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Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics
This book discusses non-equilibrium quantum many-body dynamics, recently explored in an analog quantum simulator of strongly correlated ultracold atoms. The first part presents a field-theoretical analysis of the experimental observability of the Higgs amplitude mode that emerges as a relativistic collective excitation near a quantum phase transition of superfluid Bose gases in an optical lattice potential. The author presents the dynamical susceptibilities to external driving of the microscopic parameters, taking into account a leading-order perturbative correction from quantum and thermal fluctuations and shows clear signatures of the Higgs mode in these observables. This is the first result that strongly supports the stability of the Higgs mode in three-dimensional optical lattices even in the presence of a spatially inhomogeneous confinement potential and paves the way for desktop observations of the Higgs mode. In the second part, the author applies the semi-classical truncated-Wigner approximation (TWA) to far-from-equilibrium quantum dynamics. Specifically, he considers the recent experiments on quantum-quench dynamics in a Bose-Hubbard quantum simulator. A direct comparison shows remarkable agreement between the numerical results from TWA and the experimental data. This result clearly indicates the potential of such a semi-classical approach in reliably simulating many-body systems using classical computers. The book also includes several chapters providing comprehensive reviews of the recent studies on cold-atomic quantum simulation and various theoretical methods, including the Schwinger-boson approach in strongly correlated systems and the phase-space semi-classical method for far-from-equilibrium quantum dynamics. These chapters are highly recommended to students and young researchers who are interested in semi-classical approaches in non-equilibrium quantum dynamics.
This book explores computational fluid dynamics applied to ship hydrodynamics and provides guidelines for the future developments in the field based on the Tokyo 2015 Workshop. It presents ship hull test cases, experimental data and submitted computational methods, conditions, grids and results. Analysis is made of errors for global (resistance, sinkage, trim and self-propulsion) and local flow (wave elevations, mean velocities and turbulence) variables, including standard deviations for global variables. The effects of grid size and turbulence models are evaluated for both global and local flow variables. Detailed analysis is made of turbulence modeling capabilities for capturing local flow physics. Errors and standard deviations are also assessed for added resistance (captive test cases) and course keeping/speed loss (free running test cases) in head and oblique waves. All submissions are used to evaluate the error and uncertainty by means of a systematic verification and validation (V&V) study along with statistical investigations.
This book is based on the author's lecture notes for his Introductory Newtonian Mechanics course at the Hellenic Naval Academy. In order to familiarize students with the use of several basic mathematical tools, such as vectors, differential operators and differential equations, it first presents the elements of vector analysis that are needed in the subsequent chapters. Further, the Mathematical Supplement at the end of the book offers a brief introduction to the concepts of differential calculus mentioned. The main text is divided into three parts, the first of which presents the mechanics of a single particle from both the kinetic and the dynamical perspectives. The second part then focuses on the mechanics of more complex structures, such as systems of particles, rigid bodies and ideal fluids, while the third part consists of 60 fully solved problems. Though chiefly intended as a primary text for freshman-level physics courses, the book can also be used as a supplemental (tutorial) resource for introductory courses on classical mechanics for physicists and engineers
"J R not only focuses on creation itself, but he also addresses the impact of words upon its primal beginning and its controversies." -Congressman Trent Franks God spoke the words of creation, but Scripture does not elaborate on the intricacies of this action. In "SpiritQuest 2: Interface with Creation," author JR McElfresh investigates many of the issues and controversies related to creation and considers the lack of answers to key questions. Designed for pastors, church leaders, and those who desire to learn more about pivotal creation issues and how the universe began, "SpiritQuest 2: Interface with" "Creation "probes into the issues of the relationship between scientific knowledge and the Word of God. This study takes a journey through quarks, quantum mechanics, sound, waveforms, creation's voice, energy, the miracles of Jesus, and a host of discoveries showing the relationship between God himself and the physical laws of the universe. McElfresh elaborates on the importance of the spoken and written word in Scripture, science, and the arena of linguistics in relation to creation; he also discusses the far-reaching impact of words as sounds and visual images on the human mind and thought. "SpiritQuest 2: Interface with Creation "demonstrates that words have immense power and energy and that it is wise to know how to use them.
Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 138.Subduction zones helped nucleate and grow the continents, they fertilize and lubricate the earth's interior, they are the site of most subaerial volcanism and many major earthquakes, and they yield a large fraction of the earth's precious metals. They are obvious targets for study--almost anything you learn is likely to impact important problems--yet arriving at a general understanding is notoriously difficult: Each subduction zone is distinct, differing in some important aspect from other subduction zones; fundamental aspects of their mechanics and igneous processes differ from those in other, relatively well-understood parts of the earth; and there are few direct samples of some of their most important metamorphic and metasomatic processes. As a result, even first-order features of subduction zones have generated conflict and apparent paradox. A central question about convergent margins, for instance--how vigorous magmatism can occur where plates sink and the mantle cools--has a host of mutually inconsistent answers: Early suggestions that magmatism resulted from melting subducted crust have been emphatically disproved and recently just as emphatically revived; the idea that melting is fluxed by fluid released from subducted crust is widely held but cannot explain the temperatures and volatile contents of many arc magmas; generations of kinematic and dynamic models have told us the mantle sinks at convergent margins, yet strong evidence suggests that melting there is often driven by upwelling. In contrast, our understanding ofwhy volcanoes appear at ocean ridges and "hotspots"--although still presenting their own chestnuts--are fundamentally solved problems.
This book includes the proceedings of the conference "Problems of the Geocosmos" held by the Earth Physics Department, St. Petersburg State University, Russia, every two years since 1996. Covering a broad range of topics in solid Earth physics and solar-terrestrial physics, as well as more applied subjects such as engineering geology and ecology, the book reviews the latest research in planetary geophysics, focusing on the interaction between the Earth's shells and the near-Earth space in a unified system. This book is divided into four sections: * Exploration and Environmental Geophysics (EG), which covers two broad areas of environmental and engineering geophysics - near-surface research and deep geoelectric studies; * Paleomagnetism and Rock Magnetism (P), which includes research on magnetostratigraphy, paleomagnetism applied to tectonics, environmental magnetism, and marine magnetic anomalies; * Seismology (S), which covers the theory of seismic wave propagation, Earth's structure from seismic data, global and regional seismicity and sources of earthquakes, and novel seismic instruments and data processing methods; and * Physics of Solar-Terrestrial Connections (STP), which includes magnetospheric phenomena, space weather, and the interrelationship between solar activity and climate.
This book highlights cutting-edge research in the field of network science, offering scientists, researchers, students, and practitioners a unique update on the latest advances in theory and a multitude of applications. It presents the peer-reviewed proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications (COMPLEX NETWORKS 2019), which took place in Lisbon, Portugal, on December 10-12, 2019. The carefully selected papers cover a wide range of theoretical topics such as network models and measures; community structure, and network dynamics; diffusion, epidemics, and spreading processes; resilience and control as well as all the main network applications, including social and political networks; networks in finance and economics; biological and neuroscience networks; and technological networks.
This book presents a modern view of anomalies in quantum field theories. It is divided into six parts. The first part is preparatory covering an introduction to fermions, a description of the classical symmetries, and a short introduction to conformal symmetry. The second part of the book is devoted to the relation between anomalies and cohomology. The third part deals with perturbative methods to compute gauge, diffeomorphism and trace anomalies. In the fourth part the same anomalies are calculated with non-perturbative heat-kernel-like methods. Part five is devoted to the family's index theorem and its application to chiral anomalies, and to the differential characters and their applications to global anomalies. Part six is devoted to special topics including a complete calculation of trace and diffeomorphism anomalies of a Dirac fermion in a MAT background in two dimensions, Wess-Zumino terms in field theories, sigma models, their local and global anomalies and their cancelation, and finally the analysis of the worldsheet, sigma model, and target space anomalies of string and superstring theories. The book is targeted to researchers and graduate students.
This thesis summarizes the original analysis work performed by the author on data from XENON1T, a search for dark matter with a ton-size noble liquid detector operated at Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory in Italy. The nature of dark matter is one of the most open and pressing questions of modern physics, and the unique data acquired with this detector allows the exploration and investigation of several potential scenarios. The analysis of Dr. Shockley searches for a class of elusive elementary particles that interact with the electrons of ordinary atoms, instead of the nucleus. Results of the analysis present, with high confidence, an excess with respect to the expected background. Beyond more mundane explanations, this additional rate of electron-mediated interactions might be a first hint of physics beyond the standard model. This accessible thesis provides details on the detector, the data, and the theory, delivering to the reader an in-depth and coherent picture of the search for physics beyond the standard model.
This book is about the drift, diffusion, and reaction of ions moving through gases under the influence of an external electric field, the gas temperature, and the number density. While this field was established late in the 19th century, experimental and theoretical studies of ion and electron swarms continue to be important in such varied fields as atomic and molecular physics, aeronomy and atmospheric chemistry, gaseous electronics, plasma processing, and laser physics. This book follows in the rigorous tradition of well-known older books on the subject, while at the same time providing a much-needed overview of modern developments with a focus on theory. Graduate students and researchers new to this field will find this book an indispensable guide, particularly those involved with ion mobility spectrometry and the use of ion transport coefficients to test and improve ab initio ion-neutral interaction potentials. Established researchers and academics will find in this book a modern companion to the classic references.
The Physics of Music by ALEXANDER WOOD M. A.., I. SG, 3 Late Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge revised by J. 3V1. BOWSHER METHUEN CO LTD 36 ESSEX STREET - STRAND - W. C, 2 PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION i HOPE that this little book may serve as an introduction for some to the very interesting borderland between physics and music. It is a borderland in which the co-operation of musicians and physicists may have important results for the future of music. The typescript and proofs have been read by Miss Nancy Browne from the point of view of the general reader, and many obscure passages have been clarified. On the technical side I am indebted to Dr Pringle, who has read the proofs and given me valuable criticism and advice. Miss Cawkewell has helped me with the illustrations, Mr Cottingham has supplied the photographs for Figs. 1.7 to i. io, and my secretary. Miss Sindall, has been responsible for the typing and for the assembly and preparation of the material. Because of the help received from these and others the book is a much better book than it would otherwise have been. For its remaining imperfections I must take full responsibility. I should like also grateftdly to acknowledge the patience and consideration of the publishers and the way in which they have grappled with the difficulties of the production of a book of this kind in war-time. ALEX WOOD PREFACE TO THE SIXTH EDITION DR WOODS book was first published in 1944 and has enjoyed considerable popularity for many years as an introduction to the physics of sound for musicians. I have tried to preserve the flavour of the new original book as much as possible, but have felt it necessary to indicate the opinions of other authorities, where these differed greatly from Woods, with additional footnotes. The sections on the recording and reproduction of sound, and on the acoustics of buildings, have been largely rewritten in the light of modern developments. J. M. BOWSHER December, CONTENTS tSHAP. PAGE 1. THE NATURE OF SOUND . I 2. FORCED VIBRATION AND RESONANCE 23 3. INTENSITY AND LOUDNESS ...... 33 4. PITCH .......... 42 5. MUSICAL QUALITY . . . . . . . 6 1 O. THE EAR ......... 78 7. VIBRATIONS OF STRINGS ....... go 8. ORGAN PIPES . . . . . . . . IIO gT SUNDRY OTHER MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS . . . 132 IP. DISSONANCE AND CONSONANCE . . . . . - 157 11. SCALES AND TEMPERAMENT . . . . . 171 12. RECORDING AND REPRODUCTION OF SOUND . . . 2O2 13. HALLS AND CONCERT ROOMS . . . . . .223 BIBLIOGRAPHY ........ 252 INDEX OF SUBJECTS ....... 253 INDEX OF NAMES ........ 257 VI ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE 1.1. Wave-model facing 4 1.2. Wave diagram to illustrate propagation of waves ... 4 1.3 Simple harmonic motion ....... 4 1.4. Displacement diagram for simple harmonic wave . . . 5 i .5. Two successive positions of a wave to show direction of motion of the medium as the wave passes ..... 6 1.6. Relation between displacement, particle velocity, and density . 7 1.7. Reflected ripples with the source at one focus of an elliptical reflector and the reflected ripples converging to the other focus ........ . facing 5 1.8. Straight ripples focused by passing over an immersed lens which gives varying depth, and therefore varying speed for ripples facing 5 1.9. Ripples passing through an aperture and showing bending at the rages ....... . facing 5 i. to. Superposition of two sets of circular ripples showing nodal and antinodal lines . facing 5 i. i i.Stationary waves due to two equal sets of waves travelling in opposite directions ....... 12 1. 1 2. Motion of the air at four successive instants separated by one quarter of a period ....... 13 1.13. Wave diagram to illustrate stationary waves . . . 14 1.14. Refraction of sound-rays due to reversal of wind or temperature gradient ......... 18 1.15. Diagram of tuning-fork showing compression and rarefactions . 19 9.1. Coupled pendulums 25 2.2. Tuning-fork mounted on resonance box 26 2.3. Resonators used by Helmholtz for the analysis of sounds . facing 36 2.4...
This book shows how the web-based PhysGL programming environment (http://physgl.org) can be used to teach and learn elementary mechanics (physics) using simple coding exercises. The book's theme is that the lessons encountered in such a course can be used to generate physics-based animations, providing students with compelling and self-made visuals to aid their learning. Topics presented are parallel to those found in a traditional physics text, making for straightforward integration into a typical lecture-based physics course. Users will appreciate the ease at which compelling OpenGL-based graphics and animations can be produced using PhysGL, as well as its clean, simple language constructs. The author argues that coding should be a standard part of lower-division STEM courses, and provides many anecdotal experiences and observations, that include observed benefits of the coding work.
The third edition of the by now classic reference on rigorous analysis of symmetry breaking in both classical and quantum field theories adds new topics of relevance, in particular the effect of dynamical Coulomb delocalization, by which boundary conditions give rise to volume effects and to energy/mass gap in the Goldstone spectrum (plasmon spectrum, Anderson superconductivity, Higgs phenomenon). The book closes with a discussion of the physical meaning of global and local gauge symmetries and their breaking, with attention to the effect of gauge group topology in QCD. From the reviews of the first edition: It is remarkable to see how much material can actually be presented in a rigorous way (incidentally, many of the results presented are due to Strocchi himself), yet this is largely ignored, the original heuristic derivations being, as a rule, more popular. - At each step he strongly emphasizes the physical meaning and motivation of the various notions introduced [...] a book that fills a conspicuous gap in the literature, and does it rather well. It could also be a good basis for a graduate course in mathematical physics. J.-P. Antoine, Physicalia 28/2, 2006 Despite many accounts in popular textbooks and a widespread belief, the phenomenon is rather subtle, requires an infinite set of degrees of freedom and an advanced mathematical setting of the system under investigation. [...] The mathematically oriented graduate student will certainly benefit from this thorough, rigorous and detailed investigation. G. Roepstorff, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 1075, 2006 From the reviews of the second edition: This second edition of Strocchi's Symmetry Breaking presents a complete, generalized and highly rigorous discussion of the subject, based on a formal analysis of conditions necessary for the mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking to occur in classical systems, as well as in quantum systems. [...] This book is specifically recommended for mathematical physicists interested in a deeper and rigorous understanding of the subject, and it should be mandatory for researchers studying the mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking. S. Hajjawi, Mathematical Reviews, 2008
This volume shares and makes accessible new research lines and recent results in several branches of theoretical and mathematical physics, among them Quantum Optics, Coherent States, Integrable Systems, SUSY Quantum Mechanics, and Mathematical Methods in Physics. In addition to a selection of the contributions presented at the "6th International Workshop on New Challenges in Quantum Mechanics: Integrability and Supersymmetry", held in Valladolid, Spain, 27-30 June 2017, several high quality contributions from other authors are also included. The conference gathered 60 participants from many countries working in different fields of Theoretical Physics, and was dedicated to Prof. Veronique Hussin-an internationally recognized expert in many branches of Mathematical Physics who has been making remarkable contributions to this field since the 1980s. The reader will find interesting reviews on the main topics from internationally recognized experts in each field, as well as other original contributions, all of which deal with recent applications or discoveries in the aforementioned areas.
This book explores several key issues in beam phase space dynamics in plasma-based wakefield accelerators. It reveals the phase space dynamics of ionization-based injection methods by identifying two key phase mixing processes. Subsequently, the book proposes a two-color laser ionization injection scheme for generating high-quality beams, and assesses it using particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. To eliminate emittance growth when the beam propagates between plasma accelerators and traditional accelerator components, a method using longitudinally tailored plasma structures as phase space matching components is proposed. Based on the aspects above, a preliminary design study on X-ray free-electron lasers driven by plasma accelerators is presented. Lastly, an important type of numerical noise-the numerical Cherenkov instabilities in particle-in-cell codes-is systematically studied.
This book discusses multiple aspects of radiological and nuclear terrorism. Do you know what to do if there is a radiological or nuclear emergency in your city? These accidents are not common, but they have happened - and even though we have not seen an attack using these weapons, governments around the world are making plans for how to prevent them - and for how to respond if necessary. Whether you are an emergency responder, a medical caregiver, a public health official - even a member of the public wanting to know how to keep yourself and your loved ones safe - there is a need to understand how these weapons work, how radiation affects our health, how to stop an attack from taking place, how to respond appropriately in the event of an emergency, and much more. Unfortunately, the knowledge that is needed to accomplish all of this is lacking at all levels of society and government. In this book, Dr. Andrew Karam, an internationally respected expert in radiation safety and multiple aspects of radiological and nuclear emergencies, discusses how these weapons work and what they can do, how they can affect our health, how to keep yourself safe, and how to react appropriately whether you are a police officer investigating a suspect radiological weapon, a firefighter responding to a radiological or nuclear attack, a nurse or physician caring for potentially contaminated patients, or a governmental official trying to keep the public safe. To do this, he draws upon his extensive experience in the military, the several years he worked directly with emergency responders, his service on a number of advisory committees, and multiple trips overseas in the aftermath of the Fukushima accident and on behalf of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Interpol, and the Health Physics Society.
This Festschrift is a tribute to Susan Stepney's ideas and achievements in the areas of computer science, formal specifications and proofs, complex systems, unconventional computing, artificial chemistry, and artificial life. All chapters were written by internationally recognised leaders in computer science, physics, mathematics, and engineering. The book shares fascinating ideas, algorithms and implementations related to the formal specification of programming languages and applications, behavioural inheritance, modelling and analysis of complex systems, parallel computing and non-universality, growing cities, artificial life, evolving artificial neural networks, and unconventional computing. Accordingly, it offers an insightful and enjoyable work for readers from all walks of life, from undergraduate students to university professors, from mathematicians, computers scientists and engineers to physicists, chemists and biologists.
This book contains a thorough and unique record of recent advances in the important scientific fields fluid-structure interaction, acoustics and control of priority interest in the academic community and also in an industrial context regarding new engineering designs. It updates advances in these fields by presenting state-of-the-art developments and achievements since the previous Book published by Springer in 2018 after the 4th FSSIC Symposium. This book is unique within the related literature investigating advances in these fields because it addresses them in a complementary way and thereby enhances cross-fertilization between them, whereas other books treat these fields separately.
This new edition describes pressure and temperature sensitive paints (PSP and TSP) in global surface pressure and temperature measurements in aerodynamics and fluid mechanics. The book includes the latest progress in paint formulations, instrumentation, and steady and unsteady aerodynamic measurements in various facilities including low-speed, transonic, supersonic and hypersonic wind tunnels. The updated technical aspects of PSP and TSP in the book will be useful for students and researchers in experimental aerodynamics and fluid mechanics.
This book presents the latest advances and future trends in electron and phonon spectrometrics, focusing on combined techniques using electron emissions, electron diffraction, and phonon absorption and reflection spectrometrics from a substance under various perturbations to obtain new information on bond-electron-phonon dynamics. Discussing the principles of the bond order-length-strength (BOLS) correlation, nonbonding electron polarization (NEP), local bond average (LBA), and multi-field lattice oscillation dynamics for systems under perturbation, the book covers topics like differential photoelectron/phonon spectrometrics (DPS), which distils transition of the length, energy, stiffness and the fraction of bonds upon chemical or physical conditioning; and the derived performance of electrons in various bands in terms of quantum entrapment and polarization. This book appeals to researchers, scientists and engineers in the fields of chemistry, physics, surface and interface science, and materials science and engineering who are interested in electron and phonon spectrometrics.
This book discusses the parametric modeling, performance evaluation, design optimization and comparative study of the high-speed, parallel pick-and-place robots. It collects the modeling methodology, evaluation criteria and design guidelines for parallel PnP robots to provide a systematic analysis method for robotic developers. Furthermore, it gathers the research results previously scattered in many prestigious international journals and conference proceedings and methodically edits them and presents them in a unified form. The book is of interest to researchers, R&D engineers and graduate students in industrial parallel robotics who wish to learn the core principles, methods, algorithms, and applications. |
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