Books > Professional & Technical > Mechanical engineering & materials
Light water reactors (LWRs) are the predominant class of nuclear
power reactors in operation today; however, ageing and degradation
can influence both their performance and lifetime. Knowledge of
these factors is therefore critical to safe, continuous operation.
Materials ageing and degradation in light water reactors provides a
comprehensive guide to prevalent deterioration mechanisms, and the
approaches used to handle their effects.
Part one introduces fundamental ageing issues and degradation
mechanisms. Beginning with an overview of ageing and degradation
issues in LWRs, the book goes on to discuss corrosion in
pressurized water reactors and creep deformation of materials in
LWRs. Part two then considers materials ageing and degradation in
specific LWR components. Applications of zirconium alloys in LWRs
are discussed, along with the ageing of electric cables. Materials
management strategies for LWRs are then the focus of part three.
Materials management strategies for pressurized water reactors and
VVER reactors are considered before the book concludes with a
discussion of materials-related problems faced by LWR operators and
corresponding research needs.
With its distinguished editor and international team of expert
contributors, Materials ageing and degradation in light water
reactors is an authoritative review for anyone requiring an
understanding of the performance and durability of this type of
nuclear power plant, including plant operators and managers,
nuclear metallurgists, governmental and regulatory safety bodies,
and researchers, scientists and academics working in this area.
Introduces the fundamental ageing issues and degradation mechanisms
associated with this class of nuclear power reactorsConsiders
materials ageing and degradation in specific light water reactor
components, including properties, performance and
inspectionChapters also focus on material management strategies"
Lubricants are essential in engineering, however more sustainable
formulations are needed to avoid adverse effects on the ecosystem.
Bio-based lubricant formulations present a promising solution.
Biolubricants: Science and technology is a comprehensive,
interdisciplinary and timely review of this important subject.
Initial chapters address the principles of lubrication, before
systematically reviewing fossil and bio-based feedstock resources
for biodegradable lubricants. Further chapters describe catalytic,
(bio) chemical functionalisation processes for transformation of
feedstocks into commercial products, product development, relevant
legislation, life cycle assessment, major product groups and
specific performance criteria in all major applications. Final
chapters consider markets for biolubricants, issues to consider
when selecting and using a lubricant, lubricant disposal and future
With its distinguished authors, Biolubricants: Science and
technology is a comprehensive reference for an industrial audience
of oil formulators and lubrication engineers, as well as
researchers and academics with an interest in the subject. It
provides an essential overview of scientific and technological
developments enabling the cost-effective improvement of
biolubricants, something that is crucial for the green future of
the lubricant industry.
A comprehensive, interdisciplinary and timely review of bio-based
lubricant formulationsAddresses the principles of
lubricationReviews fossil and bio-based feedstock resources for
biodegradable lubricants
Given the widespread use of polymers in medical devices, the
durability and reliability of this material in use is an area of
critical importance. Durability and reliability of medical polymers
reviews the performance of both bioresorbable and non-bioresorbable
medical polymers.
Part one provides a review of the types and properties of
bioresorbable medical polymers. The effect of molecular structure
on properties is discussed, along with the processing of
bioresorbable and other polymers for medical applications.
Transport phenomena and the degradation of bioresorbable medical
polymers are reviewed, before an exploration of synthetic
bioresorbable polymers and their use in orthopaedic tissue
regeneration. Part two goes on to explore the durability and
reliability of non-bioresorbable medical polymers, and wear
processes in polymer implants and ageing processes of biomedical
polymers in the body are discussed in depth, before an
investigation into manufacturing defects and the failure of
synthetic polymeric medical devices.
With its distinguished editors and international team of expert
contributors, Durability and reliability of medical polymers is an
essential tool for all materials scientists, researchers and
engineers involved in the design, development and application of
medical polymers, whilst also providing a helpful overview of the
subject for biologists, chemist and clinicians.
Comprehensively examines the performance of both bioresorbable and
non-bioresorbable medical polymersDiscusses the processing of
bioresorbable and other polymers for medical applications, before
reviewing the degradation of bioresorbable medical polymersExplores
the durability and reliability of non-bioresorbable medical
polymers and discusses wear processes in polymer implants and
ageing processes of biomedical polymers in the body
Nanotechnology is considered the next big revolution in medicine
and biology. For the past 20 years, research groups have been
involved in the development of new applications of novel
nanomaterials for biotechnological applications. Nanomaterials are
also becoming increasingly important in medical applications, with
new drugs and diagnostic tools based on nanotechnology. Every year,
hundreds of new ideas using nanomaterials are applied in the
development of biosensors. An increasing number of new enterprises
are also searching for market opportunities using these
Nanomaterials for biotechnological applications is a very
complex field. Thousands of different nanoparticles could
potentially be used for these purposes. Some of them are very
different; their synthesis, characterization and potentiality are
very diverse. This book aims to establish a route guide for
non-erudite researchers in the field, showing the advantages and
disadvantages of the different kind of nanomaterials. Particular
attention is given to the differences, advantages and disadvantages
of inorganic nanoparticles versus organic nanoparticles when used
for biotechnological applications. A tutorial introduction provides
the basis for understanding the subsequent specialized
Provides an overview of the main advantages and disadvantages of
the use of organic and inorganic nanoparticles for use in
biotechnology and nanomedicine Provides an excellent starting point
for research groups looking for solutions in nanotechnology who do
not know which kind of materials will best suit their needsIncludes
a tutorial introductionthat provides a basis for understanding the
subsequent specialized chapters"
Turbulence in Porous Media introduces the reader to the
characterisation of turbulent flow, heat and mass transfer in
permeable media, including analytical data and a review of
available experimental data. Such transport processes occurring a
relatively high velocity in permeable media are present in a number
of engineering and natural flows. This new edition features a
completely updated text including two new chapters exploring
Turbulent Combustion and Moving Porous Media. De Lemos has expertly
brought together a text that compiles, details, compares and
evaluates available methodologies for modelling and simulating
flow, providing an essential tour for engineering students working
within the field as well as those working in chemistry, physics,
applied mathematics, and geological and environmental
Brings together groundbreaking and complex research on turbulence
in porous mediaExtends the original model to situations including
reactive systemsNow discusses movement of the porous matrix"
Metal injection molding combines the most useful characteristics of
powder metallurgy and plastic injection molding to facilitate the
production of small, complex-shaped metal components with
outstanding mechanical properties. The Handbook of metal injection
molding provides an authoritative guide to this important
technology and its applications.
Part one discusses the fundamentals of the metal injection molding
process with chapters on topics such as component design, important
powder characteristics, compound manufacture, tooling design,
molding optimization, debinding, and sintering. Part two provides a
detailed review of quality issues, including feedstock
characterisation, modeling and simulation, methods to qualify a MIM
process, common defects and carbon content control. Special metal
injection molding processes are the focus of part three, which
provides comprehensive coverage of micro components, two
material/two color structures, and porous metal techniques.
Finally, part four explores metal injection molding of particular
materials, including stainless steels, titanium and titanium
alloys, thermal management alloys, high speed tool steels, heavy
alloys, refractory metals, hard metals and soft magnetic alloys.
With its distinguished editor and expert team of international
contributors, the Handbook of metal injection molding is an
essential guide for all those involved in the high-volume
manufacture of small precision parts, across a wide range of
high-tech industries such as microelectronics, biomedical and
aerospace engineering.
Provides an authoritative guide to metal injection molding and its
applicationsDiscusses the fundamentals of the metal injection
molding processes and covers topics such as component design,
important powder characteristics, compound manufacture, tooling
design, molding optimization, debinding, and
sinteringComprehensively examines quality issues such as feedstock
characterization, modeling and simulation, common defects and
carbon content control
Now in its 3e, this single resource covers all aspects of the
utilization of geothermal energy for power generation using
fundamental scientific and engineering principles. Its practical
emphasis is enhanced by the use of case studies from real plants
that increase the reader's understanding of geothermal energy
conversion and provide a unique compilation of hard-to-obtain data
and experience.
Important new chapters cover Hot Dry Rock, Enhanced Geothermal
Systems, and Deep Hydrothermal Systems. New, international case
studies provide practical, hands-on knowledge.
Provides coverage of all aspects of the utilization of geothermal
energy for power generation from fundamental scientific and
engineering principlesInternational case studies from real plants
provide a unique compilation of hard-to-obtain data and
experienceIncludes pivotal updates on advances in Hot Dry Rock,
Enhanced Geothermal Systems, and Deep Hydrothermal Systems
This book describes different types of rubber-pad forming processes
currently being studied for their experimental and numerical
advantages and disadvantages. Rubber forming adopts a rubber pad
contained in a rigid box in which one of the tools (die or punch)
is replaced by the rubber pad. Up to 60% of all sheet metal parts
in aircraft industry such as frames, seat parts, ribs, windows and
doors are fabricated using rubber-pad forming processes. Key
process parameters such as rubber material, stamping velocity,
rubber-pad hardness and thickness and friction conditions are
The potential role of rubber as a flexible punch in metal working
processes is to give insight to engineers about different parts
that can be produced using this processThe procedure of suitable
die design for each process is presented in detailFull defect
analysis is undertaken with a thorough report presented to optimize
rubber-pad forming processes
Metal working fluids (MWFs) provide important functions such as
lubrication and cooling in the machining of metals. This book
reviews the issues surrounding the use of fluids for cutting and
grinding throughout the metal working process, from selection and
testing to disposal.
The book opens with chapters considering the mechanism and action,
selection and delivery of MWFs to the machining zone before moving
onto discuss the many issues surrounding MWFs during machining such
as selection of the proper MWF, environmental concerns, supply
methods, circulation and monitoring. The final chapters discuss the
maintenance, replacement and disposal of MWFs.
With its distinguished editors and international team of expert
contributors, Metalworking fluids (MWFs) for cutting and grinding
is an invaluable reference tool for engineers and organizations
using metal cutting/machining in the manufacturing process as well
as machine designers/manufacturers and machining fluid/chemical
Chapters consider the mechanism and action, selection and delivery
of MWFs to the machining zoneEnvironmental concerns, supply
methods, circulation and monitoring are also discussedWritten by
distinguished editors and international team of expert contributors
Welding and joining techniques play an essential role in both the
manufacture and in-service repair of aerospace structures and
components, and these techniques become more advanced as new,
complex materials are developed. Welding and joining of aerospace
materials provides an in-depth review of different techniques for
joining metallic and non-metallic aerospace materials.
Part one opens with a chapter on recently developed welding
techniques for aerospace materials. The next few chapters focus on
different types of welding such as inertia friction, laser and
hybrid laser-arc welding. The final chapter in part one discusses
the important issue of heat affected zone cracking in welded
superalloys. Part two covers other joining techniques, including
chapters on riveting, composite-to-metal bonding, diffusion bonding
and recent improvements in bonding metals. Part two concludes with
a chapter focusing on the use of high-temperature brazing in
aerospace engineering. Finally, an appendix to the book covers the
important issue of linear friction welding.
With its distinguished editor and international team of
contributors, Welding and joining of aerospace materials is an
essential reference for engineers and designers in the aerospace,
materials and welding and joining industries, as well as companies
and other organisations operating in these sectors and all those
with an academic research interest in the subject.
Provides an in-depth review of different techniques for joining
metallic and non-metallic aerospace materialsDiscusses the
important issue of heat affected zone cracking in welded
superalloysCovers many joining techniques, including riveting,
composite-to-metal bonding and diffusion bonding
Machining processes play an important role in the manufacture of a
wide variety of components. While the processes required for metal
components are well-established, they cannot always be applied to
composite materials, which instead require new and innovative
techniques. Machining technology for composite materials provides
an extensive overview and analysis of both traditional and
non-traditional methods of machining for different composite
The traditional methods of turning, drilling and grinding are
discussed in part one, which also contains chapters analysing
cutting forces, tool wear and surface quality. Part two covers
non-traditional methods for machining composite materials,
including electrical discharge and laser machining, among others.
Finally, part three contains chapters that deal with special topics
in machining processes for composite materials, such as cryogenic
machining and processes for wood-based composites.
With its renowned editor and distinguished team of international
contributors, Machining technology for composite materials is an
essential reference particularly for process designers and tool and
production engineers in the field of composite manufacturing, but
also for all those involved in the fabrication and assembly of
composite structures, including the aerospace, marine, civil and
leisure industry sectors.
Provides an extensive overview of machining methods for composite
materialsChapters analyse cutting forces, tool wear and surface
qualityCryogenic machining and processes for wood based composites
are discussed
This forward-thinking, practical book provides essential
information on modern machining technology for industry with
emphasis on the processes used regularly across several major
industries. Machining technology presents great interest for many
important industries including automotive, aeronautics, aerospace,
renewable energy, moulds and dies, biomedical, and many others.
Machining processes are manufacturing processes in which parts are
shaped by the removal of unwanted material; these processes cover
several stages and are usually divided into the following
categories: cutting (involving single point or multipoint cutting
tools); abrasive processes (including grinding and advanced
machining processes, such as EDM (electrical discharge machining),
LBM (laser-beam machining), AWJM (abrasive water jet machining) and
USM (ultrasonic machining).
Provides essential information on modern machining technology, with
emphasis on the processes used regularly across several major
industriesCovers several processes and outlines their many
stagesContributions come from a series of international, highly
knowledgeable and well-respected experts
Aimed at students, faculty and professionals in the aerospace
field, this book provides practical information on the development,
analysis, and control of a single and/or multiple spacecraft in
space. This book is divided into two major sections: single and
multiple satellite motion. The first section analyses the orbital
mechanics, orbital perturbations, and attitude dynamics of a single
satellite around the Earth. Using the knowledge of a single
satellite motion, the translation of a group of satellites called
formation flying or constellation is explained. Formation flying
has been one of the main research topics over the last few years
and this book explains different control approaches to control the
satellite attitude motion and/or to maintain the constellation
together. The control schemes are explained in the discrete domain
such that it can be easily implemented on the computer on board the
satellite. The key objective of this book is to show the reader the
practical and the implementation process in the discrete domain.
Explains the orbital motion and principal perturbations affecting
the satelliteUses the Ares V rocket as an example to explain the
attitude motion of a space vehiclePresents the practical approach
for different control actuators that can be used in a satellite
This book contains the papers presented at the 7th International
Conference on Compressors and their Systems at City University
London in conjunction with the IMECHE. This conference is the
ultimate global forum for reviewing the latest developments and
novel approaches in compressor research. It features contributions
from equipment manufacturers, suppliers, users and research
organisations; these papers present developments in air, gas and
refrigeration compressors; vacuum pumps; expanders; and related
systems and components. Papers cover the design, development and
operation of a wide range of compressors and expanders. Equipment
manufacturers, suppliers, users and research organisations are all
represented. Aspects covered include: present and future
developments in scroll compressors; design and optimisation of
screw compressors; latest thinking in oscillating and vane
compressors; improving the function of valves; latest research in
dynamic compressors; detailed analysis of reciprocating
compressors; improved accuracy and usefulness of modelling
techniques; developing better control of centrifugal compressors;
and reducing unwanted noise and vibration.
Presents all the papers of the International Conference on
Compressors and their Systems 2011Up to date papers on compressor
technology improvementsThe latest prediction modelling techniques
are presented
Tailor welded blanks are metallic sheets made from different
strengths, materials, and/or thicknesses pre-welded together before
forming into the final component geometry. By combining various
sheets into a welded blank, engineers are able to tailor the blank
so that the properties are located precisely where they are needed
and cost-effective, low weight components are produced. Tailor
welded blanks for advanced manufacturing examines the manufacturing
of tailor welded blanks and explores their current and potential
future applications.
Part one investigates processing and modelling issues in tailor
welded blank manufacturing. Chapters discuss weld integrity,
deformation during forming and the analytical and numerical
simulation modelling of tailor welded blanks for advanced
manufacturing. Part two looks at the current and potential future
applications of tailor welded blanks. Chapters review tailor welded
blanks of lightweight metals and of advanced high-strength steel
and finally discuss the uses of tailor-welded blanks in the
automotive and aerospace industries.
With its distinguished editors and international team of expert
contributors, Tailor welded blanks for advanced manufacturing
proves an invaluable resource for metal fabricators, product
designers, welders, welding companies, suppliers of welding
machinery and anyone working in industries that use advanced
materials such as in automotive and aerospace engineering.
Engineers and academics involved in manufacturing and metallurgy
may also find this book a useful reference.
Examines the manufacturing of tailor welded blanks and explores
their current and potential future applicationsInvestigates
processing and quality issues in tailor welded blank manufacturing
including weld integrity and deformationReviews both current and
potential future applications of tailor welded blanks as well as
specific applications in the automotive and aerospace industries"
Bioactive materials play an increasingly important role in the
biomaterials industry, and are used for a range of applications,
including artificial organs, drug delivery systems, nanomedicine,
and biosensors. Bioactive materials in medicine reviews the current
status and ongoing development of bioactive materials for medical
Following an introduction to bioactive materials in medicine, part
one covers the process of designing bioactive materials, including
chapters on molecular design, nanotechnology, and tissue
engineering. Part two focuses on the different applications of
bioactive materials in medicine, with chapters discussing
applications in orthopaedics, in the circulatory system, and as
antibacterials. The final chapters focus on the uses of these
materials in gene therapy, plastic surgery and body reconstruction,
and in drug delivery systems.
With its distinguished editors and international team of
contributors, Bioactive materials in medicine is an essential
reference for researchers and designers in industry, as well as
those with an academic interest in the subject.
Discusses the current status and ongoing development of bioactive
materials for medical applicationsExplores the process of designing
bioactive materials, including molecular design, nanotechnology,
and tissue engineeringAssesses different applications of bioactive
materials in medicine featuring applications in orthopaedics, in
the circulatory system, and as antibacterials
Welding is a cost-effective and flexible method of fabricating
large structures, but drawbacks such as residual stress, distortion
and buckling must be overcome in order to optimize structural
performance. Minimization of welding distortion and buckling
provides a systematic overview of the methods of minimizing
distortion and buckling in welded structures.
Following an introductory chapter, part one focuses on
understanding welding stress and distortion, with chapters on such
topics as computational welding mechanics, modelling the effect of
phase transformations on welding stress and distortion and using
computationally efficient reduced-solution methods to understand
welding distortion. Part two covers different methods of minimizing
welding distortion. Chapters discuss methods such as differential
heating for minimizing distortion in welded stiffeners, dynamic
thermal tensioning, reverse-side heating and ways of minimizing
buckling such as weld cooling and hybrid laser arc welding.
With its distinguished editor and international team of
contributors, Minimization of welding distortion and buckling is an
essential reference for all welders and engineers involved in
fabrication of metal end-products, as well as those in industry and
academia with a research interest in the area.
Provides a systematic overview of the methods of minimizing
distortion and buckling in welded structuresFocuses on
understanding welding stress and distortion featuring computational
welding mechanics and modelling the effect of phase
transformationsExplores different methods of minimizing welding
distortion discussing differential heating and dynamic thermal
This book makes a serious effort at bringing forth and
synergistically combining the concepts of green chemistry,
sustainability and nanotechnology and should motivate scientistsat
all levels to think clearly and seriously about creating and
optimizing novel and sustainable green approaches to
nanotechnology. The chapters in this book can be divided into three
broad categories: 1) Advancement in research on pollution control
through the green chemistry principles of nanotechnology; 2)
Emergence of nanomaterials in widespread applications in various
scientific fields, including but not limited to sensors and
catalysts; 3) Extension of research into nanotechnology and green
nanotechnology at a rapid pace. Review articles on the individual
aspects of these diverse and complementary topics have become
important resources for researchers, industry leaders, and
regulators, both nationally and internationally. This book contains
a few chapters associated with these particular themes, and
provides glimpses of the many difficulties and challenges faced by
those who seek to not only understand but also regulate the new
nanomaterials. Nanotechnology represents a unique field of science,
and necessitates new and novel sustainable approaches to create
usable end products for the market place with the primary goal of
yielding less adverse effects upon both human health and the
The energy, petrochemical, aerospace and other industries all
require materials able to withstand high temperatures. High
temperature strength is defined as the resistance of a material to
high temperature deformation and fracture. This important book
provides a valuable reference to the main theories of high
temperature deformation and fracture and the ways they can be used
to predict failure and service life.
Analyses creep behaviour of materials, the evolution of dislocation
substructures during creep, dislocation motion at elevated
temperatures and importantly, recovery-creep theories of pure
metalsExamines high temperature fracture, including nucleation of
creep cavity, diffusional growth and constrained growth of creep
cavitiesA valuable reference to the main theories of high
temperature deformation and fracture and the ways they can be used
to predict failure and service life
Almost thirty years after the remarkable monograph of K. Zanio
and the numerous conferences and articles dedicated since that time
to CdTe and CdZnTe, after all the significant progresses in that
field and the increasing interest in these materials for several
extremely attractive industrial applications, such as nuclear
detectors and solar cells, the edition of a new enriched and
updated monograph dedicated to these two very topical II-VI
semiconductor compounds, covering all their most prominent, modern
and fundamental aspects, seemed very relevant and useful.
Detailed coverage of the main topics associated with the very
topical II-VI semiconductor compound CdTe and its alloy CZT
Review of the CdTe recent developments
Fundamental background of many topics clearly introduced and
Almost thirty years after the remarkable monograph of K. Zanio
and the numerous conferences and articles dedicated since that time
to CdTe and CdZnTe, after all the significant progresses in that
field and the increasing interest in these materials for several
extremely attractive industrial applications, such as nuclear
detectors and solar cells, the edition of a new enriched and
updated monograph dedicated to these two very topical II-VI
semiconductor compounds, covering all their most prominent, modern
and fundamental aspects, seemed very relevant and useful.
Detailed coverage of the main topics associated with the very
topical II-VI semiconductor compound CdTe and its alloy CZT
Review of the CdTe recent developments
Fundamental background of many topics clearly introduced and
A concise and accessible guide to the knowledge required to fulfil
the role of a welding inspector. In covering both European and
US-based codes, the book gives those wishing to gain certification
in welding inspection a basic all-round understanding of the main
subject matter.
A concise and accessible guide to the knowledge required to fulfil
the role of a welding inspectorCovers both European and US-based
codesGives those wishing to gain certification in welding
inspection a basic all-round understanding of the main subject
The materials mechanics of the controlled separation of a body into
two or more parts - cutting -- using a blade or tool or other
mechanical implement is a ubiquitous process in most engineering
disciplines, be it mechanical, civil, medical, food or process
based, and a surprising number of engineers are involved in cutting
and the design of cutting tools. There are a wide range of books
available on the cutting of metals, but no other text is devoted to
the cutting of materials generally, the mechanics of which
(toughness, fracture, deformation, plasticity, tearing, grating,
chewing, etc) have wide ranging implications for engineers, medics,
manufacturers, and process engineers, making this text of
particular interest to a wide range of engineers and specialists.
* The only book to explain and unify the process and techniques of
cutting in metals AND non-metals. The emphasis on biomaterials,
plastics and non-metals will be of considerable interest to many,
while the transfer of knowledge from non-metals fields offers
important benefits to metalcutters.
* Comprehensive, written with this well-known author's lightness of
touch, the book will attract the attention of many readers in this
under-served subject
* The clarity of the text is further enhanced by detailed examples
and case studies, from the grating of cheese on an industrial scale
to the design of scalpels, supporting online materials data and FEM
modelling material.
Fire and combustion presents a significant engineering challenge to
mechanical, civil and dedicated fire engineers, as well as
specialists in the process and chemical, safety, buildings and
structural fields. We are reminded of the tragic outcomes of
'untenable' fire disasters such as at King's Cross underground
station or Switzerland's St Gotthard tunnel. In these and many
other cases, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is at the forefront
of active research into unravelling the probable causes of fires
and helping to design structures and systems to ensure that they
are less likely in the future.
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is routinely used as an analysis
tool in fire and combustion engineering as it possesses the ability
to handle the complex geometries and characteristics of combustion
and fire. This book shows engineering students and professionals
how to understand and use this powerful tool in the study of
combustion processes, and in the engineering of safer or more fire
resistant (or conversely, more fire-efficient) structures.
No other book is dedicated to computer-based fire dynamics tools
and systems. It is supported by a rigorous pedagogy, including
worked examples to illustrate the capabilities of different models,
an introduction to the essential aspects of fire physics,
examination and self-test exercises, fully worked solutions and a
suite of accompanying software for use in industry standard
modeling systems.
-Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is widely used in engineering
analysis; this is the only book dedicated to CFD modeling analysis
in fire and combustion engineering
-Strong pedagogic features mean this book can be used as a text
forgraduate level mechanical, civil, structural and fire
engineering courses, while its coverage of the latest techniques
and industry standard software make it an important reference for
researchers and professional engineers in the mechanical and
structural sectors, and by fire engineers, safety consultants and
-Strong author team (CUHK is a recognized centre of excellence in
fire eng) deliver an expert package for students and professionals,
showing both theory and applications. Accompanied by CFD modeling
code and ready to use simulations to run in industry-standard
ANSYS-CFX and Fluent software.
Aggregation-induced emission (AIE) stands for an intriguing
phenomenon in which a series of non-emissive molecules in solutions
are induced to emit strongly in the aggregate or solid state. The
concept of AIE was first coined by author Ben Zhong Tang in 2001,
when he and his co-workers serendipitously discovered that
1-methyl-1,2,3,4,5-pentaphenylsilole was almost non-emissive in
ethanol solution but became extremely bright in water-ethanol
mixtures. Over the past 15 years, AIE has grown into a research
field with high visibility and broad impact across both science and
technology. Aggregation-Induced Emission: Materials and
Applications summarizes the recent advances in AIE research,
ranging from fundamentals, such as design, synthesis, and optical
properties of AIE-active molecules, to mechanism studies supported
by modeling and experimental investigations, and further to
promising applications in the fields of energy, environment, and
biology. The topics covered in Volume 2 include: AIE polymers;
AIE-induced chirogenesis; Room-temperature phosphorescent AIE
molecules; Liquid crystalline AIE molecules; AIE materials for
energy devices; New chemo- and biosensors with AIE molecules; Cell
structure and function imaging with AIE molecules; and AIE
materials in drug delivery and therapy.