980 up-to-date alphabetically listed keywords, and many illustrations, to give scientists, teachers, and students a helpful and time-saving aid when studying marine scientific literature. The brief explanation of the concepts, terminology and methods makes this book more valuable than just a glossary or dictionary.
Discover the world's ocean--from tides and currents to the creatures living in it to the impact it has on our lives, whether we know it or not--in this richly illustrated overview of the life force that defines and sustains our planet, written by world-renowned oceanographer Sylvia Earle. Everything you want to know about the ocean can be found inside these beautiful and dynamic pages. National Geographic Ocean unveils the power and significance of our planet's watery essence: the fundamental importance of the ocean in shaping Earth's climate and chemistry as well as its vital role in supporting a multitude of life-forms, including our own human race. World-renowned oceanographer and National Geographic Explorer in Residence Sylvia Earle--affectionately called "Her Deepness"--guides readers with her lyrical style and inspiring wisdom, describing the evolution, beauty, and impact of our ocean; the challenges it faces, such as climate change, plastic, and overfishing; and the myriad ways we can help protect it. This comprehensive reference explains the fundamental science of the ocean--from plate tectonics to seawater makeup, including a fascinating illustrated guide to marine life, from sponges, kelp, and zooplankton to whales, sharks, and sea turtles. More than 100 maps and diagrams, including seafloor and political maps of all Earth's seas and oceans, elucidate Dr. Earle's authoritative text. For seaside dwellers and landlubbers alike, this is a book you will turn to again and again to understand why, as Sylvia Earle says, "Everyone, everywhere is inextricably connected to and utterly dependent upon the existence of the sea." Dive deeper into ocean discovery with more National Geographic favorites: Into the Deep The Nature of Nature 100 Dives of a Lifetime Secrets of the Whales Pristine Seas Shark
Coral reef communities are among the most complex, mature and productive ecosystems on earth. Their activity resulted in the creation of vast lime constructions. Being extremely productive and having the function of a powerful biofilter, coral reefs play an important role in global biogeochemical processes and in the reproduction of food resources in tropical marine regions. All aspects of coral reef science are covered systematically and on the basis of a holistic ecosystem approach. The geological history of coral reefs, their geomorphology as well as biology including community structure of reef biota, their functional characteristics, physiological aspects, biogeochemical metabolism, energy balance, environmental problems and management of resources are treated in detail.
Echinoderms have evolved diverse and disparate morphologies throughout the Phanerozoic. Among them, blastozoans, an extinct group of echinoderms that were an important component of Paleozoic marine ecosystems, are primarily subdivided into groups based on the morphology of respiratory structures. However, systematic and phylogenetic research from the past few decades have shown that respiratory structures in blastozoans are not group-defining and they have re-evolved throughout echinoderm evolution. This Element provides a review of the research involving blastozoan respiratory structures, along with research concerning the morphology, paleoecology, and ontogeny of each of the major groupings of blastozoans as it relates to their corresponding respiratory structures. Areas of future research in these groups are also highlighted.
Sea turtles have existed for millions of years, making them fascinating subjects of study. In the last 20 years, the science of sea turtle biology has expanded at an exponential rate, leading to major advances in many areas. This book synthesizes the results of these advances and focuses on how these endangered marine reptiles operate in, adapt to, and are dependent upon particular features of their marine environment. New technology in data gathering, such as DNA analyses, remote sensing, and physiological monitoring techniques, has led to a much greater understanding of the biology of the sea turtle at all stages of their life history.
"The author makes an eloquent plea for marine biodiversity conservation."-Library Journal "Harvell seems to channel the devotion that motivated the Blaschkas."-The Guardian Winner of the 2016 National Outdoor Book Award, Environment Category It started with a glass octopus. Dusty, broken, and all but forgotten, it caught Drew Harvell's eye. Fashioned in intricate detail by the father-son glassmaking team of Leopold and Rudolf Blaschka, the octopus belonged to a menagerie of unusual marine creatures that had been packed away for decades in a storage unit. More than 150 years earlier, the Blaschkas had been captivated by marine invertebrates and spun their likenesses into glass, documenting the life of oceans untouched by climate change and human impacts. Inspired by the Blaschkas' uncanny replicas, Harvell set out in search of their living counterparts. In A Sea of Glass, she recounts this journey of a lifetime, taking readers along as she dives beneath the ocean's surface to a rarely seen world, revealing the surprising and unusual biology of some of the most ancient animals on the tree of life. On the way, we glimpse a century of change in our ocean ecosystems and learn which of the living matches for the Blaschkas' creations are, indeed, as fragile as glass. Drew Harvell and the Blaschka menagerie are the subjects of the documentary Fragile Legacy, which won the Best Short Film award at the 2015 Blue Ocean Film Festival & Conservation Summit. Learn more about the film and check out the trailer here.
This is the first book to provide a detailed treatment of the field of larval ecology. The 13 chapters use state-of-the-art reviews and critiques of nearly all of the major topics in this diverse and rapidly growing field. Topics include:
This is the first complete systematic treatment of the marine algae (seaweeds) of California. The 726 species treated are each illustrated by a detailed line drawing made from an actual specimen. 'This book has long been anticipated by the phycological world, and the wait has been rewarded by an outstanding and scholarly account of the fascinating marine algae flora of California. ' Phycologia 'Two phycologists whose research reputations are worldwide have produced a truly superb guide to the marine benthic algae of the entire California coast. ' Bulletin of Marine Science 'The phycological community has long awaited a definitive treatment of benthic marine algae for the California coast. With the publication of this handsomely executed volume, a monumental project of compilation, synthesis, and interpretation has been achieved. It is indeed worth the wait.' Plant Science Bulletin
In August 1988. the Sixth International Coral Reef Symposium was held in Townsville resulting in an influx of most of the world's coral reef sCientists to the city. We seized this opportunity at the Australian Institute of Marine Science to run a small workshop immediately before the symposium on the outbreaks of the crown-of-thorns starfish. Aeanthaster planei. We invited that small band of mathematicians who had been modelling the phenomenon, (and who may not have normally attended an international meeting so thoroughly dedicated to natural science) to meet with those SCientists who had been been actively working on the phenomenon in the field. John Casti notes in his delightful new book Alternate Realities (Wiley, 1989): 'If the natural role of the experimenter is to generate new observables by which we know the processes of Nature, and the natural role of the mathematician is to generate new formal structures by which we can represent these processes. then the system SCientist finds his niche by serving as a broker between the two. ' I think our book shows the fruits of that brokerage through the wide range of models explored within its pages. the high level of collaboration and interaction across disciplines evident in the individual papers, and in the emerging synthesis that reflects a far deeper understanding of this complex phenomenon than was possible even a few years ago.
Underwater exploration is a fascinating activity because of the richness of sea life, the beautiful colors, and the contrast with terrestrial life. It can be done by diving or snorkeling -today there is fine equipment for diving and taking underwater pictures and, apart from being a source of pleasure, it forms the basis of modern ecological and behavioral marine studies. Diving is an emotional activity. The silence of the submarine world, only interrupted by breathing, has more than once evoked the monsters of the fabulous tales of my youth. Maybe because, although much time has elapsed since then, I still have a youth's ability to evaluate everything for the fascination it conveys. However, no more than that can be gained from underwater watehing. I am not saying that this is destined to be a futile exercise. Picasso watched sea urchins much in the same way while revealing their quintessence in his paintings at the Castle of Antibes. What I mean is that today marine life can also be viewed from the perspective of the natural products involved. This knowledge, subsequent to Picasso's time, adds much to the overall picture."
The Provident Sea describes the history of fish stock management (including whales and seals). The need for management arose from the industrialization of capture. Hence the preindustrial fisheries are covered, in particular the old cod fishery on the Grand Bank and the herring fishery in the North Sea. The origins of fishery science and of whaling science are described, as it the development of science and institution until 1965 in fisheries, whaling and sealing. In the 1960s and 1970s the second industrialization took place over the world ocean mainly through the activities of the Russians and Japanese. The consequence of this was the 'law of the Sea' Conference and the eventual management by the coastal state. This book traces, on the basis of the original scientific material, the history of the management of 'the provident sea' up to when problems of overexploitation have had dramatic effects upon stocks.
This comprehensive handbook, prepared by leading ocean policy academics and practitioners from around the world, presents in-depth analyses of the experiences of fifteen developed and developing nations and four key regions of the world that have taken concrete steps toward cross-cutting and integrated national and regional ocean policy. All chapters follow a common framework for policy analysis. While most coastal nations of the world already have a variety of sectoral policies in place to manage different uses of the ocean (such as shipping, fishing, oil and gas development), in the last two decades, the coastal nations covered in the book have undertaken concerted efforts to articulate and implement an integrated, ecosystem-based vision for the governance of ocean areas under their jurisdiction. This includes goals and procedures to harmonize existing uses and laws, to foster sustainable development of ocean areas, to protect biodiversity and vulnerable resources and ecosystems, and to coordinate the actions of the many government agencies that are typically involved in oceans affairs. The book highlights the serious conflicts of use in most national ocean zones and the varying attempts by nations to follow the prescriptions emanating from the 1982 UN Law of the Sea Convention and the outcomes of the 1992, 2002, and 2012 sustainable development summits. The interrelationship among uses and processes in the coast and ocean requires that ocean governance be integrated, precautionary, and anticipatory. Overall, the book provides a definitive state-of-the-art review and analysis of national and regional ocean policies around the world.
Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review remains one of the most cited sources in marine science and oceanography. The ever increasing interest in work in oceanography and marine biology and its relevance to global environmental issues, especially global climate change and its impacts, creates a demand for authoritative reviews summarizing the results of recent research. This volume covers topics that include resting cysts from coastal marine plankton, facilitation cascades in marine ecosystems, and the way that human activities are rapidly altering the sensory landscape and behaviour of marine animals. For more than 50 years, OMBAR has been an essential reference for research workers and students in all fields of marine science. From Volume 57 a new international Editorial Board ensures global relevance, with editors from the UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia and Singapore. The series volumes find a place in the libraries of not only marine laboratories and institutes, but also universities. Previous volume Impact Factors include: Volume 53, 4.545. Volume 54, 7.000. Volume 55, 5.071. Guidelines for contributors, including information on illustration requirements, can be downloaded on the Downloads/Updates tab on the volume's CRC Press webpage. Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of this book are freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license. The links can be found on the book's Routledge web page at https://www.routledge.com//9780367134150
Return to the Sea portrays the life and evolutionary times of marine mammals-from giant whales and sea cows that originated 55 million years ago to the deep-diving elephant seals and clam-eating walruses of modern times. This fascinating account of the origin of various marine-mammal lineages-some extinct, others extant but threatened-is for the nonspecialist. Against a backdrop of geologic time and changing climates and geography, this volume takes evolution as its unifying principle to help us to understand today's diversity of marine mammals and their responses to environmental challenges. Annalisa Berta explains current controversies and explores patterns of change now taking place, such as shifting food webs and predator-prey relationships, habitat degradation, global warming, and the effects of humans on marine-mammal communities.
The Utah Mollusk Identification Guide offers up-to-date information for identifying aquatic and terrestrial snails, slugs, clams, and mussels within the state of Utah, providing comparative tables, taxonomic keys, and more than 230 images, including many type specimen images published for the first time. Amateur naturalists and biologists alike will benefit from detailed information regarding size, type, specimen location, junior synonyms (including taxonomy notes), original descriptions for each of the 139 species, and comments to help differentiate similar species. In contrast to older guides, this book includes data on the external and internal anatomy of mollusks. Taxonomic names are updated to incorporate the latest information available. Family descriptions and miscellaneous data on ecology, life history, and genetics are also presented. Distribution data are based on historical articles, museum records, personal observations, and collections. Although the focus is on Utah mollusks, many species are widely distributed and the data, images, references, and taxonomy details within the guide will be of interest to many outside the state.
The marine environment accounts for most of the biodiversity on our planet, while offering a huge potential for the benefit and wellbeing of mankind. Its extensive resources already constitute the basis of many economic activities - but many more are expected in coming years. This book covers current knowledge on uses of marine algae to obtain bulk and fine chemicals, coupled with optimization of the underlying production and purification processes. Major gaps and potential opportunities in this field are discussed in a critical manner. The currrent trends pertaining to marine macro- and microalgae are explained in a simple and understandable writing style. This book covers a wide variety of topics, and as such it will be appropriate as both student text and reference for advances researchers in the field.
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD ARTWORK This topical and exciting textbook describes fisheries
exploitation, biology, conservation and management, and reflects
many recent and important changes in fisheries science. These
include growing concerns about the environmental impacts of
fisheries, the role of ecological interactions in determining
population dynamics, and the incorporation of uncertainty and
precautionary principles into management advice. The book draws
upon examples from tropical, temperate and polar environments, and
provides readers with a broad understanding of the biological,
economic and social aspects of fisheries ecology and the interplay
between them. As well as covering 'classical' fisheries science,
the book focuses on contemporary issues such as industrial fishing,
poverty and conflict in fishing communities, marine reserves, the
effects of fishing on coral reefs and by-catches of mammals,
seabirds and reptiles. The book is primarily written for students
of fisheries science and marine ecology, but should also appeal to
practicing fisheries scientists and those interested in
conservation and the impacts of humans on the marine
environment. * particularly useful are the modelling chapters which explain
the difficult maths involved in a user-friendly manner |
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