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Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics
This volume presents peer reviewed and selected papers of the International Youth Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies (YETI-2020), held in Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg on July 10-11, 2020. It discusses current trends and major advances in electronics, telecommunications, optical and information technologies, focusing, in particular, on theoretical and practical aspects of developing novel devices and materials, improving data processing methods and technologies. The conference brings together young researchers and early-career scientists participating in a series of lectures and presentations, establishing contacts with potential partners, sharing new project ideas and starting new collaborations.
This book discusses in detail the special theory of relativity without including all the instruments of theoretical physics, enabling readers who are not budding theoretical physicists to develop competence in the field. An arbitrary but fixed inertial system is chosen, where the known velocity of light is measured. With respect to this system a moving clock loses time and a moving length contracts. The book then presents a definition of simultaneity for the other inertial frames without using the velocity of light. To do so it employs the known reciprocity principle, which in this context serves to provide a definition of simultaneity in the other inertial frames. As a consequence, the Lorentz transformation is deduced and the universal constancy of light is established. With the help of a lattice model of the special theory of relativity the book provides a deeper understanding of the relativistic effects. Further, it discusses the key STR experiments and formulates and solves 54 problems in detail.
This book reports on a study on physics problem solving in real classrooms situations. Problem solving plays a pivotal role in the physics curriculum at all levels. However, physics students' performance in problem solving all too often remains limited to basic routine problems, with evidence of poor performance in solving problems that go beyond equation retrieval and substitution. Adopting an action research methodology, the study bridges the `research-practical divide by explicitly teaching physics problem-solving strategies through collaborative group problem-solving sessions embedded within the curriculum. Data were collected using external assessments and video recordings of individual and collaborative group problem-solving sessions by 16-18 year-olds. The analysis revealed a positive shift in the students' problem-solving patterns, both at group and individual level. Students demonstrated a deliberate, well-planned deployment of the taught strategies. The marked positive shifts in collaborative competences, cognitive competences, metacognitive processing and increased self-efficacy are positively correlated with attainment in problem solving in physics. However, this shift proved to be due to different mechanisms triggered in the different students.
This book uses art photography as a point of departure for learning about physics, while also using physics as a point of departure for asking fundamental questions about the nature of photography as an art. Although not a how-to manual, the topics center around hands-on applications, sometimes illustrated by photographic processes that are inexpensive and easily accessible to students (including a versatile new process developed by the author, and first described in print in this series). A central theme is the connection between the physical interaction of light and matter on the one hand, and the artistry of the photographic processes and their results on the other. One half of Energy and Color focuses on the physics of energy, power, illuminance, and intensity of light, and how these relate to the photographic exposure, including a detailed example that follows the emission of light from the sun all the way through to the formation of the image in the camera. These concepts are described in both their traditional manner, but also using very-low sensitivity photography as an example, which brings the physical concepts to the fore in a visible way, whereas they are often hidden with ordinary high-speed photographic detectors. Energy and Color also considers color in terms of the spectrum of light, how it interacts with the subject, and how the camera's light detector interacts with the image focused upon it. But of equal concern is the only partially-understood and sometimes unexpected ways in which the human eye/brain interprets this spectral stimulus as color. The volume covers basic photographic subjects such as shutter, aperture, ISO, metering and exposure value, but also given their relations to the larger themes of the book less familiar topics such as the Jones-Condit equation, Lambertian versus isotropic reflections, reflection and response curves, and the opponent-process model of color perception. Although written at a beginning undergraduate level, the topics are chosen for their role in a more general discussion of the relation between science and art that is of interest to readers of all backgrounds and levels of expertise.
All students of physics need to understand the basic concepts of electricity and magnetism. E&M is central to the study of physics, and central to understanding the developments of the last two hundred years of not just science, but technology and society in general. But the core of electricity and magnetism can be difficult to understand - many of the ideas are counterintuitive and difficult to appreciate. This volume in the Greenwood Guides to Great Ideas in Science series traces the central concepts of electricity and magnetism from the ancient past to the present day, enabling students to develop a deeper understanding of how the science arose as it has. In addition, Electricity and Magnetism: A Historical Perspective supports curriculum guidelines that stress student understanding of the history and nature of the scientific enterprise. The volume examines the work of many of the most important scientists of the past: Benjamin Franklin and his fluid theory of electricity BLJames Clerk Maxwell and the development of the theory of electromagnetism BLAlbert Einstein and his special theory of relativity, which arose from debates over Maxwell's theory Electricity and Magnetism also examines the importance of the scientific research to modern technology - radio and television, computers, and light and power. Jargon and mathematics is kept to a minimum, and the volume includes a timeline and an annotated bibliography of useful print and online works for further research.Electricity and Magnetism is an ideal introduction for students studying physics and technology and who need to understand the history and nature of the scientific enterprise.
This Festschrift is a tribute to Susan Stepney's ideas and achievements in the areas of computer science, formal specifications and proofs, complex systems, unconventional computing, artificial chemistry, and artificial life. All chapters were written by internationally recognised leaders in computer science, physics, mathematics, and engineering. The book shares fascinating ideas, algorithms and implementations related to the formal specification of programming languages and applications, behavioural inheritance, modelling and analysis of complex systems, parallel computing and non-universality, growing cities, artificial life, evolving artificial neural networks, and unconventional computing. Accordingly, it offers an insightful and enjoyable work for readers from all walks of life, from undergraduate students to university professors, from mathematicians, computers scientists and engineers to physicists, chemists and biologists.
This book demonstrates some of the ways in which Microsoft Excel (R) may be used to solve numerical problems in the field of physics.
This book explores computational fluid dynamics applied to ship hydrodynamics and provides guidelines for the future developments in the field based on the Tokyo 2015 Workshop. It presents ship hull test cases, experimental data and submitted computational methods, conditions, grids and results. Analysis is made of errors for global (resistance, sinkage, trim and self-propulsion) and local flow (wave elevations, mean velocities and turbulence) variables, including standard deviations for global variables. The effects of grid size and turbulence models are evaluated for both global and local flow variables. Detailed analysis is made of turbulence modeling capabilities for capturing local flow physics. Errors and standard deviations are also assessed for added resistance (captive test cases) and course keeping/speed loss (free running test cases) in head and oblique waves. All submissions are used to evaluate the error and uncertainty by means of a systematic verification and validation (V&V) study along with statistical investigations.
This book is based on the author's lecture notes for his Introductory Newtonian Mechanics course at the Hellenic Naval Academy. In order to familiarize students with the use of several basic mathematical tools, such as vectors, differential operators and differential equations, it first presents the elements of vector analysis that are needed in the subsequent chapters. Further, the Mathematical Supplement at the end of the book offers a brief introduction to the concepts of differential calculus mentioned. The main text is divided into three parts, the first of which presents the mechanics of a single particle from both the kinetic and the dynamical perspectives. The second part then focuses on the mechanics of more complex structures, such as systems of particles, rigid bodies and ideal fluids, while the third part consists of 60 fully solved problems. Though chiefly intended as a primary text for freshman-level physics courses, the book can also be used as a supplemental (tutorial) resource for introductory courses on classical mechanics for physicists and engineers
"J R not only focuses on creation itself, but he also addresses the impact of words upon its primal beginning and its controversies." -Congressman Trent Franks God spoke the words of creation, but Scripture does not elaborate on the intricacies of this action. In "SpiritQuest 2: Interface with Creation," author JR McElfresh investigates many of the issues and controversies related to creation and considers the lack of answers to key questions. Designed for pastors, church leaders, and those who desire to learn more about pivotal creation issues and how the universe began, "SpiritQuest 2: Interface with" "Creation "probes into the issues of the relationship between scientific knowledge and the Word of God. This study takes a journey through quarks, quantum mechanics, sound, waveforms, creation's voice, energy, the miracles of Jesus, and a host of discoveries showing the relationship between God himself and the physical laws of the universe. McElfresh elaborates on the importance of the spoken and written word in Scripture, science, and the arena of linguistics in relation to creation; he also discusses the far-reaching impact of words as sounds and visual images on the human mind and thought. "SpiritQuest 2: Interface with Creation "demonstrates that words have immense power and energy and that it is wise to know how to use them.
Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 138.Subduction zones helped nucleate and grow the continents, they fertilize and lubricate the earth's interior, they are the site of most subaerial volcanism and many major earthquakes, and they yield a large fraction of the earth's precious metals. They are obvious targets for study--almost anything you learn is likely to impact important problems--yet arriving at a general understanding is notoriously difficult: Each subduction zone is distinct, differing in some important aspect from other subduction zones; fundamental aspects of their mechanics and igneous processes differ from those in other, relatively well-understood parts of the earth; and there are few direct samples of some of their most important metamorphic and metasomatic processes. As a result, even first-order features of subduction zones have generated conflict and apparent paradox. A central question about convergent margins, for instance--how vigorous magmatism can occur where plates sink and the mantle cools--has a host of mutually inconsistent answers: Early suggestions that magmatism resulted from melting subducted crust have been emphatically disproved and recently just as emphatically revived; the idea that melting is fluxed by fluid released from subducted crust is widely held but cannot explain the temperatures and volatile contents of many arc magmas; generations of kinematic and dynamic models have told us the mantle sinks at convergent margins, yet strong evidence suggests that melting there is often driven by upwelling. In contrast, our understanding ofwhy volcanoes appear at ocean ridges and "hotspots"--although still presenting their own chestnuts--are fundamentally solved problems.
The Phase Field Crystal (PFC) model incorporates microscopic structural details into a mesoscopic continuum theory. Methods for fast propagation of PFC interfaces are discussed in this book. They can handle a wide range of thermal gradients, supersaturations and supercoolings, including applications such as selective laser melting. The reader will find theoretical treatment in the first half, while the latter half discusses numerical models.
This book includes the proceedings of the conference "Problems of the Geocosmos" held by the Earth Physics Department, St. Petersburg State University, Russia, every two years since 1996. Covering a broad range of topics in solid Earth physics and solar-terrestrial physics, as well as more applied subjects such as engineering geology and ecology, the book reviews the latest research in planetary geophysics, focusing on the interaction between the Earth's shells and the near-Earth space in a unified system. This book is divided into four sections: * Exploration and Environmental Geophysics (EG), which covers two broad areas of environmental and engineering geophysics - near-surface research and deep geoelectric studies; * Paleomagnetism and Rock Magnetism (P), which includes research on magnetostratigraphy, paleomagnetism applied to tectonics, environmental magnetism, and marine magnetic anomalies; * Seismology (S), which covers the theory of seismic wave propagation, Earth's structure from seismic data, global and regional seismicity and sources of earthquakes, and novel seismic instruments and data processing methods; and * Physics of Solar-Terrestrial Connections (STP), which includes magnetospheric phenomena, space weather, and the interrelationship between solar activity and climate.
This book highlights cutting-edge research in the field of network science, offering scientists, researchers, students, and practitioners a unique update on the latest advances in theory and a multitude of applications. It presents the peer-reviewed proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications (COMPLEX NETWORKS 2019), which took place in Lisbon, Portugal, on December 10-12, 2019. The carefully selected papers cover a wide range of theoretical topics such as network models and measures; community structure, and network dynamics; diffusion, epidemics, and spreading processes; resilience and control as well as all the main network applications, including social and political networks; networks in finance and economics; biological and neuroscience networks; and technological networks.
This book presents peer-reviewed articles from the 20th International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies (ISOT 2019), held in Goa, India. The symposium brought together students, researchers, professionals, and academicians in the field of optomechatronics and related areas on a common platform conducive to academic interaction with business professionals.
This book presents a modern view of anomalies in quantum field theories. It is divided into six parts. The first part is preparatory covering an introduction to fermions, a description of the classical symmetries, and a short introduction to conformal symmetry. The second part of the book is devoted to the relation between anomalies and cohomology. The third part deals with perturbative methods to compute gauge, diffeomorphism and trace anomalies. In the fourth part the same anomalies are calculated with non-perturbative heat-kernel-like methods. Part five is devoted to the family's index theorem and its application to chiral anomalies, and to the differential characters and their applications to global anomalies. Part six is devoted to special topics including a complete calculation of trace and diffeomorphism anomalies of a Dirac fermion in a MAT background in two dimensions, Wess-Zumino terms in field theories, sigma models, their local and global anomalies and their cancelation, and finally the analysis of the worldsheet, sigma model, and target space anomalies of string and superstring theories. The book is targeted to researchers and graduate students.
This new game book for understanding atoms at play aims to document diffusion processes and various other properties operative in advanced technological materials. Diffusion in functional organic chemicals, polymers, granular materials, complex oxides, metallic glasses, and quasi-crystals among other advanced materials is a highly interactive and synergic phenomenon. A large variety of atomic arrangements are possible. Each arrangement affects the performance of these advanced, polycrystalline multiphase materials used in photonics, MEMS, electronics, and other applications of current and developing interest. This book is written by pioneers in industry and academia for engineers, chemists, and physicists in industry and academia at the forefront of today's challenges in nanotechnology, surface science, materials science, and semiconductors.
This book presents an overview of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), their mechanisms of antimicrobial action, other activities, and various problems that must still be overcome regarding their clinical application. Divided into four major parts, the book begins with a general overview of AMPs (Part I), and subsequently discusses the various mechanisms of antimicrobial action and methods for researching them (Part 2). It then addresses a range of activities other than antimicrobial action, such as cell penetration, antisepsis, anticancer, and immunomodulatory activities (Part 3), and explores the prospects of clinical application from various standpoints such as the selective toxicity, design, and discovery of AMPs (Part 4). A huge number of AMPs have been discovered in plants, insects, and vertebrates including humans, and constitute host defense systems against invading pathogenic microorganisms. Consequently, many attempts have been made to utilize AMPs as antibiotics. AMPs could help to solve the urgent problem of drug-resistant bacteria, and are also promising with regard to sepsis and cancer therapy. Gathering a wealth of information, this book will be a bible for all those seeking to develop antibiotics, anti-sepsis, or anticancer agents based on AMPs.
This thesis summarizes the original analysis work performed by the author on data from XENON1T, a search for dark matter with a ton-size noble liquid detector operated at Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory in Italy. The nature of dark matter is one of the most open and pressing questions of modern physics, and the unique data acquired with this detector allows the exploration and investigation of several potential scenarios. The analysis of Dr. Shockley searches for a class of elusive elementary particles that interact with the electrons of ordinary atoms, instead of the nucleus. Results of the analysis present, with high confidence, an excess with respect to the expected background. Beyond more mundane explanations, this additional rate of electron-mediated interactions might be a first hint of physics beyond the standard model. This accessible thesis provides details on the detector, the data, and the theory, delivering to the reader an in-depth and coherent picture of the search for physics beyond the standard model.
This book is about the drift, diffusion, and reaction of ions moving through gases under the influence of an external electric field, the gas temperature, and the number density. While this field was established late in the 19th century, experimental and theoretical studies of ion and electron swarms continue to be important in such varied fields as atomic and molecular physics, aeronomy and atmospheric chemistry, gaseous electronics, plasma processing, and laser physics. This book follows in the rigorous tradition of well-known older books on the subject, while at the same time providing a much-needed overview of modern developments with a focus on theory. Graduate students and researchers new to this field will find this book an indispensable guide, particularly those involved with ion mobility spectrometry and the use of ion transport coefficients to test and improve ab initio ion-neutral interaction potentials. Established researchers and academics will find in this book a modern companion to the classic references. |
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