Books > Health, Home & Family > Family & health > Advice on parenting > Pregnancy, birth & baby care
A SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER Family Comforts is the much-anticipated
new cookbook from Rebecca Wilson, the bestselling author, Instagram
sensation and mum behind the phenomenally popular family food
account @rebeccawilsonfood. With over 100 brand new, flavour-filled
recipes, Rebecca shows you how to cook nutritious meals the whole
family will love. From quick suppers that can be prepared in a
matter of minutes to slow cooker heroes that deliver big flavours
with minimal effort, joyful weekend feasts, brilliant bakes and
warming desserts, Rebecca's ingenious, easy-to-follow recipes are
suitable for young children from six months, and irresistible for
older siblings and adults too. Parents and carers can wean their
babies and introduce them to a variety of new foods, whilst sharing
the same meals alongside them. An essential for every family's
bookshelf, let Rebecca Wilson show you how to cook just once for
the entire family, giving you more time together around the table
to enjoy comforting meals through autumn, winter, and beyond.
Elsbeth von Staehr bereitet seit uber 40 Jahren Schwangere auf die
Geburt vor. Daneben war sie lange Jahre in der Hebammenausbildung
tatig und hat so der psychosomatischen Geburtsvorbereitung den Weg
bereitet. Ihr neues Buch wendet sich sowohl an die Schwangeren und
ihre Partner, die vor dem unbekannten Ereignis Geburt stehen, als
auch an die Hebammen, die das Paar wahrend der Geburt begleiten und
die Vorbereitung und Nachsorge durchfuhren. Im Mittelpunkt steht
das Erzielen eines koerperlich-seelischen Gleichgewichts, gestutzt
auf Gymnastik, Atmung und Entspannung. Naturlich fanden die
Methoden der drei Pioniere der naturlichen Geburt, Read, Lamaze und
Leboyer, Eingang in das Geburtsvorbereitungsprogramm; sein
Geheimnis und der Grund seines praktischen Erfolgs sind aber der
einzigartige Erfahrungsschatz Elsbeth von Staehrs aus der Betreuung
von uber 12.000 Frauen und nicht zuletzt ihre eigene Betroffenheit
als Frau und funffache Mutter. Mit Hilfe der in dem Buch
zusammengestellten UEbungen und Ratschlage kann jede Frau ihre ganz
persoenliche, auf ihren Koerper und ihre Seele zugeschnittene
Gebarform finden. Zwei Wandposter dienen als Gedachtnisstutze beim
taglichen UEben.
As the Olympic athletes discovered this summer, the secret to
winning a gold medal is not just starting well, it's finishing
well. We usually start our Christian race with great enthusiasm,
but the challenge is to finish faithfully. How can we keep
motivated for service, maintain our commitment to mission,
persevere under pressure and grow in our spiritual lives? The theme
for the 2012 Keswick Convention was 'Going the Distance: Living in
the Light of the Future'. During the three weeks of convention we
looked at the Bible's promises of Christ's return and our future
glory, and considered how these Bible truths equip us for
discipleship and encourage us to keep running the Christian race
well. This yearbook includes a selection of talks given during the
2012 Convention: Bible teaching from Simon Manchester, Christopher
Ash, Mike Raiter, Chris Sinkinson, Dominic Smart, Calisto Odede and
Ian Coffey to help you run your race and keep 'Going the Distance'.
Time and again, the work performed at The Institutes for
the Achievement of Human Potential has demonstrated that
children from birth to age six are capable of learning better and
faster than older children. "How To Teach Your Baby To Read "shows
just how easy it is to teach a young child to read, while "How To
Teach Your Baby Math "presents the simple steps for teaching
mathematics through the development of thinking and reasoning
skills. Both books explain how to begin and expand each program,
how to make and organize necessary materials, and how to more fully
develop your child s reading and math potential.
"How to Give Your Baby Encyclopedic Knowledge "shows how simple it
is to develop a program that cultivates a young child s awareness
and understanding of the arts, science, and nature to recognize the
insects in the garden, to learn about the countries of the world,
to discover the beauty of a Van Gogh painting, and much more. "How
To Multiply Your Baby s Intelligence "provides a comprehensive
program for teaching your young child how to read, to understand
mathematics, and to literally multiply his or her overall learning
potential in preparation for a lifetime of success.
The Gentle Revolution Series:
The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential has been
successfully serving children and teaching parents for five
decades. Its goal has been to significantly improve the
intellectual, physical, and social development of all children. The
groundbreaking methods and techniques of The Institutes have set
the standards in early childhood education. As a result, the books
written by Glenn Doman, founder of this organization, have become
the all-time best-selling parenting series in the United States and
the world.
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