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Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics
This thesis presents the first successful realization of a compact, low-noise, and few-cycle light source in the mid-infrared wavelength region. By developing the technology of pumping femtosecond chromium-doped II-VI laser oscillators directly with the emission of broad-stripe single-emitter laser diodes, coherent light was generated with exceptionally low amplitude noise - crucial for numerous applications including spectroscopy at high sensitivities. Other key parameters of the oscillator's output, such as pulse duration and output power, matched and even surpassed previous state-of-the-art systems. As a demonstration of its unique capabilities, the oscillator's powerful output was used to drive - without further amplification - the nonlinear generation of coherent mid-infrared light spanning multiple octaves. The resulting table-top system uniquely combines high brilliance and ultrabroad spectral bandwidth in the important mid-infrared spectral range. The rapid development of this technology is comprehensively and lucidly documented in this PhD thesis. Together with a thorough review of literature and applications, and an extensive analysis of the theoretical foundations behind ultrafast laser oscillators, the thesis will serve as a valuable reference for the construction of a new generation of mid-infrared light sources.
This book is a complete volume of Newton's mathematical principles relating to natural philosophy and his system of the world. Newton, one of the most brilliant scientists and thinkers of all time, presents his theories, formulas and thoughts. Included are chapters relative to the motion of bodies; motion of bodies in resisting mediums; and system of the world in mathematical treatment; a section on axioms or laws of motion, and definitions.
Integrable models have a fascinating history with many important discoveries that dates back to the famous Kepler problem of planetary motion. Nowadays it is well recognised that integrable systems play a ubiquitous role in many research areas ranging from quantum field theory, string theory, solvable models of statistical mechanics, black hole physics, quantum chaos and the AdS/CFT correspondence, to pure mathematics, such as representation theory, harmonic analysis, random matrix theory and complex geometry. Starting with the Liouville theorem and finite-dimensional integrable models, this book covers the basic concepts of integrability including elements of the modern geometric approach based on Poisson reduction, classical and quantum factorised scattering and various incarnations of the Bethe Ansatz. Applications of integrability methods are illustrated in vast detail on the concrete examples of the Calogero-Moser-Sutherland and Ruijsenaars-Schneider models, the Heisenberg spin chain and the one-dimensional Bose gas interacting via a delta-function potential. This book has intermediate and advanced topics with details to make them clearly comprehensible.
Combinatorial Kalman filters are a standard tool today for pattern recognition and charged particle reconstruction in high energy physics. In this thesis the implementation of the track finding software for the Belle II experiment and first studies on early Belle II data are presented. The track finding algorithm exploits novel concepts such as multivariate track quality estimates to form charged trajectory hypotheses combining information from the Belle II central drift chamber with the inner vertex sub-detectors. The eventual track candidates show an improvement in resolution on the parameters describing their spatial and momentum properties by up to a factor of seven over the former legacy implementation. The second part of the thesis documents a novel way to determine the collision event null time T0 and the implementation of optimisation steps in the online reconstruction code, which proved crucial in overcoming the high level trigger limitations.
This book deals with the analysis and development of numerical methods for the time-domain analysis of multiphysical effects in superconducting circuits of particle accelerator magnets. An important challenge is the simulation of "quenching", i.e. the transition of a material from the superconducting to the normally electrically conductive state. The book analyses complex mathematical structures and presents models to simulate such quenching events in the context of generalized circuit elements. Furthermore, it proposes efficient parallelized algorithms with guaranteed convergence properties for the simulation of multiphysical problems. Spanning from theoretical concepts to applied research, and featuring rigorous mathematical presentations on one side, as well as simplified explanations of many complex issues, on the other side, this book provides graduate students and researchers with a comprehensive introduction on the state of the art and a source of inspiration for future research. Moreover, the proposed concepts and methods can be extended to the simulation of multiphysical phenomena in different application contexts.
This book highlights a novel and holistic approach to multiscaled PVA bionanocomposite films used for electrical sensing, medical and packaging applications. With a combination of material characterization and modeling to understand the effect of nanoparticle size and shape, as well as 3D interphase properties and features such as interphase modulus and nanoscale dimensions, this book substantiates how excellent mechanical and thermal properties of these materials are achieved. Also it addresses the importance of using economical and ecofriendly bionanocomposites as potential green materials to support the goal of environmental sustainability with multifunctional properties.
This book puts forward the concept of the Diameter-Transformed Fluidized Bed (DTFB): a fluidized bed characterized by the coexistence of multiple flow regimes and reaction zones, achieved by transforming the bed into several sections of different diameters. It reviews fundamental aspects, including computational fluid dynamics simulations and industrial practices in connection with DTFB. In particular, it highlights an example concerning the development of maximizing iso-paraffins (MIP) reactors for regulating complex, fluid catalytic cracking reactions in petroleum refineries. The book is a must-have for understanding how academic and industrial researchers are now collaborating in order to develop novel catalytic processes.
This book is a tribute to the scientific legacy of GianCarlo Ghirardi, who was one of the most influential scientists in the field of modern foundations of quantum theory. In this appraisal, contributions from friends, collaborators and colleagues reflect the influence of his world of thoughts on theory, experiments and philosophy, while also offering prospects for future research in the foundations of quantum physics. The themes of the contributions revolve around the physical reality of the wave function and its notorious collapse, randomness, relativity and experiments.
Fluid mechanics is the study of how fluids behave and interact
under various forces and in various applied situations, whether in
liquid or gas state or both. The author compiles pertinent
information that are introduced in the more advanced classes at the
senior level and at the graduate level. "Advanced Fluid Mechanics"
courses typically cover a variety of topics involving fluids in
various multiple states (phases), with both elastic and non-elastic
qualities, and flowing in complex ways. This new text will
integrate both the simple stages of fluid mechanics
("Fundamentals") with those involving more complex parameters,
including Inviscid Flow in multi-dimensions, Viscous Flow and
Turbulence, and a succinct introduction to Computational Fluid
Dynamics. It will offer exceptional pedagogy, for both classroom
use and self-instruction, including many worked-out examples,
end-of-chapter problems, and actual computer programs that can be
used to reinforce theory with real-world applications.
Written by a leading expert on comets, this textbook is divided into seven main elements with a view to allowing advanced students to appreciate the interconnections between the different elements. The author opens with a brief introductory segment on the motivation for studying comets and the overall scope of the book. The first chapter describes fundamental aspects most usually addressed by ground-based observation. The author then looks at the basic physical phenomena in four separate chapters addressing the nucleus, the emitted gas, the emitted dust, and the solar wind interaction. Each chapter introduces the basic physics and chemistry but then new specific measurements by Rosetta instruments at comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko are brought in. A concerted effort has been made to distinguish between established fact and conjecture. Deviations and inconsistencies are brought out and their significance explained. Links to previous observations of comets Tempel 1, Wild 2, Hartley 2, Halley and others are made. The author then closes with three smaller chapters on related objects, the loss of comets, and prospects for future exploration. This textbook includes over 275 graphics and figures - most of which are original. Thorough explanations and derivations are included throughout the chapters. The text is therefore designed to support MSc. students and new PhD students in the field wanting to gain a solid overview of the state-of-the-art.
"Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics" merges two long-running
serials--"Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics" and
"Advances in Optical and Electron Microscopy." This series features
extended articles on the physics of electron devices (especially
semiconductor devices), particle optics at high and low energies,
microlithography, image science and digital image processing,
electromagnetic wave propagation, electron microscopy, and the
computing methods used in all these domains. This particular volume
presents several timely articles on the scanning transmission
electron microscope.
This volume collects the edited and reviewed contributions presented in the 8th iTi Conference on Turbulence, held in Bertinoro, Italy, in September 2018. In keeping with the spirit of the conference, the book was produced afterwards, so that the authors had the opportunity to incorporate comments and discussions raised during the event. The respective contributions, which address both fundamental and applied aspects of turbulence, have been structured according to the following main topics: I TheoryII Wall-bounded flowsIII Simulations and modellingIV ExperimentsV Miscellaneous topicsVI Wind energy
This book provides a comprehensive overview of statistical descriptions of turbulent flows. Its main objectives are to point out why ordinary perturbative treatments of the Navier-Stokes equation have been rather futile, and to present recent advances in non-perturbative treatments, e.g., the instanton method and a stochastic interpretation of turbulent energy transfer. After a brief introduction to the basic equations of turbulent fluid motion, the book outlines a probabilistic treatment of the Navier-Stokes equation and chiefly focuses on the emergence of a multi-point hierarchy and the notion of the closure problem of turbulence. Furthermore, empirically observed multiscaling features and their impact on possible closure methods are discussed, and each is put into the context of its original field of use, e.g., the renormalization group method is addressed in relation to the theory of critical phenomena. The intended readership consists of physicists and engineers who want to get acquainted with the prevalent concepts and methods in this research area.
The development of nuclear weapons during the Manhattan Project is one of the most significant scientific events of the twentieth century. This revised and updated 4th edition explores the challenges that faced the scientists and engineers of the Manhattan Project. It gives a clear introduction to fission weapons at the level of an upper-year undergraduate physics student by examining the details of nuclear reactions, their energy release, analytic and numerical models of the fission process, how critical masses can be estimated, how fissile materials are produced, and what factors complicate bomb design. An extensive list of references and a number of exercises for self-study are included. Revisions to this fourth edition include many upgrades and new sections. Improvements are made to, among other things, the analysis of the physics of the fission barrier, the time-dependent simulation of the explosion of a nuclear weapon, and the discussion of tamped bomb cores. New sections cover, for example, composite bomb cores, approximate methods for various of the calculations presented, and the physics of the polonium-beryllium "neutron initiators" used to trigger the bombs. The author delivers in this book an unparalleled, clear and comprehensive treatment of the physics behind the Manhattan project.
Ray, wave and quantum concepts are central to diverse and seemingly
incompatible models of light. Each model particularizes a specific
''manifestation'' of light, and then corresponds to adequate
physical assumptions and formal approximations, whose domains of
applicability are well-established. Accordingly each model
comprises its own set of geometric and dynamic postulates with the
pertinent mathematical means.
Our Universe is amazing. This is its story, told in simple language. The story tells how the Universe came to be what it is today. It starts with the Big Bang and describes how stars, black holes, and our solar system developed. It explores the evolution of life on Earth and investigates the possibility of extra-terrestrial life. It peers into the future and wonders about the Universe's likely old age and death, or whatever else may be its end. The challenge the book takes up is to explain all of this, including some of the astonishing concepts we have in science, such as Einstein's theories of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, using virtually no mathematics and without dumbing-down. All are described narratively and explained using examples and anecdotes. The book is written for young people with a thirst for learning about the science of space, as well as for 'grown-ups' who want a better understanding of this fascinating subject.
This book focuses on the need for an Eulerian formulation of constitutive equations. After introducing tensor analysis using both index and direct notation, nonlinear kinematics of continua is presented. The balance laws of the purely mechanical theory are discussed along with restrictions on constitutive equations due to superposed rigid body motion. The balance laws of the thermomechanical theory are discussed and specific constitutive equations are presented for: hyperelastic materials; elastic-inelastic materials; thermoelastic-inelastic materials with application to shock waves; thermoelastic-inelastic porous materials; and thermoelastic-inelastic growing biological tissues.
This book provides details of the basic frameworks and characteristics of processes occurring in electronically excited states of small molecules, complexes, and clusters. It discusses the perturbations in electronically excited valence states of molecules induced by intramolecular interaction and intermolecular interactions, which occur in collisions and optically populated, weakly bound complexes. Further, it describes the kinetics and mechanisms of photoprocesses in simple molecules and recombination accompanied by radiation. The book also offers information on general kinetics for gas-phase processes and basic theoretical frameworks for elementary processes. It features many useful problems, making it a valuable resource for students and researchers in molecular spectroscopy/molecular physics and chemical physics/physical chemistry.
This book offers an introduction to the booming field of high-power laser-matter interaction. It covers the heating of matter to super-high temperatures and pressures, novel schemes of fast particle acceleration, matter far from thermal equilibrium, stimulated radiation scattering, relativistic optics, strong field QED, as well as relevant applications, such as extreme states of matter, controlled fusion, and novel radiation sources. All models and methods considered are introduced as they arise and illustrated by relevant examples. Each chapter contains a selection of problems to test the reader's understanding, to apply the models under discussion to relevant situations and to discover their limits of validity. The carefully chosen illustrations greatly facilitate the visualization of physical processes as well as presenting detailed numerical results. A list of useful formulas and tables are provided as a guide to quantifying results from experiments and numerical simulations. Each chapter ends with a description of the state of the art and the current research frontiers.
Quantum Mechanics of Non-Hamiltonian and Dissipative Systems is
self-contained and can be used by students without a previous
course in modern mathematics and physics. The book describes the
modern structure of the theory, and covers the fundamental results
of last 15 years. The book has been recommended by Russian Ministry
of Education as the textbook for graduate students and has been
used for graduate student lectures from 1998 to 2006.
This introductory text emphasises physical principles, rather than the mathematics. Each topic begins with a discussion of the physical characteristics of the motion or system. The mathematics is kept as clear as possible, and includes elegant mathematical descriptions where possible. Designed to provide a logical development of the subject, the book is divided into two sections, vibrations followed by waves. A particular feature is the inclusion of many examples, frequently drawn from everyday life, along with more cutting-edge ones. Each chapter includes problems ranging in difficulty from simple to challenging and includes hints for solving problems. Numerous worked examples included throughout the book. |
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