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Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics

On the Effect of Nuclear Radiation on ARC Discharges (Hardcover): Juan Vitali On the Effect of Nuclear Radiation on ARC Discharges (Hardcover)
Juan Vitali
R2,276 Discovery Miles 22 760 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Gravitational Theories Beyond General Relativity (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2019): Ibere Kuntz Gravitational Theories Beyond General Relativity (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2019)
Ibere Kuntz
R3,684 Discovery Miles 36 840 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Despite the success of general relativity in explaining classical gravitational phenomena, several problems at the interface between gravitation and high energy physics still remain open. The purpose of this thesis is to explore quantum gravity and its phenomenological consequences for dark matter, gravitational waves and inflation. A new formalism to classify gravitational theories based on their degrees of freedom is introduced and, in light of this classification, it is argued that dark matter is no different from modified gravity. Gravitational waves are shown to be damped due to quantum degrees of freedom. The consequences for gravitational wave events are also discussed. The non-minimal coupling of the Higgs boson to gravity is studied in connection with Starobinsky inflation and its implications for the vacuum instability problem is analyzed.

Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Volume 54 (Hardcover, 55 Ed): Paul R. Berman, Chun C. Lin, Ennio Arimondo Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Volume 54 (Hardcover, 55 Ed)
Paul R. Berman, Chun C. Lin, Ennio Arimondo
R5,359 Discovery Miles 53 590 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Volume 54 of the Advances Series contains ten contributions, covering a diversity of subject areas in atomic, molecular and optical physics. The article by Regal and Jin reviews the properties of a Fermi degenerate gas of cold potassium atoms in the crossover regime between the Bose-Einstein condensation of molecules and the condensation of fermionic atom pairs. The transition between the two regions can be probed by varying an external magnetic field. Sherson, Julsgaard and Polzik explore the manner in which light and atoms can be entangled, with applications to quantum information processing and communication. They report on the result of recent experiments involving the entanglement of distant objects and quantum memory of light. Recent developments in cold Rydberg atom physics are reviewed in the article by Choi, Kaufmann, Cubel-Liebisch, Reinhard, and Raithel. Fascinating experiments are described in which cold, highly excited atoms (???Rydberg??? atoms) and cold plasmas are generated. Evidence for a collective excitation of Rydberg matter is also presented. Griffiin and Pindzola offer an account of non-perturbative quantal methods for electron-atom scattering processes. Included in the discussion are the R-matrix with pseudo-states method and the time-dependent close-coupling method. An extensive review of the R-matrix theory of atomic, molecular, and optical processes is given by Burke, Noble, and Burke. They present a systematic development of the R-matrix method and its applications to various processes such as electron-atom scattering, atomic photoionization, electron-molecule scattering, positron-atom scattering, and atomic/molecular multiphoton processes. Electron impactexcitation of rare-gas atoms from both their ground and metastable states is discussed in the article by Boffard, Jung, Anderson, and Lin. Excitation cross sections measured by the optical method are reviewed with emphasis on the physical interpretation in terms of electronic structure of the target atoms. Ozier and Moazzen-Ahmadi explore internal rotation of symmetric top molecules. Developments of new experimental methods based on high-resolution torsional, vibrational, and molecular beam spectroscopy allow accurate determination of internal barriers for these symmetric molecules. The subject of attosecond and angstrom science is reviewed by Niikura and Corkum. The underlying physical mechanisms allowing one to generate attosecond radiation pulses are described and the technology needed for the preparation of such pulses is discussed. LeGou??t, Bretenaker, and Lorger?? describe how rare earth ions embedded in crystals can be used for processing optically carried broadband radio-frequency signals. Methods for reaching tens of gigahertz instantaneous bandwidth with submegahertz resolution using such devices are analyzed in detail and demonstrated experimentally. Finally, in the article by Illing, Gauthier, and Roy, it is shown that small perturbations applied to optical systems can be used to suppress or control optical chaos, spatio-temporal dynamics, and patterns. Applications of these techniques to communications, laser stabilization, and improving the sensitivity of low-light optical switches are explored.
?? International experts
?? Comprehensive articles
?? New developments

Fast Gates and Mixed-Species Entanglement with Trapped Ions (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2020): Vera M. Schafer Fast Gates and Mixed-Species Entanglement with Trapped Ions (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2020)
Vera M. Schafer
R2,927 Discovery Miles 29 270 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Quantum logic gates are the crucial information-processing operation of quantumcomputers. Two crucial performance metrics for logic gates are their precision andspeed. Quantum processors based on trapped ions have always been the touchstonefor gate precision, but have suffered from slow speed relative to other quantum logicplatforms such as solid state systems. This thesis shows that it is possible to acceleratethe logic "clock speed" from kHz to MHz speeds, whilst maintaining a precision of99.8%. This is almost as high as the world record for conventional trapped-ion gates,but more than 20 times faster. It also demonstrates entanglement generation in atime (480ns) shorter than the natural timescale of the ions' motion in the trap, whichstarts to probe an interesting new regime of ion trap physics. In separate experiments, some of the first "mixed-species" quantum logic gates areperformed, both between two different elements, and between different isotopes.The mixed-isotope gate is used to make the first test of the quantum-mechanical Bellinequality between two different species of isolated atoms.

Bio-Hydrogen Energy and Sustainable Development (Hardcover): Deepak Vyas, Rajan Kumar Gupta Bio-Hydrogen Energy and Sustainable Development (Hardcover)
Deepak Vyas, Rajan Kumar Gupta
R1,865 Discovery Miles 18 650 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
One-Step Generation of a Drug-Releasing Microarray for High-Throughput Small-Volume Bioassays (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2019): Seo... One-Step Generation of a Drug-Releasing Microarray for High-Throughput Small-Volume Bioassays (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2019)
Seo Woo Song
R2,927 Discovery Miles 29 270 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This thesis demonstrates a technology that enables pipetting-free high-throughput screening (HTS) on a miniaturized platform, eliminating the need for thousands of one-by-one pipetting and conventional liquid handling systems. This platform enhances accessibility to HTS and enables HTS to be used in small-to-medium scale laboratories. In addition, it allows large-scale combinatorial screening with a small number of valuable cells, such as patients' primary cancer cells. This technique will have a high impact for widespread use of HTS in the era of personalized medicine. In this thesis, the author firstly describes the need and concept of 'partipetting' for pipetting-free HTS platform. It is realized by the one-step pipetting and self-assembly of encoded drug-laden microparticles (DLPs) on the microwells. Next, the technical implementations required for the platform demonstration are described. It includes preparation of encoded DLPs, plastic chip fabrication, and realization of automated system. Lastly, screening of sequential drug combinations using this platform is demonstrated. This shows the potential of the proposed technology for various applications.

Unified SuperStandard Theories for Quaternion Universes & The Octonion Megaverse (Hardcover): Stephen Blaha Unified SuperStandard Theories for Quaternion Universes & The Octonion Megaverse (Hardcover)
Stephen Blaha
R2,533 Discovery Miles 25 330 Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Handbook of Plasmonics (Hardcover): Jonah Holmes Handbook of Plasmonics (Hardcover)
Jonah Holmes
R2,458 Discovery Miles 24 580 Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Revealing the Most Energetic Light from Pulsars and Their Nebulae (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2019): David Carreto Fidalgo Revealing the Most Energetic Light from Pulsars and Their Nebulae (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2019)
David Carreto Fidalgo
R2,939 Discovery Miles 29 390 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book reports on the extraordinary observation of TeV gamma rays from the Crab Pulsar, the most energetic light ever detected from this type of object. It presents detailed information on the painstaking analysis of the unprecedentedly large dataset from the MAGIC telescopes, and comprehensively discusses the implications of pulsed TeV gamma rays for state-of-the-art pulsar emission models. Using these results, the book subsequently explores new testing methodologies for Lorentz Invariance Violation, in terms of a wavelength-dependent speed of light. The book also covers an updated search for Very-High-Energy (VHE), >100 GeV, emissions from millisecond pulsars using the Large Area Telescope on board the Fermi satellite, as well as a study on the promising Pulsar Wind Nebula candidate PSR J0631. The observation of VHE gamma rays is essential to studying the non-thermal sources of radiation in our Universe. Rotating neutron stars, also known as pulsars, are an extreme source class known to emit VHE gamma rays. However, to date only two pulsars have been detected with emissions above 100 GeV, and our understanding of their emission mechanism is still lacking.

Emerging Trends in Terahertz Engineering and System Technologies - Devices, Materials, Imaging, Data Acquisition and Processing... Emerging Trends in Terahertz Engineering and System Technologies - Devices, Materials, Imaging, Data Acquisition and Processing (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2021)
Arindam Biswas, Amit Banerjee, Aritra Acharyya, Hiroshi Inokawa
R3,698 Discovery Miles 36 980 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book highlights emerging trends in terahertz engineering and system technologies, mainly, devices, advanced materials, and various applications in THz technology. It includes advanced topics such as terahertz biomedical imaging, pattern recognition and tomographic reconstruction for THz biomedical imaging by use of machine learning and artificial intelligence, THz imaging radars for autonomous vehicle applications, THZ imaging system for security and surveillance. It also discusses theoretical, experimental, established and validated empirical work on these topics and the intended audience is both academic and professional.

Charming New Physics in Beautiful Processes? (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2019): Matthew John Kirk Charming New Physics in Beautiful Processes? (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2019)
Matthew John Kirk
R2,943 Discovery Miles 29 430 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This PhD thesis is dedicated to a subfield of elementary particle physics called "Flavour Physics". The Standard Model of Particle Physics (SM) has been confirmed by thousands of experimental measurements with a high precision. But the SM leaves important questions open, like what is the nature of dark matter or what is the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe. By comparing high precision Standard Model calculations with extremely precise measurements, one can find the first glimpses of the physics beyond the SM - currently we see the first hints of a potential breakdown of the SM in flavour observables. This can then be compared with purely theoretical considerations about new physics models, known as model building. Both precision calculations and model building are extremely specialised fields and this outstanding thesis contributes significantly to both topics within the field of Flavour Physics and sheds new light on the observed anomalies.

Handbook of Photoenergy: Volume II (Hardcover): Anderson Sheilds Handbook of Photoenergy: Volume II (Hardcover)
Anderson Sheilds
R3,062 Discovery Miles 30 620 Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Aether - Past, Present and Future of the Universe (Hardcover): Bahram M. Sc Esmailzadeh Aether - Past, Present and Future of the Universe (Hardcover)
Bahram M. Sc Esmailzadeh
R872 Discovery Miles 8 720 Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Dislocations in Solids, Volume 15 (Hardcover): John P. Hirth, Ladislas Kubin Dislocations in Solids, Volume 15 (Hardcover)
John P. Hirth, Ladislas Kubin
R7,683 Discovery Miles 76 830 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Bacon and Osetsky present an atomistic model of dislocation-particle interactions in metal systems, including irradiated materials. This work is important in simulating actual behavior, removing earlier reliance on assumed mechanisms for dislocation motion. New mechanisms for dislocation generation under shock loading are presented by Meyers et al. These models provide a basis for understanding the constitutive behavior of shocked material. Saada and Dirras provide a new perspective on the Hall-Petch relation, with particular emphasis on nanocrystals. Of particular significance, deviations from the traditional stress proportional to the square-root of grain size relation are explained. Robertson et al consider a number of effects of hydrogen on plastic flow and provide a model that provides an explanation of the broad range of properties. .
Flow stress of metal systems with particle hardening, including radiation effects
New model for dislocation kinetics under shock loading
Explanation of effects of nanoscale grain size on strength
Mechanism of hydrogen embrittlement in metal alloys

Ultrashort Laser Pulse Phenomena (Hardcover, 2nd edition): Jean-Claude Diels, Wolfgang Rudolph Ultrashort Laser Pulse Phenomena (Hardcover, 2nd edition)
Jean-Claude Diels, Wolfgang Rudolph; Edited by Paul F. Liao, Paul Kelley
R2,843 Discovery Miles 28 430 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Ultrashort Laser Pulse Phenomena serves as an introduction to the phenomena of ultrashort laser pulses and describes how this technology can be applied in areas such as spectroscopy, medical imaging, electromagnetism, optics, and quantum physics. Combining the principles with experimental techniques, the book serves as a guide to designing and constructing femtosecond systems.
The second edition has updated and expanded its content, and includes more examples of ultrashort sources and a more comprehensive fundamentals chapter. Diagnostic techniques and applications involving sensors, mode-locked lasers, and imaging have been fully revised to include current technologies.
Written in a tutorial style, this book is suitable for senior undergraduate and graduate students as well as engineers and scientists working in the areas of optics, spectroscopy, optical imaging, photochemistry, and ultrafast science and engineering.
*Provides an easy to follow guide through "faster than electronics" probing and detection methods
*THE manual on designing and constructing femtosecond systems and experiments
*Discusses essential technology for applications in micro-machining, femtochemistry, and medical imaging

The Unified Superstandard Model and the Megaverse Second Edition - A Deeper Theory Based on a New Particle Functional Space... The Unified Superstandard Model and the Megaverse Second Edition - A Deeper Theory Based on a New Particle Functional Space That Explicates Quantum Entanglement Spookiness (Hardcover)
Stephen Blaha
R3,088 Discovery Miles 30 880 Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Handbook of Magnetic Materials, Volume 19 (Hardcover): K.H.J. Buschow Handbook of Magnetic Materials, Volume 19 (Hardcover)
K.H.J. Buschow
R7,504 R5,043 Discovery Miles 50 430 Save R2,461 (33%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Volume 19 of the "Handbook of Magnetic Materials," as the preceding volumes, has a dual purpose. As a textbook it is intended to help those who wish to be introduced to a given topic in the field of magnetism without the need to read the vast amount of literature published. As a work of reference it is intended for scientists active in magnetism research. To this dual purpose, Volume 19 is composed of topical review articles written by leading authorities. In each of these articles an extensive description is given in graphical as well as in tabular form, much emphasis being placed on the discussion of the experimental material in the framework of physics, chemistry and material science. It provides readers with novel trends and achievements in magnetism.
Composed of topical review articles written by leading authoritiesIntended to be of assistance to those who wish to be introduced to a given topic in the field of magnetismAs a work of reference it is intended for scientists active in magnetism researchProvide the readership with novel trends and achievements in magnetism

Superconductivity and Electromagnetism (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2021): Teruo Matsushita Superconductivity and Electromagnetism (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2021)
Teruo Matsushita
R3,693 Discovery Miles 36 930 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book introduces readers to the characteristic features of electromagnetic phenomena in superconductivity. It first demonstrates not only that the diamagnetism in the superconductivity complies with Maxwell's theory, which was formulated before the discovery of superconductivity, but also that the dominant E-B analogy in the electromagnetism loses perfection without the superconductivity. The book then explores flux pinning, which is responsible for the non-dissipative current in DC, leading to irreversibility in AC. Drawing on Maxwell's work, it also proves theoretically that if there is no energy dissipation in the superconductivity caused by the break in time reversal symmetry, it contradicts the thermodynamic principle of energy conservation - something that had previously only been proved experimentally. Lastly, the book addresses the longitudinal magnetic field effect, and explains how this phenomenon leads to a new development of Maxwell's theory. Featuring numerous appendices to help readers understand the methods of derivation of equations, this book offers students and young scientists an introduction to applied superconductivity, especially in the context of power applications. Presenting the characteristic features of electromagnetic phenomena in superconductivity from basic to advanced topics for applications, the book offers a valuable resource for graduate students and researchers studying superconductivity as well as engineers working in electric utility industry.

Light Beams in Liquid Crystals (Hardcover): Gaetano Assanto, Noel F Smyth Light Beams in Liquid Crystals (Hardcover)
Gaetano Assanto, Noel F Smyth
R1,196 Discovery Miles 11 960 Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Advances in Applied Mechanics, Volume 45 (Hardcover, 44 Ed): Erik van der Giessen, H. Aref Advances in Applied Mechanics, Volume 45 (Hardcover, 44 Ed)
Erik van der Giessen, H. Aref
R5,781 Discovery Miles 57 810 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The "Advances in Applied Mechanics" book series draws together recent significant advances in various topics in applied mechanics. Published since 1948, "Advances in Applied Mechanics" aims to provide authoritative review articles on topics in the mechanical sciences, primarily of interest to scientists and engineers working in the various branches of mechanics, but also of interest to the many who use the results of investigations in mechanics in various application areas, such as aerospace, chemical, civil, environmental, mechanical and nuclear engineering.
Highlights classical and modern areas of mechanics that are ready for review
Provides comprehensive coverage of the field in question"

Mechanics of the Cell (Hardcover, 2nd Revised edition): David Boal Mechanics of the Cell (Hardcover, 2nd Revised edition)
David Boal
R4,293 R3,806 Discovery Miles 38 060 Save R487 (11%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Exploring the mechanical features of biological cells, including their architecture and stability, this textbook is a pedagogical introduction to the interdisciplinary fields of cell mechanics and soft matter physics from both experimental and theoretical perspectives. This second edition has been greatly updated and expanded, with new chapters on complex filaments, the cell division cycle, the mechanisms of control and organization in the cell, and fluctuation phenomena. The textbook is now in full color which enhances the diagrams and allows the inclusion of new microscopy images. With around 280 end-of-chapter exercises exploring further applications, this textbook is ideal for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in physics and biomedical engineering. A website hosted by the author contains extra support material, diagrams and lecture notes, and is available at www.cambridge.org/Boal.

Fisica (English, Spanish, Hardcover): Guido Guayasamin Fisica (English, Spanish, Hardcover)
Guido Guayasamin
R910 Discovery Miles 9 100 Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Where Do Rainbows Come From? Behavior of Light Grade 5 Children's Physics Books (Hardcover): Baby Professor Where Do Rainbows Come From? Behavior of Light Grade 5 Children's Physics Books (Hardcover)
Baby Professor
R637 Discovery Miles 6 370 Ships in 12 - 17 working days
The Legacy of Tatjana Afanassjewa - Philosophical Insights from the Work of an Original Physicist and Mathematician (Hardcover,... The Legacy of Tatjana Afanassjewa - Philosophical Insights from the Work of an Original Physicist and Mathematician (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2021)
Jos Uffink, Giovanni Valente, Charlotte Werndl, Lena Zuchowski
R3,187 Discovery Miles 31 870 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book presents a collection of essays that explore the life and works of Tatjana Afanassjewa (1876-1964), a Russian-Dutch physicist-mathematician. Readers will discover a scientist whose work on the foundations of thermodynamics significantly influenced the field itself as well as the philosophy of physics. This book highlights the philosophical consequences of her work in physics and mathematics and discusses historical aspects of her writings on the foundations of physics. In addition, it features English translations and critical reviews of key selections from her texts. First and foremost, the book highlights the numerous contributions that Afanassjewa made to the field. In particular, the authors examine her work on the foundations of thermodynamics and statistical physics, starting in the 1920s and extending to 1956, well after the untimely death of her husband in 1933. They also explore her almost entirely forgotten work on the didactics of mathematics. In addition, they discuss her influential collaboration with her husband, the Austrian physicist Paul Ehrenfest (1880-1933). The portrait that emerges is that of a highly original physicist and mathematician, whose legacy continues to influence scientists and philosophers today and whose lesser-known works deserve more attention than they have received. Readers will find a rich body of work that continues to this day to yield insights into the foundations of physics and mathematics.

Modelling Non-Markovian Quantum Systems Using Tensor Networks (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2020): Aidan Strathearn Modelling Non-Markovian Quantum Systems Using Tensor Networks (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2020)
Aidan Strathearn
R3,684 Discovery Miles 36 840 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This thesis presents a revolutionary technique for modelling the dynamics of a quantum system that is strongly coupled to its immediate environment. This is a challenging but timely problem. In particular it is relevant for modelling decoherence in devices such as quantum information processors, and how quantum information moves between spatially separated parts of a quantum system. The key feature of this work is a novel way to represent the dynamics of general open quantum systems as tensor networks, a result which has connections with the Feynman operator calculus and process tensor approaches to quantum mechanics. The tensor network methodology developed here has proven to be extremely powerful: For many situations it may be the most efficient way of calculating open quantum dynamics. This work is abounds with new ideas and invention, and is likely to have a very significant impact on future generations of physicists.

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