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Books > Medicine > Other branches of medicine > Anaesthetics > Pain & pain management
This book is prepared for patients who suffer from 'Burning mouth disease', also referred to as 'Burning mouth syndrome'. It gives a comprehensive overview of the disease, its symptoms and management. Readers will learn about the terminology and definition of 'Burning mouth disease', and its suggested causes. Attention is paid to symptoms of various diseases that may mimic those of burning mouth disease. Neurological and psychogenic aspects are well covered, as are the many reported pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment modalities. The combined training of the author in oral surgery, oral pathology and oral medicine has provided him with exceptional expertise in both the diagnosis and the management of patients with burning mouth disease. This book is a must have for everyone who is interested in this enigmatic disease.
In the field of pain medicine, the interventions that can improve a patient's pain, mood, and functionality are only as effective as the patient's willingness to follow recommended treatment plans. Facilitating Treatment Adherence in Pain Medicine provides a practical guide to understanding and improving patient adherence with regards to both opioid and non-opioid pharmacotherapy, pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic pain interventions, and use of biometrics and behavioral techniques. The book also explores the ethics of dealing with patients who are non-adherent. Facilitating Treatment Adherence in Pain Medicine is the first book to address the obstacle patient non-adherence poses to reaching therapeutic goals in pain medicine, making it an ideal resource for pain physicians and primary care physicians who manage patients with chronic pain.
Ethical issues facing anesthesiologists are more far-reaching than those involving virtually any other medical specialty. In this clinical ethics textbook, authors from across the USA, Canada and Europe draw on ethical principles and practical knowledge to provide a realistic understanding of ethical anesthetic practice. The result is a compilation of expert opinion and international perspectives from clinical leaders in anesthesiology. Building on real-life, case-based problems, each chapter is clinically focused and addresses both practical and theoretical issues. Topics include general operating room care, pediatric and obstetrical patient care, the intensive care unit, pain practice, research and publication, as well as discussions of lethal injection, disclosure of errors, expert witness testimony, triage in disaster and conflicts of interest with industry. An important reference tool for any anesthesiologist, whether clinical or research-oriented, this book is especially valuable for physicians involved in teaching residents and students about the ethical aspects of anesthesia practice.
Here is a thoroughly updated edition of a classic in palliative medicine. Two new chapters have been added to the 1991 edition, along with a new preface summarizing where progress has been made and where it has not in the area of pain management. This book addresses the timely issue of doctor-patient relationships arguing that the patient, not the disease, should be the central focus of medicine. Included are a number of compelling patient narratives. Praise for the first edition "Well written. . .should be read by everyone in medical practice or considering a career in medicine."---JAMA. "Memorable passages, important ideas, and critical analysis. This is a book that clinicians and educators should read."---New England Journal of Medicine.
Cannabis sativa has a long history; however, it has not been fully exploited for its beneficial uses. This plant can solve many present challenges, including challenges found in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Bioprospecting of this very important plant can generate economic upliftment of weaker sections of society and states if properly used under rules and regulations. Cannabis sativa Cultivation, Production, and Applications in Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics discusses in detail the current research conducted in the area of Cannabis sativa in order to make it more useful and sustainable for the future. It further focuses on the exploration of Cannabis sativa phytoconstituents in various fields, especially in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Covering topics such as bioactive properties, molecular modeling, and soil pollutants, this premier reference source is an excellent resource for pharmacologists, pharmacists, health professionals, food scientists, agricultural scientists, botanists, chemists, students and educators of higher education, librarians, researchers, and academicians.
Unter AErzten und Patienten sind Zweifel uber den Sinn und die Verbindlichkeit von Patientenverfugungen weit verbreitet. Mit ihrem Buch schaffen die Autoren Orientierung im Dickicht der Unsicherheiten. An Fallbeispielen aus der Praxis veranschaulichen sie die rechtlichen Hintergrunde und entwickeln prazise Entscheidungsroutinen und Formulierungshilfen. Der Umgang mit Patientenverfugungen lasst sich anhand der Fallbeispiele in griffiger Weise erlernen. Dieser selbstreflexiv-lernende Zugang zum Thema ist neu und bietet praxisbezogene Hilfestellung fur alle, die an der Implementierung von Patientenverfugungen beteiligt sind.
Halten Sie Ihr Fachwissen up-to-date! 11 Beitr ge aktueller Themen aus der Facharztzeitschrift DER ANAESTHESIST stellen die Grundlage f r Ihre Fort- und Weiterbildung dar, u.a.: Plexusan sthesie, Analgesie zur Geburtshilfe, Medikamenteninteraktionen f r den An sthesisten. Mit diesen didaktisch hervorragend aufbereiteten Beitr gen k nnen Sie sich optimal auf die Facharztpr fung vorbereiten: Pr fer wie Gepr fte. Ein Werk, das Ihre Fachkompetenz als An sthesist in der t glichen Arbeit unterst tzt.
Navigating Life with Chronic Pain provides accessible, comprehensive, and up-to-date information about the challenges patients, family, and caregivers face when confronted by chronic pain. No two pain experiences are the same, so your chronic pain depends on where you have pain, how long you have experienced pain, and how the pain symptoms developed. Everyone needs a customized approach because pain symptoms, other medical conditions, past pain experiences, beliefs about pain, environment, ability to cope with the pain, and financial and social support (like family, friends, and caregivers) are different for every person. This book aims to provide clear and reliable information about chronic pain, including "what" (definition), "how" (pathophysiology), and "why" (etiology). The authors expertly guide the reader through current approaches to diagnoses, including a review of diagnostic tests, as well as a comprehensive, integrated approach to chronic pain treatment. They demystify the pain evaluation and explain why pain professionals might ask you for detailed and seemingly personal information. Through the use of patient stories, you get real-world experiences and advice on navigating the day-to-day challenges of chronic pain. You will learn how to take control of your chronic pain using a variety of tools, like behavioral, exercise and nutritional approaches, medications, alternative treatments (yoga and tai chi), and injections or surgery.
Futureproof your body and relieve chronic pain resulting from sitting, slouching, and other bad lifestyle habits with this easy-to-perform set of daily stretching and exercise routines - from an innovative physical therapist who coaches dozens of celebrity clients. What if we could easily acquire long-lasting protection for our bodies and escape the chronic pain caused by our sit-all-the-time, slouch-too-much lifestyles? Vinh Pham is a world-class physical therapist - a member of a new breed that dissects how people really move. He has worked with a broad range of clients, from Olympians to NBA stars to Mixed martial arts-fighters to Golden Globe and Grammy Award-winning artists. Early in his career, he discovered a disappointing truth: most of his patients came to him already in pain. They had poor, deeply ingrained lifestyle habits that misaligned their joints and tightened their muscles. And the recent epidemic of prolonged sitting - which represents an all-day assault on the body - has only made things worse. If you're sitting for more than 30 minutes at a time without getting up, you may be heading toward a world of hurt. Vinh's answer to the host of muscle maladies that ails us has been a revolutionary concept: why not future proof? Instead of reacting to chronic pain after it flares up, what if we focused on a movement discipline that not only prevents injuries but leads to longer lives, healthier bodies, and a clearer mind? Sit Up Straight outlines a process that starts with a daily posture hygiene regimen. Performed correctly, these exercises will lock in protection for the rest of the day. But Vinh goes further. He provides stretching and exercise routines for many of the specific ailments that affect us - from hamstring pulls to sciatica to rotator cuff problems - and, best of all, he offers a series of customised movements based on age, gender and the kind of work we perform. A precise and simple toolkit for tweaking the way we move (or refuse to move), Sit Up Straight shows that the solution to becoming pain-free is easier than we think.
Part memoir, part history, part journalistic expose, Trip is a look at psychedelic drugs, literature, and alienation from one of the twenty-first century's most innovative novelists--The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test for a new generation. A Vintage Original. While reeling from one of the most creative--but at times self-destructive--outpourings of his life, Tao Lin discovered the strange and exciting work of Terence McKenna. McKenna, the leading advocate of psychedelic drugs since Timothy Leary, became for Lin both an obsession and a revitalizing force. In Trip, Lin's first book-length work of nonfiction, he charts his recovery from pharmaceutical drugs, his surprising and positive change in worldview, and his four-year engagement with some of the hardest questions: Why do we make art? Is the world made of language? What happens when we die? And is the imagination more real than the universe? In exploring these ideas and detailing his experiences with psilocybin, DMT, salvia, and cannabis, Lin takes readers on a trip through nature, his own past, psychedelic culture, and the unknown.
Der Patient mit chronischem Muskelschmerz stellt fur Arzte
verschiedener Fachrichtungen immer noch ein Problem dar.
Halten Sie Ihr Fachwissen up-to-date 12 BeitrAge aktueller Themen aus der Facharztzeitschrift DER ANAESTHESIST stellen die Grundlage fA1/4r Ihre Fort- und Weiterbildung dar, u.a.: Maligne Hyperthermie, Postoperatives Shivering, ErnAhrung in der Intensivmedizin. Mit diesen didaktisch hervorragend aufbereiteten BeitrAgen kAnnen Sie sich optimal auf die FacharztprA1/4fung vorbereiten: PrA1/4fer wie GeprA1/4fte. Ein Werk, das Ihre Fachkompetenz als AnAsthesist in der tAglichen Arbeit unterstA1/4tzt.
Neurodestruktive Methoden haben in der Behandlung chronischer
Schmerzen - insbesondere nach der deutlichen Verbesserung der
Durchfuhrungstechnik und der bildgebenden Kontrollverfahren - bei
geeigneter Indikation einen grossen Stellenwert. Die Autoren
stellen die wichtigsten Indikationsgebiete (z.B.
Wirbelsaulenerkrankungen, Gesichtsschmerz, Tumorschmerz), die
Zielpunkte und Verfahren sowie die Anatomie schmerzleitender
Systeme klinisch dar und gehen auf Nebenwirkungen und
Komplikationen dieser Methoden ein. Die Abbildungen verbessern das
Verstandnis und helfen dem behandelnden Arzt bei der Umsetzung in
die Praxis.
Halten Sie Ihr Fachwissen up-to-date 12 Beitrage aktueller Themen
aus der Facharztzeitschrift DER ANAESTHESIST stellen die Grundlage
fur Ihre Fort- und Weiterbildung dar, u.a.:
Eine Lasion des peripheren oder zentralen Nervensystems kann zu neuropathischen Schmerzen fuhren. Dabei kommt es entweder zu anhaltenden Schmerzen oder einschiessenden Schmerzattacken. Auch sind spezielle Schmerzreaktionsmuster wie Allodynie oder Hyperpathie bzw. eine zentrale Sensibilisierung moglich. Klinische Krankheitsbilder, die mit neuropathischen Schmerzen einhergehen, sind u.a. Polyneuropathien, Zoster-Neuralgien, sowie zentrale Schmerzsyndrome. Das Buch beginnt mit der Darstellung des Erscheinungsbildes neuropathischer Schmerzen, das zweite Hauptkapitel umfasst die allgemeinen Therapiemoglichkeiten (besonders medikamentose Therapie). Schliesslich werden die klinischen Krankheitsbilder und die passende Therapieempfehlung angefuhrt. Das Buch stellt auf wissenschaftlicher Basis, aber sehr praxisorientiert das Gesamtbild neuropathischer Schmerzen dar, beginnend bei der Schmerzsymptomatik, uber das klinische Krankheitsbild bis zu den relevanten "evidence based" Therapiemassnahmen. Der Kaufer kann einerseits schwierige Sachverhalte nachlesen (umfangreiches Literaturverzeichnis) und andererseits das Buch als therapeutisches Nachschlagwerk verwenden."
Die Spezialgebiete Anasthesiologie, Intensivtherapie, Schmerztherapie und Notfallmedizin haben in den letzten Jahren eine rasante Entwicklung und eine dementsprechend rasche Zunahme an neuen Erkenntnissen erfahren. Es ist daher besonders wichtig, dieses Wissen so schnell und so weit wie moglich zu optimieren. Der vorliegende 27. Refresher Course der Deutschen Akademie fur Anasthesiologische Fortbildung mit 18 verschiedenen Themen aus dem komplexen Gebiet der Akutmedizin vermittelt Facharzten und Arzten in der Weiterbildung mit seinen didaktisch gut aufbereiteten Texten den aktuellen Wissensstand der jeweiligen Thematik."
Die klassische "Ruckenschule" mit ihren eher funktionell ausgerichteten UEbungsrepertoires wird zunehmend durch ganzheitliche Lernkonzepte erweitert. Das Manual stellt anschaulich ein solches Gruppenkursprogramm fur die ganzheitliche Schulung von Koerperwahrnehmung und Koerperbewusstsein vor. Hier finden Therapeuten und Lehrer klare Informationen, die sie in Theorie und Praxis schnell fit machen: von den medizinischen und psychologischen Grundkenntnissen bis hin zu praktischen UEbungsanleitungen. Die sechs theoretisch fundierten und didaktisch gut nachvollziehbaren Kurseinheiten sorgen fur den raschen Lernerfolg der Teilnehmer: -> verbesserte Wahrnehmung der alltaglichen Haltungs- und Bewegungsmuster -> die Fahigkeit, zwischen unoekonomischen und effizienten Bewegungen zu unterscheiden -> Erweiterung des Bewegungsvokabulars sowie sowie eine verbesserte Koordination und Reaktionsfahigkeit. Ein modernes Konzept, fundiert vermittelt: Die optimale Basis fur den Behandlungserfolg!
Die Therapie von Kopfschmerzen betrifft nahezu alle Bereiche der
Medizin. In Deutschland geben nach neuen epidemiologischen Studien
rund 54 Mio. Menschen an, dass Kopfschmerzen fur sie immer wieder
oder andauernd ein Gesundheitsproblem darstellen. 2,4 Mio. Menschen
in Deutschland leiden taglich seit Jahren oder gar Jahrzehnten an
Kopfschmerzen. Rund 3,7 Milliarden Schmerzmitteldosen werden
jahrlich in Deutschland eingenommen. Ca. 80% dieser Schmerzmittel
werden wegen Kopfschmerzen konsumiert.
The most common medical problem in America today, chronic pain is more prevalent than cancer, heart disease, and diabetes combined. Yet tens of millions of people struggle with pain because they can't find someone who understands how much pain affects their lives-and because they live in a culture where pain is dismissed. Internationally recognized pain specialist Dr. Lynn Webster validates the debilitating nature of pain, offers practical answers, and helps you become a catalyst for changing the way pain is viewed in society. Drawing on his years of experience and the inspirational stories of others, he explores: - What a difference it makes to be heard - Why pain is much more than a symptom of disease - The benefits and risks of opioid prescriptions - How cultural attitudes toward pain affect us - The role of a caregiver in the journey of pain and recovery - How, even in the worst pain situations, you can have a fulfilling life The Painful Truth offers a path toward awareness, hope, and healing. |
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