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Books > Science & Mathematics > Biology, life sciences > Botany & plant sciences > Plant physiology
From the point of view of individual consumer there are too many scientific papers being produced and published every year, too many to be looked up in the tremendous and steadi Iy increasing number and volume of scientific periodicals and proceedings from allover the world. This is not only the result of the "publish or perish" law, but also - let us hope mainly - the result of the increasing amount of true scientific information discovered. Even in a single scientific field too many papers are to be preselected according to the individual interest and to be looked through in order to see what they are reporting on. [And of course they are too many in these preselected to be read and studied in detai I. At the present nobody wi I I help us with this last link of what is called the information chain. But let us not speak about this lamentable point now. l Some tools are already wei I known and have been used to master more easily the overwhelming flood of scientific production as far as the first selection of information is concerned. Bibl iographies covering specific fields are one of these tools. They extremely faci I itate the preselection and when carefully indexed they give the user much more than a heap of selected titles. Such a periodiC bibliography in the field of plant-water relations is sti I I lacking.
The bibl iogra~hy includes papers i'n all fields of photosynthesis research, - from stu- dies of model biochemical and biophysical systems of the photosynthesis mech,anism to primary production studi'ed by the so-called growth analysis. In add,iti'on to papers devoted entirely to photosynthesis, papers on other topics are included if they con- tain data on photosynthetic activity, photorespiration, chloroplast structure, chlo- rophyll and carotenoid synthesis and destruction, etc. , or j'f tney contain valuaBle methodological information (measurement of selected environmental factors, leaf area, etc. ). In many branches i't has been very difHcult to define tne I imits of in- terest for photosynthesis researchers. This problem has arisen e. g. in topics deal- ing with the transport of gases, where - in addition to tee papers on C02 transfer some papers on water vapour transfer are i'ncluded, these being of general appl ication. On the other hand, many papers deal ing w'ith the anatomy and physiology of stomata have been omitted, if the aspect of carBon dioxide or water vapour exchange has not been discussed. This volume contains references to papers published in the year 1972, and, si- milarly to Vol . 2, also addenda including references published in the preceding pe- riod (i. e. 1966 - 1971). The numbers of these additional references are label led with an aster i sk in the list of references as we I I as in indexes.
The Symposium 'Genetic Aspects of Photosynthesis' was sponsored by the Insti tute of Plant Physiology and Biophysics of the Tajik Academy of Sciences and the Scientific Councils of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. on the problem of photosynthesis, genetics and selection, and also by the N.I. Vavilov All-Union Society of Geneticists and Selectionists. The Symposium took place in Dushanbe on October 17-24, 1972. 223 scientists attended, including 209 participants from different parts of the Soviet Union and 14 honoured guests from Australia, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, German Democratic Republic, Hungary and the U.S.A. They represented various fields of biological sciences: molecular biology, bio chemistry, genetics, cytology, radiobiology, biophysics, plant physiology, and selection. The chairmen of the ten symposial sessions were the leading Soviet scientists, B.L. ASTAUROV, A. A. NICHIPOROVICH, A. A. SHLYK, Yu. S. NASYROV, V. B., EVSTIGNEEV, O. V. ZALENSKI , B. F. VANYUSHlN, N. P. VOSKRE SENSKA Y A, S. V. TAGEEV A and K. V. KVITKO. There were 57 speakers, and a further 40 experimental papers on the problems of genetic control of photosyn thesis were displayed on an exhibition of scientific research. Two special round table evening sessions were devoted to discussions on the mechanisms of the C 3 and C pathways of photosynthetic carbon metabolism and the structure of pho 4 tosynthetic membranes. The symposial sessions were concluded by a general dis cussion on the genetics of photosynthesis."
This book reports the proceedings of a meeting held in the 'Limburgs Universitair Centrum' , Diepenbeek, Belgium, August 26 to 30, 1974. In convening this meet ing, my aim was to bring together a small number of specialists working on photosynthesis of course but also always keeping in mind that plants are in fluenced by their environment (temperature, light quality and intensity, air com position, daylength . . . . . ) and can differently react according to their stage of deve lopment. In general, all these specialists work on whole plants cultivated in well known conditions (they are not 'market spinach specialists') but, when necessary, give up the idea of measuring photochemical activities in isolated they don't chloroplasts, enzyme kinetics . . . etc. It is noticeable that about 50% of them are working in laboratories directly involved with applied research in agriculture or forestry. The format of the meeting was intentionally kept small but it allowed generous time for discussion; thanks are due to Drs. O. BJOERKMAN, J. W. BRADBEER, M. M. LUDLOW and C. B. OSMOND for taking the chairs during these discussions. In such a small meeting, the choice of invited scientists was really a personnal one and thus reflected my own fields of interest. When planning the conference, I was continually divided between the wish for inviting other interesting people and the necessity of keeping time free for discussions.
In recent years, molecular biology has infiltrated into all branches of botany. This is particularly true of plant physiology. This book attempts to provide an introduction to the metabolic and developmental physiology of higher plants from a molecular biological point of view. Starting from the heterocatalytic function of DNA the first ten chapters deal with metabolism; development is presented in the last nine, starting from the autocatalytic functions of DNA and including certain topics oriented more toward metabolic physiology. Both fields of plant physiology are so closely linked that an in tegrated presen tation of this kind seemed not only possible but desirable. In contrast to other accounts, an attempt has been made to give equal weight to metabolism and development. In particular, the so-called "sec ondary" plant materials, which are of considerable interest to the phar macist, the nutrition technologist, the plant breeder, and the agriculturalist, as well as to the biologist, are treated sufficiently. It is ob vious that the wealth of material made an illustrative style of presentation necessary. The book is intended for beginners, and so it has had, in part, to be simplified. Even so it has not been possible to write it without mentioning hypotheses that anticipate much more research. The beginner ought also to learn how working hypotheses are first postulated on the basis of cer tain facts and then must either be proved or refuted.
It is generally accepted that photosynthesis, whereby solar is transformed into geobiochemical energy, is one of the most important processes in the bio sphere. When we realize that the human population, most of which is starving, wi I I double in 20-30 years, and that photosynthesis is in practice the only source (direct or indirect) of food not only for men, but for al I I iving beings, its im portance becomes even plainer. This fact was recognized from the outset of the International Biological Programme, when photosynthesis was selected as one of the principal problems to be concentrated on. The significance of the IBP in initiating a broader-based ap proach and worldwide collaboration need not be emphasized here; it is merely ne cessary to consider the rapid increase in the number of papers on photosynthesis since its inception. It is of fundamental importance for scientists working on photosynthesis to get information on what has been done in recent years in this discipl ine. Thus as complete as possible a bibl iography is badly needed. The complexity of this pro blem requires also that the progress of ecology, chemistry and physics, as far as they concern photosynthesis, be fol lowed. Such a bib I iography, covering at least the last ten years, wi I I be indispensable for final synthesis of the results of the IBP photosynthetic programme."
In biological literature, several definitions of quantitative autoradio graphy are given. The term is defined as either the determination and com parison of the density of silver grains above various structures or under varying conditions, or the determination of absolute quantities of radio activity. In both these cases, photometric measurement serves for more rapid and more exact evaluation of grain densities than would be possible by visual counting of the grains. The equipment generally used for the photometric measurement of silver grains consists of a microscope, a photocell, an electronic amplifier system and a display unit. Grains can be made accessible to photometric evaluation by various kinds of microscopic illumination: 1. Substage bright-field illumination. 2. Substage dark-field illumination. 3. Incident dark-field illumination. 4. Vertical bright-field illumination. With all these types of illumination, the relationship between the luminous flux I absorbed by the film, scattered into the objective and reflected or diffracted, and the flux 10 which is not affected by the film is used as a measure of grain density. Since these are differential measurements, the light beam I transmitted by the film is in itself a measure of grain density if the luminous flux 10 incident on the grains is kept constant. This approach has been used in a large number of measuring setups."
This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license. By 2050, human population is expected to reach 9.7 billion. The demand for increased food production needs to be met from ever reducing resources of land, water and other environmental constraints. Rice remains the staple food source for a majority of the global populations, but especially in Asia where ninety percent of rice is grown and consumed. Climate change continues to impose abiotic and biotic stresses that curtail rice quality and yields. Researchers have been challenged to provide innovative solutions to maintain, or even increase, rice production. Amongst them, the 'green super rice' breeding strategy has been successful for leading the development and release of multiple abiotic and biotic stress tolerant rice varieties. Recent advances in plant molecular biology and biotechnologies have led to the identification of stress responsive genes and signaling pathways, which open up new paradigms to augment rice productivity. Accordingly, transcription factors, protein kinases and enzymes for generating protective metabolites and proteins all contribute to an intricate network of events that guard and maintain cellular integrity. In addition, various quantitative trait loci associated with elevated stress tolerance have been cloned, resulting in the detection of novel genes for biotic and abiotic stress resistance. Mechanistic understanding of the genetic basis of traits, such as N and P use, is allowing rice researchers to engineer nutrient-efficient rice varieties, which would result in higher yields with lower inputs. Likewise, the research in micronutrients biosynthesis opens doors to genetic engineering of metabolic pathways to enhance micronutrients production. With third generation sequencing techniques on the horizon, exciting progress can be expected to vastly improve molecular markers for gene-trait associations forecast with increasing accuracy. This book emphasizes on the areas of rice science that attempt to overcome the foremost limitations in rice production. Our intention is to highlight research advances in the fields of physiology, molecular breeding and genetics, with a special focus on increasing productivity, improving biotic and abiotic stress tolerance and nutritional quality of rice.
This book contains current knowledge and the most recent developments in the field of halophyte biology, ecology, and potential uses. Halophytes are characterised as plants that can survive and complete their life cycle in highly saline environments. This book explores the adaptive mechanisms and special features of halophytes that allow them to grow in environments that are unsuitable for conventional crops and considers their role as a source of food, fuel, fodder, fibre, essential oils, and medicines. Halophytes and Climate Change includes coverage of: - Special morphological, anatomical, and physiological features of halophytes - Ion accumulation patterns and homeostasis in halophytes - Potential use of halophytes in the remediation of saline soil - Growth and physiological response and tolerance to toxicity and drought - Mangrove ecology, physiology, and adaptation Written by a team of international authors and presented in full colour, this book is an essential resource for researchers in the fields of plant physiology, ecology, soil science, environmental science, botany, and agriculture.
This book offers effective, low-cost and user-friendly protocols for the pre-field selection of salt-tolerant mutants in cereal crops. It presents simple methods for measuring soil salinity, including soil sampling and the analysis of water-soluble salts, and describes a detailed, but simple, screening test for salt tolerance in rice, wheat and barley seedlings, which uses hydroponics. The protocols are devised for use by plant breeders and can be easily accommodated into breeding practice.
How do plants make a living? Some plants are gamblers, others are swindlers. Some plants are habitual spenders while others are strugglers and miserly savers. Plants have evolved a spectacular array of solutions to the existential problems of survival and reproduction in a world where resources are scarce, disturbances can be deadly, and competition is cut-throat. Few topics have both captured the imagination and furrowed the brows of plant ecologists, yet no topic is more important for understanding the assembly of plant communities, predicting plant responses to global change, and enhancing the restoration of our rapidly degrading biosphere. The vast array of plant strategy models that characterize the discipline now require synthesis. These models tend to emphasize either life history strategies based on demography, or functional strategies based on ecophysiology. Indeed, this disciplinary divide between demography and physiology runs deep and continues to this today. The goal of this accessible book is to articulate a coherent framework that unifies life history theory with comparative functional ecology to advance prediction in plant ecology. Armed with a deeper understanding of the dimensionality of life history and functional traits, we are now equipped to quantitively link phenotypes to population growth rates across gradients of resource availability and disturbance regimes. Predicting how species respond to global change is perhaps the most important challenge of our time. A robust framework for plant strategy theory will advance this research agenda by testing the generality of traits for predicting population dynamics.
Plants, being sessile and autotrophic in nature, must cope with challenging environmental aberrations and therefore have evolved various responsive or defensive mechanisms including stress sensing mechanisms, antioxidant system, signaling pathways, secondary metabolites biosynthesis, and other defensive pathways among which accumulation of osmolytes or osmo-protectants is an important phenomenon. Osmolytes with organic chemical nature termed as compatible solutes are highly soluble compounds with no net charge at physiological pH and nontoxic at higher concentrations to plant cells. Compatible solutes in plants involve compounds like proline, glycine betaine, polyamines, trehalose, raffinose family oligosaccharides, fructans, gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), and sugar alcohols playing structural, physiological, biochemical, and signaling roles during normal plant growth and development. The current and sustaining problems of climate change and increasing world population has challenged global food security. To feed more than 9 billion, the estimated population by 2050, the yield of major crops needs to be increased 1.1-1.3% per year, which is mainly restricted by the yield ceiling. A major factor limiting the crop yield is the changing global environmental conditions which includes drought, salinity and extreme temperatures and are responsible for a reduction of crop yield in almost all the crop plants. This condition may worsen with a decrease in agricultural land or the loss of potential crop yields by 70%. Therefore, it is a challenging task for agricultural scientists to develop tolerant/resistant varieties against abiotic stresses. The development of stress tolerant plant varieties through conventional breeding is very slow due to complex multigene traits. Engineering compatible solutes biosynthesis by deciphering the mechanism behind the abiotic tolerance or accumulation in plants cell is a potential emerging strategy to mitigate adverse effects of abiotic stresses and increase global crop production. However, detailed information on compatible solutes, including their sensing/signaling, biosynthesis, regulatory components, underlying biochemical mechanisms, crosstalk with other signaling pathways, and transgenic development have not been compiled into a single resource. Our book intends to fill this unmet need, with insight from recent advances in compatible solutes research on agriculturally important crop plants.
The development of phosphorus (P)-efficient crop varieties is urgently needed to reduce agriculture's current over-reliance on expensive, environmentally destructive, non-renewable and inefficient P-containing fertilizers. The sustainable management of P in agriculture necessitates an exploitation of P-adaptive traits that will enhance the P-acquisition and P-use efficiency of crop plants. Action in this area is crucial to ensure sufficient food production for the world s ever-expanding population, and the overall economic success of agriculture in the 21st century. This informative and up-to-date volume presents pivotal research directions that will facilitate the development of effective strategies for bioengineering P-efficient crop species. The 14 chapters reflect the expertise of an international team of leading authorities in the field, who review information from current literature, develop novel hypotheses, and outline key areas for future research. By evaluating aspects of vascular plant and green algal P uptake and metabolism, this book provides insights as to how plants sense, acquire, recycle, scavenge and use P, particularly under the naturally occurring condition of soluble inorganic phosphate deficiency that characterises the vast majority of unfertilised soils, worldwide. The reader is provided with a full appreciation of the diverse information concerning plant P-starvation responses, as well as the crucial role that plant microbe interactions play in plant P acquisition. Annual Plant Reviews, Volume 48: Phosphorus Metabolism in Plants is an important resource for plant geneticists, biochemists and physiologists, as well as horticultural and environmental research workers, advanced students of plant science and university lecturers in related disciplines. It is an essential addition to the shelves of university and research institute libraries and agricultural and ecological institutions teaching and researching plant science.
This edited volume provides state-of-the-art overview of abiotic stress responses and tolerance mechanisms of different legume crops viz., chickpea, mung bean, lentil, black gram, cowpea, cluster bean, soybean and groundnut. Legumes play an important role in human nutrition and soil health through fixation of nitrogen. Legume production and productivity are vulnerable to different abiotic stresses. A proper understanding about the physiological and molecular basis of the legume crops is essential for genetic improvement of abiotic stress tolerance. This book consists of 15 chapters covering physiological and biochemical basis, molecular physiology, molecular breeding, genetics, genomics, transgenics, epigenetics of drought, saline, high temperature and nutrient deficiency stresses, and the role of microRNAs in abiotic stress tolerance. This volume offers new perspectives in legume crop abiotic stress management, and is useful for various stakeholders, including post graduates students, scientists, environmentalists and policymakers.
This edited book is focused on antioxidant compounds and their biosynthesis, up-regulation, mechanism of action for selective bioactivity, targeted role and the advancement of their bioactive potential during plant-microbe interaction and other stress conditions. This book also emphasizes on the role of antioxidants in recruiting beneficial microbes in plant surroundings. Antioxidants have multiple biological roles in plants especially in the signalling pathway. These compounds are secondary metabolites produced besides the primary biosynthetic pathway and are associated with growth and development. Besides they also have special role to play during oxidative stress produced via abiotic stimulants or pathogen attack. This understanding of the biosynthesis, signaling and function of antioxidant compounds in plants during stress condition is helpful in restoring plant ecosystem productivity and improve plant responses to a wide range of stress conditions. This book is a useful compilation for researchers and academicians in botany, plant physiology, plant biochemistry and stress physiology. Also the book serves as reading material for undergraduate and graduate students of environmental sciences, agricultural sciences and other plant science courses.
This title includes a number of Open Access chapters. In horticulture, agriculture, and food science, plants' reproductive physiology is an important topic relating to fruits and vegetables, the main consumable parts of plants. All aspects of plant physiology, including plants' reproductive systems, are important to the production of food, fibers, medicine, cosmetics, and even fuels. This volume presents many new studies on plants' reproductive systems, including new research on sperm cells in plant reproduction; the effect of herbivory on plant reproduction; disturbances to functional diversity; plant genes, hormones, DNA; and much more.
This edited volume focuses on the core aspects of sugarcane production-management under stressful environments as well as innovative strategies for augmenting crop growth & productivity through intrinsic and extrinsic manipulations. The various chapters aim at bringing out comprehensive and advance information on different aspects of sugarcane cultivation under stress environments and impact of climate change on the sustainability of sugarcane production. The book encompasses information about crop production management, physiological & nutritional requirements, ratooning, ripening and post-harvest losses management. It also delineates various technologies that support the continued use and improvement of sugarcane as renewable source of food, fiber and bio-energy. The manipulations at cellular and molecular levels, molecular breeding approaches and post-harvest technologies are also included. The area under sugarcane cultivation is gradually increasing because of its diversification potential. The high productivity and biomass of the cane crop also makes it a key source for use as bio-energy crop and a promising raw material for bio-based agro-industries. However, poor crop & biomass productivity due to abiotic stress is the foremost constraint in its future commercial exploitation as sustainable feed-stock for bio-based industries. It is therefore imperative to understand the cellular-molecular modulation responsible to productivity barrier under specific stress situation(s) for better sugarcane quality and quantum under field condition. Some of these innovative approaches are delineated in this book. This book is of interest to progressive sugarcane growers, millers, industrial entrepreneurs, sugarcane scientists, cane development and extension officers, sugar industry managers and valuable source of reference worldwide.
Magnitude and quality of life as well as sustainable human progress inescapably depend on the state of our environment. The environment, in essence, is a common resource of all the living organisms in the biosphere as well as a vivacious basis of the evolution of life on Earth. A sustainable future broods over a sustainable environment-an environment encompassing life-originating, life-supporting, and life-sustaining uniqueness. A deteriorating environment haplessly sets in appalling conditions leading to shrinkage of life and a halt in human progress. The current global environment scenario is extremely dismal. Environmental disruptions, largely owing to anthropogenic activities, are steadily leading to awful climate change. Horribly advancing toward mass extinction in the near or distant future and posing a threat to our Living Planet, the unabatedly ongoing climate change, in fact, is an unprecedented issue of human concern about life in the recorded human history. How to get rid of the environmental mess and resolve environmental issues leading to climate change mitigation is the foremost challenge facing humanity in our times. There are several measures the whole world is resorting to. They are primarily focused on cutting down excessive carbon emissions by means of development of technological alternatives, for example, increasing mechanical efficiencies and ever-more dependence on clean-energy sources. These are of great importance, but there is yet a natural phenomenon that has been, and will unceasingly be, pivotal to maintain climate order of the Earth. For it to phenomenally boost, we need to explore deeper aspects of environmental science. It is the environmental plant physiology that links us with deeper roots of life. Environmental Plant Physiology: Botanical Strategies for a Climate-Smart Planet attempts to assimilate a relatively new subject that helps us understand the very phenomenon of life that persists in the planet's environment and depends on, and is influenced by, a specific set of operating environmental factors. It is the subject that helps us understand adaptation mechanisms within a variety of habitats as well as the implications of the alterations of environmental factors on the inhabiting organisms, their populations, and communities. Further, this book can also be of vital importance for policy makers and organizations dealing with climate-related issues and committed to the cause of the earth. This book can be instrumental in formulating strategies that can lead us to a climate-smart planet. Features: * Provides ecological basis of environmental plant physiology * Discusses energy, nutrient, water, temperature, allelochemical, and altitude relations of plants * Reviews stress physiology of plants and plants' adaptations to the changing climate * Examines climate-change effects on plant physiology * Elucidates evolving botanical strategies for a climate-smart planet
This edited book provides the readers with the concepts and in-depth knowledge of plant disease assessment and conventional and modern technologies that aid in precise and accurate phytomathometery. This book discusses the evolution of plant disease assessment procedures from the primary visual estimation-based assessment to modern approaches, their practical application for reliable disease quantification, yield loss estimation, and the efficacy of disease control strategies for sustainable crop protection. Significant information is provided on the major aspects of the topic, including remote sensing, imaging techniques, molecular phytopathometery, microarray, and immunotechnology. The book helps plant scientists, plant pathologists, practitioners, researchers, and students in disease quantification, developing predictive models for plant disease epidemics, assessing crop losses, and the magnitude of plant disease control methods. This book describes the classical plant disease assessment methods based on visual observations. It Provides information regarding the modern and emerging technologies in Phytopathometery, precision, and accuracy. This book also discusses the application of disease assessments in predictive models, disease warning systems, expert systems, and decision support systems in applied plant pathology.
Since 1994, the Phytochemical Society of North America has devoted its annual symposia to topics with biological perspectives. Our last four volumes have dealt with medicinal plants (1994), plant/insect interactions (1995), food phytochemicals (1996), and plant/microbe interactions (1997), respectively. The Symposium held in Pullman, Washington, July 26-31, 1998 brought many aspects of these previous symposia once again to the forefront. This time, however, there was greater emphasis on the potential applications of phytochemistry to the diverse topics of human health and nutrition and plant defense. As we learned about innovative uses of molecular biology as it is being applied to these topics, we were reminded once again of the biochemical th foundation on which these advances rest. On the occasion of the 75 birthday of G.H. Neal Towers, which we were privileged to celebrate, a perspective of where we began and how far we have advanced was made patently real for those in attendance. The papers assembled in this volume were presented during the Sympo- sium. Roughly grouped under three broad topics, they include: I. Drug Discov- ery and Pathway Engineering toward New MedicinallNutriceutical Targets (papers by Cragg, Croteau, Thompson, Costa, McLaughlin, Dixon, and Matern), 2. Roles for Polyphenols-Biosynthesis and Applications (Gross, Hillis, Haslam, and Ferreira), 3. New Chemical Prospects and Plant Defense (Asakawa, Selmar, Houghton, and Mizutani).
The latest findings in seed physiologydiscussed as they relate to agricultural problems! Presenting the latest findings in the area of seed physiology as well as the practical applications of that knowledge in the field, the Handbook of Seed Physiology: Applications to Agriculture provides a comprehensive view of seed biology and its role in crop performance. Key topics include seed germination, crop emergence, crop establishment, dormancy, preharvest sprouting, plant hormones, abscisic and giberellic acids, weeds, grain quality, oil crops, and malting quality. Abundant case studies provide information of value to researchers, students, and professionals in the fields of seed science, field crop research, crop science, agronomy, and seed technology. The Handbook of Seed Physiology discusses vital topics which serve as the basis for the development of techniques and processes to improve seed performance and crop yield. In this text, you will explore: the effect of the soil physical environment on seed germination the roles of physiology, genetics, and environment in the inception, maintenance, and termination of dormancy the relationship between the termination of dormancy and the synthesis and signaling of gibberellins and abscisic acid mechanisms of orthodox seed deterioration and approaches for repair of seed damage characteristics, behavior, and mechanisms of desiccation tolerance in recalcitrant seeds the role of seed moisture in free radical assaults on seeds and the protective function of raffinose oligosaccharides the production of free radicals and their effect on lipids and lipid peroxidation components of grain quality in oil crops and factors influencing them structural components and genotypic and environmental factors affecting barley malting quality In addition to the latest scientific information in the area of seed physiology, this text provides insights into practical applications of that knowledge through the description of: screening protocols for germination tolerance to temperature and water stress methods for improving seed performance in the field techniques for controlling preharvest sprouting of cereals breeding and production strategies for improving grain quality population-based threshold models in the prediction of germination and emergence patterns modeling changes in dormancy to predict weed emergence Extensive reference sections accompanying each chapter include both foundation texts and current research. Principles and concepts discussed in the text are elaborated upon through equations, figures, and tables covering such topics as water and soil thermal regimes; seed water potential; temperature and water effects on germination; free radical attack; and molecular structures. Exploring concepts, techniques, and processes related to seed germination and crop establishment, this comprehensive, one-of-a-kind reference is an indispensable tool for seed scientists and agricultural professionals. Add it to your library today and put seed physiology research to work in establishing high-quality next crops!
Water is the most basic essential for plant growth; an inadequate supply causes severe problems, as plants rely on the water transmitted by soil to meet their physiological and nutritional needs. Since the first edition was published, flooding and droughts throughout the world have made water an even more topical subject, as the importance and instability of our water supplies have been brought to the forefront of daily life. This new edition of Water Dynamics in Plant Production focuses on the dynamics of water through the hydrologic cycle and the associated mechanisms that plants employ to optimize growth and development. It describes the basic scientific principles of water transport in the soil-plant atmosphere continuum, and explains the linkage between transpirational water use and dry matter production. Paying particular attention to the various agronomic strategies for adaptation to climate-driven limitations of water resources, the efficiency of water use in plant production and in achieving an economic yield is presented in detail. This book offers a multidisciplinary introduction to the fundamentals and applications of water dynamics in natural and managed ecosystems. Including text boxes throughout, as well as online supplementary material, it provides an essential state of-the-art resource for students and researchers of soil and plant science, hydrology and agronomy. This book is enhanced with supplementary resources.
Practical Statistics and Experimental Design for Plant and Crop Science provides an introduction to the principles of plant and crop experimentation. Avoiding mathematical jargon, this text explains how to plan and design an experiment, analyse results, interpret computer output and present findings. Using specific crop and plant case studies this user-friendly guide presents:
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