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Books > Children's & Educational > Language & literature > Modern languages (other than English)
Piekfyn Afrikaans Graad 7 bevat prikkelende leestof vir jou as leerder van Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal. Daar is interessante tekste en piekfyn illustrasies en prente om jou taalvaardighede en visuele geletterdheid te ontwikkel. Boonop word taalinhoud met dié van verskeie en ander vakke geïntegreer sodat jy jou taalkennis ook in jou ander vakke kan toepas. Die aktiwiteite is gerig op jou verwerwing van taalvaardighede en lewensvaardighede. Kort tekste, prente, gedigte, strokies, woordspeletjies, slagspreuke en hope ander lekkerlees en doendinge is jou voorland. Afdelings soos Pitkos, In ‘n neutdop, die Indeks, die Letterkundegids en die Taalgids gaan jou voorbereiding vir enige soort leer en assessering seepglad laat verloop. Jy gaan verder ook: • verskeie stories en inligtingstekste lees • visuele tekste krities interpreter en verduidelik • oortuigend en spontaan praat in verskeie mondelinge situasies • hardoplees en toespraak lewer • aandagtig en krities na inligting en stories luister •taalstrukture en –konvensies deeglik en fouteloos in jou mondelinge en skriftelike aanbiedings gebruik •transaksionele en kreatiewe tekste soos opstelle en briewe skryf. Piekfyn Afrikaans help jou verder met voorbereiding vir die halfjaar-en eindeeksamen. Al die vraestelle wat jy hierdie jaar moet aflê, word in dié handbook voorsien- ook toetse en baie hersieningsoefeninge.
Piekfyn Afrikaans Graad 9 bevat prikkelende leestof vir jou as leerder van Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal. Daar is interessante tekste en piekfyn illustrasies en prente om jou taalvaardighede en visuele geletterdheid te ontwikkel. Boonop word taalinhoud met dié van verskeie en ander vakke geïntegreer sodat jy jou taalkennis ook in jou ander vakke kan toepas. Die aktiwiteite is gerig op jou verwerwing van taalvaardighede en lewensvaardighede. Kort tekste, prente, gedigte, strokies, woordspeletjies, slagspreuke en hope ander lekkerlees en doendinge is jou voorland. Afdelings soos Pitkos, In ‘n neutdop, die Indeks, die Letterkundegids en die Taalgids gaan jou voorbereiding vir enige soort leer en assessering seepglad laat verloop. Jy gaan verder ook: • verskeie stories en inligtingstekste lees • visuele tekste krities interpreter en verduidelik • oortuigend en spontaan praat in verskeie mondelinge situasies • hardoplees en toespraak lewer • aandagtig en krities na inligting en stories luister •taalstrukture en –konvensies deeglik en fouteloos in jou mondelinge en skriftelike aanbiedings gebruik •transaksionele en kreatiewe tekste soos opstelle en briewe skryf. Piekfyn Afrikaans help jou verder met voorbereiding vir die halfjaar-en eindeeksamen. Al die vraestelle wat jy hierdie jaar moet aflê, word in dié handbook voorsien- ook toetse en baie hersieningsoefeninge.
Rely on resources for Scotland, from Scotland, to meet the needs of every student. With differentiation at its core, this course provides appropriate support, structure and challenge for all learners. Students will enjoy developing their skills, knowledge and appreciation of the Spanish language and the culture of Spanish-speaking countries. > Trust Scotland's No.1 educational publisher. Written specifically for the Scottish curriculum, this book covers the specified contexts of society, learning, employability and culture, with each double-page spread containing the content for one lesson. > Practise and strengthen skills. Every lesson includes high-quality reading, writing, speaking, listening and grammar exercises. Vocabulary lists for each context and a 30-page grammar chapter help students to build from a strong foundation. Four 'magazines' offer extra insight and reading practice. > Ensure access for everyone. The content is differentiated into three difficulty levels, enabling students to work independently, follow a clear pathway and feel confident in their progress. The first two difficulty levels are also suitable for N3 and N4, so you have a single, cost-effective resource for all stages. > Prepare for assessment success. Each section ends with a 'revision corner', which comprises exam-style questions, model answers and advice on the N5 exam, written assignment and performance. Please note: The audio files to accompany the listening tasks are not included with this book. > Individual customers (students, parents/carers and tutors) can access the audio by subscribing to the Boost eBook, available to purchase at hoddergibson.co.uk/n5-languages. A Boost eBook subscription permits access to the audio for one user only and cannot be shared with others. > Schools/colleges can access the audio by subscribing to the Boost teaching and learning resources at hoddergibson.co.uk/n5-languages
Edward is bored with life in the little town of Pigbone. Then Moongobble the Magician and his faithful toad, Urk, move into the cottage on the hill. Soon Edward has a job helping Moongobble. And Moongobble needs a lot of help, because it turns out he is not a very good magician. (His spells keep turning things into cheese!) Edward has never been so busy -- or so happy. But then someone threatens to stop Moongobble from ever casting another spell. Edward can't let that happen. He'll do anything to save his friend's magic -- even face the deadly, dreaded Dragon of Doom!
Lokwa kadzeni emandvulo, ngesikhatsi iMvubu neMlilo basebangani, babevamise kudlala ndzawonye. Ngalelinye lilanga uMlilo wavakashela iMvubu ekhaya layo. Ngalelo langa iMvubu yafundza sifundvo lesibalulekile kabi lesimayelana nekudlala ngeMlilo. Long ago when Hippopotamus and Fire were friends, they would often play together. One day, Fire visited Hippopotamus at his home and Hippopotamus learnt a valuable lesson about playing with Fire.
Wenta njani nawulandzelwa yintfo lenkhulu leyesabekako konkhe lapo uyakhana? Ubhacaphi? Ungakhona yini vele kusibalekele lesidlakela lesesabeka kangaka? What do you do when a big, scary stranger follows you? Can you ever get away from the frightening giant? This story uses simple text and unique illustrations to great effect.
Die Piekfyn Afrikaans-reeks vir Graad 4, 5 en 6 bied omvattende, geïntegreerde aktiwiteite propvol interessante inligting en uitdagings. Alles wat leerders moet verstaan en ken om Afrikaans Huistaal en Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal met vlieënde vaandels te slaag, is in hierdie boeke saamgevat. Met behulp van die LEERDERBOEK sal leerders • spontaan oor verskeie interessante onder werpe en tekste gesels • vlot en ekspressief praat en toesprake lewer • glad kommunikeer in verskillende sosiale situasies • vinnig verskeie visuele tekste verstaan en verduidelik • noukeurig en krities na taalgebruik luister • taalstrukture deeglik onder die knie kry en foutloos gebruik • nuwe woorde en sinne gebruik • transaksionele en kreatiewe tekste beplan en skryf. Die ONDERWYSERSGIDS bied: • ’n volledige antwoordsleutel vir elke module, asook riglyne, wenke en prosedures • leeraktiwiteite in afdelings soos Pitkos en In ’n neutedop • wenke vir doeltreffende luister, praat, lees, kyk en skryf • gepaste inhoud en kontekste, en ’n wye ver skei denheid tekssoorte volgens eietydse temas • onderrigplanne vir elke module asook riglyne vir lesbeplanning • ’n formele assesseringsprogram, asook metodes en instrumente vir assessering • ’n CD waarop ’n volledige onder wysers lêer, beplan ningsdokumente en addisionele werk kaarte verskyn. Elke LEESBOEK is ingedeel volgens genres, met tekste en temas wat gepas is vir leerders in die Inter mediêre Fase en wat help om leerders se leesvaardighede en taalkennis uit te brei. Die leesboeke bied: • kort en lang stories, fotoverhale, dramas, gedigte, en inligtings-, sosiale en mediatekste • prikkelende materiaal soos poskaarte, briewe, pamflette en plakkate, koerantberigte, resensies, verslae en advertensies. Ter ondersteuning van die onderwyser is die volgende inligting ook in die leesboek ingesluit: • vrae oor tekste, geformuleer volgens kog ni tiewe vlakke • toeligting by moeiliker tekste • woordverklarings vir komplekse woorde.
Die Piekfyn Afrikaans-reeks vir Graad 4, 5 en 6 bied omvattende, geïntegreerde aktiwiteite propvol interessante inligting en uitdagings. Alles wat leerders moet verstaan en ken om Afrikaans Huistaal en Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal met vlieënde vaandels te slaag, is in hierdie boeke saamgevat. Met behulp van die LEERDERBOEK sal leerders • spontaan oor verskeie interessante onder werpe en tekste gesels • vlot en ekspressief praat en toesprake lewer • glad kommunikeer in verskillende sosiale situasies • vinnig verskeie visuele tekste verstaan en verduidelik • noukeurig en krities na taalgebruik luister • taalstrukture deeglik onder die knie kry en foutloos gebruik • nuwe woorde en sinne gebruik • transaksionele en kreatiewe tekste beplan en skryf. Die ONDERWYSERSGIDS bied: • ’n volledige antwoordsleutel vir elke module, asook riglyne, wenke en prosedures • leeraktiwiteite in afdelings soos Pitkos en In ’n neutedop • wenke vir doeltreffende luister, praat, lees, kyk en skryf • gepaste inhoud en kontekste, en ’n wye ver skei denheid tekssoorte volgens eietydse temas • onderrigplanne vir elke module asook riglyne vir lesbeplanning • ’n formele assesseringsprogram, asook metodes en instrumente vir assessering • ’n CD waarop ’n volledige onder wysers lêer, beplan ningsdokumente en addisionele werk kaarte verskyn. Elke LEESBOEK is ingedeel volgens genres, met tekste en temas wat gepas is vir leerders in die Inter mediêre Fase en wat help om leerders se leesvaardighede en taalkennis uit te brei. Die leesboeke bied: • kort en lang stories, fotoverhale, dramas, gedigte, en inligtings-, sosiale en mediatekste • prikkelende materiaal soos poskaarte, briewe, pamflette en plakkate, koerantberigte, resensies, verslae en advertensies. Ter ondersteuning van die onderwyser is die volgende inligting ook in die leesboek ingesluit: • vrae oor tekste, geformuleer volgens kog ni tiewe vlakke • toeligting by moeiliker tekste • woordverklarings vir komplekse woorde.
In today's globally connected world, it is essential for students to have an understanding of multiple cultures and perspectives. In this edited collection, Kathy Short, Deanna Day, and Jean Schroeder bring together fourteen educators who use global children's literature to help students explore their own cultural identities. The book lays out why this kind of global curriculum is important and how to make space for it within district and state mandates. Built around a curriculum framework developed by Kathy, the ideas and strategies in Teaching Globally will help teachers integrate a global focus into existing literacy and social studies curricula, evaluate global resources, guide students as they investigate cross-cultural issues, and create classroom activities with an intercultural perspective. Teaching Globally is filled with vignettes from K-8 urban and rural schools that describe successes and struggles, as well as real examples of students responding to global literature. Extensive lists of book recommendations, websites, and professional books, as well as an appendix of global text sets mentioned by the authors, complete this must-have resource.
Die Leerderboek – Eerste Addisionele Taal • kan jaar na jaar gebruik word • gee geleentheid vir inskerping met minstens twee bladsye aktiwiteite per week • word gebruik saam met die werkvelle op die CD in die Onderwysersgids. Een boek per leerder word aanbeveel.
This student-led vocabulary book is ideal for any English-speaking student of GCSE French. One of four books written for the CCEA specification, it also covers the AQA, WJEC and Edexcel courses, as the word lists are virtually identical. As well as the core vocabulary, this book includes: * pronunciation guides, allowing students to practise alone and improve their listening skills. * tick-boxes for every word, helping students to track their learning. * helpful aide-memoires (memory aids), helping students absorb vocabulary in an entertaining way. * pre-set consolidation exercises at the end of each section, that can be attempted without teacher guidance. These allow students to check their level of understanding independently. With this book, teachers can hand vocabulary learning over to their students, giving the teacher more time in the classroom to focus on the challenging grammar. The series can be used independently by students from Year 8 onwards, building over five years to GCSE success. This is particularly useful for schools that need to use remote learning from time to time. Introduction 1: Moi-meme, ma famille, les relations, les choix (Myself, my family, relationships, choices) 2: Decrire les personnes (Describing people) 3: Les reseaux sociaux (Social media) 4: Les nouvelles technologies (New technologies) 5: Les loisirs (Free time and leisure) 6: Les passetemps (Hobbies) 7: Les animaux (Animals) 8: Les achats et les vetements (Shopping and clothes) 9: La bijouterie (The Jewellery shop) (Not on the CCEA core vocabulary list) 10: La papetrie (The stationery shop) (Not on the CCEA core vocabulary list) 11: La routine quotidienne (Daily routine) 12: La routine quotidienne - quelques verbes (Daily routine - some verbs) 13: Les coutumes, les fetes et les celebrations (Customs, festivals and celebrations)
This student-led vocabulary book is ideal for any English-speaking student of GCSE French. One of four books written for the CCEA specification, it also covers the AQA, WJEC and Edexcel courses, as the word lists are virtually identical. As well as the core vocabulary, this book includes: * pronunciation guides, allowing students to practise alone and improve their listening skills. * tick-boxes for every word, helping students to track their learning. * helpful aide-memoires (memory aids), helping students absorb vocabulary in an entertaining way. With this book, teachers can hand vocabulary learning over to their students, giving the teacher more time in the classroom to focus on the challenging grammar. The series can be used independently by students from Year 8 onwards, building over five years to GCSE success. This is particularly useful for schools that need to use remote learning from time to time. Introduction 1: Les verbes les plus importants (The most important verbs) - alphabetically ordered by French 2: La colle francaise (les connecteurs) (French glue - the connectors)
Everyday Words Flashcards are a great learning resources for young children. The cards can be used to play games, for self-testing, or simply propped up around the house or classroom as useful reminders.
How can you effectively motivate young people to engage with foreign language learning? How can young people engage with new ideas and cultural experiences within and outside the classroom? The new edition of A Practical Guide to Teaching Foreign Languages in the Secondary School offers straightforward advice and inspiration for training teachers, NQTs and teachers in their early professional development. Written by a team of expert professionals, it offers a wide range of strategies for successful teaching in the languages classroom. Key topics covered include: Helping pupils develop better listening skills Effective speaking activities Choosing the best texts and technology for reading skills Teaching grammar Internet tools and services for teaching and learning Integrating formative assessment The intercultural dimension of language teaching Collaborating with primary schools and successful transition Teaching Arabic and Mandarin Working with TAs and FLAs Classroom research and reflective practice This fully revised and updated second edition includes new chapters on homework, motivation and less widely taught languages, while the core sections on reading and writing, planning, and culture and diversity have been significantly updated to reflect important changes in research, practice and policy. A Practical Guide to Teaching Foreign Languages in the Secondary School extends the popular Learning to Teach Foreign Languages in the Secondary School by providing detailed examples of theory in practice, based on the most up-to-date research and practice, as well as links to relevant sources supporting evidence-informed practice. It is an essential compendium of support and ideas for all those embarking upon their first steps in a successful career in teaching foreign languages.
Piekfyn vir NKABV. Vir eerste addisionele taal. Piekfyn Afrikaans Graad 10 bevat piekfyn, hedendaagse leer- en onderrigmateriaal vir die van julle wat Afrikaans as eerste addisionele taal aanleer. Boonop word taalleerstof op 'n boeiende en dikwels prettige manier met die van verskeie ander vakke geintegreer om julle ervaringswereld te verryk en uit te brei. Wanneer assessering ter sprake kom, val die klem op die inhoud en vaardighede van Afrikaans as vak en word jy deel van 'n proses wat jou in staat stel om op hoogte van jou eie prestasie en vordering te bly. Die inoefening en vaslegging van al die taalvaardighede in Piekfyn Afrikaans word deeglik vervat in 'n wye verskeidenheid interaktiewe aktiwiteite. Jy word deurlopend blootgestel aan luister en praat, lees en kyk, skryf en aanbied, terwyl jy terselfdertyd die vermoë ontwikkel om Afrikaans funksioneel, kreatief en speels te gebruik en te skep.
Exam board: ISEB Level: 13+ CE and KS3 Subject: French First exams: November 2022 This comprehensive, ISEB-endorsed revision guide for French focuses on consolidating knowledge and covering all the skills needed to meet the requirements of the ISEB CE 13+ exam. * Revise essential grammar: covers all the grammar you need to know, with practice exercises provided to check your knowledge and understanding. * Practical tips and useful information: on how to approach each section of the exam. * All Level 1 and Level 2 topics covered: with quick exercises and exam-style questions to give practice in Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing, including lots of important vocabulary and useful phrases. * Practise listening exercises with free audio: hone technique with authentic French voice recordings and accompanying transcripts. Download for free at galorepark.co.uk/frenchaudio Continue your revision with Common Entrance 13+ French Exam Practice Questions and Answers (ISBN: 9781398351974).
Go Figure! Exploring Figurative Language highlights a variety of common idioms for learners in grades 2 4. Students will deepen their skills in writing, understanding word meanings, and using context clues with this engaging classroom resource. Based on today's standards, this resource includes 20 content-based lessons in the areas of science, social studies, and mathematics. Teacher overview pages, student activities, and digital resources are included.
A Comprehensive IsiZulu Reference book that complements any class text and covers the Fundmentals of IsiZulu. |
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