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Books > Humanities > Religion & beliefs
An easy-to-use teacher's guide outlines student objectives with each chapter, providing the answers to the assignments and weekly exercises. The final lesson of the week includes both the exam, covering insights on the week's chapter, as well as essays developed through the course of that week's study, chosen by the educator and student to personalize the coursework for the individual learner.
We all have times when we feel trapped by life. A world of dysfunction seems to hem us in on every side as our hearts yearn for horizons that seem just beyond our grasp. We search for pathways forward we just can't seem to find. But, as Derek Webster demonstrates, God wants to lead us to health. How do we do that? Viewed through the lens of the familiar Old Testament Bible story of Joseph, Your Mess, God's Masterpiece shows us a way to journey from trapped to triumphant living. This book will help you move from the mess you're stuck in, to become the masterpiece God longs for you to be.
Die dood van ’n geliefde bring intense hartseer mee. Dr. Henk Gous deel
in Wanneer ’n geliefde sterf uit sy jare lange ervaring as berader
asook sy persoonlike ervaring met die verlies van sy dogter. Hy is
daarom ideaal toegerus om jou met wysheid en empatie op hierdie
moeilike pad van rousmart te begelei. Elkeen van die 40 dagstukkies het
plek om jou eie emosies, vrae aan God, ondraaglike pyn, selfs woede, en
enige ander gedagtes neer te skryf. So sal hierdie boekie ’n joernaal
wees van jou uniek persoonlike reis na aanvaarding, vertroosting, vrede
en vreugde.
New Living Translation® Compact Edition is small enough to fit in any
bag, purse, or coat pocket.
A helpful handbook on doctrinal theology Pieper's
There's a shadow that's settled over the hearts of men today.
Masculinity is in crisis. Critiques about the dangers of toxic
masculinity and the abuses of patriarchal systems have grown louder
than ever. The very notions of masculinity and manhood are under
attack. In response to cultural shifts, some have doubled down on old
stereotypes in ways that just add to the conflict and confusion.
Teaching Christianity is the most original book Augustine ever wrote. It is not so much a treatise or scholarly work but an instruction manual on how to teach Christianity. He wrote this how to book for those who would be preaching and explaining Christianity. It is entirely based on the bible and helps the reader express its truths of faith with soundproof methodology. It is a book that will help readers to communicate their message in a clear and effective way. Edmund Hills new translation of Augustines treatise On Christian Doctrine is superb. His early and mature thought on how to understand scripture and how to communicate that understanding to others is set forth clearly and attractively. The translator has shown great discernment in his choice of words and in their placement. This makes for a smooth reading. Extremely valuable are the scholarly endnotes provided after each of the four books. The new title chosen by Edmund Hill, namely, Teaching Christianity indicates that Augustine is here instructing the African clergy, probably the bishops, how to preach effectively to their congregations. The treatise is not focused on doctrine. Sr. Mary T. Clark, RSCJ Manhattanville College President, Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy
Chapters 22 and 23 of 2 Kings tell the story of the religious reforms of the Judean King Josiah, who systematically destroyed the cult places and installations where his own people worshipped in order to purify Israelite religion and consolidate religious authority in the hands of the Jerusalem temple priests. This violent assertion of Israelite identity is portrayed as a pivotal moment in the development of monotheistic Judaism. Monroe argues that the use of cultic and ritual language in the account of the reform is key to understanding the history of the text's composition, and illuminates the essential, interrelated processes of textual growth and identity construction in ancient Israel. Until now, however, none of the scholarship on 2 Kings 22-23 has explicitly addressed the ritual dimensions of the text. By attending to the specific acts of defilement attributed to Josiah as they resonate within the larger framework of Israelite ritual, Monroe's work illuminates aspects of the text's language and fundamental interests that have their closest parallels in the priestly legal corpus known as the Holiness Code (Leviticus 17-26), as well as in other priestly texts that describe methods of eliminating contamination. She argues that these priestly-holiness elements reflect an early literary substratum that was generated close in time to the reign of Josiah, from within the same priestly circles that produced the Holiness Code. The priestly composition was reshaped in the hands of a post-Josianic, exilic or post-exilic Deuteronomistic historian who transformed his source material to suit his own ideological interests. The account of Josiah's reform is thus imprinted with the cultural and religious attitudes of two different sets of authors. Teasing these apart reveals a dialogue on sacred space, sanctified violence and the nature of Israelite religion that was formative in the development not only of 2 Kings 23, but of the historical books of the Bible more broadly.
Angs neem baie vorme aan, dis dalk die vrees wat oor jou skouer loer, die paniek wat alewig aan jou sy blyk te wees of die wolk van bekommernis wat oor jou lewe hang. Vir baie mense is dit ’n reus wat hulle wysmaak dat hulle nooit, ooit weer ’n normale lewe gaan kan lei nie; ’n reus wat jou vasvang in ’n greep van duisternis en wanhoop. Jy kán egter losbreek en sonder angs lewe. Uit sy eerstehandse ervaring van die stryd teen angs, deel Pastoor Louie Giglio beide praktiese en geestelike wenke om vry te kom. Aan die hand van ’n boodskap van bemoediging en hoop verduidelik hy die paradoks dat angs dalk dood is, maar steeds dodelik is – met ander woorde, angs is steeds oorweldigend, maar daar is egter Iemand wat reeds die oorhand oor angs gekry het. Hierdie nuttige hulpbron wys jou hoe om ‘n kruisie te trek deur jou angs met die sterkste wapen tot ons beskikking: Jesus se kruis. Elke dag se oordenking sal jou help om een voet voor die ander te sit en grond te wen in die stryd sowel as om bose vestings af te breek omdat Jesus reeds namens jou die oorwinning behaal het.
We think our biggest spiritual enemy is Satan, but it’s really our flesh. This book will help you to see Christ as the one who is able to take on all spiritual battles so that you know you are not alone in this journey of life. In her first two books, The Heavens Opened and The Priestly Bride, Anna Rountree chronicled her remarkable visions of heaven, giving readers a glimpse of what heaven is like and how events happening in the earth today correspond with activities in the spirit realm. In this third book in her trilogy, Rountree offers a revelation of mankind's chief enemy, the flesh, and how our heavenly Father trains us to be warriors for the fierce battles to come. Caught up once again in a vision of heaven, Rountree sees the redeemed and the heavenly hosts armed for war. She is told that all God’s children are issued armor but not everyone heeds the command to put on the full armor of God. As with all equipment, this armor must be tested before being worn into conflict. Thus begins the tests to fit Rountree for battle. These tests take place underground in the root system of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which is the flesh. The seriousness of the tests—tests all Christians must take—are both shocking and revelatory. This book takes readers on a journey through the dark bowels of the flesh and reveals how they can come out armed as overcomers who serves the Warrior King.
What happens when authority is abused?Imagine our nation without police officersImagine our lives without the protection of the badge.Imagine traveling without stop signs, traffic signals, and roadside warnings.Imagine no violations, no punishments--a grade school playground without rules, a government without leaders...You might as well imagine the earth without gravity, because without authority, there would be chaos.But what happens when authority is misused? Or worse, what happens when spiritual abuse is written off as "authority"?As surely as the absence of authority produces chaos, the abuse of authority produces destruction. Countless people have fallen victim to the manipulation of power and authority. Lives have been warped forever, marriages have been destroyed, women and children have been abused, and husbands and fathers undermined within the boundaries of their home. Also, tragically, it's inside the church--where salvation, healing, freedom, and love should abound--that some of the worst authority abuse takes place. God's design for authority has been misunderstood, twisted, and manipulated, leaving innocent people as victims and prisoners of controlling, abusive situations. The wounded and weak have been preyed upon, and the guilty have been frightened into submission by leaders who use people to improve their own self-esteem or advance their careers.Wake up!!! This is not God's design for the church--or authority.In this book, Bishop George Bloomer discusses: Gods true design for authorityWhy people abuse authorityThe effects of authority abuse in the homeHow to recognize an authority abuserGod's restoration plan for the abused and the abuserAndThe key to breaking freefrom the bondage of spiritual abuse.
Winner of the 2020 Paraclete Poetry Prize, Litany of Flights is a luminous examination of the journey of the soul, from moments of loss to moments of incandescent transformation. These poems remind us to behold the extraordinary in the ordinary, and that the secret workings of the divine occur even through the difficult: "the painful paring of your hollow bones has made you light." Drawing on the beauty of the natural world, the devastating effects of drought and wildfires, tender moments of daily experience, and lessons of the saints, the poet creates a landscape of light and darkness, with unexpected turns into divine presence and absence. Through a spiral of red-tailed hawks, the nest of a mourning dove, the parting of waters, and the ripeness of a persimmon, this shimmering collection invites the reader to singular and transfiguring flight. Litany of Flights (from the forthcoming collection) First, the winged movement, steady, forward. Scrub jays in flitting progress, hawks in predator glide, a ringing up, a knife-sharp slope down. Second, the effortless type, wind-splayed, motionless pinions in thermal recline, as the Psalmist says, blessings breeze his love even in sleep. Third, the hungry, against the gale, the destination singular and the sun dipping crimson. Fourth, the metallic, business or pleasure. Fifth, the whirring kind, all hummingbird. A picnic, apples and chocolate in the garden with roses, both flower and child. You miss it when it's gone. Sixth, a baffling flight of stairs, winding upward, passage and yet vehicle, spiraling to unseen landings-hope courses in the kaleidoscopic lights. Seventh, soar to the sun. Eighth, melt in bitter hubris. You know the story. Ninth, escape. A flight out of Egypt, a path through the sea cleared by divine hand. The times you ran, the times you were left behind in lament. Tenth, only rotting in the belly of a whale tames your stubborn turn from Nineveh. Eleventh, flights of despair and of yearning, two sides of one letting go, hard-earned release back into the wild, unbound by expectation, featherlike. Twelfth, in a moment, caught up high by the Beloved, the one making all things work together, wings, body, arch, air-caught up, like the Shulamite bride, to regions beyond aeronautical wisdom, transported in joy. See, he says, the painful paring of your hollow bones has made you light.
This work presents a sustained reflection on the New Testament vision of God's revelation of his glory in Christ. This divine "appearing" is grounded in the self-emptying of the eternal Logos in the incarnation, cross and descent into hell, yet this is the means whereby his glory is manifested and enriches all who are seized by its beauty.
Pastor of Angelus Temple and the Dream Center, founder Matthew Barnett leads participants on a six-week learning experience to understand how simple it is to make a lasting impact on their world. It is not as daunting as we might think. World-changers start with a heart open to the leading of the Holy Spirit and a willingness to do as he asks. Ideal for small groups, Bible studies, and church classes, this kit includes a copy of the book One Small Step, a DVD with an in-depth video for each session, and a participant's guide to help members hear the Holy Spirit's voice and obey his nudges. Also included are small step activities to participate in, throughout the study and beyond. Boldly embrace the life-changing adventure of becoming the hands and feet of Jesus to the people right outside your front door. You will soon discover that "random acts of kindness" are not so random after all.
Are you confused and scared by what’s happening in the world today? Do
you know that Jesus could return at any time now? Are you ready if He
returns today?
Abraham gives us an unforgettable portrait of faith. Daniel is a classic example of holiness. And through her willingness to risk her own life, Esther shows us what commitment means. This LifeBuilder explores the lives of these and other Bible characters. Their example helps us live in the present by learning from people of the past. This revised LifeBuilder Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader's notes and an extra 'Now or Later' section in each study.
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