Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics
This proceedings volume documents the contributions presented at
the CONIAPS XXVII international Conference on Recent Advances in
Pure and Applied Algebra. The entries focus on modern trends and
techniques in various branches of pure and applied Algebra and
highlight their applications in coding theory, cryptography, graph
theory, and fuzzy theory.
This book surveys the mathematical and computational properties of
finite sets of points in the plane, covering recent breakthroughs
on important problems in discrete geometry, and listing many open
problems. It unifies these mathematical and computational views
using forbidden configurations, which are patterns that cannot
appear in sets with a given property, and explores the implications
of this unified view. Written with minimal prerequisites and
featuring plenty of figures, this engaging book will be of interest
to undergraduate students and researchers in mathematics and
computer science. Most topics are introduced with a related puzzle
or brain-teaser. The topics range from abstract issues of
collinearity, convexity, and general position to more applied areas
including robust statistical estimation and network visualization,
with connections to related areas of mathematics including number
theory, graph theory, and the theory of permutation patterns.
Pseudocode is included for many algorithms that compute properties
of point sets.
For courses in Differential Equations and Linear Algebra. The right
balance between concepts, visualisation, applications, and skills
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra provides the conceptual
development and geometric visualisation of a modern differential
equations and linear algebra course that is essential to science
and engineering students. It balances traditional manual methods
with the new, computer-based methods that illuminate qualitative
phenomena - a comprehensive approach that makes accessible a wider
range of more realistic applications. The book combines core topics
in elementary differential equations with concepts and methods of
elementary linear algebra. It starts and ends with discussions of
mathematical modeling of real-world phenomena, evident in figures,
examples, problems, and applications throughout.
This book provides a concise introduction to both the special
theory of relativity and the general theory of relativity. The
format is chosen to provide the basis for a single semester course
which can take the students all the way from the foundations of
special relativity to the core results of general relativity: the
Einstein equation and the equations of motion for particles and
light in curved spacetime. To facilitate access to the topics of
special and general relativity for science and engineering students
without prior training in relativity or geometry, the relevant
geometric notions are also introduced and developed from the ground
up. Students in physics, mathematics or engineering with an
interest to learn Einstein's theories of relativity should be able
to use this book already in the second semester of their third
year. The book could also be used as the basis of a graduate level
introduction to relativity for students who did not learn
relativity as part of their undergraduate training.
The Magic of Maths
Kjartan Poskitt; Illustrated by Rob Davis
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MURDEROUS MATHS: The Magic of Maths is full of incredible tricks to
wow children and teachers alike. With a fabulous brand-new cover
design for 2019, children can: discover how to use the power of
maths to beat the calculator perform amazing card tricks read minds
- using the power of maths! Illustrated by Rob Davis and presented
in a bold, funky and accessible way so children can find out why
maths is marvellous, a new generation of Kjartan Poskitt fans will
be able to discover the world of MURDEROUS MATHS. Get ready to be
This book is a reprint of the third edition of the classic book on
complex analysis. It is a rigorous introduction on an elementary
level to the theory of analytic functions of one complex variable
and is intended to be used by first year graduate students and
advanced undergraduate students. The book covers standard topics in
an introductory complex analysis course. The presentation is
slanted toward the geometric approach to complex analysis, with a
lot of material on conformal mappings, the Riemann mapping theorem,
Dirichlet's problem (the existence of a harmonic function with
given boundary values), the monodromy theorem, and consideration of
the kinds of regions that the Cauchy integral theorem holds for. It
also covers such analytic topics as power series, contour
integrals, and infinite products. The coverage of special functions
is concise but reasonably complete. The presentation is concise,
clear, and thorough, and is still fresh today, more than thirty
years after its last revision.
A substantial number of problems in physics, chemical physics, and
biology, are modeled through reaction-diffusion equations to
describe temperature distribution or chemical substance
concentration. For problems arising from ecology, sociology, or
population dynamics, they describe the density of some populations
or species. In this book the state variable is a concentration, or
a density according to the cases. The reaction function may be
complex and include time delays terms that model various situations
involving maturation periods, resource regeneration times, or
incubation periods. The dynamics may occur in heterogeneous media
and may depend upon a small or large parameter, as well as the
reaction term. From a purely formal perspective, these parameters
are indexed by n. Therefore, reaction-diffusion equations give rise
to sequences of Cauchy problems.The first part of the book is
devoted to the convergence of these sequences in a sense made
precise in the book. The second part is dedicated to the specific
case when the reaction-diffusion problems depend on a small
parameter intended to tend towards 0. This parameter accounts for
the size of small spatial and randomly distributed heterogeneities.
The convergence results obtained in the first part, with
additionally some probabilistic tools, are applied to this specific
situation. The limit problems are illustrated through biological
invasion, food-limited or prey-predator models where the interplay
between environment heterogeneities in the individual evolution of
propagation species plays an essential role. They provide a
description in terms of deterministic and homogeneous
reaction-diffusion equations, for which numerical schemes are
Are you smarter than a Singaporean ten-year-old? Can you beat
Sherlock Holmes? If you think the answer is yes - I challenge you
to solve my problems. Here are 125 of the world's best brainteasers
from the last two millennia, taking us from ancient China to
medieval Europe, Victorian England to modern-day Japan, with
stories of espionage, mathematical breakthroughs and puzzling
rivalries along the way. Pit your wits against logic puzzles and
kinship riddles, pangrams and river-crossing conundrums. Some
solutions rely on a touch of cunning, others call for creativity,
others need mercilessly logical thought. Some can only be solved be
2 per cent of the population. All are guaranteed to sharpen your
mind. Let's get puzzling!
This book on finite element-based computational methods for solving
incompressible viscous fluid flow problems shows readers how to
apply operator splitting techniques to decouple complicated
computational fluid dynamics problems into a sequence of relatively
simpler sub-problems at each time step, such as hemispherical
cavity flow, cavity flow of an Oldroyd-B viscoelastic flow, and
particle interaction in an Oldroyd-B type viscoelastic fluid.
Efficient and robust numerical methods for solving those resulting
simpler sub-problems are introduced and discussed. Interesting
computational results are presented to show the capability of
methodologies addressed in the book.
This book covers different aspects of umbral calculus and of its
more recent developments. It discusses the technical details in
depth, including its relevant applications. The book has therefore
manyfold scopes to introduce a mathematical tool, not widespread
known as it should be; to present a complete account of the
relevant capabilities through the use of different examples of
applications; to provide a formal bridge between different fields
of research in pure and applied.
Seduction is not just an end result, but a process - and in
mathematics, both the end results and the process by which those
end results are achieved are often charming and elegant.This helps
to explain why so many people - not just those for whom math plays
a key role in their day-to-day lives - have found mathematics so
seductive. Math is unique among all subjects in that it contains
end results of amazing insight and power, and lines of reasoning
that are clever, charming, and elegant. This book is a collection
of those results and lines of reasoning that make us say, 'OMG,
that's just amazing,' - because that's what mathematics is to those
who love it. In addition, some of the stories about mathematical
discoveries and the people who discovered them are every bit as
fascinating as the discoveries themselves.This book contains
material capable of being appreciated by students in elementary
school - as well as some material that will probably be new to even
the more mathematically sophisticated. Most of the book can be
easily understood by those whose only math courses are algebra and
geometry, and who may have missed the magic, enchantment, and
wonder that is the special province of mathematics.
Holographic dualities are at the forefront of contemporary physics
research, peering into the fundamental nature of our universe and
providing best attempt answers to humankind's bold questions about
basic physical phenomena. Yet, the concepts, ideas and mathematical
rigors associated with these dualities have long been reserved for
the specific field researchers and experts. This book shatters this
long held paradigm by bringing several aspects of holography
research into the class room, starting at the college physics level
and moving up from there.
Topology Through Inquiry is a comprehensive introduction to
point-set, algebraic, and geometric topology, designed to support
inquiry-based learning (IBL) courses for upper-division
undergraduate or beginning graduate students. The book presents an
enormous amount of topology, allowing an instructor to choose which
topics to treat. The point-set material contains many interesting
topics well beyond the basic core, including continua and
metrizability. Geometric and algebraic topology topics include the
classification of 2-manifolds, the fundamental group, covering
spaces, and homology (simplicial and singular). A unique feature of
the introduction to homology is to convey a clear geometric
motivation by starting with mod 2 coefficients. The authors are
acknowledged masters of IBL-style teaching. This book gives
students joy-filled, manageable challenges that incrementally
develop their knowledge and skills. The exposition includes
insightful framing of fruitful points of view as well as advice on
effective thinking and learning. The text presumes only a modest
level of mathematical maturity to begin, but students who work
their way through this text will grow from mathematics students
into mathematicians. Michael Starbird is a University of Texas
Distinguished Teaching Professor of Mathematics. Among his works
are two other co-authored books in the Mathematical Association of
America's (MAA) Textbook series. Francis Su is the
Benediktsson-Karwa Professor of Mathematics at Harvey Mudd College
and a past president of the MAA. Both authors are award-winning
teachers, including each having received the MAA's Haimo Award for
distinguished teaching. Starbird and Su are, jointly and
individually, on lifelong missions to make learning--of mathematics
and beyond--joyful, effective, and available to everyone. This book
invites topology students and teachers to join in the adventure.