Books > Professional & Technical > Electronics & communications engineering > Communications engineering / telecommunications > Radio technology
Die wichtigsten rundfunkpolitischen Problemstellungen bestimmen
sich im Spannungsfeld zwischen Parteipolitisierung und Tendenzen
zur Kommerzialisierung dieses Massenkommunikationsmittels. Der Rund
funk ist nicht nur - mit den Worten des Bundesverfassungsgericht-
ein Medium, sondern auch ein Faktor der offentlichen Meinungs
bildung. Deshalb kann es nicht darum gehen, die Parteien aus den
Kontrollgremien des Rundfunks herauszuhalten; denn die Parteien
haben den grundgesetzlichen Auftrag, an der politischen Willensbil
dung des Volkes mitzuwirken. Aber die Parteien sind nicht die ein
zigen "gesellschaftlich relevanten Krafte," die mit ihren Ansichten
und Interessen im Rundfunkprogramm reprasentiert sein wollen und
dadurch die offentliche Meinungsbildung rundfunkpublizistisch zu
beeinflussen suchen. Den zunehmenden Privatisierungsbestrebungen
und den Kommerzialisierungstendenzen wird der offentlich-recht
liche Rundfunk in der Bundesrepublik - zugunsten der publizisti
schen Meinungsvielfalt - nur standhalten konnen, wenn die Pro
grammverantwortlichen und -mitarbeiter nicht dem allfalligen Druck
politischer Interessengruppen nachgeben; verpflichtend ist fur sie
nicht dieser oder jener Parteistandpunkt oder sonstige Interessen
standpunkt einer bestimmten gesellschaftlich relevanten Gruppe,
sondern allein der demokratisch-pluralistische Programm auf trag.
In diesem Sinne ist die folgende Aussage von Reinhard Appel uber
zeugend und auch uber die angesprochenen politischen Parteien
hinaus von allgemeiner Gultigkeit: "Gewiss vertreten die Parteien
einen gros sen Teil der Interessen ihrer Wahler. Aber sie
reprasentieren doch nicht automatisch das Gemeinwohl. Sie verfolgen
haufig, auch durch den Machtkampf bedingt, Interessen, die nicht
unbedingt mit denen ihrer Wahler identisch sind. Manches Wahlkampf
thema wurde nur deshalb aufgegriffen, weil man meinte, damit
besonders wirksam Wahlerstimmen gewinnen zu konnen."
With communications technologies rapidly expanding, the traditional separation of electronic circuits and antenna systems design is no longer feasible. This book covers various design approaches applicable to integrated circuit-antenna modules with the goal of placing the antenna, transmitter, and receiver all on a single chip. It emphasizes analysis and design involving the integration of circuit functions with radiating elements and addresses trends in systems miniaturization.
Location-aware computing is a technology that uses the location
(provides granular geographical information) of people and objects
to derive contextual information. Today, one can obtain this
location information free of cost through smartphones. Smartphones
with location enabled applications have revolutionized the ways in
which people perform their activities and get benefits from the
automated services. It especially helps to get details of services
in less time; wherever the user may be and whenever they want. The
need for smartphones and location enabled applications has been
growing year after year. Nowadays no one can leave without their
phone; the phone seemingly becomes one of the parts of the human
body. The individual can now be predicted by their phone and the
identity of the phone becomes the person's identity. Though there
is a tremendous need for location-enabled applications with
smartphones, the debate on privacy and security related to location
data has also been growing. Privacy and Security Challenges in
Location Aware Computing provides the latest research on privacy
enhanced location-based applications development and exposes the
necessity of location privacy preservation, as well as issues and
challenges related to protecting the location data. It also
suggests solutions for enhancing the protection of location privacy
and therefore users' privacy as well. The chapters highlight
important topic areas such as video surveillance in human
tracking/detection, geographical information system design,
cyberspace attacks and warfare, and location aware security
systems. The culmination of these topics creates a book that is
ideal for security analysts, mobile application developers,
practitioners, academicians, students, and researchers.
Over the past two decades we have witnessed the increasing
popularity of the internet of things. The vision of billions of
connected objects, able to interact with their environment, is the
key driver directing the development of future communication
devices. Today, power consumption as well as the cost and size of
radios remain some of the key obstacles towards fulfilling this
vision. Ultra-Low Power FM-UWB Transceivers for IoT presents the
latest developments in the field of low power wireless
communication. It promotes the FM-UWB modulation scheme as a
candidate for short range communication in different IoT scenarios.
The FM-UWB has the potential to provide exactly what is missing
today. This spread spectrum technique enables significant reduction
in transceiver complexity, making it smaller, cheaper and more
energy efficient than most alternative options. The book provides
an overview of both circuit-level and architectural techniques used
in low power radio design, with a comprehensive study of
state-of-the-art examples. It summarizes key theoretical aspects of
FM-UWB with a glimpse at potential future research directions.
Finally, it gives an insight into a full FM-UWB transceiver design,
from system level specifications down to transistor level design,
demonstrating the modern power reduction circuit techniques.
Ultra-Low Power FM-UWB Transceivers for IoT is a perfect text and
reference for engineers working in RF IC design and wireless
communication, as well as academic staff and graduate students
engaged in low power communication systems research.
Learn all you need to know about wireless sensor networks
"Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks"
provides a thorough description of the nuts and bolts of wireless
sensor networks.
The authors give an overview of the state-of-the-art, putting
all the individual solutions into perspective with one and other.
Numerous practical examples, case studies and illustrations
demonstrate the theory, techniques and results presented. The clear
chapter structure, listing learning objectives, outline and
summarizing key points, help guide the reader expertly through the
"Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks"
Covers architecture and communications protocols in detail with
practical implementation examples and case studies.Provides an
understanding of mutual relationships and dependencies between
different protocols and architectural decisions.Offers an in-depth
investigation of relevant protocol mechanisms. Shows which
protocols are suitable for which tasks within a wireless sensor
network and in which circumstances they perform efficiently.
Features an extensive website with the bibliography, PowerPoint
slides, additional exercises and worked solutions.
This text provides academic researchers, graduate students in
computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering,
as well as practitioners in industry and research engineers with an
understanding of the specific design challenges and solutions for
wireless sensor networks.
Check out www.wiley.com/go/wsn for accompanying course
"I am deeply impressed by the book of Karl & Willig. It is
by far the most complete source for wireless sensor networks...The
book covers almost all topics related to sensor networks, gives an
amazing number of references, and, thus, is the perfect source for
students, teachers, and researchers. Throughout the book the reader
will find high quality text, figures, formulas, comparisons etc. -
all you need for a sound basis to start sensor network
"Prof. Jochen Schiller, Institute of Computer Science, Freie
Universitat Berlin"